1,692 research outputs found

    El Arte de coordinar actividades colaborativas con un solo clic

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    El rol del profesor cambia cuando hace uso de las TIC, su figura tiende a planificar y guiar situaciones de aprendizaje más que a ser un mero transmisor de información como en el pasado. El disponer del conocimiento necesario sobre las herramientas adecuadas para realizar la labor de seguimiento y control es fundamental para descongestionar al docente en estas labores. Una vez se planifica una asignatura el seguimiento de la misma es muy importante por lo que este artículo presenta una forma innovadora de gestionar la distribución, control y evaluación de actividades para un gran número de alumnos en clases presenciales masificadas. Pretende ser una guía para adquirir unas nociones básicas hacia la automatización de las tareas de coordinación basadas en servicios gratuitosWeb 2.0 de Google y una orientación para saber qué servicios usar cuando queremos automatizar procesos repetitivos.SUMMARY -- The teacher’s role has changed with the introduction of ICT, it tends to plan and guide learning situations rather than being a mere transmitter of information as in the past. Nowadays, teachers must also know how to use the latest management and monitoring tools in order to relieve their daily work. Once a course is planned, track the same is very important, so this paper presents an innovative way to manage the distribution, monitoring and evaluation of activities for large numbers of students in overcrowded classes. This text also intends to be a guide on how to automate coordination tasks and repetitive processes using Web 2.0 and the free services of Google

    Short CFD simulation activities in the context of fluid-mechanical learning in a multidisciplinary student body

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    17 p.Simulation activities are a useful tool to improve competence in industrial engineering bachelors. Specifically, fluid simulation allows students to acquire important skills to strengthen their theoretical knowledge and improve their future professional career. However, these tools usually require long training times and they are usually not available in the subjects of B.Sc. degrees. In this article, a new methodology based on short lessons is raised and evaluated in the fluid-mechanical subject for students enrolled in three different bachelor degree groups: B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and B.Sc. in Electronic and Automatic Engineering. Statistical results show a good acceptance in terms of usability, learning, motivation, thinking over, satisfaction and scalability. Additionally, a machine-learning based approach was applied to find group peculiarities and differences among them in order to identify the need for further personalization of the learning activity.S

    Revisión de medidas de reducción de emisiones atmosféricas y alternativas al empleo de combustibles fósiles

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    El objetivo del presente proyecto no es otro que el de la realización y divulgación de una revisión de toda medida o alternativa ténica potencialmente capaz de reducir el consumo de combustible de un buque o sustituirlo en su totalidad, logrando de este modo una disminución en las emisiones atmosféricas originadas en su actividad y un menor o incluso nulo consumo de combustibles fósiles; factores determinantes en la consecución del cumplimiento de criterios de sostenibilidad ecológica. La importancia del desarrollo,publicidad y fomento de estas medidas y alternativas capaces de reducir el consumo de combustibles fósiles radica, por tanto, no solo en el agotamiento de las reservas mundiales de los mismos, si no en la necesidad de mantener la integridad del ecosistema terrestre mediante la promulgación de un modo de transporte marítimo comprometido con el medio ambiente

    Short simulation activity to improve the competences in the Fluid-mechanical Engineering classroom using Solidworks ® Flow Simulation

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    7 p.In this paper, a short simulation activity based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is raised in the context of the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor degree as an effective support to the theoretical lessons, in order to improve the competences of the Fluid-Mechanical course. The activity provides both visual and numerical information that the student must compare critically with respect the results obtained analytically, using the equations explained in the theoretical classroom. The activity is designed so that it can be integrated quickly (due to the shortage of times in the academic calendars). In this manner its total completion does not exceed four hours of simulation class. This is achieved by optimizing the resources, proposing meshing and simulation strategies that consume little computational time and using the package Solidworks® Flow Simulation, that takes advantage of the geometry parametrically modelled with the software itself to automatically establish the computational domain of the fluid for the based-on CFD analysis, saving excessive preparation times and long computational process.S

    Mapping the Connection between Knowledge Transfer and Firm Competitiveness: An Empirical Research in the Basque Country

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    Knowledge transfer (KT) is a trending topic phenomenon, widely studied due to its connection with the innovation processes in the firms and the competitiveness gained. Evidence of a close relationship between effective impact of KT processes, successful innovation, and higher business performance is already found out. Therefore, a corporate management guide instrument to rule the company through an optimal global KT tactic might become a noteworthy competitive improvement. Thus, the aim of this research is to depict an extensive model for optimal KT for those organizations who handle this resource as a strategic asset for competitiveness. We firstly analyze a set of theoretical KT models and taxonomies of recent formulation in order to develop a conceptual model which encompasses all factors enabling a successful result of KT. Then, we proceed with an empirical fieldwork, with the purpose of comparing and enhancing the discovery. The study is based on qualitative interviews with companies and institutions sited in the Basque Country and whose KT activities are frequent and heterogeneous. The model is conceived and illustrated as a compilation of dimensions of influences, highlighting the key performance factors for the firm. Finally, we display the findings of the study, bringing to light a direct link between KT impact and the extent of competitiveness of a company, and revealing a set of main success factors: suitable design and implementation of mechanisms to perform KT, effective cooperation between players, skilled management of the mix of knowledge, and propitious organisational culture

    Numerical performance of a water source transcritical CO2 heat pump with mechanical subcooling

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    In order to improve their efficiency, transcritical CO2 heat pumps need to resort to the use of a subcooling method. Among the different subcooling methods, dedicated mechanical subcooling (DMS) systems and internal heat exchangers (IHX) are currently the more promising technologies. This paper presents a numerical study of a transcritical water source CO2 heat pump during hot water generation using different subcooling methods. Ten different configurations, including both, IHX and DMS, separately and combined in different layouts, some of them not studied previously, are analyzed numerically under the same operating conditions in order to compare their performance. A description of the numerical model is presented: compressors are modeled using the performance curves provided by their manufacturers, expansion valves are modeled as isenthalpic, and heat exchangers are modeled by deriving correlations for the evaporation/condensation pressure and heat transfer rate obtained using a 1D cell-by-cell discretization method previously applied to all heat exchangers. Results are presented for different water heating conditions and show that in most configurations analyzed, the use of a DMS does not improve the performance of the system compared to the base system with IHX. There is only an improvement in the efficiency for two of the configurations analyzed, those in which the main CO2 cycle and the DMS cycle are coupled by the water flowing first through the evaporator of the auxiliary cycle and then through the gas cooler of the main cycle. Specifically, compared to the base cycle with IHX, the configuration that provides the best results (Conf. F* according to the nomenclature used in this work) gives average improvements of around 26% in efficiency and almost 160% in the heating capacity, while the optimum gas cooler pressure is reduced by an average of 12%. Even more, compared to the best performance system previously studied by other authors (indirect DMS without IHX, Conf. F in this work) this configuration improves the efficiency by almost 8.5%, with a decrease in the total capacity lower than 1% and similar gas cooler pressure. The results also show that the auxiliary compressor capacity and the way in which the water is distributed among the main and the auxiliary cycle have an important influence on the efficiency of the system, although that influence depends on the configuration studied. For the configuration that provides the best efficiency (Conf. F*), the optimum efficiency is obtained when the auxiliary compressor capacity is similar to the capacity of the main compressor (55% of the total heating capacity comes from the auxiliary cycle), and the water is mostly heated in the auxiliary cycle (85% of the water flow heated in the condenser of the auxiliary cycle, 15% heated in the gas cooler of the main cycle).This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Project TED2021-131173B-I00 and the NextGenerationEU recovery plan

    Numerical assessment of the use of a dedicated mechanical subcooling system during hot water generation in a water to water transcritical CO2 heat pump

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    This paper presents a numerical study of the use of a dedicated mechanical subcooling (DMS) system using R1234yf, for hot water generation in a water-to-water CO2 heat pump. Compressor mass flow rates and power consumptions were modeled using the manufacturer’s correlations, expansion valves were modeled as isenthalpic, and heat exchangers were modeled by deriving correlations for the evaporation/condensation pressure and heat transfer rate. In the condenser, IMST-ART was used to obtain condensation pressure and heat transfer rate. A cell-by- cell discretization model was used for the evaporator, which was a transcritical CO2, subcritical R1234yf heat exchanger. Three different systems were compared for the transcritical CO2 cycle: with internal heat exchanger (IHX), with DMS, and with IHX+DMS. Results showed that, for the conditions studied (hot water generation up to 60 ºC and evaporator water inlet temperature from 5- 25 ºC), the use of a DMS does not improve the performance of the system.The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund through project ENE2017-83665-C2-2-P

    An Energetic Model for Detonation of Granulated Solid Propellants

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    Unexpected detonation of granular solid energetic materials is a key safety issue in the propellants manufacturing industry. In this work, a model developed for the characterization of the early stages of the detonation process of granular solid energetic materials is presented. The model relies on a two-phase approach which considers the conservation equations of mass, momentum, and energy and constitutive relations for mass generation, gas-solid particle interaction, interphase heat transfer, and particle-particle stress. The work considers an extension of approximated Riemann solvers and Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) schemes to the solid phase for the numerical integration of the problem. The results obtained with this model show a good agreement with data available in the literature and confirm the potential of the numerical schemes applied to this type of model. The results also permit to assess the effectiveness of different numerical schemes to predict the early stages of this transient combustion process.The research was performed thanks to the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund throughout project RTC-2016-5194-8

    Characterization of motivation and type of physical-sport practice in adults through COMPASS profiles

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    Physical Activity and Sport Practice (PASP) have grown in popularity in last years given its positive effects at physiological, social, cognitive and emotional level. Several researches have studied the main motivations involved in PASP using the Self-Determination Theory, highlighting the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic reasons. This descriptive and cross sectional study aims to establish the main motivations involved in physical activity and to identify its association with the sport profiles proposed by COMPASS project (2000). The research was conducted with a sample of 1002 adults (a 53% is female and a 47% is male) from Sevilla ( = 45.35 years old; SD = 17.96), using the C-PAFYD questionnaire with a reliability of α = .84. The results show that profile 1 (competitive and intensive) comprises intrinsic and extrinsic motivations such as hedonism, desire of competition and to achieve a sport career, while profile 2 is oriented towards least self-determined motivations as health improving. In addition, these participants do physical activity alone or with co-workers. The profiles 3 and 4 (regular and non-organized physical activity) are related to motivations of social and ludic type. In fact, this sport practice is mainly done with friends and peers in public places. Finally, profiles 5 and 6, which are associated with an irregular and occasional PASP, manifested extrinsic motivations such as disease preventio

    Los flujos financieros en el capitalismo global: cambios en la estructura económica mundial

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    El volumen y la estructura de los flujos transfronterizos de capital-dinero han dado un especial protagonismo a la esfera de la circulación en la dinámica del capitalismo global, hasta el punto de que se ha identificado la expansión de este último como la “globalización financiera”. Sin embargo, más que esa primacía del sector financiero (frente al productivo o al comercial) en el capitalismo global, merece la pena destacar las profundas transformaciones que la consolidación de las “finanzas globales” están provocando en la configuración del mismo, especialmente en la estructura de la propiedad del capital mundializado. En esta comunicación se presenta una propuesta analítica sobre estas transformaciones estructurales en el capitalismo global a partir del estudio empírico de indicadores de las corporaciones globales y estadísticas de entradas y salidas de flujos transfronterizos, prestando especial atención a las operaciones de fusiones y adquisiciones