187 research outputs found
Criação de imaturos de mutuca (Tabanidae: Diptera) utilizando briófitas e areia como substrato
A new method for rearing immature horse flies by using a substrate of bryophytes and sand is described and the advantages of such substrate for maintenance of species with long development periods are discussed
Sobrevivência de pupas de Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann) (Diptera, Calliphoridae) após submersão em laboratório
Between May and June of 2008, the survival of the pupae of Lucilia eximia (Diptera, Calliphoridae) was observed after submersion in laboratory. For this experiment 480 pupae of same age were used, these were divided in eight groups: the group control was not submerged and the other groups were submerged from one to seven days. The increase of the submersion period reduces the survival, with one day of submersion the survival is of 80%, with two days 40%, of 30% with three days, in the fourth day it falls to 23,34% and in the fifth day it is 10%. After this period the mortality rises to 100%. This pattern can be explained by the curve "U-shaped" that happens in the consumption of O2 during the pupal period, where the consumption is larger at the beginning and at the end of the pupal period. The time of submersion also affects the development time, increasing the pupal period. These data are potentially useful in estimating duration of submergence of a corpse in forensic entomology investigations
New records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Brazil
New records are presented for twenty-four species of Gerromorpha belonging to Gerridae (Brachymetra furva, B. lata, Cylindrostethus palmaris, Halobatopsis platensis, Limnogonus aduncus aduncus, L. ignotus, L. profugus, L. recurvus, Ovatametra minima, O. obesa, Tachygerris adamsoni and Neogerris lubricus), Mesoveliidae (Mesovelia zeteki and Mesoveloidea williamsi) and Veliidae (Microvelia longipes, Oiovelia brasiliensis, O. cunucunumana, Paravelia bullialata, P. capixaba, Platyvelia brachialis, Rhagovelia tenuipes, Stridulivelia astralis, S. quadrispinosa and S. tersa). These new records are distributed among the four administrate regions of Brazil, and the known geographical distribution of these species in the country is presented. © 2012 Check List and Authors
Activity of tabanids (Insecta: Diptera: Tabanidae) attacking the Reptiles Caiman crocodilus (Linn.) (Alligatoridae) and Eunectes murinus (Linn.) (Boidae), in the Central Amazon, Brazil
Tabanid females are better known as hematophagous on man and other mammals, and linked to mechanical transmission of parasites. The association between tabanids and reptiles is poorly known, but has been gaining more corroboration through experiments and occasional observation in the tropics. The present study was conducted at a military base (CIGS/BI-2), situated 54 km from Manaus, Amazonas, in a small stream in a clearing (02°45′33″S; 59°51 ′03″W). Observations were made monthly, from April 1997 to March 1998, during two consecutive days. At the same time, other vertebrate animals were offered, including humans. However in this paper only data obtained on a common caiman. Caiman crocodilus (Linn.), and an anaconda, Eunectes murinus (Linn.), in diurnal observations from 05:30 a.m. to 18:30 p.m., will be discussed. A total of 254 tabanid specimens were collected, 40 from the anaconda and 214 from the caiman. Four tabanid species were recorded on these two reptiles: Stenotabanus cretatus Fairchild, S. bequaerti Rafael et al., Phaeotabanus nigriflavus (Kröber) and Tabanus occidentalis Linn. Diurnal activities showed species-specific patterns. The first three species occurred only in the dry season. T. occidentalis occurred during the whole observation period, and with increased frequency at the end of the dry season. We observed preferences for body area and related behavior of the host. Observations on the attack of tabanids on one dead caiman are also presented
Sazonalidade e Uso de Ambientes por Espécies de Tabanidae (Diptera) na Amazônia Central, Brasil
Adults of Tabanidae may become serious pests wherever they occur due to their attack to humans and others animals. Tabanids were captured near ground, water surface and at 25 m high on primary forests and forest gaps of anthropogenic origin, to understand their abundance, seasonality, diversity and similarity on such environments. Collections were carried out in the Base II of the War Instruction Center in the Jungle (CIGS) located at 54 km from Manaus municipality, Amazonas state. Two Malaise flight interception traps and four attraction traps (two suspended at 25 m high and two above the water surface of igarapé) were installed in forest gap and primary forest, areas for 10 consecutive days, during 15 months. A total of 2,643 specimens of 66 species were captured. Diachlorini (35 species /11 genera) was the most abundant tribe, followed by Tabanini (19 species /three genera), Chrysopsini (seven species /one genus) and Scionini (five species /two genera). Seventeen species were captured only in the primary forest, 11 in the anthropic clearing, and 38 species were common to both environments. The most abundant species were Phorcotabanus cinereus (Wiedemann), Tabanus occidentalis L, Chrysops laetus Fabricius and Tabanus angustifrons Macquart. The greatest richness was found in drier months (September/October) in both areas. The forest gap showed higher abundance of specimens (1,827) than the primary forest (816). Traps suspended above the water surface were the most efficient (1,723 specimens) probably due to the dispersion of horseflies over small streams
Sazonalidade e atividade diurna de Tabanidae (Diptera: Insecta) de dossel na reserva florestal adolpho ducke, Manaus, AM
The seasonality and diurnal flight activity of tabanids from canopy was studied at Ducke Reserve, in the county of Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil, using a suspended trap installed at 20 m above the soil, connected to the carbon dioxide gas cylinder. During one day, twice monthly collects of Tabanidae were taken from April 2000 to June 2001. The material was collected from the trap in intervals of 2h and placed in plastic tubes. A total of 955 individuals, corresponding to thirty species were collected. Philipotabanus stigmaticalis (Kröber) (37.9%) was caught all over the year and showed higher flight activity between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Acanthocera marginalis Walker (16.3%) was more abundant in the less rainy months (July to November) with a higher activity period between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Acanthocera gorayebi Henriques & Rafael (9.0%) was more abundant in July with more activity between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Dichelacera damicornis (Fabricius) (10.9%) was more abundant in the months of heavier rainfall (January, February and April) and showed higher diurnal activity between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Diachlorus podagricus (Fabricius) (6.6%) was caught throughout the year except in February and showed higher activity between 10:00 a.m. and 14:00 p.m. The climatic factors when correlated to the tabanids richness just showed significant correlation with precipitation, while the specimens abundance was correlated to humidity and precipitation
Distribution of Paravelia recens (Drake & Harris, 1935) (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Veliidae) in Guzmania brasiliensis Ule, 1907 (Bromeliaceae) at Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil
This is the first record of Paravelia recens (Drake & Harris, 1935) (Heteroptera: Veliidae) in phytotelmata of Guzmania brasiliensis Ule, 1907 (Bromeliaceae). The study was conduced at Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, located on road AM 010 Km 26, Manaus, Amazonas. Twelve samplings were taken between April 2003 and April 2005, namely, six in the wet season and six in the dry season. Twelve bromeliads were analysed for each sampling, six terrestrials and six epiphytics, totaling 144 samples. With the exception of the 2004 March and October samples, 94 specimens of P. recens were found. The number of individuals was similar in the stratums sampled, accounting for 46 terrestrials and 48 epiphytics. P. recens were found in great abundance in the wet season (t-test between season; t=2,57; p=0,011), and the abundance of individuals was positively correlated with water volume by bromeliad (r s= 0,18; p=0,033). This fact could be explained by the major input of water in the wet season, causing the increase of mean water volume by bromeliad.Este é o primeiro registro de Paravelia recens (Drake & Harris, 1935) (HeteropteraVeliidae) em fitotelmata de Guzmania brasiliensis Ule, 1907 (Bromeliaceae). O estudo foi conduzido na Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, localizada na rodovia AM 010 km 26, Manaus, Amazonas. Foram realizadas doze amostragens, entre abril de 2003 e abril de 2005, seis no perÃodo chuvoso e seis no perÃodo de seca. Para cada amostragem, 12 bromélias foram analisadas, seis terrestres e seis epÃfitas, totalizando 144 amostras. Com exceção das amostras de março e outubro de 2004, 94 espécimes de P. recens foram encontrados. O número de indivÃduos coletados foi semelhante nos estratos amostrados, sendo 46 terrestres e 48 epÃfitas. No perÃodo chuvoso foi encontrado um maior número de P. recens (teste-t entre perÃodos; t =2,57; p=0,011), assim como a abundância de indivÃduos esteve positivamente correlacionada com o volume de água por bromélia (r s= 0,18; p=0,033). Este fato pode ser explicado pelo maior aporte de água no perÃodo chuvoso acarretando o aumento do volume médio de água nas bromélias
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