727 research outputs found

    Memoria de prácticas: Determinación de plaguicidas y Glifosato /AMPA por HPLC-MS/MS

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Tècniques Cromatogràfiques Aplicades (Pla de 2013). Codi: SIY009. Curs acadèmic: 2017/2018El objeto de este trabajo trata la determinación de dos herbicidas Glifosato [Nfosfonometil)-glicina] y su metabolito de degradación AMPA (ácido aminometilfosfónico) mediante un método de rutina. Utilizando HPLC-MS/MS mediante extracción “SPE On-line”. Como también el uso de un método multiresidual para la determinación de 48 plaguicidas, utilizando HPLC-MS/MS mediante extracción SPE “OnLine”

    Disseny i mesura d'elèctrodes tèxtils per aplicacions mèdiques i de l'esport

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    Achieving constant monitoring of muscles and organs would be a huge change for hospitalized or chronic patients and athletes. However, today's technology is not able to provide the best optimal solution in terms of performance and comfort. Conventional disposable AgCl electrodes used for clinical bio-signal measurements are technology limited due to their inconvenience and short application time. That is the reason why the study of textile electrodes has been proliferating in recent years. The most appropriate solution would be to incorporate biosensors into daily and unipersonal clothing. In this thesis, the study focuses on the design, manufacturing and test of embroidered textile electrodes. The dimensions and materials will be the same for all of them and only geometry and embroidery characteristics will vary. As a result of the realization of this thesis a new embroidering and measurement methodology has been set up. On one hand, a wax coating is applied to the conductive thread which facilitates and speeds up the embroidery process. In addition, the results obtained are even better compared with non-coated conductive threads. It is therefore advisable to use it in future studies. On the other hand, it can be stated that the measurement procedure is free of human error in a high percentage. Compared with recent other studies and projects the results obtained are better in terms of resistance. And most important, as some new methodologies or procedures have been implemented, accuracy and repeatability of the embroidering process and reliability of the measurements have experienced a quality leap

    Residual-based stabilization of the finite element approximation to the acoustic perturbation equations for low Mach number aeroacoustics

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Guasch, O., Sánchez-Martín, P., Pont, A., Baiges, J., and Codina, R. (2016) Residual-based stabilization of the finite element approximation to the acoustic perturbation equations for low Mach number aeroacoustics. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 82: 839–857. doi: 10.1002/fld.4243], which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fld.4243/abstract. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.The acoustic perturbation equations (APE) are suitable to predict aerodynamic noise in the presence of a non-uniform mean flow. As for any hybrid computational aeroacoustics approach, a first computational fluid dynamics simulation is carried out from which the mean flow characteristics and acoustic sources are obtained. In a second step, the APE are solved to get the acoustic pressure and particle velocity fields. However, resorting to the finite element method (FEM) for that purpose is not straightforward. Whereas mixed finite elements satisfying an appropriate inf–sup compatibility condition can be built in the case of no mean flow, that is, for the standard wave equation in mixed form, these are difficult to implement and their good performance is yet to be checked for more complex wave operators. As a consequence, strong simplifying assumptions are usually considered when solving the APE with FEM. It is possible to avoid them by resorting to stabilized formulations. In this work, a residual-based stabilized FEM is presented for the APE at low Mach numbers, which allows one to deal with the APE convective and reaction terms in its full extent. The key of the approach resides in the design of the matrix of stabilization parameters. The performance of the formulation and the contributions of the different terms in the equations are tested for an acoustic pulse propagating in sheared-solenoidal mean flow, and for the aeolian tone generated by flow past a two-dimensional cylinder.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Design methodology of the primary droop voltage control for DC microgrids

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.n this article, a complete methodology to design the primary voltage droop control for a generic DC microgrid is proposed. First, a procedure to obtain a linear model of the complete system including the different converters inner and outer loops is detailed. Then, this linear model is analyzed using frequency domain techniques in order to ensure that the system is able to operate in a stable and secure manner. Based on the frequency analysis performed, the system droop gains are selected and tested in simulation to validate that the control design specifications are met.Postprint (author's final draft

    Disseny de materials compostos ceràmics mitjançant impressió 3D

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    La zircònia és un material que es troba en alça en diversos sectors industrials degut a les interessants propietats mecàniques així com la seva estabilitat química i biocompatibilitat. La dificultat a l’hora de fabricar peces de geometria complexa però, ha estat limitant la seva utilització i expansió. En les darreres dècades i degut al avenços tecnològics que incorpora la tecnologia d’impressió 3D s’obre un ampli camp d’estudi. Aquesta podria permetre l’obtenció d’aquests dissenys avançats a preus realment competitius respecte a tècniques convencionals. En el següent projecte de final de grau es duu a terme un exhaustiu procés de caracterització microestructural i mecànica d’aquest material com a base d’un producte capaç de ser utilitzat per a la tecnologia d’impressió 3D. Pel que fa al estudi microestructural de les mostres es realitzen diversos processos per a conèixer rugositat, densitat, porositat i mida de gra. D’altra banda, per dur a terme la caracterització mecànica s’estudia la duresa a diferents escales, tenacitat, resposta a assaigs de ratllada i fatiga

    Material docent: disseny, simulació i assaig d’un suport per cistella de bicicleta i d’un esglaó d’escala de cargol

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    Aquest Projecte Final de Carrera pretén modelar, simular i assajar de manera experimental un suport per a cistella de bicicleta i un esglaó d’escala de cargol per tal de comparar els valors de deformació i de tensions obtinguts amb la simulació realitzada amb elements finits, amb els valors mesurats experimentalment. En primer lloc s’ha fet un procés de recerca comercial per escollir els elements a estudiar. Una vegada seleccionats els elements a estudiar s’han ideat els sistemes per a poder fixar-los i, així, realitzar els assajos experimentals al laboratori. Paral·lelament, s’han modelat les dues peces amb el software Unigraphics i, posteriorment, s’han simulat segons unes condicions concretes de treball. L’últim pas dut a terme en aquest projecte, ha estat la comparació de les dades extretes dels dos mètodes fets servir (simulació i assaig) arribant d’aquesta manera a les conclusions finals. Com a projecte orientat a la docència, s’ha redactat un tutorial de modelat en tres dimensions, un tutorial de simulació amb elements finits i un manual de pràctiques per a cadascun dels elements estudiats

    Increasing online shop revenues with web scraping: a case study for the wine sector

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    Purpose – Wine has been produced for thousands of years and nowadays we have seen a spread in the wine culture. E-commerce sales of wine have increased considerably and online customer’s satisfaction is influenced by quality and price. This paper presents a case study of the company “QuieroVinos, S.L.”, an online wine shop founded in 2015 that sells Spanish wines in two main marketplaces. Design/methodology/approach – With the final target of increasing the company profits it has been designed and developed an application to track the prices of competitors for a set of products. This information will be used to set the product prices in order to offer the products both competitively and profitably in each Marketplace. This application must check, by tacking into account information such as the product cost or the minimum product margin, if it is possible to decrease the price in order to reach the top cheapest position and as a consequence, increase the sales. Findings – The application improved in a notorious way the company’s results in terms of sales and shipping costs. It must be said that without the use of the presented application, performing the price comparison process within each one of the marketplaces would have taken a long time. Moreover, as prices change very frequently, the obtained information has a very limited time value, and the competitors prices should be analyzed daily in order to take accurate decisions regarding the company’s price policy. Originality/value – Although the application has been designed for the wine sector and the two named marketplace, it could be exported to other sectors. For that, it should be implemented new modules to collect information regarding the competitor’s price of the products selling on each corresponding marketplaceThis work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under contract TIN2017- 84553-C2-2-R. Also, the authors are members of the research group 2017-SGR363, funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya

    Secondary flows in a laterally heated horizontal cylinder

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    In this paper we study the problem of thermal convection in a laterally heated, finite, horizontal cylinder. We consider cylinders of moderate aspect ratio (height/diameter approximate to 2) containing a small Prandtl number fluid (sigma < 0.026) typical of molten metals and molten semiconductors. We use the Navier-Stokes and energy equations in the Boussinesq approximation to calculate numerically the basic steady states, analyze their linear stability, and compute some nonlinear secondary flows originated from the instabilities. All the calculated flows and the stability analysis are characterized by their symmetry properties. Due to the confined cylindrical geometry, -presence of lateral walls and lids-, all the flows are completely three dimensional even for the basic steady states. In the range of Prandtl numbers studied, we have identified four different types of instabilities, either oscillatory or stationary. The physical mechanisms, shear or buoyancy, of the corresponding flow transitions have been analyzed. As the value of the Prandtl number approaches sigma = 0.026 the scenario of bifurcations becomes more complicated due to the existence of two different stable basic states originated in a saddle-node bifurcation; a fact that had been overlooked in previous works. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.Postprint (published version

    AC/DC systems interconnected by power converters: Modelling and practical aspects

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    The paper addresses the modelling of AC/DC systems interconnected by power converters. A non-linear model including three AC subsystems and two multiterminal DC systems interconnected by power converters are modelled in detail. The converters are set to have two different roles in the system: grid-forming and grid-following. A complete mathematical linear model including all the system dynamics is also developed following a block-based strategy which allows the overall model to be built and modified in a straightforward way. Taking advantage of this linear model, a small-signal analysis has been performed for different converter energy controller parameters. Thus, the power system dynamics and interactions have been studied for different energy controller parameters.Postprint (published version

    Desarrollo de un modelo probabilístico y aplicación en Java para el cálculo de tiempos de Taxi Out

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    BibliografiaEn este proyecto se ha desarrollado un nuevo modelo para el cálculo de tiempos de Taxi-Out así como una aplicación escrita en el lenguaje de programación Java que hace uso de una base de datos SQL. La aplicación integra y utiliza el modelo presentado en combinación con la simulación orientada a eventos discretos para intentar calcular de forma más fidedigna los tiempos de recorrido de una aeronave, desde que sale de parking hasta su llegada a cabecera de pista.En aquest projecte s'ha desenvolupat un nou model pel càlcul de temps de Taxi-Out així com una aplicació escrita en el llenguatge de Java que fa ús d'una base de dades SQL. La aplicació integra i utilitza el model presentat en combinació amb la simulació orientada a sdeveniments discrets per intentar calcular de forma més fidedigna els temps de recorregut dels aeronaus, des de que surt del pàrquing fins la seva arribada a capçalera de pista.In this paper we have developed a new model to calculate aircrafts taxi-out times. Also we have designed an application in Java code which uses a SQL database. The application integrates the developed model in combination with a discrete event simulation. This makes more accurate the calculation of the time between parking to takeoff queue