78 research outputs found

    Spiritual Well-Being, Social Support, and Financial Distress in Determining Depression: The Mediating Role of Impact of Event During COVID-19 Pandemic in Iran

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    We would like to thank all of our participants in this study.This study investigates the relationship between spiritual well-being, social support, and financial distress with depressive symptoms due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A path analysis was used to analyze data collected from 1,156 Iranian participants via an online survey. The results showed that spiritual well-being and social support were negatively related to depressive symptoms and financial distress. The impact of COVID-19 events showed negative associations with depressive symptoms. In addition, the link between spiritual well-being and financial distress with depressive symptoms was partially mediated by the impact of events

    Suicidal vulnerability in older adults and the elderly: study based on risk variables

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    Background Predicting suicidal vulnerability based on previous risk factors remains a challenge for mental health professionals, especially in specific subpopulations. Aims This study aimed to use structural equation modelling to assess which sociodemographic and clinical variables are most predictive and modulating of repeated self-injury or reattempts at suicide in older adults and the elderly with previous attempts. Method We obtained digital data for 619 people (N = 342; 55.3% women), aged 50–96 years (mean 71.2 years, s.d. 3.65), who presented to the emergency department with a repeated self-injury or suicide attempt. Data were collected from several public and private hospitals in southern Spain. Results There were different sociodemographic and clinical profiles between people who repeat self-injury and those who reattempt suicide. In addition, we show that outcome variables may directly or indirectly modulate these behaviours. Conclusions The study findings provide only a limited insight into suicidal vulnerability in older people, and there is an urgent need for specific care protocols for the prevention of repeated self-injury or reattempts at suicide that are adapted to the psychosocial characteristics of this age group. There is also a need to improve social and health alert actions for older adults and the elderly who present with suicide risk profiles, and the presence of mental health professionals in hospital emergency departments should be improved

    Adaptation of the Suicide Attempt Resilience Scale (SRSA-18, Spanish version) for adolescents

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    Background The assessment of resilience as an outcome in adolescents remains a challenge, with few instruments available. Some studies have focused on risk factors, but few have focused on protective factors as a formula for measuring resilient outcomes. Aims To adapt a new Suicide Attempt Resilience Scale (SRSA-18) for use with adolescents, analysing its structural validity, the gender and age invariance of the measure, and divergent and convergent validity, together with its reliability. Method The psychometric properties of the scale were assessed in 628 participants aged between 13 and 18 years, of whom 342 (54.5%) were girls. Results After a process of adaptation for adolescents, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis yielded a three-dimensional structure with adequate goodness-of-fit indices, invariance of the measure according to gender and age, adequate levels of reliability (ω = 0.91), high convergent validity with the 14-Item Resilience Scale and high divergent validity with the suicidal act/ planning subdimension of the Adolescent Suicidal Behavior Assessment Scale. Conclusions There is a need to create and adapt instruments to measure resilience in some populations with high psychosocial vulnerability as a key aspect for measuring the impact of prevention and mental health promotion programmes in adolescents

    Papel de la resiliencia en las tentativas suicidas futuras en personas con intentos previos de suicidio en la provincia de Jaén

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    [ES] Se pretende construir y valorar las propiedades psicométricas de una escala de resiliencia ante tentativas suicidas (ERATS) en personas de la población general (N=470) y en personas que hayan realizado alguna tentativa en la provincia de Jaén (N=131), realizando un seguimiento mensual sobre las futuras tentativas durante 6 meses en población clínica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la escala de resiliencia construida presenta un funcionamiento diferenciado según población de validación, y que la escala adaptada en personas que han realizado una tentativa de suicidio (ERATS-18) presenta mejores propiedades psicométricas y capacidad predictiva de reintentos futuros que la escala adaptada en población general (ERATS-12). Se discuten los resultados obtenidos y se plantean nuevas perspectivas de trabajo dentro del ámbito de la resiliencia ante situaciones de riesgo como la tentativa suicida[EN] The aim is to build and evaluate the psychometric properties of a scale of resilience to suicide attempts (ERATS in Spanish) in people in the general population (N = 470) and in people who have made some attempt in the province of Jaen (N = 131), performing monthly monitoring on future attempts for 6 months in clinical population. The results show that the scale has built resilience differential operation as validation population, the scale and adapted to individuals who have made a suicide attempt (ERATS-18) has better psychometric properties and predictive capacity of the future retries accessible scale general population (ERATS-12). The results obtained are discussed and new job prospects arise within the scope of resilience to risk situations such as the suicide attemptTesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Psicología. Leída el 4 de febrero de 201

    Measurement invariance in gender and age of the Herth Hope Index to the general spanish population across the lifespan

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    The Herth Hope Index (HHI) is used to measure hope. Assessing the psychometric properties of HHI in Spanish population, exploring its structural validity, the different functionalities of the items and the invariability of this measure according to the gender and age of the population. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to explore the scale’s dimensionality and test for strong measurement invariance across sex and age in a cross-sectional, multicenter, prospective study. A new scale was obtained with the structure of one factor with 9 items. Goodness-of-fit indices were excellent. The internal consistency of the one dimension proved high values. The configural invariance on gender shows that both men and women understand the new HHI items, also, this research also shows that there is no scalar invariance across age groups, revealing good levels of adjustment of the item. The Spanish version of the HHI proved to be a valid, reliable instrument to assess the hope in Spanish population.CRUE-CSIC agreementSpringer Natur

    The Family-Centred Practices Scale: Psychometric properties of the Spanish version for use with families with children with Down syndrome receiving early childhood intervention

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    Background: The Family-Centred Practices Scale (FCPS) assesses the degree to which staff in early childhood intervention and development centres use this therapeutic approach. However, there is no adaptation of this scale to families of children with Down syndrome, which is one of the most prevalent intellectual disabilities in early intervention. Objectives: To validate and analyse the psychometric properties of the FCPS in Spanish parents with children with Down syndrome receiving early childhood intervention. Methods: Descriptive analyses, exploratory factor analysis (n = 131), confirmatory factor analysis (n = 126) and scale reliability analyses were performed. In addition, the invariance of the scale by parents' age and gender was assessed, and a longitudinal analysis of the scores was performed. Results: A new scale was obtained with a two-factor structure, similar to the original version, but with fewer items. Goodness-of-fit indices were excellent (root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] [95% confidence interval {CI}] = 0.02 [0.01; 0.04]; comparative fit index [CFI] = 0.98; Tucker–Lewis index [TLI] = 0.97; root mean residual [RMR] = 0.02; goodness-of-fit index [GFI] = 0.91; adjusted GFI [AGFI] = 0.90). However, the measure was not gender invariant. Additionally, internal consistency of the two dimensions showed high values in this sample, and comparing the means between the two measurement time points (initial and at about 6 months) showed no differences; the test was powerful but had a very small effect size. Conclusions: The psychometric properties of this FCPS are adequate, and it uses fewer items, which makes it faster to apply and gives it better clinical applicability. This new version of the scale is a valid, reliable tool for evaluating family-centred practices in Spanish families with children with Down syndrome

    Variables protecting mental health in the Spanish population affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The pandemic produced by COVID-19 can lead the population to suffer serious psychological disorders. However, there are several psychosocial variables that can enhance resilient outcomes in adverse situations. The aim would be to establish the level of resilience of the general Spanish population exposed to a traumatic situation by the COVID-19 in order to identify which protective factors predict resilient outcomes. 1227 homebound people (863–70.3% women), aged 18–73 years (M = 28.10; SD = 12.88) reported on sociodemographic and psychological variables such as optimism, hope, self-efficacy and post-traumatic growth. Having a higher academic level (β = .47; CI (95%) = .11–.34; p < .01), being autonomous (β = .29; CI (95%) = 0.1–.09; p < .01), along with self-efficacy (β = .42; CI (95%) = .71–92; p < .01) and to a lesser extent optimism (β = .31; CI (95%) = .63–.84; p < .01) would be the predictive variables of a resilient outcome. A high level of statistical power (1-β = 1) and effect size (f2 = 19.2) is observed. The Spanish population exposed to confinement presents high levels of resilience, but no relevant post-traumatic growth has taken place

    Perfil de desarrollo evolutivo de un bebé con una cromosomopatía infrecuente en nacidos vivos

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    La trisomía 22 en nacidos vivos se clasifica dentro de las denominadas enfermedades raras o poco frecuentes. Se evalúa el perfil evolutivo de dos niñas (trisomía 22 y trisomía 21), antes y después de la aplicación de un tratamiento de atención temprana. También se valora el nivel de estrés en las madres de cada niña. Se obtiene un perfil específico de la niña con trisomía 22, caracterizado por un desarrollo evolutivo atípico en diferentes áreas. Además, existen diferencias en las madres de las niñas evaluadas respecto a su nivel de estrés. Se discute la importancia de disminuir el nivel de estrés en los padres de niños con discapacidad y se plantea la necesidad de aplicar intervenciones tempranas diferenciadas y específicas en niños con trisomía 22 en mosaico y en otras enfermedades raras o poco frecuentes.A trisomy 22 live birth is classified in so-called rare or uncommon diseases. The developmental profil of two girls (trisomy 22 and trisomy 21), before and after the implementation of early intervention treatment, is evaluated. Stress levels were also assessed in the mothers of each child. A specific profile of the girl with trisomy 22, characterized by atypical evolutionary development in different areas is obtained. In addition, differences in the mothers of girls evaluated for their level of stress. The importance of reducing the level of stress in parents of children with disabilities and the need for differentiated and specific early interventions in children with trisomy 22 mosaic and other rare or uncommon diseases arises is discussed

    Co-operative learning, psychometric adaptation, and invariability of the academic satisfaction scale in Spanish university students

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    It is necessary to understand the measurement of academic satisfaction (AS) in a variety of cross-cultural contexts. The first aim was to evaluate the psychometric properties of AS scale, to explore its structural validity, to assess its differential item function, including gender and age invariance in university students. Study 2 aimed to assess whether AS improved after the application of a teaching instructional approach based on cooperative learning (CL), while a cross-sectional study was performed in several stages. Descriptive, confirmatory, and scale reliability analyses were carried out with indices for goodness-of-fit, such that a new scale was obtained with a single-factor structure. A reduction to 6-items in this sample exhibited better psychometric properties. Configural invariance by gender and age indicated that men and women had a similar understanding of the new scale. Given significant differences between groups, the CL group scored higher in AS.University of Jaen PIMED55_20192
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