557 research outputs found

    Actualidad legislativa dominicana

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    Este es un resumen de las principales piezas legislativas y normativas aprobadas en el año de 1992 en la República Dominicana. Es así como se detalla la aprobación del Código Tributario y del nuevo Código de Trabajo, el proyecto del código de salud que en ese momento estaba siendo estudiado y las resoluciones de la Junta Monetaria que reformaron entonces la banca nacional

    Consumer Acceptance Study Towards Malong (Muarenesox Talabon) Fishball with Different Fixative

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    This Research aims to study USAge of four as fixative with appropriate concentration, until malong fishball obtain with appearance, aroma, taste and texture which can be accept by consumer. Applied treatment was addition of 25%, 50%, 75% tapioca flour and 25%, 50%, 75% sago flour. Observed parameter was proximate test and organoleptic test tards malong fishball. Research result show that malong fishball with different flour formulate favored by consumer. Malong fishball contains: 39,15 water, 3,16 ash, 29,15 protein, 2,44 fat, 42,03 carbohydrat

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Minuman Berkarbonasi untuk Menghambat Kemunduran Mutu Ikan Gurami (Osphronemus Gouramy) pada Suhu Kamar

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    This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Technology of Processing,Chemical Fisheries and Fishery Microbiology Faculty of Fisheries and MarineSciences University of Riau, in October 2011. The research objective was todetermine the effect of addition carbonated water on freshness quality of Carpstored at room temperature. Carp weighing ± 200 grams each was obtained from afish market in Pekanbaru. The fish was grouped into 2 groups. First group wassoaked in 10% carbonated water and another group was soaked in 3.2%carbonated water +3.2% sugar +5.8% natrium. After soaking for 30 minutes, thefish was stored at room temperature for 12 hours. Fish quality was evaluated forsensory atribute, pH, TPC and TVB. The results showed that the fish added with10% carbonated water had a longer shelf life than those soaked in 3.2%

    : دراسة عن كفاءة قراءة النص العربي لدى طلاب قسم تدريس اللغة العربية كلية التربية و شؤون التدريس بجامعة علاء الدين الإسلامية الحكومية مكاسر للدفعة 2015

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    بناء على ما حصلت عليه الباحثة من تحليل المواد, تجد نتائج الإختبار لمعرفة كفاءة طلاب قسم تدريس اللغة العربية في قراءة النصوص العربية . و تشير النتائج إلى أن كفاءة طلاب قسم تدريس اللغة العربية كلية التربية و شؤون التدريس بجامعة علاء الدين الإسلامية الحكومية للدفعة 2015 تكون: 1)كفاءة قراءة النصوص العربية وفقا لقواعد العربية تكون درجتها مقبولة تدل على 48,28, 2) معرفة الطلاب بالمفردات المتعلقة بالنص المقروء تكون درجتها جيدة وتدل على 64,00 ,3) فهم الطلاب بالنص المقروء تكون درجتها جيدة وتدل على 65,33.على كل هذه فإن كفاءة قراءة النص العربي على طلاب قسم تدريس اللغة العربية بكلية التربية و شؤون التدريس بجامعة علاء الدين الإسلامية الحكومية للدفعة 2015 من ثلاثة جوانب درجتها مقبولة وتحصل قيمتها على 59,20

    Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving (Cps) dengan Pembelajaran Konvensional pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Kelas XI IPS SMA N 2 Pancung Soal Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    This research based by low result of economy learner. That cause by some factors, the factors such as method which teacher still used teacher center, the students less involve in teaching learning and value which used result of value not process of value. The goal of this research is for looking different result of learner students used Creative Problem Solving which conventional learning at SMA N 2 Pancung Soal regency of Pesisir Selatan. Kind of this result is experimental of research and interpretation sample technique that used is purposive sampling. Population of all the student grade XI IPS SMA N 2 Pancung Soal regency of Pesisir Selatan which listed in 2013/2014, wheares sample of this research are the students of XI IPS 2 as experimental class and student of XI IPS 3 as control class. Analysis data of technique which use by Z experimental because of data normal distribution and group of data has variation that homogen. The result of experiment showed average result of learning experiment class is 82,28, while the average class control is 78,77. Based analisys data which got, Zhitung =2,049 > Ztabel= 1,96 so that the found is Ho regected an Ha accepted. So, that conclude there are different the result students learning used Creative Problem Solving with conventional learning, that learning using Creative Problem Solving the result of learning higher than using conventional learning. This result hoped can benefit for all are the leader for sosialization Creative Problem Solving especially teacher of economic for teacher can applied Creative Problem Solving and for researcher as reference for the next research

    Study of Consumer Acceptance on Nugget Made of Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus), Snail (Pila Ampullacea), and the Combination

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    The aim of the research was to observe the consumer acceptance on the nugget made of catfish, snail and the combination of them. The raw material used as the main ingredients were that used were catfish, snail and combination of them at 5 level, 100% catfish (A1), 100% snail (A2), combination of 75 % catfish, and 25% snail (A3), 50% catfish and 50% snail (A4), and combintion of 25% catfish and 75 % snail (A5). The result showed that the highest consumer acceptance was produced by the treatment of A1 and A3. The best nugget produced was performed by the highest value of appearance, aroma, taste and texture. Based on the proximate composition, combination of 75% catfish and 25% snail (A3) produced nugget that contained 54,56% mouisture, 24,21% protein, 7,44% fat, and 4,48% ash