9 research outputs found

    The Savage Detectivism of Roberto Bolaño’s Fiction

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    The present study analyses Roberto Bolaño’s engagement with marginality in the novels The Savage Detectives and 2666, via the conventions of the noir genre. The aesthetics of the peripheral, the poetics of triviality, vagrancy, bohemian wanderlust, and enigmatic rituals are performed in an inimitable personal style that problematizes issues pertaining to the theory of literature and the theory of the novel. Atomised, puzzle-like novels with deliberately obscure police procedural plots, The Savage Detectives and 2666 break several authorial and narrative architectural patterns, becoming major landmarks in today’s novelistic worldscape

    Cenotaph and Tumulus – Ethics and Memory. The Micronovel Dora Bruder by Patrick Modiano and the Fiction of Herta Müller

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    The present study approaches the micro-novel Dora Bruder by Patrick Modiano from the perspective of memory (and post-memory) which, through documentary work, restores the identity of the victims definitively annulled by the Nazi regime (victims who have no grave). Our hypothesis is that Modiano is building a literary cenotaph for Dora Bruder. For her part, Herta Müller tries, in at least two of her novels (The Land of Green Plums and The Appointment), to build for the victims of the Securitate (the Political Police in Communist Romania, during the neo-Stalinist regime under Nicolae Ceaușescu), a memorial, a literary tumulus. In this case, it is about victims who have a grave, but the author is building a second grave from an ethical point of view

    Ruxandra Cesereanu - O sută și una de poezii

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    Il volume è un'antologia di 101 poesie di Ruxandra Cesereanu. La selezione delle poesie e dei riferimenti critici è a cura di Giovanni Magliocco e Ilona Duță, la prefazione è di Giovanni Magliocco, la postfazione di Ilona Duță

    Panteră neagră am fost cândva. Poeme alese de Giovanni Magliocco și Ilona Duță

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    Si tratta di una retrospettiva antologica dell'opera della poetessa rumena contemporanea Ruxandra Cesereanu. La selezione delle poesie è a cura di Giovanni Magliocco e Ilona Duță, la prefazione è di Giovanni Magliocco, la postfazione di Ilona Duță

    Annals of the 'Constantin Brrncuui' University of Targu Jiu: Letters and Social Sciences Series No. 1/2014 (Analele Universitatii 'Constantin Brancusi' Din Targu-Jiu: Seria Litere Si Stiinte Sociale, Nr. 1/2014)

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