10 research outputs found

    Dihedral Group, 4-Torsion on an Elliptic Curve, and a Peculiar Eigenform Modulo 4

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    We work out a non-trivial example of lifting a so-called weak eigenform to a true, characteristic 0 eigenform. The weak eigenform is closely related to Ramanujan's tau function whereas the characteristic 0 eigenform is attached to an elliptic curve defined over Q{\mathbb Q}. We produce the lift by showing that the coefficients of the initial, weak eigenform (almost all) occur as traces of Frobenii in the Galois representation on the 4-torsion of the elliptic curve. The example is remarkable as the initial form is known not to be liftable to any characteristic 0 eigenform of level 1. We use this example as illustrating certain questions that have arisen lately in the theory of modular forms modulo prime powers. We give a brief survey of those questions

    Eisenstein series, p-adic modular functions, and overconvergence

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    Let pp be a prime ≥5\ge 5. We establish explicit rates of overconvergence for members of the "Eisenstein family", notably for the pp-adic modular function V(E(1,0)∗)/E(1,0)∗V(E_{(1,0)}^{\ast})/E_{(1,0)}^{\ast} (VV the pp-adic Frobenius operator) that plays a pi\-votal role in Coleman's theory of pp-adic families of modular forms. The proof goes via an in-depth analysis of rates of overconvergence of pp-adic modular functions of form V(Ek)/EkV(E_k)/E_k where EkE_k is the classical Eisenstein series of level 11 and weight kk divisible by p−1p-1. Under certain conditions, we extend the latter result to a vast generalization of a theorem of Coleman--Wan regarding the rate of overconvergence of V(Ep−1)/Ep−1V(E_{p-1})/E_{p-1}. We also comment on previous results in the literature. These include applications of our results for the primes 55 and 77

    Algebra and Arithmetic of Modular Forms

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    Generators and relations of the graded algebra of modular forms

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    Generators and relations of the graded algebra of modular forms

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