37 research outputs found

    Estimation and forecast of regional competitiveness level

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    The paper is devoted to the development of methods for point and interval forecasting of the integral index of regional competitiveness. We stick to one of the most commonly used approaches to assessing the level of competitiveness based on its advantages over the others. As a result of this approach, the integral competitiveness index appears to be bounded, i.e. has a lower and upper limit. Due to this particular feature, it is proposed to carry out the forecasting of competitiveness index using multivariate logistic regression. The parameters of such model are determined using OLS through an inverse logarithmic transformation of the dependent variable. To calculate interval forecasts for the model, we proposed a new probability distribution for the errors of the nonlinear regression equation in the class of logistic curves. According to the proposed method, we calculated and forecasted the regional competitiveness level for the Russian Federation until 2020. The analysis of the data revealed some features of the regions distribution in terms of competitiveness level and indicated regional development trends. The paper has been prepared within the research project No 1675: "Methodological and analytical tools for solving problems of spatial development of Russian economy under conditions of modern reforms" in terms of the basic part of the state order in the field of scientific activity of Russian Ministry of Education. © Copyright 2005-2016 Institute of Economics, the Ural branch of the RAS. All rights reserved

    Забезпечення економічно-відтворювальної та аналітично-контролінгової функцій інструментарія з управління активами забудовників житла

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    The article is devoted to the development of scientific and methodological basis and tools for investment support of housing construction, which is considered in the context of mutual coordination with the specifics of economic and contractual relations of leading subjects of residential development – lender, developer, investors. Methodological developments are based on the existing methodology of project management, the formation of a simplified and complete conceptual model of differentiated attraction of sources of resource support, based on the theory of stakeholders, methods of economic evaluation of sources of financing and attraction of investments and value-oriented goal-setting. The paper analyzes the existing concepts, models, methods of management of investment and construction projects, characterizes the current level of success of such projects. It was found that the housing project management system needs to be improved in terms of shifting the emphasis from maximizing the profit of builders to achieving the value of the project results for all its stakeholders throughout the life cycle of the project. The conceptual model of the problem-targeted differentiated choice of sources of resource support for investment and construction projects in housing construction is proposed.Стаття присвячена розробці науково-методичного підґрунтя та інструментарію інвестиційного забезпечення житлового будівництва, яке розглядається у взаємоузгодженні із специфікою економічних та кредитно-договірних взаємин провідних суб’єктів житлової забудови – кредитора, забудовника, інвесторів. Методологічні розробки базуються на існуючій методології управління проектами, формування спрощеної та повної концептуальної моделі диференційованого залучення джерел ресурсного забезпечення, що спираються на теорію стейкхолдерів, методи економічного оцінювання джерел фінансування та залучення інвестицій та ціннісно-орієнтованого цілепокладання. В роботі виконано аналіз існуючих концепцій, моделей, методів управління інвестиційно-будівельними проектами, надано характеристику поточного рівня успішності таких проектів. Було виявлено, що система менеджменту проектів із житлового будівництва потребує вдосконалення у її частині перенесення акцентів з забезпечення максимізації прибутку будівельників на спрямованість до досягнення цінності результату проекту для всіх його зацікавлених сторін та протягом усього життєвого циклу проекту. Запропонована концептуальна модель проблемно-цільового диференційованого вибору джерел ресурсного забезпечення інвестиційно-будівельних проектів в житловому будівництві


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    The purpose of this publication – to familiarize the readers with the newest achievements in the field of vision   machine   technologies   with   regard to the   occlusal   plethysmography.   The   principle   of plethysmograph work is similar to a principle of mechanical occlusal plethysmograph work, with that only a difference that working measuring environment (gas or liquid) is replaced with laser labels, and fixation of change of volume is made by machine vision with the subsequent computer processing. Application of laser technologies of machine vision in future considerably simplified process of diagnostics, will allow to carry out diagnostics repeatedly and under various conditions of, for example, case of external action on the examined finiteness of the of heat, cold, physical exercise, and so, is representative of more and accurate picture of the state of blood vessels in the dynamics.Цель публикации – познакомить читателей с новейшими достижениями в области технологий машинного зрения применительно к окклюзионной плетизмографии. Принцип работы плетизмографа аналогичен принципу работы механического окклюзионного плетизмографа, с той лишь разницей, что рабочая измерительная среда (газ или жидкость) заменена лазерными метками, а фиксирование изменения объема производится машинным зрением с последующей компьютерной обработкой. Применение лазерных технологий машинного зрения в будущем значительно упростит процесс диагностики, позволит проводить диагностику многократно и при различных условиях, например, при внешнем воздействии на исследуемую конечность теплом, холодом, физической нагрузкой и т.п., отражая более полную и точную картину состояния кровеносных сосудов в динамике

    Methodological approaches to the analysis of space-time distribution of sanitary and hygienic indices of environmental quality

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    The objective of the study was to improve methodological approaches to the analysis of space-time distribution of indices of environmental quality. Suggested methodics allows assessment and interpretation of changes in spatial characteristics of the subjects of inquiry, the dynamics of spatial and statistical characteristics of the indices, as well as modeling and predicting the development of space-time processes.Целью настоящей работы явилось совершенствование методических подходов к анализу пространственно-временного распределения показателей качества среды обитания. Предложенная методика позволяет оценивать и интерпретировать изменения пространственных характеристик объектов исследования, динамику пространственных и статистических характеристик показателей, проводить моделирование и прогнозирование развития пространственно-временных процессов

    Vaccinia Virus Protein C6 Is a Virulence Factor that Binds TBK-1 Adaptor Proteins and Inhibits Activation of IRF3 and IRF7

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    Recognition of viruses by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) causes interferon-β (IFN-β) induction, a key event in the anti-viral innate immune response, and also a target of viral immune evasion. Here the vaccinia virus (VACV) protein C6 is identified as an inhibitor of PRR-induced IFN-β expression by a functional screen of select VACV open reading frames expressed individually in mammalian cells. C6 is a member of a family of Bcl-2-like poxvirus proteins, many of which have been shown to inhibit innate immune signalling pathways. PRRs activate both NF-κB and IFN regulatory factors (IRFs) to activate the IFN-β promoter induction. Data presented here show that C6 inhibits IRF3 activation and translocation into the nucleus, but does not inhibit NF-κB activation. C6 inhibits IRF3 and IRF7 activation downstream of the kinases TANK binding kinase 1 (TBK1) and IκB kinase-ε (IKKε), which phosphorylate and activate these IRFs. However, C6 does not inhibit TBK1- and IKKε-independent IRF7 activation or the induction of promoters by constitutively active forms of IRF3 or IRF7, indicating that C6 acts at the level of the TBK1/IKKε complex. Consistent with this notion, C6 immunoprecipitated with the TBK1 complex scaffold proteins TANK, SINTBAD and NAP1. C6 is expressed early during infection and is present in both nucleus and cytoplasm. Mutant viruses in which the C6L gene is deleted, or mutated so that the C6 protein is not expressed, replicated normally in cell culture but were attenuated in two in vivo models of infection compared to wild type and revertant controls. Thus C6 contributes to VACV virulence and might do so via the inhibition of PRR-induced activation of IRF3 and IRF7

    Modelling of Operational Cycle in a Hydraulic Drive Based on Adjustable Axial Piston Hydraulic Machines

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    The state-of-art technical devices - from the aircraft and missile equipment to mobile machines in sphere of construction and agriculture -widely use hydraulic drives based on adjustable axial-piston hydraulic machines. During operation of such hydraulic drives, pressure fluctuations and power fluid flow rate occur, and it results in vibrations of hydraulic machine housing and its components and acoustic radiation of units. Such processes arise from the wave transients that may appear when a mode of operation is changed, or are available when the hydraulic machine separate units are in operation. Origination specificities of these processes and their development are not well studied. So implementation of such hydraulic machines in hydraulic drives of equipment with a wide variety of dynamic loads requires additional experimental and theoretical investigations.The objectives of this paper is to develop a hydraulic drive model based on adjustable axial-piston hydraulic machines and to investigate transients that are available in the operational cycle of a hydraulic drive.To study transients a method of mathematical modeling was used. For hydraulic drive mechanism with rotational displacement, a model with lumped parameters was developed. The model takes into consideration the kinematic and physical features of hydraulic drive components structure, peripheral devices and physical and mechanical properties of power fluid, thereby partially solving the task of investigating transients.There is no possibility to describe all aspects of transients within the framework of a mathematical model with lumped parameters. Difficulties spring up when modeling the wave processes that occur at transient of pumping unit hydraulic cylinders between the suction and discharge zones.For modeling the power fluid transient from pumping unit into discharge line, was developed a two-dimensional turbulent model with distributed parameters. An equation of state for two-phase power fluid in baratropic approximation was obtained.Based on the computational experiment results, it is found that unloading pressure fluctuations, which occur at transients in a pumping unit, considerably change the power fluid pressure distribution along a discharge line, and must be taken into consideration when modeling the dynamic processes in hydraulic drives based on adjustable axial-piston hydraulic machines.</p

    Modern Stratagems for Renewing the Competitive Environment of Construction Development

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    The company can maintain its competitive advantage through two the kinds of abilities - distinctive and replicable - and the unique combination of these that the organization creates to achieve synergy. The determining factor is the importance of the company's strategy. New concepts of competitiveness do not deny the importance traditional factors such as company size, assortment policy, price differentiation and low costs. At the same time, the special importance of new factors - key competencies, brand value, reputation, i.e. resources that are intellectual

    Transformation and Cycle of Labile Substances and Production-Destruction Processes in Lake Ecosystems

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    Для оценки трансформации веществ использовалось кинетическое уравнение для озерных систем: R= kτ/(1+kτe^((-1)⁄τ) ), где R – удерживающая способность, k – константа скорости трансформации, τ – период водообмена. Наименьшие величины скоростей трансформации и их констант отмечены для больших стратифицированных озер, по сравнению с малыми. Связано это как с особенностями температурных условий в водоемах, так и со степенью трансформированности лабильных веществ в озерах с замедленным водообменном. Установлены предельные значения скоростей трансформации, когда τ → ∞ (ν_ОВ = 460 мкг/л в год, ν_Fe = 7, ν_(N_орг ) = 15, ν_Si = 29, ν_(Р_общ )= 1,3 мкг/л в год). Последние могут наблюдаться в морских водах и в озерах с очень высоким τ. С использованием кинетики последовательных реакций первого порядка и натурных данных установлены средние значения констант превращения форм азота в природных водах: Nорг → NH4+ (k1 = 0,04 сутки-1), NH4+ → NO2- (k2 = 0,35 сутки-1), NO2- → NO3- (k3 = 2,35 сутки-1), NO3- → Nорг (k4 = 1,80 сутки-1), которые позволили объяснить преобладающее распределение форм азота в поверхностных водах гумидной зоны, в которых Nорг доминирует над его минеральными формами. Оборачиваемость фосфатов оценивалась по активности щелочной и кислой фосфатаз с применением в качестве субстрата пара-нитрофенилфосфата. Путем измерения активности фосфатаз определено время оборота фосфора в водоемах гумидной зоны (2-18 час). Судя по оборачиваемости фосфора (несколько раз в сутки) Рмин является очень лабильным компонентом и его концентрации поддерживаются на низком уровне. Определение продукционно-деструкционных характеристик водных объектов на основе их новой кинетической модели показало, что продукция всегда выше деструкции автохтонного ОВ, а их разность – есть новообразование ОВ и выделение О2 в водную среду. Продукция от общей деструкции составляет 59-97 %, а деструкция аллохтонного ОВ – 3-43 %. По величине первичной продукции (мгО2/л в год) можно ранжировать шкалу трофности водных объектов: 5 – 12 – олиготрофные, 12 – 30 – мезотрофные, 30 – 75 – эвтрофные, ˃ 75 – высокоэвтрофные. В большинстве случаев трофический статус водоема, устанавливаемый по первичной продукции, близок к таковой по Робщ.To assess the rates of chemical substances transformation the kinetic equation for lake systems was applied: R= kτ/(1+kτe^((-1)⁄τ) ), where R – retention capacity, k – constant of transformation velocity, τ – flushing period. Minimal values of transformation velocity and its constant were found for large stratified lakes. This is due to specific temperature conditions in such lakes and higher labile substances transformation because of their slow flushing period. The highest transformation rates were estimated on condition τ → ∞ (ν_OM = 460, ν_Fe = 7, ν_(N_org ) = 15, ν_Si = 29, ν_(Р_tot )= 1,3 μg/l year). These values may occur in marine waters and lakes with very high τ. Average constants of rates of nitrogen cycle reactions in natural waters were estimated using kinetics of consecutive reactions of first order and field data: Norg → NH4+ (k1 = 0,04), NH4+ → NO2- (k2 = 0,35), NO2- → NO3- (k3 = 2,35), NO3- → Norg (k4 = 1,80 day-1). These constants allowed to explain typical distribution of nitrogen forms in surface waters of humid zone, where Norg form is predominate over the rest. Phosphate turnover rate was estimated by activity of alkaline and acid phosphatases, paranitrophenilphosphate was used as substrate. The determined phosphatase activity allows estimating the time of phosphorus turnover in waters of humid zone (2 – 18 hours). Considering the high rate of phosphorus cycling (several times a day) Pmin appears to be a very labile component and therefore its concentration in surface waters keeps low. Production and destruction values in water bodies determined by the new kinetic model showed that production is always higher then autochthonous organic matter (OM) destruction; difference between these parameters represents the quantity of a newly formed organic matter together with O2 emission into aquatic environment. The production constitutes 59-97 % of total destruction, while allochthonous OM destruction is 3-43 % of total destruction. The water bodies trophicity could be ranged based on primary production value (mg О2/l year) as follows: 5 – 12 – oligotrophic, 12 – 30 – mesotrophic, 30 – 75 – eutrophic, ˃ 75 hypertrophic. Generally, trophic status of a water body determined on the basis of primary production values is similar to that estimated from Рtot


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    The purpose of this publication – to familiarize the readers with the newest achievements in the field of vision   machine   technologies   with   regard to the   occlusal   plethysmography.   The   principle   of plethysmograph work is similar to a principle of mechanical occlusal plethysmograph work, with that only a difference that working measuring environment (gas or liquid) is replaced with laser labels, and fixation of change of volume is made by machine vision with the subsequent computer processing. Application of laser technologies of machine vision in future considerably simplified process of diagnostics, will allow to carry out diagnostics repeatedly and under various conditions of, for example, case of external action on the examined finiteness of the of heat, cold, physical exercise, and so, is representative of more and accurate picture of the state of blood vessels in the dynamics

    Transformation and Cycle of Labile Substances and Production-Destruction Processes in Lake Ecosystems

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    Для оценки трансформации веществ использовалось кинетическое уравнение для озерных систем: R= kτ/(1+kτe^((-1)⁄τ) ), где R – удерживающая способность, k – константа скорости трансформации, τ – период водообмена. Наименьшие величины скоростей трансформации и их констант отмечены для больших стратифицированных озер, по сравнению с малыми. Связано это как с особенностями температурных условий в водоемах, так и со степенью трансформированности лабильных веществ в озерах с замедленным водообменном. Установлены предельные значения скоростей трансформации, когда τ → ∞ (ν_ОВ = 460 мкг/л в год, ν_Fe = 7, ν_(N_орг ) = 15, ν_Si = 29, ν_(Р_общ )= 1,3 мкг/л в год). Последние могут наблюдаться в морских водах и в озерах с очень высоким τ. С использованием кинетики последовательных реакций первого порядка и натурных данных установлены средние значения констант превращения форм азота в природных водах: Nорг → NH4+ (k1 = 0,04 сутки-1), NH4+ → NO2- (k2 = 0,35 сутки-1), NO2- → NO3- (k3 = 2,35 сутки-1), NO3- → Nорг (k4 = 1,80 сутки-1), которые позволили объяснить преобладающее распределение форм азота в поверхностных водах гумидной зоны, в которых Nорг доминирует над его минеральными формами. Оборачиваемость фосфатов оценивалась по активности щелочной и кислой фосфатаз с применением в качестве субстрата пара-нитрофенилфосфата. Путем измерения активности фосфатаз определено время оборота фосфора в водоемах гумидной зоны (2-18 час). Судя по оборачиваемости фосфора (несколько раз в сутки) Рмин является очень лабильным компонентом и его концентрации поддерживаются на низком уровне. Определение продукционно-деструкционных характеристик водных объектов на основе их новой кинетической модели показало, что продукция всегда выше деструкции автохтонного ОВ, а их разность – есть новообразование ОВ и выделение О2 в водную среду. Продукция от общей деструкции составляет 59-97 %, а деструкция аллохтонного ОВ – 3-43 %. По величине первичной продукции (мгО2/л в год) можно ранжировать шкалу трофности водных объектов: 5 – 12 – олиготрофные, 12 – 30 – мезотрофные, 30 – 75 – эвтрофные, ˃ 75 – высокоэвтрофные. В большинстве случаев трофический статус водоема, устанавливаемый по первичной продукции, близок к таковой по Робщ.To assess the rates of chemical substances transformation the kinetic equation for lake systems was applied: R= kτ/(1+kτe^((-1)⁄τ) ), where R – retention capacity, k – constant of transformation velocity, τ – flushing period. Minimal values of transformation velocity and its constant were found for large stratified lakes. This is due to specific temperature conditions in such lakes and higher labile substances transformation because of their slow flushing period. The highest transformation rates were estimated on condition τ → ∞ (ν_OM = 460, ν_Fe = 7, ν_(N_org ) = 15, ν_Si = 29, ν_(Р_tot )= 1,3 μg/l year). These values may occur in marine waters and lakes with very high τ. Average constants of rates of nitrogen cycle reactions in natural waters were estimated using kinetics of consecutive reactions of first order and field data: Norg → NH4+ (k1 = 0,04), NH4+ → NO2- (k2 = 0,35), NO2- → NO3- (k3 = 2,35), NO3- → Norg (k4 = 1,80 day-1). These constants allowed to explain typical distribution of nitrogen forms in surface waters of humid zone, where Norg form is predominate over the rest. Phosphate turnover rate was estimated by activity of alkaline and acid phosphatases, paranitrophenilphosphate was used as substrate. The determined phosphatase activity allows estimating the time of phosphorus turnover in waters of humid zone (2 – 18 hours). Considering the high rate of phosphorus cycling (several times a day) Pmin appears to be a very labile component and therefore its concentration in surface waters keeps low. Production and destruction values in water bodies determined by the new kinetic model showed that production is always higher then autochthonous organic matter (OM) destruction; difference between these parameters represents the quantity of a newly formed organic matter together with O2 emission into aquatic environment. The production constitutes 59-97 % of total destruction, while allochthonous OM destruction is 3-43 % of total destruction. The water bodies trophicity could be ranged based on primary production value (mg О2/l year) as follows: 5 – 12 – oligotrophic, 12 – 30 – mesotrophic, 30 – 75 – eutrophic, ˃ 75 hypertrophic. Generally, trophic status of a water body determined on the basis of primary production values is similar to that estimated from Рtot