567 research outputs found

    Cuts and coproducts of massive triangle diagrams

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    Relations between multiple unitarity cuts and coproducts of Feynman integrals are extended to allow for internal masses. These masses introduce new branch cuts, whose discontinuities can be derived by placing single propagators on shell and identified as particular entries of the coproduct. First entries of the coproduct are then seen to include mass invariants alone, as well as threshold corrections for external momentum channels. As in the massless case, the original integral can possibly be recovered from its cuts by starting with the known part of the coproduct and imposing integrability contraints. We formulate precise rules for cuts of diagrams, and we gather evidence for the relations to coproducts through a detailed study of one-loop triangle integrals with various combinations of external and internal masses.Comment: 60 page

    Quarter Life Crisis Card Game Design Based on The Purpose Venn Diagram and IPE Ciputra Concept

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    As individuals transition towards emerging adulthood, the younger generation often experiences what is commonly referred to as a quarter-life crisis. Anxiety in choosing a profession and the future is a problem that needs to be solved. In order to be able to achieve a life balance with the principles of The Purpose Venn Diagram and to have a personality with values of integrity, professionalism, entrepreneurship, and creativity, this study designed an interactive card game design as a communication medium for sharing stories with peers. A qualitative approach utilizing the design thinking method has been implemented to observe the psychological shifts in students following the use of this game card. According to the study findings, this playing card has the potential to serve as both a communication facilitator and an engaging form of entertainment for college students


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    The publication at hand are the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection held between March 28 and April 1, 2023, in Kiel, Germany. The content of the articles ranges from local to large-scale case studies all over the world and from various archaeological times, over methodological improvements, new processing and visualization techniques to a special session on marine and wetland prospection. Thus, the collection of articles summarizes the state of the art of prospection methods for on- and offshore archaeological investigations


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    Makalah ini mengkaji penelitian tentang pencarian proporsi penambahan bekatul pada mocorin yang baik dikonsumsi oleh para penderita kolesterol. Kriteria ma- kanan yang baik untuk dikonsumsi oleh para penderita kolesterol adalah makanan dengan protein dan lemak yang rendah, namun memiliki kandungan serat yang ting- gi. Selanjutnya dibuat pemodelan data dan dicari parameter untuk fungsi tujuan. Fungsi tujuan dioptimalkan dengan menggunakan Algoritma Genetik (AG) multi- objective function. Diperoleh proporsi penambahan bekatul yang baik untuk dikon- sumsi oleh para penderita kolesterol adalah 25%

    Virus Induced Cataracts

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    Neural Organization of A3 Mushroom Body Extrinsic Neurons in the Honeybee Brain

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    In the insect brain, the mushroom body is a higher order brain area that is key to memory formation and sensory processing. Mushroom body (MB) extrinsic neurons leaving the output region of the MB, the lobes and the peduncle, are thought to be especially important in these processes. In the honeybee brain, a distinct class of MB extrinsic neurons, A3 neurons, are implicated in playing a role in learning. Their MB arborisations are either restricted to the lobes and the peduncle, here called A3 lobe connecting neurons, or they provide feedback information from the lobes to the input region of the MB, the calyces, here called A3 feedback neurons. In this study, we analyzed the morphology of individual A3 lobe connecting and feedback neurons using confocal imaging. A3 feedback neurons were previously assumed to innervate each lip compartment homogenously. We demonstrate here that A3 feedback neurons do not innervate whole subcompartments, but rather innervate zones of varying sizes in the MB lip, collar, and basal ring. We describe for the first time the anatomical details of A3 lobe connecting neurons and show that their connection pattern in the lobes resemble those of A3 feedback cells. Previous studies showed that A3 feedback neurons mostly connect zones of the vertical lobe that receive input from Kenyon cells of distinct calycal subcompartments with the corresponding subcompartments of the calyces. We can show that this also applies to the neck of the peduncle and the medial lobe, where both types of A3 neurons arborize only in corresponding zones in the calycal subcompartments. Some A3 lobe connecting neurons however connect multiple vertical lobe areas. Contrarily, in the medial lobe, the A3 neurons only innervate one division. We found evidence for both input and output areas in the vertical lobe. Thus, A3 neurons are more diverse than previously thought. The understanding of their detailed anatomy might enable us to derive circuit models for learning and memory and test physiological data

    Cancer clinical trials: identifying & testing approaches to impact evaluation

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    Most cancer research is performed with the aim of generating new knowledge that leads to benefits such as improved treatments, higher cure rates, and better cancer prevention. Evaluating these downstream effects of research, often referred to as research impact, is of increasing importance to all cancer research stakeholders. There is currently no consensus surrounding the optimal way to approach this evaluation. The work in this thesis aimed to address this gap by first identifying which approaches to impact assessment have been applied previously for cancer research, and in particular for cancer clinical trials, and secondly to test a number of these approaches within the context of a case study of one cancer clinical trial. The Short Course Oncology Treatment (SCOT) trial was chosen for the purposes of the case study. SCOT was a phase III randomised controlled trial (RCT) which tested the non-inferiority of shortening adjuvant treatment for patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) from the standard of 6 months to 3 months of doublet chemotherapy. The trial met its pre-specified non-inferiority end-point but showed unexpected differences in outcome based on the treatment regimen used and stage of disease. Specifically, for patients receiving CAPOX (capecitabine and oxaliplatin), non-inferiority for 3 months versus 6 months of treatment was met, but this was not the case for those treated with FOLFOX (5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin). Similarly, non-inferiority was met for patients with small tumours with a small nodal burden (low-risk stage III), but not for those with more extensive disease and/or a higher nodal burden (high-risk stage III disease). SCOT was the largest contributor to a collaboration of six trials addressing the same research question, called the International Duration Evaluation of Adjuvant therapy (IDEA). A systematic literature review was used to identify methods, frameworks, and categories of impact frequently used to perform research impact assessment (Chapter 3). This review was also used to identify previous impact assessments specific to cancer research. Fourteen empirical examples were identified, published between the years 1996 to 2015. These included assessment of research at the cancer project, programme and research centre level. One example specifically assessed the impact of a phase III cancer RCT. The methods for impact analysis included across these examples included surveys, interviews, bibliometric searching of journals and clinical guidelines, economic approaches and documentary analysis. The categories of impact most commonly used were policy, clinical practice, health and economic impact. The Payback framework and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) framework were utilised to collect data and communicate the results of impact assessment in two of these examples. A second approach was adopted to identify ways that have previously been used to assess the impact of cancer clinical trials in particular (Chapter 4). The research impact case studies submitted to the United Kingdom government’s research performance exercise for universities in 2014 were screened to find examples of assessments of the impact of cancer clinical trials. In total, 46 case studies describing 110 clinical trials were identified. Many of these trials were phase III trials that met their primary endpoint, but earlier phase trials and those with negative findings were also impactful. Policy impact was the most commonly described downstream effect. There was a gap within these case studies in the use of real world evidence to demonstrate the impact of cancer trials on clinical practices and health. A number of the approaches to impact assessment identified in the literature review and in the analysis of the REF 2014 case studies were then tested to evaluate the impact of the SCOT Trial. The methods used for this assessment included surveys of clinician prescribing practices (Chapter 5), economic evaluation of the budget impact of trial results implementation (Chapter 6), and interrogation of real world data to explore the clinical practice and potential health benefits attributable to the SCOT trial at both a local (Chapter 7) and national (Chapter 8) level. A clinician survey performed in April 2019 demonstrated a high level of awareness of SCOT trial results (Chapter 5), with 98% of those who were aware of the trial indicating they had changed their clinical practice based on the trial results. This impact on practice was driven mainly by shortening of treatment to 3 months for patients with low-risk stage III CRC (SCOT non-inferiority met), whereas most clinicians reported they still used 6 months of doublet chemotherapy for patients with high-risk stage III disease (SCOT non-inferiority not met). This finding aligned with the post-hoc subgroup analysis performed for both the SCOT trial and IDEA collaboration. When shortening treatment for this subgroup of patients, clinicians mainly used CAPOX, whereas there was a more even split between using CAPOX and FOLFOX when 6 months of treatment was still used. A follow up survey in August 2020 was performed using a subset of respondents to the first survey and showed an increase in the use of shorter (3 months) treatment for patients with stage III disease with one high-risk feature, compared to responses in April 2019. The results of the first clinician survey were applied within a budget impact analysis (Chapter 6) to estimate the economic impact of implementing SCOT trial results in the six countries that recruited to the trial. It was estimated that implementation of SCOT trial findings could translate to over 150millionUSDsavingsoverfiveyearsforthose6healthcaresystems(Australia,Denmark,NewZealand,Spain,Sweden,UK).Adoptingasocietalperspectivebyincludingmoneylostbecausepatientsdidnotworkwhenreceivinglongertreatment,aswellastravelcoststohospital,increasedthisimpactto150 million USD savings over five years for those 6 healthcare systems (Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, UK). Adopting a societal perspective by including money lost because patients did not work when receiving longer treatment, as well as travel costs to hospital, increased this impact to 340 million USD. Adding the monetised quality adjusted life-year (QALY) gains from implementation to this calculation (456millionUSD)meantthatthegainsfromimplementationofSCOTwerevastlyinexcessoftheoriginalinvestmenttoconducttheSCOTtrial(456 million USD) meant that the gains from implementation of SCOT were vastly in excess of the original investment to conduct the SCOT trial (8.8 million USD). The final analysis conducted as part of the SCOT case study involved examination of individual patient level chemotherapy prescribing data. Using local (one health board in Scotland) level data, five different approaches were tested to evaluate the impact of the SCOT trial. In this instance, the change in practice was obvious even using simple descriptive statistics. Out of the other methods tested, interrupted time series analysis (ITSA) was the additional method that added the most value; the strengths of the ITSA were the ability to visualise the trends in prescribing pre and post-SCOT, as well as the counterfactual situation. Focusing on patients prescribed doublet chemotherapy (as per the SCOT trial), there was a significant decrease (85% to 31%) in the proportion of patients receiving over 3 months of treatment after the SCOT trial results were published (ꭓ2 p<0.001) compared to before this time-point. There was no significant change in a comparator group of patients who received monotherapy (76% pre-SCOT versus 77% post-SCOT (ꭓ2 p=0.774)). In order to evaluate this impact at a national level, it was first necessary to establish, for the first time, linkage of chemotherapy prescribing data at a pan-Scottish level. This process presented several challenges relating to data access, resource and infrastructure. Analysis of this data demonstrated a reduction in the proportion of patients receiving over 3 months of treatment across cancer networks in Scotland, although this change was less marked for patients treated in the Northern cancer network because 3 months of treatment was used proportionally more in the pre-SCOT period, compared to in the West or South-East of the country. The change in practice across the country was driven by changes for patients receiving CAPOX specifically, rather than FOLFOX or monotherapy, again fitting with the SCOT and IDEA subgroup analyses. Change was also greater for patients with low-risk rather than high-risk stage III disease, mirroring the clinician survey results. Following these in-depth analyses across Chapters 5-8, results from the survey, economic evaluation and administrative data interrogation were combined and summarised using a number of different impact frameworks that had been identified in Chapter 3, including the Payback framework. This study has demonstrated how cancer research impact has been assessed in the past and has tested how impact analysis can be performed specifically for a cancer clinical trial. Evaluating the impact of the SCOT trial demonstrated its rapid and significant effects on new knowledge, future research, policy, clinical practice, and monetary savings for the health service. This assessment also allowed reflection on the pathway to these impacts occurring, as well as on how future trials could be designed to maximise impact. The study has highlighted challenges that currently exist to accessing real world data to investigate cancer trial impact. Further research to understand which impacts from clinical trials are meaningful to patients and trialists would be useful. More investment by funders and governments to support access to healthcare datasets that can be used to assess clinical practice change in response to trials would make impact assessments more straightforward in future

    ‘Living in parallel worlds’ – bereaved parents’ experience of family life when a parent with dependent children is at end of life from cancer: A qualitative study

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    Background: When a parent of dependent children ( Aim: To explore bereaved parents’ experience and needs for families when a parent is at end of life from cancer with dependent children. Design: In-depth, semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with 21 bereaved mothers and fathers, identified from the general public, a family support service and hospice. Data were analysed thematically. Results: Parents often live in ‘parallel worlds’ throughout the end of life period. In one world, ‘living in the moment’, cherishing the ordinariness of family life, remaining hopeful treatment will prolong life, whilst adapting as the illness unfolds. The other world presents as ‘intermitted glimpses that death is approaching’, shadowed with painful emotional concerns surrounding their children and the future. At the end, death rapidly approaches, characterised as suddenly ‘falling off the cliff’; placing significant demands on the well-parent. Conclusions: Amidst challenges, clinicians should provide parents with clear information surrounding a poor prognosis, so families can plan and prepare for parental death. There is a need for healthcare professionals to engage, encourage and equip parents, as they prepare their children throughout the end of life experience for the inevitable death of a parent.</p


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    Latar belakang: Anemia mikrositik hipokromik sering disebabkan oleh anemia defisiensi besi dan talasemia beta minor. Pemeriksaan baku emas talasemia beta adalah pemeriksaan genetik, sedangkan anemia defisiensi besi adalah pemeriksaan cadangan besi sumsum tulang. Kedua pemeriksaan tersebut memakan biaya yang mahal. Perlu adanya teknik skrining berupa indeks perhitungan yang adekuat dengan biaya yang terjangkau. Tujuan: Mengetahui dan membandingkan nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas Mentzer Index, Red Distribution Width Index dan Green and King Index. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian uji diagnostik. Terdapat 98 data anemia mikrositik hipokromik yang terdiri dari masing-masing 49 anemia defisiensi besi dan talasemia beta minor. Dilakukan perhitungan Mentzer index, Red Distribution Width Index dan Green and King Index yang dibandingkan dengan parameter diagnosis untuk mengetahui nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas. Parameter diagnosis emas yaitu ferritin serum atau TIBC atau besi serum untuk diagnosis anemia defisiensi besi dan hemoglobin A2 untuk diagnosis talasemia beta minor. Hasil: Mentzer index memiliki nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas untuk mendeteksi anemia defisiensi besi sebesar 93,88% dan 87,76%, dan talasemia beta minor sebesar 87,76% dan 93,88%. RDWI index memiliki nilai sensitivitas dan spseifisitas untuk medeteksi anemia defisiensi besi sebesar 89,80% dan 83,67%, dan untuk talasemia beta minor sebesar 83,67% dan 89,80%. Green and King index memiliki nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas anemia defisiensi besi sebesar 91,84% dan 77,55%, dan untuk talasemia beta minor sebesar 77,55% dan 91,84%. Kesimpulan: Mentzer index memiliki nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas tertinggi sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai teknik skrining untuk mendiagnosis talasemia beta minor dan anemia defisiensi besi. Kata kunci: anemia defisiensi besi, talasemia beta minor, Mentzer Index, Red Distribution Width Index, Green and King Inde

    Food choices, physical activity and metabolic health in obese patients

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    The aim of the current study was to analyse the food choices and physical activity of obese adult Estonian persons, and associations with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. The study was carried out on 76 patients aged over 35 years whose body mass index was ≥30 kg/m2. The subjects were recruited through family physicians. The subjects’ consumption of three food groups (fruit, vegetables, whole-grain products) and physical activity based on the IPAQ questionnaire was compared with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome based on five indicators (waist circumference, triglycerides, HDL- cholesterol and fasting plasma glucose, blood pressure). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was found to be 50%. The results of the study did not show statistically significant correlations between prevalence of metabolic syndrome and age or gender. Neither were there any significant age or gender differences in the subjects’ nutritional and activity behaviour. Comparison of the nutritional behaviour of persons with and without the metabolic syndrome showed that daily consumers of fruit had a 4.48 times lower risk of metabolic syndrome than those who ate fruit more seldom. No statistically significant correlation was found between physical activity and prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Based on the current study, the daily consumption of fruit can be an essential protective factor against metabolic syndrome in obese patients and provides a simple recommendation physicians can give their patients to follow
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