2,824 research outputs found

    THROES: a caTalogue of HeRschel Observations of Evolved Stars. I. PACS range spectroscopy

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    This is the first of a series of papers presenting the THROES (A caTalogue of HeRschel Observations of Evolved Stars) project, intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the spectroscopic results obtained in the far-infrared (55-670 microns) with the Her- schel space observatory on low-to-intermediate mass evolved stars in our Galaxy. Here we introduce the catalogue of interactively reprocessed PACS (Photoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer) spectra covering the 55-200 microns range for 114 stars in this category for which PACS range spectroscopic data is available in the Herschel Science Archive (HSA). Our sample includes objects spanning a range of evolutionary stages, from the asymptotic giant branch to the planetary nebula phase, displaying a wide variety of chemical and physical properties. The THROES/PACS catalogue is accessible via a dedicated web-based inter- face (https://throes.cab.inta-csic.es/) and includes not only the science-ready Herschel spectroscopic data for each source, but also complementary photometric and spectroscopic data from other infrared observatories, namely IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), ISO (Infrared Space Observatory) or AKARI, at overlapping wavelengths. Our goal is to create a legacy-value Herschel dataset that can be used by the scientific community in the future to deepen our knowledge and understanding of these latest stages of the evolution of low-to-intermediate mass stars.Comment: 38 page


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    La investigación tuvo como propósito proponer un modelo de evaluación de carácter interactivo para la modalidad semipresencial que considere las dimensiones esenciales y la aplicación del mismo en un curso de derecho. El modelo propuesto incluye los lineamientos teóricos, metodológicos y operativos que relacionan los componentes del aprendizaje y la evaluación en la educación semipresencial. Utilizamos métodos teóricos: inductivo – deductivo, analítico – sintético e histórico, y los métodos empíricos de la observación y experimentación. Los resultados de evaluación de la carrera de derecho nos permiten apreciar los aspectos positivos del modelo y aquellos que hay que mejorar en esta modalidad.PALABRAS CLAVE: modelo de evaluación semipresencial; componentes de un modelo semipresencial de evaluación; interactividad en la evaluación.DEVELOPMENT OF AN EVALUATION MODEL TO IMPROVE LEARNING IN THE MODALITY OF THE LAW DEGREE AT THE UNIVERSIDAD REGIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE LOS ANDES, ECUADORABSTRACTThe purpose of the research was to propose an interactive evaluation model for the modality of a blended method that considers the essential dimensions and the application of the same in a course of law. The proposed model includes the theoretical, methodological and operational guidelines that relate the components of learning and evaluation in the blended education. We use theoretical methods: inductive – deductive, analytical – synthetic and historical, and empirical methods of observation and experimentation. The evaluation results of the law degree allow us to appreciate the positive aspects of the model and those that need to be improved in this modality.KEYWORDS: Model of blended learning evaluation; Components of a blended model of evaluation; interactivity in the evaluation

    Proyecto de diseño de una plantación trufera para 10.43 ha con sistema de riego por microaspersión en el término municipal de Ababuj (Teruel).

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    RESUMEN Ante el crecimiento del sector trufero en la provincia de Teruel, por la idoneidad de su clima y suelo para el cultivo de trufa (Tuber melanosporum), en el presente Proyecto se plantea el diseño de una plantación de 10,43 ha en el municipio de Ababuj (Teruel). Se ha comenzado por un análisis de la climatología, edafología, calidad del agua para riego y situación del sector trufero en la zona a fin de determinar la adecuación de las condiciones del entorno cara a un correcto funcionamiento de la plantación. Al ser positiva la valoración de la aptitud trufera de la parcela, se ha procedido al diseño de la plantación, de un sistema de riego por microaspersión, de un pozo aforado y de un vallado perimetral. Dicho diseño y dimensionamiento se han acompañado de una descripción del ciclo de la trufa y de una guía de manejo que abarca la vida prevista para la explotación. Finalmente, se ha realizado un presupuesto y un estudio de rentabilidad económica, concluyendo que la plantación es viable. ABSTRACT In view of the growth of the truffle sector in the province of Teruel, as a result of the suitability of its climate and soil for the cultivation of truffle (Tuber melanosporum), in the Project presented herein the design of a 10.43 ha plantation in the municipality of Ababuj (Teruel) is set out. Firstly, an analysis of the climatology, pedology, water quality for irrigation and situation of the truffle sector in the area have been conducted, in order to determine the adequacy of the environmental conditions for a proper functioning of the plantation. Since the evaluation of the truffle aptitude of the plot resulted to be positive, the plantation, a micro-sprinkler irrigation system, a well and a perimeter fencing have been designed. This design and sizing is accompanied by a description of the truffle cycle and a management guide that covers the entire life of the plantation. Finally, a budget and a study of economic profitability have been prepared, concluding that the plantation is viable

    Caracterización de los factores clave que influyen en el crecimiento de las Fintech: un estudio de casos múltiples de las Fintech que pertenecen a los segmentos con mayor crecimiento en Lima Metropolitana

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    La presente investigación tiene como sujeto de estudio a las startups o emprendimientos dinámicos, denominados Fintech, las cuales son nuevos modelos de negocio que a través de la tecnología generan soluciones financieras digitales para segmentos no atendidos por el sistema financiero tradicional. Una de las principales características de estas nuevas soluciones es que han experimentado un crecimiento acelerado en el mundo, por lo que resulta interesante identificar y entender aquellos factores que influyen en el crecimiento de estos negocios emergentes. En el Perú, la industria Fintech no ha sido ajena al acelerado crecimiento de este tipo de empresas, pues a la fecha se posiciona como el sexto país que concentra la mayor actividad Fintech en Latinoamérica. Sin embargo, no hay aproximaciones empíricas que intenten explicar el fenómeno del crecimiento Fintech. Por lo cual, esta investigación aporta conocimiento al estudio de los factores de crecimiento para una selección de Fintech, de las cuales se analiza un conjunto de factores tanto internos y externos, definidos en la teoría y trasladadas al contexto del ecosistema de las Fintech estudiadas. Para ello, se realizó un estudio de casos múltiple de ocho Fintech peruanas que pertenecen a los segmentos con mayor crecimiento en el Perú al 2019 en Lima Metropolitana. Para la codificación, sistematización y el análisis de la información recopilada de las entrevistas a profundidad a CEOs o fundadores de las Fintech analizadas y expertos Fintech, se hizo uso del software ATLAS.ti. Dentro de los resultados se identificó que los factores internos de crecimiento son más valorados por las Fintech, pero no hace menos importante el rol e impacto que tienen los factores externos en el crecimiento. En ese sentido, de los trece factores identificados, ocho son clave para el crecimiento y son transversales a la etapa en la que se encuentran las Fintech. De esta manera la tesis logra su objetivo principal de caracterizar los factores clave de crecimiento de las Fintech seleccionadas que pertenecen a los segmentos con mayor crecimientoTesi

    Characterization of Leptoglossus occidentalis eggs and egg glue

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    Producción CientíficaSimple Summary: This study explored the chemical components of the egg glue used by the Western Conifer Seed Bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910) to agglutinate eggs and adhere to pine needles. Results showed that the adhesive secretion includes plasticizers and thermoplastic elastomer resins with semiochemical properties in an oily matrix containing proteins. This knowledge of the egg glue composition can be used to develop new control strategies for L. occidentalis, potentially limiting the economic impact caused by this pest insect that reduces the production of pine nuts by up to 25%.The western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910, Heteroptera: Coreidae) has a significant economic impact due to the reduction in the quality and viability of conifer seed crops; it can feed on up to 40 different species of conifers, showing a clear predilection for Pinus pinea L. in Europe. Its incidence is especially relevant for the pine nut-producing industry, given that the action of this pest insect can reduce the production of pine nuts by up to 25%. As part of ongoing efforts aimed at the design of control strategies for this insect, this work focuses on the characterization (by scanning electron microscopy–energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy, GC–MS) of the compounds released by these insects during oviposition, with emphasis on the adhesive secretion that holds L. occidentalis eggs together. Elemental analysis pointed to the presence of significant amounts of compounds with high nitrogen content. Functional groups identified by infrared spectroscopy were compatible with the presence of chitin, scleroproteins, LNSP-like and gelatin proteins, shellac wax analogs, and policosanol. Regarding the chemical species identified by GC–MS, eggs and glue hydromethanolic extracts shared constituents such as butyl citrate, dibutyl itaconate, tributyl aconitate, oleic acid, oleamide, erucamide, and palmitic acid, while eggs also showed stearic and linoleic acid-related compounds. Knowledge of this composition may allow advances in new strategies to address the problem caused by L. occidentalis.Unión Europea, LIFE MycoRestore - (project LIFE18 CCA/ES/001110

    A Wear Analysis Carried On Connecting Rod Bearings From Internal Combustion Engines

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    In the present work, an analysis was carried out to know the wear modes present in connecting rod bearings from internal combustion engines. These mechanical elements were selected since they are exposed to different engineering failures such as incorrect assembly, severe loads, extreme temperatures, inadequate conditions, and loss of lubricity. In this particular case, the bearings that were selected had a service life of approximately 8 years. Different techniques such as SEM and optical microscopy, EDS analysis, hardness testing, and surface profilometry were used to characterize the unworn and worn bearings. Wear mechanisms such as sliding wear (scoring), fatigue wear with cracks where torn out material was clearly observed, discoloration areas, and two- and three-body abrasion wear (rubbing marks) were identified on the bearing surfaces

    Characterization of Leptoglossus occidentalis Eggs and Egg Glue

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    [EN] The western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910, Heteroptera: Coreidae) has a significant economic impact due to the reduction in the quality and viability of conifer seed crops; it can feed on up to 40 different species of conifers, showing a clear predilection for Pinus pinea L. in Europe. Its incidence is especially relevant for the pine nut-producing industry, given that the action of this pest insect can reduce the production of pine nuts by up to 25%. As part of ongoing efforts aimed at the design of control strategies for this insect, this work focuses on the characterization (by scanning electron microscopy–energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy, GC–MS) of the compounds released by these insects during oviposition, with emphasis on the adhesive secretion that holds L. occidentalis eggs together. Elemental analysis pointed to the presence of significant amounts of compounds with high nitrogen content. Functional groups identified by infrared spectroscopy were compatible with the presence of chitin, scleroproteins, LNSP-like and gelatin proteins, shellac wax analogs, and policosanol. Regarding the chemical species identified by GC–MS, eggs and glue hydromethanolic extracts shared constituents such as butyl citrate, dibutyl itaconate, tributyl aconitate, oleic acid, oleamide, erucamide, and palmitic acid, while eggs also showed stearic and linoleic acid-related compounds. Knowledge of this composition may allow advances in new strategies to address the problem caused by L. occidentalis.SIThis research was funded by LIFE project MYCORESTORE, “Innovative use of mycological resources for resilient and productive Mediterranean forests threatened by climate change”, LIFE18 CCA/ES/001110

    Implantació del distintiu de garantia de qualitat ambiental als establiments de turisme rural d'influència al Parc del Garraf

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    El present projecte té com a objecte d'estudi l'anàlisi de la situació ambiental en que es troben els ETR de l'àrea d'influència del Parc del Garraf (PG). En una primera fase, s'inventarien i analitzen els 12 ETR més propers als límits del sistema natural del PG, Parc d'Olèrdola i Foix a partir d'una ecofitxa de criteris ambientals d'àmbit general. Posteriorment, s'estudia la viabilitat d'implantació del Distintiu de Garantia de Qualitat Ambiental (DGQA) en els 6 ETR pilot escollits a partir d'una segona ecofitxa creada a partir dels criteris del distintiu. D'aquest detallat estudi s'extreuen relacions interessants com per exemple, que els ETR més aïllats del nucli urbà fan servir el doble de sistemes per obtenir energia que els establiments ubicats al recinte urbà i que actualment, el preu segueix estant més associat a confort que no pas a compromís ambiental. Finalment, s'elaboren unes propostes de millora i els pressupostos associats per que aquests ETR puguin complir les exigències del distintiu.El presente proyecto tiene como objeto de estudio el análisis de la situación ambiental en que se encuentran los ETR del área de influencia del Parque del GarrafThis project aims to study the environmental RTE situation from the catchment area of the Garraf Park (PG). In the first phase, it is invented and analyzed the 12 RTE close to the limits of the natural system of PG, Olèrdola and Foix Park from an ecocard focused on general environmental criterias. Subsequently, we study the feasibility of implementing the Emblem of Environmental Quality Guarantee (DGQA) in the 6 pilot RTE selected, from a second ecocard created from the criteria of the award. Finally, improvements and th

    Biocompatibility of two model elastin‐like recombinamer‐based hydrogels formed through physical or chemical cross‐linking for various applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

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    Producción CientíficaBiocompatibility studies, especially innate immunity induction, in vitro and in vivo cytotoxicity, and fibrosis, are often lacking for many novel biomaterials including recombinant protein‐based ones, such as elastin‐like recombinamers (ELRs), and has not been extensively explored in the scientific literature, in contrast to traditional biomaterials. Herein, we present the results from a set of experiments designed to elucidate the preliminary biocompatibility of 2 types of ELRs that are able to form extracellular matrix‐like hydrogels through either physical or chemical cross‐linking both of which are intended for different applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Initially, we present in vitro cytocompatibility results obtained upon culturing human umbilical vein endothelial cells on ELR substrates, showing optimal proliferation up to 9 days. Regarding in vivo cytocompatibility, luciferase‐expressing hMSCs were viable for at least 4 weeks in terms of bioluminescence emission when embedded in ELR hydrogels and injected subcutaneously into immunosuppressed mice. Furthermore, both types of ELR‐based hydrogels were injected subcutaneously in immunocompetent mice and serum TNFα, IL‐1β, IL‐4, IL‐6, and IL‐10 concentrations were measured by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay, confirming the lack of inflammatory response, as also observed upon macroscopic and histological evaluation. All these findings suggest that both types of ELRs possess broad biocompatibility, thus making them very promising for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine‐related applications.European Commission (NMP-2014-646075, HEALTH-F4-2011-278557, PITN-GA-2012-317306 and MSCA-ITN-2014-642687)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Projects MAT2016-78903-R, MAT2016-79435-R, MAT2013-42473-R, MAT2013-41723-R and MAT2012-38043)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref.VA244U13 and VA313U14)Centro en Red de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y LeónInstituto de Salud Carlos III (grant RD12/0019/0017 )Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/86451/ 2012

    Plan estratégico para la aceituna en la región Arequipa

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    La producción de aceitunas en la región Arequipa está a cargo de micro y pequeños agricultores, quienes, en la cosecha 2011-2012, lograron producir 29,600 toneladas, mientras que, en todo el Perú, se cosecharon 87,000. Estos productores no trabajan de forma cohesionada, por lo cual la producción de cada uno es pequeña para llegar directamente a los mercados y, por ende, venden a acopiadores de Lima; esto les limita el acceso al mercado y el conocimiento de los gustos del consumidor. A esto se le suma el hecho de que es un sector que principalmente opera en la informalidad, ya que sus trabajadores no poseen contratos laborales formales y no reciben los beneficios de ley. Dentro de este plan estratégico, se han establecido cuatro objetivos de largo plazo, los cuales se alcanzarán en el año 2025 y, con ello, se logrará la visión que se mantiene de ser el primer productor a nivel nacional ofreciendo productos de calidad. Estos objetivos son (a) la producción ascenderá a 125,800 toneladas, (b) las exportaciones alcanzarán el 70% del total producido, (c) el 100% de las aceitunas de mesa producidas en Arequipa serán procesadas, y (d) el 100% de los trabajadores contratados para el cultivo y procesamiento de las aceitunas gozará de todos los beneficios que ofrece la legislación laboral peruana. A fin de alcanzar los objetivos de largo plazo, se han diseñado 10 estrategias, con las cuales se desarrollará la ventaja competitiva. Estas iniciativas estratégicas son las siguientes: (a) incrementar el área cultivada, (b) vender directamente a los mercados mayoristas de Lima, (c) capacitar a los productores en técnicas de comercialización y de acceso al mercado, (d) cubrirse del riesgo cambiario, (e) unir a los productores en una asociación, (f) exportar directamente, (g) certificar a las empresas productoras, (h) renovar los equipos, (i) crear alianzas para conducir investigaciones, y (j) obtener capacitación y tecnología de punta de diferentes entes gubernamentales.Olive production in the Arequipa region is harvest by micro and small farmers, who in 2011-2012 managed to produce 29,600 tons, while in all of Peru were harvested 87,000. These producers do not work cohesively, so each one production is small and therefore cannot reach directly national or foreign markets and thus sell to collectors from Lima. This fact limits their market access and knowledge of consumer tastes. Other limitation is that it is a sector that operates mainly in the informality, as workers have no formal employment contracts and do not receive the benefits of Law. Within this strategic plan four long-term goals has been established, which will be reached in 2025 and thereby achieve the vision the sector has of becoming the first national producer, offering quality products. These objectives are: (a) the production will amount to 125,800 tons, (b) exports will reach 70% of total production, (c) 100% of table olives produced in Arequipa will be processed, and (d) the 100% of the workers engaged in the growing and processing of olives enjoy all the benefits Peruvian labor legislation. To achieve long-term objectives 10 strategies were designed, which implementation will develop the competitive advantages. These strategic initiatives are: (a) increasing the cultivated area, (b) selling directly to wholesale markets of Lima, (c) training farmers on marketing techniques and market access, (d) hedging the currency risk, (e) unifying producers in an association, (f) exporting directly, (g) certifying producers, (h) bringing new modern equipment, (i) creating alliances to conduct research, and (j) obtaining training and technology from different government agencies.Tesi