2,616 research outputs found

    Welfarism vs. extra-welfarism

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    'Extra-welfarism' has received some attention in health economics, yet there is little consensus on what distinguishes it from more conventional 'welfarist economics'. In this paper, we seek to identify the characteristics of each in order to make a systematic comparison of the ways in which they evaluate alternative social states. The focus, though this is not intended to be exclusive, is on health. Specifically, we highlight four areas in which the two schools differ: (i) the outcomes considered relevant in an evaluation; (ii) the sources of valuation of the relevant outcomes; (iii) the basis of weighting of relevant outcomes and (iv) interpersonal comparisons. We conclude that these differences are substantive. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The Quiet-Sun Photosphere and Chromosphere

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    The overall structure and the fine structure of the solar photosphere outside active regions are largely understood, except possibly important roles of a turbulent near-surface dynamo at its bottom, internal gravity waves at its top, and small-scale vorticity. Classical 1D static radiation-escape modelling has been replaced by 3D time-dependent MHD simulations that come closer to reality. The solar chromosphere, in contrast, remains ill-understood although its pivotal role in coronal mass and energy loading makes it a principal research area. Its fine structure defines its overall structure, so that hard-to-observe and hard-to-model small-scale dynamical processes are the key to understanding. However, both chromospheric observation and chromospheric simulation presently mature towards the required sophistication. The open-field features seem of greater interest than the easier-to-see closed-field features.Comment: Accepted for special issue "Astrophysical Processes on the Sun" of Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A, ed. C. Parnell. Note: clicking on the year in a citation opens the corresponding ADS abstract page in the browse

    The Swiss and Dutch Health Insurance Systems: Universal Coverage and Regulated Competitive Insurance Markets

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    Compares systems of universal insurance coverage based on individual mandates, consumer choice of health plans, and regulated insurance market competition in Switzerland and the Netherlands. Discusses insights and implications for U.S. reform efforts

    A coinductive calculus of component connectors

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    Reo is a recently introduced channel-based coordination model, wherein complex coordinators, called connectors, are compositionally built out of simpler ones. Using a more liberal notion of a channel, Reo generalises existing dataflow networks. In this paper, we present a simple and transparent semantical model for Reo, in which connectors are relations on timed data streams. Timed data streams constitute a characteristic of our model and consist of twin pairs of separate data and time streams. Furthermore, coinduction is our main reasoning principle and we use it to prove properties such as connector equivalence

    On the link between rotation, chromospheric activity and Li abundance in subgiant stars

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    The connection rotation-CaII emission flux-lithium abundance is analyzed for a sample of bona fide subgiant stars, with evolutionary status determined from HIPPARCOS trigonometric parallax measurements and from the Toulouse-Geneva code.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Optimizing propagating spin wave spectroscopy

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    The frequency difference between two oppositely propagating spin waves can be used to probe several interesting magnetic properties, such as the Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction (DMI). Propagating spin wave spectroscopy is a technique that is very sensitive to this frequency difference. Here we show several elements that are important to optimize devices for such a measurement. We demonstrate that for wide magnetic strips there is a need for de-embedding. Additionally, for these wide strips there is a large parasitic antenna-antenna coupling that obfuscates any spin wave transmission signal, which is remedied by moving to smaller strips. The conventional antenna design excites spin waves with two different wave vectors. As the magnetic layers become thinner, the resulting resonances move closer together and become very difficult to disentangle. In the last part we therefore propose and verify a new antenna design that excites spin waves with only one wave vector. We suggest to use this antenna design to measure the DMI in thin magnetic layers.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    HST/FOS Eclipse Observations of the Nova-like Cataclysmic Variable UX Ursae Majoris

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    [abridged abstract] We present and analyze Hubble Space Telescope observations of the eclipsing nova-like cataclysmic variable UX UMa obtained with the Faint Object Spectrograph. Two eclipses each were observed with the G160L grating (covering the ultraviolet waveband) in August of 1994 and with the PRISM (covering the near-ultraviolet to near-infrared) in November of the same year. The system was 50% brighter in November than in August, which, if due to a change in the accretion rate, indicates a fairly substantial increase in Mdot_acc by >~ 50%. Model disk spectra constructed as ensembles of stellar atmospheres provide poor descriptions of the observed post-eclipse spectra, despite the fact that UX UMa's light should be dominated by the disk at this time. Suitably scaled single temperature model stellar atmospheres with T_eff = 12,500-14,500 K actually provide a better match to both the ultraviolet and optical post-eclipse spectra. Evidently, great care must be taken in attempts to derive accretion rates from comparisons of disk models to observations. One way to reconcile disk models with the observed post-eclipse spectra is to postulate the presence of a significant amount of optically thin material in the system. Such an optically thin component might be associated with the transition region (``chromosphere'') between the disk photosphere and the fast wind from the system, whose presence has been suggested by Knigge & Drew (1997).Comment: 35 pages, including 12 figures; to appear in the ApJ (Vol. 499

    Effect of baselevel change on floodplain and fan sediment storage and ephemeral tributary channel morphology, Navarro River, California

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    Managed baselevel lowering in tributaries that emerge from small canyons onto forested floodplains affects floodplain and fan sediment storage and small ephemeral tributary channel morphology in the Navarro River basin, Mendocino Country, California, USA. Numerous small tributaries (drainage areas up to several square kilometres) flow through culverts under Highway 128 across the forested floodplain of the Navarro River and one of its major tributaries, the North Fork. Excavation significantly deepened and widened these small tributaries upstream and downstream of culverts under the highway following the 1997 flood (recurrence interval 12 years), that inundated both the floodplain and the highway and culvert system. The excavation lowered the local baselevel of the tributary systems within the floodplain. This field study documents the effect of the lowered baselevel on floodplain and fan sediment storage and ephemeral tributary channel morphology. Excavation created defined channels in the floodplain where no channels previously existed. Additionally, the excavation and baselevel change created steps, or knickpoints, that migrated headward and incised the upstream tributary channels. Tributary incision decreases the sediment storage potential of the fan and floodplain and reduces the residence time for storage of fine sediment. A reduction in fine sediment residence time degrades downstream habitat for anadromous fish and other aquatic organisms in the Navarro River. Large wood influences floodplain and small tributary channel morphology by forming steps and increases sediment residence time by trapping sediment in forested tributary-fan-floodplain systems. Although this field investigation is specific to the Navarro River basin, our findings linking culvert maintenance excavation to geomorphic processes may be extended to other roads on forested floodplains in the Pacific Northwest or other systems with roads on floodplains
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