3,581 research outputs found

    The execution of the nominal capital increase

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Derecho. Curso académico 2016-2017[ES]El trabajo aborda el tratamiento del aumento nominal de capital, con especial atención al llamado derecho de asignación gratuita, que es el derecho que, de forma paralela a lo que sucede con el derecho de suscripción preferente en los aumentos onerosos, se reconoce a los socios en los aumentos nominales para garantizar la posición de antiguo socio en la sociedad. El análisis del derecho de adquisición gratuita se lleva a cabo contraponiendo su naturaleza y notas características con las del derecho de suscripción preferente. El trabajo trata con particular dedicación la cuestión de la transmisibilidad del derecho y la problemática de los aumentos mixtos, con una especial referencia a la admisibilidad de esta modalidad de aumento desde el punto de vista de los problemas que suscita para la protección de los derechos de los socios.[EN]The work is about the treatment of nominal capital increase, with special attention to the free allocation right, which is the right that, in parallel to what happens with the preferential subscription right in the onerous increases, that right is recognized by the society to the partners to guarantee the position of the old partner in the society. The analysis of the free allocation right is carried out by contrasting its nature and characteristics with the preferential subscription right. The work deals with a particular focus on the question of the transferability of the free allocation right and the problem of mixed increases, with a special reference to the admission of this modality of increase from the point of view of the problems that arise for the protection of parnerts´s rights


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    El presente trabajo analiza el empleo del ferrocarril por parte de las empresas gallegas que transaccionan con operadores del Norte de Portugal. Demostramos el uso residual de dicha infraestructura (0,01% de las transacciones totales) frente al empleo masivo del camión, determinamos factores explicativos de la elección modal y de la eventual substitución camión versus ferrocarril. El estudio estadístico incluye como universo empresas representativas de los sectores industriales y las principales consignatarias de líneas regulares del puerto de Vigo. Proponemos un modelo formativo de ecuaciones estructurales y una regresión lineal explicativos de la elección modal y de la incidencia de ésta sobre la referida substitución. Concluimos que tanto empresas como operadores logísticos (siendo estos últimos más sensibles al cambio) valoran la necesidad de mejorar las infraestructuras en el enlace comentado, si bien consideran prioritaria la liberalización real del mercado de operadores ferroviarios, sin ella la mejora anterior no afectaría significativamente a la elección modal

    Análisis del delito de abuso sexual propio a través del estudio de la doctrina y la jurisprudencia, durante los años 2007, 2008 y 2009 en Chile.

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    Tesis (Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas)INTRODUCCIÓN: El delito de abuso sexual tipificado en nuestro Código Penal constata la existencia de una realidad latente en la sociedad aaual Es por esto que hemos decidido investigar la tendencia jurisprudencial que existe al respecto, enmarcándola en un estudio doctrinal, desa.aollando las &ses del delito en cuesti~ con el objetivo de lograr un análisis dogmático que pcmtita al lector interior::izarse y comprender la teoría del abuso sexual ..c\nalizaremos normarivamente el actuar del sujeto pasivo y activo, desarrollando las hipótesis de acción que existen paca el delito de abuso sexual, con el fin de comprender la teoría del delito atingente a cada caso, pues en la actualidad son muchos los niños, jóvenes e incluso adultos que son víctimas de este delito, ya sea dentro de su núcleo .6uniliar o fuera de él De esta manera, también buscaremos desarrollar la directriz jurisprudcncial durante los años 2007, 2008 y 2009, considerando los f.allos emitidos por la Corte Suprema, pues como superior jeci.tquico está llamado a impartir precedente al respecto, aun cuando sabemos que en nuestro país la jurisprudencia no es vinculante, es incuestionable que los fallos emitidos por dicho tnbunal gozan de relevancia y trascendencia. Es así, como el estudio jw:isprudencial respectivo entrega al lector de manera ilustrativa y sistemática la evolución del delito en cuestión en nuestro país, enfatizando el antiguo delito de abuso deshonesto, y el actual delito de abuso sexual. En un primer capítulo entregaremos nociones geneales, con el fin de contextualizar el delito de abuso sexual. En dicho capítulo, describiremos el delito en cuestión con anterioridad a la reforma de la Ley N° 19.617 de 1999, y con posterioridad a ella, entregando jurisprudencia atingente al capítulo. En segundo lugar, trataremos el delito de abuso sexual enfocado en nuestro país, entregando un concepto del delito, y.

    Watermills: The Origin of the Use of Renewable Hydraulic Energy in Spain

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    The use of renewable hydraulic energy sources by mankind most likely has its origins in the development of the watermills. To understand the functioning of these mills, this article first reviews, through the analysis of different bibliographical sources, the technical evolution of the machinery used since the appearance of the first watermills to grind cereal grain in the 1st century BC. Secondly, a particular area of the south-west of Spain, Alcalá de Guadaíra, has been selected for study, whose strategic location as well as its hydrological characteristics gave rise, firstly, to an intensive milling industry, and, later, a famed baking industry, from the late Middle Ages until recent decades. The huge development of these two industrial activities has made Alcalá de Guadaíra an exceptional example in Spain, with 40 watermills in the early 18th century. Extensive work on site allowed the analysis of the state and types of watermills that still exist in this area, identifying their similarities and differences. Unfortunately, after they fell into disuse, only 28 of these mills remain today; 12 of them are in a relative good state of preservation, seven in an alarming state of ruin and, of the other nine, only some unrecognisable vestiges remain. Some of these mill buildings have been restored recently, although their machinery is missing. Only from old photographs or by visiting mills restored in other areas is it possible to determine how these watermills worked. Due to the lack of financial resources to carry out physical restoration of the industrial heritage missing in these flour mills, a virtual model of one of them has been developed. This work provides, at least virtually, a reconstruction of the traditional mills which helps promote technological studies and shows how they worked, as part of virtual exhibitions. In addition, a computer application of augmented reality has been developed that any visitor can install on a mobile device to display the virtual reality of the machinery, generated by 3D models, so they can visualise the physical reality that they would have found in the mill

    Update of the Urban Heat Island of Madrid and Its Influence on the Building's Energy Simulation

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    Despite great advances on building energy evaluation, available climate data does not include the effects of the Urban Heat Island (UHI). This phenomenon, which increases the temperature in urban areas, is variable in both time and space, and implies an important lack of accuracy when simulating within an urban context. During this research the relevance of the UHI in relation to the dwellings energy performance has been confirmed, as well as the existing barriers to integrate the current UHI representations into the dynamic energy simulation process. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an update of the existing models, in order to implement it into the energy evaluation process. In this work, as a first stage of the study and based on current techniques of geolocation and the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), it is established a methodology to acquire automatically an update of the UHI through isotherm maps. It is aimed to set up the starting point from which the integration of the UHI into the energy simulation process will happen

    Cooperativas, sociedades laborales y mutualidades de previsión social: 25 años de progreso de la economía social de mercado bajo la constitución de 1978

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    This paper analyses the evolution of the leading market social economy organisations in Spain since the Constitution of 1978. The first part concerns a study of co-operatives and workers societies; the second refers to mutual societies. An analysis of the institutional framework, this sector's quantitative evolution, the responses to changes in the business background and the social impact of their activities enable us to conclude that over the period studied these companies have very significantly reinforced their position in the market. At the same time, they have consolidated their institutional recognition and their social image. Nevertheless, this very positive result should not obscure certain structural problems limiting their potential for development. The fragmentation of the three sub-sectors examined and the differences in legal treatment in financial and tax matters affecting mutual societies are questions that have to be resolved over coming years, with the aim of improving the competitive position of these organisations.co-operatives, worker associations, mutual societies, market social economy.

    Características de las Empresas Sociales Periodísticas (ESP)

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    El sector de las empresas de comunicación está experimentando importantes cambios motivados por la irrupción de la tecnología digital y la pérdida de credibilidad de los medios informativos tradicionales. En esta situación están emergiendo nuevos modelos de negocios sostenibles, entre ellos las Empresas Sociales. En la literatura no se ha abordado con detalle la definición del concepto de Empresa Social Periodística (ESP), ni de las características que las determinan. El marco teórico de esta investigación ha sido la conceptualización dada por EMES (European Research Network), que identifica 11 criterios para reconocer a las Empresas Sociales, unos principios que se agrupan en tres dimensiones: económica y emprendedora, social y gobernanza participativa. El objetivo general es identificar las características de las ESP, determinar las variables asociadas al «no lucro» y examinar el encaje con el enfoque de la Empresa Social propuesto por EMES. Para conocer las diferencias entre las empresas periodísticas emergentes que se autodenominan «con ánimo de lucro» y «sin ánimo de lucro», se realizó un análisis exploratorio e inferencial de los emprendimientos periodísticos recogidos en el directorio de empresas SembraMedia (509 medios). Se tuvieron en cuenta variables clave como: fundadores, misión, género periodístico, propietarios, fuentes de ingresos y fuentes informativas. Las aportaciones principales de este trabajo son dos. En primer lugar, abordar un sector que no es contemplado habitualmente en los estudios de la Empresa Social, enriqueciendo el campo de estudio. En segundo lugar, contribuir a la conceptualización de la Empresa Social Periodística en el marco del enfoque EMES.The sector of communication companies is undergoing important changes, some of them are motivated by the irruption of digital technology and the loss of credibility of traditional media. This situation is favoring the emergence of new forms of journalism and new sustainable business models (Galán, 2017), many of these models catalogable as Social Enterprises. However, the Social Enterprise concept is not sufficiently developed in the field of communication.Only in Spain, during the crisis (2008-2016), journalists have created more than 500 media that try to offer answers to the precariousness of employment and the lack of credibility of the sector (Palacios, 2015). The new business models appear as one of the solutions that guarantee the survival of the journalistic company (Larrañaga-Rubio, 2010). These emerging forms are oriented, on the one hand, to create quality employment, and on the other, to satisfy the need for information from society through innovations in services or in information products. These journalistic projects adopt legal forms very different from each other; some forms can be cataloged as Social Enterprises. A simple look at their Websites shows how they fit the definition of the European Commission that indicates that they are organizations "whose main objective is to have a social impact beyond the generation of a benefit for their owners or shareholders. They work providing goods and services to the market through entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as using its benefits primarily to achieve social objectives. They are managed in an open and responsible manner and, in particular, involve workers, consumers and interest groups affected by their commercial activity "(COM-2011, 682:2, Brussels, 25.10.2011). The point is that there is no definition of what is meant by Social Journalistic Enterprise (SJE), nor of the characteristics that can help to identify them. In general, Social Enterprise is a concept that is not yet delimited theoretically and about which there is some confusion due to the existence of different approaches (Cabra de Luna, 2017). If, in addition, it is limited to the specific field of journalism, it is even more complicated to give this answer

    Stability and satisfaction at work during the spanish economic crisis

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    This paper analyses temporary work and job satisfaction among salaried workers during the Spanish economic crisis of 2008. Using data from the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE) 2013 Economically Active Population Survey (EAPS), we find that temporary workers lost their job more than others during this period. However, salaried workers have higher average levels of satisfaction in 2007–2010, possibly due to the lower requirements of workers. We find a positive relationship between the unlikeliness of keeping a job and low job satisfaction levels in data from the Survey of Quality of Life at Work (2010) through a correspondence analysis. A linear model with a level of job satisfaction as a dependent variable shows negative coefficients for a level of job satisfaction if the probability of keeping the job is somewhat unlikely or very unlikely. Finally, an ordinal probit regression finds that the estimated likelihood to reach high job satisfaction is lower in temporary workers

    Microplastics in snow of a high mountain national park: El Teide, Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain)

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    Human activities have introduced high amounts of microplastics (MPs) into the atmosphere that can be transported long distances and be later deposited in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems with precipitation (rain or snow). In this work, it has been assessed the presence of MPs in the snow of El Teide National Park (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, 2150–3200 m above sea level) after two storm episodes (January–February 2021). The data set (63 samples) was divided into three groups: i) samples from “accessible areas” (after the first storm episode and in places with a strong previous/recent anthropogenic activity); ii) “pristine areas” (after the second storm episode, in places with no previous anthropogenic activity), and iii) “climbing areas” (after the second storm episode, in places with a soft recent anthropogenic activity). Similar pattern profiles were observed among sampling sites in terms of morphology, colour and size (predominance of blue and black microfibers of 250–750 μm length), as well as in composition (predominance of cellulosic -either natural or semisynthetic-, with a 62.7 %, polyester, 20.9 %, and acrylic, 6.3 %, microfibers); however, significant differences in MPs concentrations were found between samples collected in pristine areas (average concentration of 51 ± 72 items/L) and those obtained in places with a previous anthropogenic activity (average concentration of 167 ± 104 and 188 ± 164 items/L in “accessible areas” and “climbing areas”, respectively). This study shows, for the first time, the presence of MPs in snow samples from a high altitude protected area on an insular territory and suggests that the sources of these contaminants could be atmospheric transport and local human outdoor activitie

    Variable-based multi-module data caches for clustered VLIW processors

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    Memory structures consume an important fraction of the total processor energy. One solution to reduce the energy consumed by cache memories consists of reducing their supply voltage and/or increase their threshold voltage at an expense in access time. We propose to divide the L1 data cache into two cache modules for a clustered VLIW processor consisting of two clusters. Such division is done on a variable basis so that the address of a datum determines its location. Each cache module is assigned to a cluster and can be set up as a fast power-hungry module or as a slow power-aware module. We also present compiler techniques in order to distribute variables between the two cache modules and generate code accordingly. We have explored several cache configurations using the Mediabench suite and we have observed that the best distributed cache organization outperforms traditional cache organizations by 19%-31% in energy-delay and by 11%-29% in energy-delay. In addition, we also explore a reconfigurable distributed cache, where the cache can be reconfigured on a context switch. This reconfigurable scheme further outperforms the best previous distributed organization by 3%-4%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version