360 research outputs found

    Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States: Erect Bryozoa

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    Forty-nine species of erect Bryozoa from a broad range of Cyclostome, Ctenostome, and Cheilostome families are described and illustrated, and an artificial dichotomous key is provided for their identification. In general, the marine bryozoan faunas of the northeastern coasts of the United States are poorly known; species records are sparse and voucher collections few, and it is certain that many more species occur in this region than are presently known. The species described here occur in intertidal, coastal or offshore habitats; some are well known and have been recorded on numerous previous occasions, others have been only rarely reported, while a few are known to occur commonly in the north of the region but have yet to be recorded south of Cape Cod. Some of the species described have not been recorded at all on northeastern coasts of the United States, but are widely distributed in North Atlantic continental shelf habitats and perhaps occur in similar parts of the outer shelf of this region. This fauna is thus provisional, but is intended to stimulate further work on the Bryozoa. (PDF file contains 52 pages.

    Analysis of RAD51C germline mutations in high-risk breast and ovarian cancer families and ovarian cancer patients

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    There is strong evidence that overtly inactivating mutations in RAD51C predispose to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer but the prevalence of such mutations, and whether they are associated with a particular clinical phenotype, remains unclear. Resolving these questions has important implications for the implementation of RAD51C into routine clinical genetic testing. Consequently, we have performed a large RAD51C mutation screen of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer families, and the first study of unselected patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Our data confirm a consistent but low frequency (2/335 families) of inactivating RAD51C mutations among families with a history of both breast and ovarian cancer and an absence of mutations among breast cancer only families (0/1,053 families). Our data also provide support for the designation of the missense variant p.Gly264Ser as a moderate penetrance allele

    In search of phylogenetic congruence between molecular and morphological data in bryozoans with extreme adult skeletal heteromorphy

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    peerreview_statement: The publishing and review policy for this title is described in its Aims & Scope. aims_and_scope_url: http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=tsab20© Crown Copyright 2015. This document is the author's final accepted/submitted version of the journal article. You are advised to consult the publisher's version if you wish to cite from it

    Toward a more comprehensive assessment of school age children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy

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    BACKGROUND: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the leading cause of disability in children. While motor deficits define CP, many patients experience behavioral and cognitive deficits which limit participation. The purpose of this study was to contribute to our understanding of developmental delay and how to measure these deficits among children with CP. METHODS: Children 5 to 15 years with hemiplegic CP were recruited. Cognition and motor ability were assessed. The brain injury associated with observed motor deficits was identified. Accelerometers measured real-world bilateral upper extremity movement and caregivers completed behavioral assessments. RESULTS: Eleven children participated, 6 with presumed perinatal stroke. Four children scored below average intelligence quotient while other measures of cognition were within normal limits (except processing speed). Motor scores confirmed asymmetrical deficits. Approximately one third of scores indicated deficits in attention, behavior, or depression. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings corroborate that children with CP experience challenges that are broader than motor impairment alone. Despite the variation in brain injury, all participants completed study procedures. IMPLICATIONS: Our findings suggest that measuring behavior in children with CP may require a more comprehensive approach and that caregivers are amenable to using online collection tools which may assist in addressing the therapeutic needs of children with CP

    Marine invasive species:Establishing pathways, their presence and potential threats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve

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    Worldwide, marine biological invasions of non-native species have increased significantly in recent years due to a rapid rise in global trade, transport and tourism. Invasions occur when non-native species are transported from one region to another and establish, often resulting in competition displacing native species and changing ecosystems. Historic literature searches were conducted along with dive surveys of the main ports and in sites around the archipelago in order to produce a baseline of which non-native species are present in the Galapagos Marine Reserve at this time. Confounding processes of anthropogenic and natural activities are increasing the potential spread of marine invasive species in the Eastern Tropical Pacific and the Galapagos Marine Reserve. We discuss the potential vectors facilitating marine invasions with the suggestion that marine traffic could be the most influential vector in the transport of marine non-natives to the Galapagos Marine Reserve. The challenge for marine park authorities is to identify those species that are likely to cause negative impacts on native biodiversity and ecosystems before they establish in the Galapagos, and to develop pre-emptive strategies that would likely include prevention as well as risk-based management strategies to remove them or to mitigate their harmful effects

    Effects of epibiosis on consumer-prey interactions

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    In many benthic communities predators play a crucial role in the population dynamics of their prey. Surface characteristics of the prey are important for recognition and handling by the predator. Because the establishment of an epibiotic assemblage on the surface of a basibiont species creates a new interface between the epibiotized organism and its environment, we hypothesised that epibiosis should have an impact on consumer-prey interactions. In separate investigations, we assessed how epibionts on macroalgae affected the susceptibility of the latter to herbivory by the urchin Arbacia punctulata and how epibionts on the blue mussel Mytilus edulis affected its susceptibility to predation by the shore crab Carcinus maenas. Some epibionts strongly affected consumer feeding behavior. When epibionts were more attractive than their host, consumer pressure increased. When epibionts were less attractive than their host or when they were repellent, consumer pressure decreased. In systems that are controlled from the top-down, epibiosis can strongly influence community dynamics. For the Carcinus/Mytilus system that we studied, the insitu distribution of epibionts on mussels reflected the epibiosis-determined preferences of the predator. Both direct and indirect effects are involved in determining these epibiont-prey-consumer interactions

    Distribution of the invasive bryozoan Schizoporella japonica in Great Britain and Ireland and a review of its European distribution

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    The bryozoan Schizoporella japonica Ortmann (1890) was first recorded in European waters in 2010 and has since been reported from further locations in Great Britain (GB) and Norway. This paper provides a new earliest European record for the species from 2009, a first record from Ireland and presence and absence records from a total of 231 marinas and harbours across GB, Ireland, the Isle of Man, France and Portugal. This species is typically associated with human activity, including commercial and recreational vessels, aquaculture equipment, and both wave and tidal energy devices. It has also been observed in the natural environment, fouling rocks and boulders. The species has an extensive but widely discontinuous distribution in GB and Ireland. Although found frequently in marinas and harbours in Scotland, it inhabits only a few sites in England, Wales and Ireland, interspersed with wide gaps that are well documented as genuine absences. This appears to be a rare example of a southward-spreading invasion in GB and Ireland. The species has been reported from the Isle of Man and Norway but has not been found in France or Portugal. In the future we expect S. japonica to spread into suitable sections of the English, Welsh and Irish coasts, and further within Europe. The species’ capability for long-distance saltatory spread and potential for negative impact on native ecosystems and economic activity suggests that S. japonica should now be considered invasive in GB and Ireland. As such, it is recommended that biosecurity procedures alongside effective surveillance and monitoring should be prioritised for regions outside the species’ current distribution

    Microfluidic liquid sheets as large-area targets for high repetition XFELs

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    The high intensity of X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) can damage solution-phase samples on every scale, ranging from the molecular or electronic structure of a sample to the macroscopic structure of a liquid microjet. By using a large surface area liquid sheet microjet as a sample target instead of a standard cylindrical microjet, the incident X-ray spot size can be increased such that the incident intensity falls below the damage threshold. This capability is becoming particularly important for high repetition rate XFELs, where destroying a target with each pulse would require prohibitively large volumes of sample. We present here a study of microfluidic liquid sheet dimensions as a function of liquid flow rate. Sheet lengths, widths and thickness gradients are shown for three styles of nozzles fabricated from isotropically etched glass. In-vacuum operation and sample recirculation using these nozzles is demonstrated. The effects of intense XFEL pulses on the structure of a liquid sheet are also briefly examined

    Is there a protective effect of normal to high intellectual function on mental health in children with chronic illness?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High intellectual function is considered as a protective factor for children's mental health. Few studies have investigated the effect of intellectual function on mental health in children with chronic illness (CI). The aim of the present study was twofold: First, we asked if <it>normal to high </it>intellectual function (IQ) has a protective effect on mental health in children with CI, and secondly, if this effect is more substantial than in their peers (NCI).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The participants were selected among children who participated in the Bergen Child Study (BCS): 96 children with CI (the CI-group) and 96 children without CI (the NCI-group). The groups were matched on intellectual function as measured by the WISC-III by selecting the same number of children from three levels of the Full Scale IQ Score (FSIQ): "very low" (<70),"low" (70 to 84), or "normal to high" (>84). CI was reported by parents as part of a diagnostic interview (Kiddie-SADS-PL) that also generated the mental health measures used in the present study: the presence of a DSM-IV psychiatric diagnosis and the score on the Children's Global Assessment Scale.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The risk of a psychiatric diagnosis was significantly lower for children with a normal to high FSIQ-level than for children with a very low and low FSIQ-level in the CI-group as well as in the NCI-group. The group differences were statistically non-significant for all three FSIQ-levels, and the effect of the interaction between the group-variable (CI/NCI) and the FSIQ-level was non-significant on both measures of mental health.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study showed a protective effect of normal to high intellectual function on children's mental health. This protective effect was not more substantial in children with CI than in children without CI.</p

    Accuracy and reliability of diffusion imaging models

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    Diffusion imaging aims to non-invasively characterize the anatomy and integrity of the brain\u27s white matter fibers. We evaluated the accuracy and reliability of commonly used diffusion imaging methods as a function of data quantity and analysis method, using both simulations and highly sampled individual-specific data (927-1442 diffusion weighted images [DWIs] per individual). Diffusion imaging methods that allow for crossing fibers (FSL\u27s BedpostX [BPX], DSI Studio\u27s Constant Solid Angle Q-Ball Imaging [CSA-QBI], MRtrix3\u27s Constrained Spherical Deconvolution [CSD]) estimated excess fibers when insufficient data were present and/or when the data did not match the model priors. To reduce such overfitting, we developed a novel Bayesian Multi-tensor Model-selection (BaMM) method and applied it to the popular ball-and-stick model used in BedpostX within the FSL software package. BaMM was robust to overfitting and showed high reliability and the relatively best crossing-fiber accuracy with increasing amounts of diffusion data. Thus, sufficient data and an overfitting resistant analysis method enhance precision diffusion imaging. For potential clinical applications of diffusion imaging, such as neurosurgical planning and deep brain stimulation (DBS), the quantities of data required to achieve diffusion imaging reliability are lower than those needed for functional MRI
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