3,828 research outputs found

    Seniors Assess their Experience at Western Washington University: Senior Survey (CSS) Results from 1999

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    Local and national CSS survey results are presented. Student characteristics, attitudes, values, educational achievement, and goals


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    CLIMATE LECTURE 3: Building a Climate Model

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    Climate, or the average of day-to-day weather, can be very different at various points on Earth. The local climate in the Arabian Desert is hot and dry, while that in the Amazon River basin is hot and humid with frequent rain. In upstate New York, the climate changes from being warm in the summer with sporadic rain to cold in the winter with sporadic snow. Hawaii, on the other hand, has a pleasant climate all year long. However, the day-to-day weather at all of these locations is much more variable. There can be dry days in the Amazon jungle, and rainy days in the Arabian Desert. There are some days in winter that are warmer than some days in summer. For further contrast, daylight in Antarctica lasts up to six months at a time with freezing cold day-in day-out. Can a climate model be built that can reproduce all of this complex behavior

    Modeling Florida Fresh Tomato Supply Response: Composite Switching Regressions with Variable Weather-Determined Lags

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    A supply-response model for Florida fresh tomatoes is specified to analyze the impacts of the U.S. Department of Commerce's suspension agreement which governs imports of fresh tomatoes from Mexico. The particular focus is on the impact of the "reference" price which causes Mexican imports in a given week to cease if import prices in the prior week fall to the reference price. Using weekly weather data, a growing degree day (GDD) variable is constructed which predicts week of first harvest and duration of harvest. The GDD variable is used to construct the appropriate, variable lag length for weekly acres planted in four Florida production regions. A composite switching-regime model is estimated in which the regime prior to the suspension agreement occurs at a known time. The other two regimes occur when Nogales f.o.b. price are "near" or not near the reference price. Preliminary results suggest weekly Florida shipments of fresh tomatoes are more own-price elastic when Nogales f.o.b. prices near the reference price.International Relations/Trade,

    Benthic polychaeta of the Middle Atlantic Bight: feeding and distribution

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    Patterns in the distribution of feeding-biology categories of polychaetous annelids were used to characterize benthic habitats of the Middle Atlantic Bight. Feeding biology classifications were based on recent publications regarding polychaete feeding and on gut-contents analyses of polychaetes collected in the study area. Proportion of carnivorous polychaetes was greatest in coarser sediments, and decreased significantly with depth across the continental shelf. Surface deposit feeders numerically dominated most habitats. Abundance of surface deposit feeders decreased across the continental shelf and sharply increased at the shelf break, paralleling the pattern of water-column production. Proportion of subsurface deposit feeders was greatest in fine-sediment habitats, and increased significantly with depth and percent organic carbon across the continental shelf. Sessile polychaetes generally inhabited physically stable habitats of the study area. Proportion of sessile polychaetes was positively correlated with percent silt and clay and percent organic carbon. Feeding-morphology categories were generally less closely related to habitat differences than were feeding or motility categories. These results suggest that the diverse assemblages of polychaetes that inhabit topographic depressions of the Middle Atlantic Bight may be dependent on stability of sediment parameters. Furthermore, distribution and abundance of surface deposit feeders may depend on food resources from water-column production, and distribution of sessile polychaetes may be limited by physical disturbance

    Five-year Follow-up of the Class of 1993: Alumni Satisfaction

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    A summary of findings from alumni surveys focusing on satisfaction with WWU one- and five-years after graduation

    Baby Boomers and the Church: a Seminar Towards Understanding

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    Problem. As one looks at the membership of the Seventh-day Adventist church today, it is apparent that a large segment of the baby-boom generation, those people born from 1946 to 1964 inclusively, is missing. This study was done to determine what can be done by the church to reclaim and/or evangelize baby boomers. Method. A study of the literature provided material used to gain a general understanding of the baby-boom generation. A survey was conducted of the graduating classes of Adelphian and Cedar Lake academies for the years 1967 and 1968. The results of this survey provided insights into an understanding of Adventist baby boomers in particular. Based on the material available in the literature and the results of the survey of Adelphian and Cedar Lake graduates, a seminar— Baby Boomers and the Church: A Seminar Towards Understanding — was conducted at two locations. Participants in the seminar completed two questionnaires— one at the beginning of the seminar and one after its completion. These questionnaires were designed to ascertain any increase in understanding of the baby-boom generation as a result of the seminar. Results. A comparison of the entrance and exit questionnaires showed a definite increase in the understanding on the part of the participants of both baby boomers themselves as well as the need of a specialized ministry to this generation. Conclusions. Baby boomers constitute a unique generation with distinctive needs. These needs require that the Seventh-day Adventist church take this generation seriously and begin to adopt an intentional, specialized form of ministry to this generation

    A Profile of the 2002 Western Washington University Graduating Class

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    Summary and analysis of statistics for the 2002 Western graduating class

    A Profile of the 2001 Western Washington University Graduating Class

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    Summary and analysis of statistics for the 2001 Western graduating class
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