62 research outputs found

    Empirical use of antibiotics and adjustment of empirical antibiotic therapies in a university hospital: a prospective observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Several strategies to optimise the use of antibiotics have been developed. Most of these interventions can be classified as educational or restrictive. Restrictive measures are considered to be more effective, but the enforcement of these measures may be difficult and lead to conflicts with prescribers. Any intervention should be aimed at targets with the highest impact on antibiotic prescribing. The aim of the present study was to assess the adequacy of empirical and adjusted antibiotic therapies in a Swiss university hospital where no antibiotic use restrictions are enforced, and to identify risk factors for inadequate treatment and targets for intervention. METHODS: A prospective observational study was performed during 9 months. All patients admitted through the emergency department who received an antibiotic therapy within 24 hours of admission were included. Data on demographic characteristics, diagnoses, comorbidities, systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) parameters, microbiological tests, and administered antibiotics were collected prospectively. Antibiotic therapy was considered adequate if spectrum, dose, application modus, and duration of therapy were appropriate according to local recommendations or published guidelines. RESULTS: 2943 admitted patients were evaluated. Of these, 572 (19.4%) received antibiotics within 24 hours and 539 (94%) were analysed in detail. Empirical antibiotic therapy was inadequate in 121 patients (22%). Initial therapy was adjusted in 168 patients (31%). This adjusted antibiotic therapy was inadequate in 46 patients (27%). The main reason for inadequacy was the use of antibiotics with unnecessarily broad spectrum (24% of inadequate empirical, and 52% of inadequate adjusted therapies). In 26% of patients with inadequate adjusted therapy, antibiotics used were either ineffective against isolated pathogenic bacteria or antibiotic therapy was continued despite negative results of microbiological investigations. CONCLUSION: The rate of inadequate antibiotic therapies was similar to the rates reported from other institutions despite the absence of a restrictive antibiotic policy. Surprisingly, adjusted antibiotic therapies were more frequently inappropriate than empirical therapies. Interventions aiming at improving antibiotic prescribing should focus on both initial empirical therapy and streamlining and adjustment of therapy once microbiological results become available

    Procalcitonin-guided antibiotic use versus a standard approach for acute respiratory tract infections in primary care: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial and baseline characteristics of participating general practitioners [ISRCTN73182671]

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    BACKGROUND: Acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) are among the most frequent reasons for consultations in primary care. Although predominantly viral in origin, ARTI often lead to the prescription of antibiotics for ambulatory patients, mainly because it is difficult to distinguish between viral and bacterial infections. Unnecessary antibiotic use, however, is associated with increased drug expenditure, side effects and antibiotic resistance. A novel approach is to guide antibiotic therapy by procalcitonin (ProCT), since serum levels of ProCT are elevated in bacterial infections but remain lower in viral infections and inflammatory diseases. The aim of this trial is to compare a ProCT-guided antibiotic therapy with a standard approach based on evidence-based guidelines for patients with ARTI in primary care. METHODS/DESIGN: This is a randomised controlled trial in primary care with an open intervention. Adult patients judged by their general practitioner (GP) to need antibiotics for ARTI are randomised in equal numbers either to standard antibiotic therapy or to ProCT-guided antibiotic therapy. Patients are followed-up after 1 week by their GP and after 2 and 4 weeks by phone interviews carried out by medical students blinded to the goal of the trial. Exclusion criteria for patients are antibiotic use in the previous 28 days, psychiatric disorders or inability to give written informed consent, not being fluent in German, severe immunosuppression, intravenous drug use, cystic fibrosis, active tuberculosis, or need for immediate hospitalisation. The primary endpoint is days with restrictions from ARTI within 14 days after randomisation. Secondary outcomes are antibiotic use in terms of antibiotic prescription rate and duration of antibiotic treatment in days, days off work and days with side-effects from medication within 14 days, and relapse rate from the infection within 28 days after randomisation. DISCUSSION: We aim to include 600 patients from 50 general practices in the Northwest of Switzerland. Data from the registry of the Swiss Medical Association suggests that our recruited GPs are representative of all eligible GPs with respect to age, proportion of female physicians, specialisation, years of postgraduate training and years in private practice

    Epilepsy in Dcx Knockout Mice Associated with Discrete Lamination Defects and Enhanced Excitability in the Hippocampus

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    Patients with Doublecortin (DCX) mutations have severe cortical malformations associated with mental retardation and epilepsy. Dcx knockout (KO) mice show no major isocortical abnormalities, but have discrete hippocampal defects. We questioned the functional consequences of these defects and report here that Dcx KO mice are hyperactive and exhibit spontaneous convulsive seizures. Changes in neuropeptide Y and calbindin expression, consistent with seizure occurrence, were detected in a large proportion of KO animals, and convulsants, including kainate and pentylenetetrazole, also induced seizures more readily in KO mice. We show that the dysplastic CA3 region in KO hippocampal slices generates sharp wave-like activities and possesses a lower threshold for epileptiform events. Video-EEG monitoring also demonstrated that spontaneous seizures were initiated in the hippocampus. Similarly, seizures in human patients mutated for DCX can show a primary involvement of the temporal lobe. In conclusion, seizures in Dcx KO mice are likely to be due to abnormal synaptic transmission involving heterotopic cells in the hippocampus and these mice may therefore provide a useful model to further study how lamination defects underlie the genesis of epileptiform activities

    The contribution of Swiss scientists to the assessment of energy metabolism

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    Although Switzerland is considered a small country, it has its share in discoveries, inventions and developments for the assessment of energy metabolism. This includes seminal contributions to respiratory and metabolic physiology and to devices for measuring energy expenditure by direct and indirect calorimetry in vivo in humans and small animals (as well as in vitro in organs/tissues), for the purpose of evaluating the basic nutritional requirements. A strong momentum came during World War II when it was necessary to evaluate the energy requirements of soldiers protecting the country by assessing their energy expenditure, as well as to determine the nutritional needs of the Swiss civil population in time of war when food rationing was necessary to ensure national neutrality and independence. A further impetus came in the 1970s at the start of the obesity epidemics, toward a better understanding of the metabolic basis of obesity, ranging from the development of whole-body concepts to molecular mechanisms. In a trip down memory lane, this review focuses on some of the earlier leading Swiss scientists who have contributed to a better understanding of the field

    Simulation of single grain cutting using SPH method

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    So-called Engineered Grinding Tools (EGT) have been developed in order to satisfy the industry's demand for more efficient and cost-effective grinding tools, which differ from classic grinding tools by placing and brazing single abrasive grains in a predefined pattern onto the grinding tool body. Single grain cutting simulations form an important part towards an advanced understanding of the engineered grinding process. Cutting simulations with FE Methods encounter problems arising from large deformation and material separation. These can be overcome using meshless methods. In this work, a Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Method is used to model the single diamond grain cutting, which can be used as the basis process for physical simulation of the grinding process. As results the influence of the grain geometry, grain orientation and grain placement on the cutting forces, the burr generation and the chip removal rate are presented. It is shown that the cutting forces for a given grain geometry as well as the burr generation are heavily influenced by the orientation of the minor and the main cutting faces. Also cutting in material being work hardened by preceding grains, is simulated in order to be able to synthesize the grinding process from single grain cutting

    Thermogenic effect of amrinone in healthy men.

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    OBJECTIVES: The thermogenic effect of amrinone is unknown and its utilization in patients with severe cardiac failure could potentially increase oxygen requirements and therefore aggravate oxygen debt. Consequently, the present study was undertaken to assess the thermogenic response to amrinone at three different plasma concentrations under controlled conditions and to analyze amrinone's effects on various biochemical variables. DESIGN: A prospective, unblinded, controlled study. The initial control period was followed by three sequential, experimental treatments. SUBJECTS: Ten young, healthy, male volunteers with normal body weight. INTERVENTIONS: Three experimental periods. Amrinone was administered intravenously in progressive doses: a) 0.5 mg/kg followed by 5 micrograms/kg/min; b) 0.5 mg/kg followed by 10 micrograms/kg/min; and c) 1.0 mg/kg followed by 10 micrograms/kg/min. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Oxygen consumption (VO2) and CO2 production were continuously measured by means of a computerized indirect calorimeter. At the highest dose, amrinone produced a slight and significant (p < .01) increase in VO2 and in resting metabolic rate (+4.5% and +3.7%, respectively), while no change in CO2 production or in respiratory quotient occurred throughout the study. At the medium and high doses, amrinone increased plasma free fatty acid concentrations by 38% and 53%, respectively (p < .05). No variation in plasma glucose, lactate, insulin, norepinephrine, or epinephrine concentrations was observed during the study. CONCLUSIONS: Amrinone administered intravenously at therapeutic doses has minimal thermogenic and metabolic effects in humans without cardiac failure

    Dynamic assessment of severity of illness in pediatric intensive care.

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    Severity of illness in 293 pediatric ICU patients was assessed by a daily estimate of ICU survival. The probability of nonsurvival was obtained by logistic regression analysis, using physiologic stability index (PSI) values from previous days as time-dependent covariates. Only PSI values from the previous 2 days gave statistically significant predictions of short-term (less than 24 h) outcome. When the prediction model derived from these data was tested prospectively on a separate set of 345 pediatric patients, there was excellent agreement between observed and predicted short-term mortality. Receiver operating characteristic curves for the 345 patients were statistically equivalent to those originally derived for the 293 patients, and this prediction model had significantly (p less than .025) more accuracy than prediction based on admission PSI. These results indicate that this model for daily risk assessment is statistically reliable and objective, as verified against eventual outcome. In the 345 patients, ICU mortality was predicted with 89% sensitivity and 91% specificity. This prediction model may be used to stratify patient groups for clinical studies, or identify very low-risk patients for potential early ICU discharge