12 research outputs found
Comparison and Analysis of Neural Solver Methods for Differential Equations in Physical Systems
Differential equations are ubiquitous in many fields of study, yet not all equations, whether ordinary or partial, can be solved analytically. Traditional numerical methods such as time-stepping schemes have been devised to approximate these solutions. With the advent of modern deep learning, neural networks have become a viable alternative to traditional numerical methods. By reformulating the problem as an optimisation task, neural networks can be trained in a semi-supervised learning fashion to approximate nonlinear solutions. In this paper, neural solvers are implemented in TensorFlow for a variety of differential equations, namely: linear and nonlinear ordinary differential equations of the first and second order; Poisson’s equation, the heat equation, and the inviscid Burgers’ equation. Different methods, such as the naive and ansatz formulations, are contrasted, and their overall performance is analysed. Experimental data is also used to validate the neural solutions on test cases, specifically: the spring-mass system and Gauss’s law for electric fields. The errors of the neural solvers against exact solutions are investigated and found to surpass traditional schemes in certain cases. Although neural solvers will not replace the computational speed offered by traditional schemes in the near future, they remain a feasible, easy-to-implement substitute when all else fails
This project is intended to analyze, design and implement a realtime sound source localization system by using a mobile robot as the media. The implementated system uses 2 microphones as the sensors, Arduino Duemilanove microcontroller system with ATMega328p as the microprocessor, two permanent magnet DC motors as the actuators for the mobile robot and a servo motor as the actuator to rotate the webcam directing to the location of the sound source, and a laptop/PC as the simulation and display media. In order to achieve the objective of finding the position of a specific sound source, beamforming theory is applied to the system. Once the location of the sound source is detected and determined, the choice is either the mobile robot will adjust its position according to the direction of the sound source or only webcam will rotate in the direction of the incoming sound simulating the use of this system in a video conference. The integrated system has been tested and the results show the system could localize in realtime a sound source placed randomly on a half circle area (0 - 1800) with a radius of 0.3m - 3m, assuming the system is the center point of the circle. Due to low ADC and processor speed, achievable best angular resolution is still limited to 25o
Image processing in today’s world grabs massive attentions as it leads to possibilities of broaden application in many fields of high technology. The real challenge is how to improve existing sorting system in the Moduler Processing System (MPS) laboratirium which consists of four integrated stations of distribution, testing, processing and handling with a new image processing feature. Existing sorting method uses a set of inductive, capacitive and optical sensors do differentiate object color. This paper presents a mechatronics color sorting system solution with the application of image processing. Supported by OpenCV, image processing procedure senses the circular objects in an image captured in realtime by a webcam and then extracts color and position information out of it. This information is passed as a sequence of sorting commands to the manipulator (Mitsubishi Movemaster RV-M1) that does pick-and-place mechanism. Extensive testing proves that this color based object sorting system works 100% accurate under ideal condition in term of adequate illumination, circular objects’ shape and color. The circular objects tested for sorting are silver, red and black. For non-ideal condition, such as unspecified color the accuracy reduces to 80%.
Monitoring Vibration of a Model of Rotating Machine
Mechanical movement or motion of a rotating machine normally causes additional vibration. A vibration sensing device must be added to constantly monitor vibration level of the system having a rotating machine, since the vibration frequency and amplitude cannot be measured quantitatively by only sight or touch. If the vibration signals from the machine have a lot of noise, there are possibilities that the rotating machine has defects that can lead to failure. In this experimental research project, a vibration structure is constructed in a scaled model to simulate vibration and to monitor system performance in term of vibration level in case of rotation with balanced and unbalanced condition. In this scaled model, the output signal of the vibration sensor is processed in a microcontroller and then transferred to a computer via a serial communication medium, and plotted on the screen with data plotter software developed using C language. The signal waveform of the vibration is displayed to allow further analysis of the vibration. Vibration level monitor can be set in the microcontroller to allow shutdown of the rotating machine in case of excessive vibration to protect the rotating machine from further damage. Experiment results show the agreement with theory that unbalance condition on a rotating machine can lead to larger vibration amplitude compared to balance condition. Adding and reducing the mass for balancing can be performed to obtain lower vibration level
The IIUM low speed wind tunnel
The new IIUM low speed tunnel is of a closed-loop type having a test section of 1.5m × 2.3m × 6m and a maximum speed of 50 m/s. This paper describes measurement results for initial calibration and flow characteristics of this newly constructed wind tunnel. The results show that the total pressure varies within 0.999≤Cpt≤1.003, the dynamic pressure varies from -0.5 to 0.4 percent from the plane mean value, the flow angularity holds within ±0.2º and the boundary layer thickness is less than 2 percent of the equivalent hydraulic diameter of the test section
Pada penelitian tahun 2003 telah dikembangkan sistem telemetering air bawah tanah dan telah diterapkan di kota Semarang dengan memantau sebanyak 300 meteran air dengan 70 RTU. Pada tahun 2004 kegiatan ini sedang dilanjutkan ke kota Solo dan Pekalongan dengan tambahan 175 meteran air dengan 20 RTU. Masalah teknis yang menyita sumber daya saat instalasi lapangan adalah pemakaian koneksi kabel dari sensor pada meteran air ke RTU yang bisa berjarak 2 Km. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang suatu perangkat sub-RTU dengan teknologi wireless. RTU pada sistem ini sesungguhnya sudah mempergunakan wireless, namun biayanya terlalu tinggi jika harus dipasang disetiap meteran air. Mengingat disetiap kota besar bisa terpasang sekitar ribuan sumur air bawah tanah, maka sub-RTU yang diteliti harus berbiaya rendah, dibuat sekecil mungkin, dan pemakaian daya yang kecil. Pada kurun waktu yang sama Intel dan UC Berkeley bekerjasama mengembangkan teknologi baru merubah cara menghubungkan sensor kepada sistem kontrol dan akuisisi data [Culler 2004]. Telah dikembangkan platform open-source dan open hardware yang menggabungkan sensor, processor dan komunikasi dalam sebuah modul kecil.Hlm. 7-1
Vision-based vanishing point detection of autonomous navigation of mobile robot for outdoor applications
The vision-based approach to mobile robot navigation is considered superior due to its affordability. This paper aims to design and construct an autonomous mobile robot with a vision-based system for outdoor navigation. This robot receives inputs from camera and ultrasonic sensor. The camera is used to detect vanishing points and obstacles from the road. The vanishing point is used to detect the heading of the road. Lines are extracted from the environment using a canny edge detector and Houghline Transforms from OpenCV to navigate the system. Then, removed lines are processed to locate the vanishing point and the road angle. A low pass filter is then applied to detect a vanishing point better. The robot is tested to run in several outdoor conditions such as asphalt roads and pedestrian roads to follow the detected vanishing point. By implementing a Simple Blob Detector from OpenCV and ultrasonic sensor module, the obstacle's position in front of the robot is detected. The test results show that the robot can avoid obstacles while following the heading of the road in outdoor environments. Vision-based vanishing point detection is successfully applied for outdoor applications of autonomous mobile robot navigation
Dalam makalah ini dibahas tentang pengiriman data yang dilakukan untuk Sistem Telemetri ABT (Air Bawah Tanah ) yang sedang dilakukan. Sistem ini direncanakan dipasang pada 3 kota dan pusat kontrol terdapat di salah satu kota tersebut. Dan saat ini sistem sudah dipasang di satu kota. Selama ini untuk pengiriman hasil pengukuran digunakan radio tetapi biaya relatif tinggi dan jarak yang terbatas. Maka pada penelitian ini memanfaatkan ketersediaan sarana GSM-SMS pada telepon celular. Dengan menggunakan sarana SMS jarak tidak menjadi kendala dan efisiensi biaya pun dapat dilakukan.Hlm.42-4
Machine Vision Implementation in Rapid PCB Prototyping
Image processing, the heart of machine vision, has proven itself to be an essential part of the industries today. Its application has opened new doorways, making more concepts in manufacturing processes viable. This paper presents an application of machine vision in designing a module with the ability to extract drills and route coordinates from an un-mounted or mounted printed circuit board (PCB). The algorithm comprises pre-capturing processes, image segmentation and filtering, edge and contour detection, coordinate extraction, and G-code creation. OpenCV libraries and Qt IDE are the main tools used. Throughout some testing and experiments, it is concluded that the algorithm is able to deliver acceptable results. The drilling and routing coordinate extraction algorithm can extract in average 90% and 82% of the whole drills and routes available on the scanned PCB in a total processing time of less than 3 seconds. This is achievable through proper lighting condition, good PCB surface condition and good webcam quality.