30 research outputs found

    Perubahan Struktural Tenaga Kerja Dari Sektor Pertanian Ke Sektor Non Pertanian Di Provinsi Lampung

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    Agriculture is one of the sectors having largest contribution to the economy of Lampung Province. Most of the population categorized in to work forces, are engaged in agricultural sector as a main livelihood. In general, the rate of job opportunity growth is unbalance as compared to the work force growth. Although the job opportunity ofagricultural sector from year to year decreases compared to the job opportunity increases of non-agricultural and industrial sector. But from economic sector points of view, the employment\u27s structure in agriculture, in average, is higher than the other economic sectors. Although in the employment\u27s structure it is higher than the other economic sectors, but the contribution of agricultural sector decreases each years 0.32 percent. This condition is inversely with non-agricultural and industrial sector that are strengthened respectively 0.4 percent and 0.59 percent from year to year. The tendency of economic structural transformation, gives an overview whether the transformation is consistent with region\u27s potention. Productivity of the agriculture work force is left far behind the productivity of industrial sector and service\u27s work forcesector. It the trendcan be seen from the comparation of agriculture\u27s wage rate, it showed an increase but it still lower than the industrial sector. Agricultural labor\u27s proportion indicates a decreasing trend in each year. This phenomenon has an inverse relation to the non agricultural and industrial labor\u27s proportions that has increased from year to year. This mean, there is structural transformation of labor of agriculture sector to non-agriculture sector. By using econometric model, it can be identified significant factors influencing to the job opportunity and the influencing factors to the labor structural transformation from agriculture to non agriculture secto

    Keefektivan Komunikasi dalam Pengembangan Peran-Peran Kelembagaan Agropolitan

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    The aim of this research was to find the farmers perception about the agropolitan institutional role performance, tomeasure the level of communication's effectiveness and to find some factor that influence of its. The design andmethods in this research was survey and stratified random sampling. The data was obtained from three villages for120 respondents. Data was analyzed by non parametric statistic, in this case was Rank Spearman.The result shownthat farmer's perception about agropolitan institutional role were central, province and regency team work,agricultural extension agents, bussiness agent, farmer team work, PH and STA institutional actually haven't exactlyyet. The farmer perception is linierly, by using communicative method and rare frequency. The farmerscommunication in agropolitan institutional roles development haven't effective yet. Some factors of respondentcharacteristic that correlate with the intensity of farmer's social interaction, there are low education, experience andfarmer's income. The role of central, province,regency team work, agricultural extension agents, and farmer teamwork correlate significantly with the intensity of farmer's social interaction and the effectiveness of farmer'scommunication. The intensity of farmer's social interaction correlate significantly with farmer's perception andfarmer's behavior

    Keefektivan Komunikasi dalam Pengembangan Peran-Peran Kelembagaan Agropolitan

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    The aim of this research was to find the farmers perception about the agropolitan institutional role performance, tomeasure the level of communication’s effectiveness and to find some factor that influence of its. The design andmethods in this research was survey and stratified random sampling. The data was obtained from three villages for120 respondents. Data was analyzed by non parametric statistic, in this case was Rank Spearman.The result shownthat farmer’s perception about agropolitan institutional role were central, province and regency team work,agricultural extension agents, bussiness agent, farmer team work, PH and STA institutional actually haven’t exactlyyet. The farmer perception is linierly, by using communicative method and rare frequency. The farmerscommunication in agropolitan institutional roles development haven’t effective yet. Some factors of respondentcharacteristic that correlate with the intensity of farmer’s social interaction, there are low education, experience andfarmer’s income. The role of central, province,regency team work, agricultural extension agents, and farmer teamwork correlate significantly with the intensity of farmer’s social interaction and the effectiveness of farmer’scommunication. The intensity of farmer’s social interaction correlate significantly with farmer’s perception andfarmer’s behavior

    Dampak Sektor Pertambangan terhadap Perekonomian Wilayah di Kabupaten Luwu Timur

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    : Mining Sector Impact on the Economy Regional East Luwu Regency. The purposes of this study are to determine the role of the mining sector (non-oil & gas mining and quarrying) to the economy of the region and its linkage with other sectors in East Luwu Regency. The method used is a method of identification of the economic sectors East Luwu Regency and methods of RAS. The GDP analysis and analysis of Input-Output (IO) are employed in this study. Without oil and gas, mining sector is in the first position based on its contribution in the formation of GDP. On the other hand quarrying sector appear in 17th position The results show that mining sector has inter-sectorlinkages at below average. The value of Backward Linkage and Forward Linkage is less than one. This indicates that the mining sector has not been able to increase the growth of the upstream and downstream sectors

    Peran Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan terhadap Pengembangan Kawasan Minapolitan di Kecamatan Pasekan Kabupaten Indramayu

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    Minapolitan sebagai konsep pengembangan kawasan perdesaan di Indonesia umumnya disertai dengan pengembangan sumberdaya alam, prasarana dan sarana produksi, maupun permukiman yang membutuhkan pengelolaan bersama (common property) diantara kelompok pembudidaya ikan yang mensyaratkan adanya modal sosial. Kajian modal sosial dapat digunakan untuk melihat kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh kelompok pembudidaya ikan dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang timbul dalam bekerjasama demi tercapainya tujuan bersama. Hal ini membuat kajian mengenai modal sosial dipandang sangat perlu, sehingga dapat mengungkap dengan lebih jelas kekuatan modal sosial yang ada pada kelompok pembudidaya tambak di Kabupaten Indramayu. Tujuan penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: (1) menganalisis tingkatan modal sosial kelompok pembudidaya ikan dan (2) menganalisis hubungan antara modal sosial terhadap pengembangan kawasan minapolitan. Untuk mendapatkan data mengenai modal sosial kelompok pembudidaya ikan, digunakan daftar pertanyaan Social Capital Assessment Tool yang diukur menggunakan metode skala Likert. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengukuran dengan menggunakan instrumen kontinuum modal sosial yang direkomendasikan oleh Uphoff (2000) dan adaptasi dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Lenggono (2004). Untuk melihat keterkaitan hubungan antara variabel modal sosial terhadap pendapatan, dilakukan dengan analisis regresi logistik. Dari kelima komponen modal sosial yang diteliti, diketahui bahwa modal sosial yang dimiliki oleh kelompok pembudidaya ikan di Kecamatan Pasekan dikategorikan memiliki tingkat modal sosial sedang, serta hasil regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa teknologi dan hubungan sosial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengembangan kawasan minapolitan, dimana semakin maju teknologi yang digunakan dan semakin baik hubungan sosial diantara kelompok pembudidaya ikan, maka kawasan minapolitan juga akan semakin berkembang

    Status Berkelanjutan Kota Tangerang Selatan-Banten Dengan Menggunakan Key Performance Indicators (Sustainable Status of South Tangerang City-Banten Using Key Performance Indicators)

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    Uncontrolled urban development will result in pressure on the environment and the burden of the people. On the contrary, environmental degradation will lead to restricted economic development and decreased quality of life. In order to prevent negative impacts, it is necessary to implement the principles of sustainable city development. Evaluation of the implementation of sustainable city development is needed to determine whether the development of a city is sustainable or not. This study aimed to develop Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to assess the status of sustainable city development. The formulation of KPI is done with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). KPI generated consists of 21 indicators and 9 elements of the 3 pillars of sustainable development (economic, social, and environmental). Implementation of KPI conducted to measure the sustainable status of South Tangerang City. The results show that the city is in the early stages of sustainable development. In general, economic and social development is relatively good, but not so good with the environmental conditions

    Peran Kelembagaan Perdesaan Untuk Keberlanjutan Penerapan SRI Di Kabupaten Karawang

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    Sustainability of System of Rice Intensication (SRI) requires rural institution role. The study was conducted in Karawang and uses institutional economics approach and logit regression. The analysis shows potential problems of SRI related with principal-agent/institutional relation and economics transaction costs. Strengthening the activities within farmer groups will reduce economics transaction costs in beginning of application. Farmer will choose "bagi hasil/revenue sharing" as land management cooperation with moderate risks and transaction costs. Monitoring and incentive mechanism will reduce problems of adverse selection and moral hazard. Some factors which determine the sustainability of SRI are production, principal position, off farm work and ex ante transaction costs