431 research outputs found

    You’re Perfect, Now Change — Redefining the Role of Developmental Plasticity

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    The receptive field properties of neurons in the developing brain can in many cases be remarkably similar to those of adult neurons. This raises the question of why these same neurons need the capacity for such impressive developmental plasticity, most clearly demonstrated by the rewiring that occurs in response to sensory deprivation. The roles of developmental neuronal plasticity in the assimilation of neurons into a larger network, including temporal and cross-modal integration, are discussed

    Insights into activity-dependent map formation from the retinotectal system: a middle-of-the-brain perspective

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    ABSTRACT: The development of orderly topographic maps in the central nervous system (CNS) results from a collaboration of chemoaffinity cues that establish the coarse organization of the projection and activity-dependent mechanisms that fine-tune the map. Using the retinotectal projection as a model system, we describe evidence that biochemical tags and patterned neural activity work in parallel to produce topographically ordered axonal projections. Finally, we review recent experiments in other CNS projections that support the proposition that cooperation between molecular guidance cues and activity-dependent processes constitutes a general paradigm for CNS map formation

    A Developmental Sensitive Period for Spike Timing-Dependent Plasticity in the Retinotectal Projection

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    The retinotectal projection in Xenopus laevis has been shown to exhibit correlation-based refinement of both anatomical and functional connectivity during development. Spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) is an appealing experimental model for correlation-based synaptic plasticity because, in contrast to plasticity induction paradigms using tetanic stimulation or sustained postsynaptic depolarization, its induction protocol more closely resembles natural physiological activity. In Xenopus tadpoles, where anatomical remodeling has been reported throughout much of the life of the animal, in vivo retinotectal STDP has only been examined under a limited set of experimental conditions. Using perforated-patch recordings of retina-evoked EPSCs in tectal neurons, we confirmed that repeatedly driving a retinotectal EPSP 5–10 ms prior to inducing an action potential in the postsynaptic cell, reliably produced timing-dependent long-term potentiation (t-LTP) of the retinotectal synapse in young wild type tadpoles (stages 41–44). At these stages, retinotectal timing-dependent long-term depression (t-LTD) also could be induced by evoking an EPSP to arrive 5–10 ms after an action potential in the tectal cell. However, retinotectal STDP using this standard protocol was limited to a developmental sensitive period, as we were unable to induce t-LTP or t-LTD after stage 44. Surprisingly, this STDP protocol also failed to induce reliable STDP in albino tadpoles at the early ages when it was effective in wild type pigmented animals. Nonetheless, low-frequency flashes to the eye produced a robust NMDA receptor-dependent retinotectal LTD in stage 47 albino tadpoles, demonstrating that the retinotectal synapse can nonetheless be modified in these animals using different plasticity paradigms

    Stabilization of axon branch dynamics by synaptic maturation

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    The developmental refinement of topographic projections in the brain is reflected in the dynamic sculpting of axonal arbors that takes place as connections between CNS structures form and mature. To examine the role of synaptogenesis and synaptic maturation in the structural development of axonal projections during the formation of the topographic retinotectal projection, we coexpressed cytosolic fluorescent protein (FP) and FP-tagged synaptophysin (SYP) in small numbers of retinal ganglion cells in living albino Xenopus laevis tadpoles to reveal the distribution and dynamics of presynaptic sites within labeled retinotectal axons. Two-photon time-lapse observations followed by quantitative analysis of tagged SYP levels at individual synapses demonstrated the time course of synaptogenesis: increases in presynaptic punctum intensity are detectable within minutes of punctum emergence and continue over many hours. Puncta lifetimes correlate with their intensities. Furthermore, we found that axon arbor dynamics are affected by synaptic contacts. Axon branches retract past faintly labeled puncta but are locally stabilized at intensely labeled SYP puncta. Visual stimulation for 4 h enhanced the stability of the arbor at intense presynaptic puncta while concurrently inducing the retraction of exploratory branches with only faintly labeled or no synaptic sites

    White Matter Plasticity Keeps the Brain in Tune: Axons Conduct While Glia Wrap.

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    Precise timing of neuronal inputs is crucial for brain circuit function and development, where it contributes critically to experience-dependent plasticity. Myelination therefore provides an important adaptation mechanism for vertebrate circuits. Despite its importance to circuit activity, the interplay between neuronal activity and myelination has yet to be fully elucidated. In recent years, significant attention has been devoted to uncovering and explaining the phenomenon of white matter (WM) plasticity. Here, we summarize some of the critical evidence for modulation of the WM by neuronal activity, ranging from human diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies to experiments in animal models. These experiments reveal activity-dependent changes in the differentiation and proliferation of the oligodendrocyte lineage, and in the critical properties of the myelin sheaths. We discuss the implications of such changes for synaptic function and plasticity, and present the underlying mechanisms of neuron-glia communication, with a focus on glutamatergic signaling and the axomyelinic synapse. Finally, we examine evidence that myelin plasticity may be subject to critical periods. Taken together, the present review aims to provide insights into myelination in the context of brain circuit formation and function, emphasizing the bidirectional interplay between neurons and myelinating glial cells to better inform future investigations of nervous system plasticity

    A Miniaturized Enzymatic Biosensor for Detection of Sensory-Evoked D-serine Release in the Brain

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    D-serine has been implicated as a brain messenger with central roles in neural signaling and plasticity. Disrupted levels of D-serine in the brain have been associated with neurological disorders, including schizophrenia, depression and Alzheimer's disease. Electrochemical biosensors are attractive tools for measuring real-time in vivo D-serine concentration changes. Current biosensors suffer from relatively large sizes (≥25 μm) making localized cellular measurements challenging, especially for single cell studies. In this work, a robust methodology for the fabrication of a reproducible miniaturized 10 μm D-serine detecting amperometric biosensor was developed. The miniature biosensor incorporated yeast D-amino acid oxidase immobilized on a poly-meta-phenylenediamine modified 10 μm Pt disk microelectrode. The biosensor offered a limit of detection of 0.361 μM (RSD < 10%) with high sensitivity (283 μA cm-2 mM-1, R2 = 0.983). The biosensor was stable for over four hours of continuous use, demonstrated a storage stability of four days and high analyte selectivity. Biosensor selectivity was validated with LC-MS and interferences with yeast D-amino acid oxidase were evaluated using drugs believed to stimulate D-serine release. Ex vivo D-serine measurements were made from Xenopus laevis tadpole brains, demonstrating the utility of the biosensors for measurements on living tissue. We observed that D-serine levels in the brain fluctuate with sensory experience. The biosensors were also used in vivo successfully. Taken together, this study addresses factors for successful and reproducible miniature biosensor fabrication for measuring D-serine in biological samples, for pharmacological evaluation, and for designing point of care devices

    White Matter Plasticity Keeps the Brain in Tune: Axons Conduct While Glia Wrap

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    Precise timing of neuronal inputs is crucial for brain circuit function and development, where it contributes critically to experience-dependent plasticity. Myelination therefore provides an important adaptation mechanism for vertebrate circuits. Despite its importance to circuit activity, the interplay between neuronal activity and myelination has yet to be fully elucidated. In recent years, significant attention has been devoted to uncovering and explaining the phenomenon of white matter (WM) plasticity. Here, we summarize some of the critical evidence for modulation of the WM by neuronal activity, ranging from human diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies to experiments in animal models. These experiments reveal activity-dependent changes in the differentiation and proliferation of the oligodendrocyte lineage, and in the critical properties of the myelin sheaths. We discuss the implications of such changes for synaptic function and plasticity, and present the underlying mechanisms of neuron–glia communication, with a focus on glutamatergic signaling and the axomyelinic synapse. Finally, we examine evidence that myelin plasticity may be subject to critical periods. Taken together, the present review aims to provide insights into myelination in the context of brain circuit formation and function, emphasizing the bidirectional interplay between neurons and myelinating glial cells to better inform future investigations of nervous system plasticity

    Cellular response to micropatterned growth promoting and inhibitory substrates

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    BACKGROUND: Normal development and the response to injury both require cell growth, migration and morphological remodeling, guided by a complex local landscape of permissive and inhibitory cues. A standard approach for studying by such cues is to culture cells on uniform substrates containing known concentrations of these molecules, however this method fails to represent the molecular complexity of the natural growth environment. RESULTS: To mimic the local complexity of environmental conditions in vitro, we used a contact micropatterning technique to examine cell growth and differentiation on patterned substrates printed with the commonly studied growth permissive and inhibitory substrates, poly-L-lysine (PLL) and myelin, respectively. We show that micropatterning of PLL can be used to direct adherence and axonal outgrowth of hippocampal and cortical neurons as well as other cells with diverse morphologies like Oli-neu oligodendrocyte progenitor cell lines and fibroblast-like COS7 cells in culture. Surprisingly, COS7 cells exhibited a preference for low concentration (1 pg/mL) PLL zones over adjacent zones printed with high concentrations (1 mg/mL). We demonstrate that micropatterning is also useful for studying factors that inhibit growth as it can direct cells to grow along straight lines that are easy to quantify. Furthermore, we provide the first demonstration of microcontact printing of myelin-associated proteins and show that they impair process outgrowth from Oli-neu oligodendrocyte precursor cells. CONCLUSION: We conclude that microcontact printing is an efficient and reproducible method for patterning proteins and brain-derived myelin on glass surfaces in order to study the effects of the microenvironment on cell growth and morphogenesis

    Role of interstitial branching in the development of visual corticocortical connections: A time-lapse and fixed-tissue analysis

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    We combined fixed-tissue and time-lapse analyses to investigate the axonal branching phenomena underlying the development of topographically organized ipsilateral projections from area 17 to area 18a in the rat. These complementary approaches allowed us to relate static, large-scale information provided by traditional fixed-tissue analysis to highly dynamic, local, small-scale branching phenomena observed with two-photon time-lapse microscopy in acute slices of visual cortex. Our fixed-tissue data revealed that labeled area 17 fibers invaded area 18a gray matter at topographically restricted sites, reaching superficial layers in significant numbers by postnatal day 6 (P6). Moreover, most parental axons gave rise to only one or occasionally a small number of closely spaced interstitial branches beneath 18a. Our time-lapse data showed that many filopodium-like branches emerged along parental axons in white matter or deep layers in area 18a. Most of these filopo-dial branches were transient, often disappearing after several minutes to hours of exploratory extension and retraction. These dynamic behaviors decreased significantly from P4, when the projection is first forming, through the second postnatal week, suggesting that the expression of, or sensitivity to, cortical cues promoting new branch addition in the white matter is developmentally down-regulated coincident with gray matter innervation. Together, these data demonstrate that the development of topographically organized corticocortical projections in rats involves extensive exploratory branching along parental axons and invasion of cortex by only a small number of interstitial branches, rather than the widespread innervation of superficial cortical layers by an initially exuberant population of branches
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