2,395 research outputs found

    Cómo afecta el ejercicio físico intenso a la función renal. Una revisión sistemática

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    29 páginas.Trabajo Fin de Máster Oficial Interuniversitario en Actividad Física y Salud (2022/23). Tutor: Juan Antonio Guerra de Hoyos. Desde tiempos antiguos, las civilizaciones han reconocido la importancia de la actividad física para mantener la salud y el bienestar, no obstante, con la evolución de la sociedad y los avatares de la moda, la percepción del ejercicio en el colectivo ha variado, y en la búsqueda de determinados estándares de medidas corporales, impulsados por las plataformas de redes sociales de alcanzar rápidamente resultados notorios y reconocimiento social a cualquier costo. En algunos casos los individuos terminan realizando ejercicios físicos intensos sin la preparación y guía adecuados, transformando algo que podría ser beneficioso en un problema de salud, aumentando el riesgo a una lesión renal aguda tras rabdomiólisis.Since ancient times, civilizations have recognized the importance of physical activity to maintain health and well-being, however, with the evolution of society and the vicissitudes of fashion, the perception of exercise in the collective has varied, and in the pursuit of certain standards of body measurements, driven by social media platforms to quickly achieve noticeable results and social recognition at any cost. In some cases, individuals end up exposing themselves to performing intense physical exercises without adequate preparation and guidance, transforming something that could be beneficial into a health problem, increasing the risk of acute kidney injury for rhabdomyolysis

    What characterizes knowledge of mathematics teachers when planning for teaching the concept of limit to infinity of a function?

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    Se reportan avances de una investigación que se interesa por determinar las características del conocimiento matemático para la enseñanza del concepto de límite al infinito de una función que pone en acción el profesor en la planificación del tópico. El estudio se fundamenta en el modelo Conocimiento Matemático para la Enseñanza (MKT). En el estudio participan dos profesores de matemáticas de España y uno de México. Los datos se obtienen mediante una entrevista semiestructurada que involucró aspectos sobre los datos personales, el aula de clases, la planificación del profesor y del investigador sobre el tópico. El análisis de los daros se realiza en tres fases: generación de las unidades de análisis, agrupamiento en categorías de dichas unidades y determinación de las características del conocimiento del profesor. Los resultados evidencian que el profesor pone en acción los subdominios del MKT cuando planifica la enseñanza del concepto de límite al infinito de una función.Partial results from a study focused on determining characteristics of mathematical knowledge for teaching the concept of infinite limit of a function, a topic presented by a teacher. Foundations of this study are the model of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT). In this study, two mathematics teachers from Spain and one from Mexico are involved. Researchers gathered data applying a semi-structured interview involving aspects of personal data, classroom, teacher planning and research on the topic. Researchers analyzed data in three phases, as follows: generation of the units of analysis, grouping into categories of these units, and determination of characteristics of knowledge. Results show that the teacher puts into action MKT's subdomains when planning of teaching the concept of limit with tendency to infinity of a function

    Expectativas laborales de nuestros alumnos, ¿debemos adaptarnos?

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    Los contenidos de nuestros títulos se basan en los contenidos propuestos por directrices generales y desarrollados a partir de puntos de vistas de académicos y profesionales. Pero generalmente estos contenidos, y las decisiones adoptadas para llevarlos a cabo, no tienen en cuenta al alumnado, ni tampoco a sus expectativas. Esta discordancia puede ser la causa de una alta tasa de abandono, presente en las titulaciones técnicas, e incluso del descenso del número de matrículas. Intentando conocer mejor a nuestros alumnos, sus expectativas, así como las opiniones de algunos de nuestros egresados sobre la formación que recibieron, se realizó un pequeño estudio. Los resultados del mismo se muestran en este artículo. Entre los objetivos del estudio se encontraba el dar respuestas que ayuden a mejorar nuestros planes de estudios, dada la situación actual, para modificar y/o incluir nuevos contenidos que se correspondan con las expectativas del alumnado y, además, comprobar si estas expectativas coinciden con las de los empleadores e incluso con las necesidades de los actuales empleados.Desarrollado bajo los proyectos TIN2005-09405-C02-02 del MEC, 3PR05A016, PDT006A042 y PDT006A045 de la Junta de Extremadura

    Mechanical behaviour of grapevine wood affected by Xylotrechus arvicola

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    The cerambycid insect Xylotrechus arvicola is considered a pest that affects the wood of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera) in the major wine areas of the Iberian Peninsula. The larva of this insect perforates the grapevine wood, resulting in structural and biomechanical failure of the vine plants. Vine samples from wood damaged by Xylotrechus arvicola larvae were picked up from different vineyards and grape varieties. Compressive and flexural tests were performed in order to assess the mechanical behaviour of the wood samples. Total length of the cracks in wood samples (TLCWS) that appeared on the surface of the grapevine wood samples after the mechanical tests was measured. Compressive strength (CS) and flexural strength (FS) decreased with the increase of the cross-sectional area (CSA) of both branches and trunks, regardless of damage condition or water content. Moreover, the resistance was lower in damaged wood. In addition, this was verified through the linear regression coefficients of the interaction CS x CSA and FS x CSA. TLCWS in branches and trunks of damaged samples was greater that in undamaged samples. Also, TLCWS within the same damage condition and part of the plant was higher in dry samples than in fresh samples. The damaged wood would show a higher vulnerability to common mechanical stress suffered by the grapevines in the field including heavy winds, fruit overweight or harvesting machines shaking (when mechanically collected). Larvae of this insect altered the mechanical behaviour of the trunk and branches of grapevine wood. The mechanical strength of wood was more negatively affected when the CSA of the branches and trunks increased. Longer TLCWS was found in affected wood.of an emerging grape pest, Xylotrechus arvicola (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae

    Cómo desarrollar una mirada profesional en futuros profesores de matemáticas

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    Una de las finalidades de los programas de formación de profesores en el área de matemáticas es desarrollar una “mirada profesional” sobre la enseñanza y aprendizaje. Esto implica ser capaz de identificar lo que es realmente importante en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje vinculados a diferentes tópicos. En el marco del “Máster Universitario en profesorado de Educación Secundaria” de la Universidad de Alicante hemos desarrollado un módulo con el objetivo de desarrollar una “mirada profesional” sobre el proceso de generalización en la resolución de problemas. El módulo consistía en una tarea individual donde los futuros profesores debían describir las respuestas dadas por estudiantes de secundaria a dos problemas de generalización lineal y agrupar las que reflejaban características comunes de la comprensión del proceso de generalización; y participar en un debate virtual en el que debían discutir y consensuar un informe sobre las características de la comprensión del proceso de generalización. Los resultados indican que la tarea permitió a los futuros profesores centrar su mirada en las ideas que subyacen del proceso de generalización, más que en la corrección del procedimiento realizado, destacando el potencial de la tarea para el desarrollo de una mirada profesional en los programas de formación.Esta investigación ha recibido el apoyo del Proyecto I+D+i EDU2011-27288 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, España

    Disturbance reduces fungal white-rot litter mat cover in a wet subtropical forest

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    Fungi that bind leaf litter into mats and produce white-rot via degradation of lignin and other aromatic compounds influence forest nutrient cycling and soil fertility. Extent of white-rot litter mats formed by basidiomycete fungi in Puerto Rico decreased in response to disturbances—a simulated hurricane treatment executed by canopy trimming and debris addition in 2014, a drought in 2015, a treefall, and two hurricanes 10 days apart in September 2017. Percent fungal litter mat cover ranged from 0.4% after Hurricanes Irma and Maria to a high of 53% in forest with undisturbed canopy prior to the 2017 hurricanes, with means mostly between 10% and 45% of fungal litter mat cover in undisturbed forest. Drought decreased litter mat cover in both treatments, except in one control plot dominated by a drought-resistant fungus, Marasmius crinis-equi. Percent fungal litter mat cover sharply declined after hurricanes, a treefall, and a simulated hurricane treatment. Solar radiation was significantly inversely correlated with relative humidity (RH) and percent litter mat cover within each of the four climatic seasons. Solar radiation was also directly correlated with prior month litterfall, while RH was moderately correlated with throughfall, rain, and litter wetness. However, rainfall was inversely correlated with litter mat cover, possibly due to erosion or saturation during high rainfall events. Canopy opening reduced leaf fall and litter mat cover but these variables were not correlated except in winter. The main factor inhibiting basidiomycete fungi that bind leaf litter into mats was likely lower litter moisture associated with drought and increased solar radiation from canopy opening but secondary compounds in green litterfall may have contributed. Although higher litterfall likely increases fungal mat cover under closed canopy, changes in environmental factors apparently had a stronger inhibitory effect following canopy disturbances. Drought tolerance of some basidiomycete fungal litter mat species provided some resilience to drought

    Mechanical behaviour of grapevine wood affected by Xylotrechus arvicola

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    [EN] The cerambycid insect Xylotrechus arvicola is considered a pest that affects the wood of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera) in the major wine areas of the Iberian Peninsula. The larva of this insect perforates the grapevine wood, resulting in structural and biomechanical failure of the vine plants. Vine samples from wood damaged by X. arvicola larvae were picked up from different vineyards and grape varieties. Compressive and flexural tests were performed in order to assess the mechanical behaviour of the wood samples. Total length of the cracks in wood samples (TLCWS) that appeared on the surface of the grapevine wood samples after the mechanical tests was measured. Compressive strength (CS) and flexural strength (FS) decreased with the increase of the cross-sectional area (CSA) of both branches and trunks, regardless of damage condition or water content. Moreover, the resistance was lower in damaged wood. In addition, this was verified through the linear regression coefficients of the interaction CS x CSA and FS x CSA. TLCWS in branches and trunks of damaged samples was greater that in undamaged samples. Also, TLCWS within the same damage condition and part of the plant was higher in dry samples than in fresh samples. The damaged wood would show a higher vulnerability to common mechanical stress suffered by the grapevines in the field including heavy winds, fruit overweight or harvesting machines shaking (when mechanically collected). Larvae of this insect altered the mechanical behaviour of the trunk and branches of grapevine wood. The mechanical strength of wood was more negatively affected when the CSA of the branches and trunks increased. Longer TLCWS was found in affected wood