3,252 research outputs found

    Instabilities in Zakharov Equations for Laser Propagation in a Plasma

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    F.Linares, G.Ponce, J-C.Saut have proved that a non-fully dispersive Zakharov system arising in the study of Laser-plasma interaction, is locally well posed in the whole space, for fields vanishing at infinity. Here we show that in the periodic case, seen as a model for fields non-vanishing at infinity, the system develops strong instabilities of Hadamard's type, implying that the Cauchy problem is strongly ill-posed

    Paper Session I-A - Space Shuttle to Reusable Launch Vehicle

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    The National Space Transportation Policy establishes national policy, guidelines, and implementing actions for the conduct of National space transportation programs that will sustain and revitalize U.S. space transportation capabilities... . The direction to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is to provide for the improvement of the Space Shuttle system focusing on reliability, safety, and cost effectiveness. as well as be the lead agency for technology development and demonstration for next generation reusable space transportation systems, such as the single-stage-to-orbit concept. With this vision, NASA has initiated Cooperative Agreement Notices between NASA and the private sector for X-33 (Reusable Launch Vehicle-Advanced Technology Demonstrator) and X-34 (Reusable Launch Vehicle-Small Reusable Booster) which would provide insight to a decision by December 1996 to proceed with sub-scale flight demonstration to prove the single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) concept. This paper deals with operational issues which must be dealt with in order to achieve SSTO goals of reliable low cost space transportation and order of magnitude reductions in operating costs

    Electrophoresis of a polyelectrolyte through a nanopore

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    A hydrodynamic model for determining the electrophoretic speed of a polyelectrolyte through a nanopore is presented. It is assumed that the speed is determined by a balance of electrical and viscous forces arising from within the pore and that classical continuum electrostatics and hydrodynamics may be considered applicable. An explicit formula for the translocation speed as a function of the pore geometry and other physical parameters is obtained and is shown to be consistent with experimental measurements on DNA translocation through nanopores in silicon membranes. Experiments also show a weak dependence of the translocation speed on polymer length that is not accounted for by the present model. It is hypothesized that this is due to secondary effects that are neglected here.Comment: 5 pages, 2 column, 2 figure

    Dynamic regimes of hydrodynamically coupled self-propelling particles

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    We analyze the collective dynamics of self-propelling particles (spps) which move at small Reynolds numbers including the hydrodynamic coupling to the suspending solvent through numerical simulations. The velocity distribution functions show marked deviations from Gaussian behavior at short times, and the mean-square displacement at long times shows a transition from diffusive to ballistic motion for appropriate driving mechanism at low concentrations. We discuss the structures the spps form at long times and how they correlate to their dynamic behavior.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Direct Numerical Simulations of Electrophoresis of Charged Colloids

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    We propose a numerical method to simulate electrohydrodynamic phenomena in charged colloidal dispersions. This method enables us to compute the time evolutions of colloidal particles, ions, and host fluids simultaneously by solving Newton, advection-diffusion, and Navier--Stokes equations so that the electrohydrodynamic couplings can be fully taken into account. The electrophoretic mobilities of charged spherical particles are calculated in several situations. The comparisons with approximation theories show quantitative agreements for dilute dispersions without any empirical parameters, however, our simulation predicts notable deviations in the case of dense dispersions.Comment: 4pages, 3figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Nonlinear effects in charge stabilized colloidal suspensions

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    Molecular Dynamics simulations are used to study the effective interactions in charged stabilized colloidal suspensions. For not too high macroion charges and sufficiently large screening, the concept of the potential of mean force is known to work well. In the present work, we focus on highly charged macroions in the limit of low salt concentrations. Within this regime, nonlinear corrections to the celebrated DLVO theory [B. Derjaguin and L. Landau, Acta Physicochem. USSR {\bf 14}, 633 (1941); E.J.W. Verwey and J.T.G. Overbeck, {\em Theory of the Stability of Lyotropic Colloids} (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1948)] have to be considered. For non--bulklike systems, such as isolated pairs or triples of macroions, we show, that nonlinear effects can become relevant, which cannot be described by the charge renormalization concept [S. Alexander et al., J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 80}, 5776 (1984)]. For an isolated pair of macroions, we find an almost perfect qualitative agreement between our simulation data and the primitive model. However, on a quantitative level, neither Debye-H\"uckel theory nor the charge renormalization concept can be confirmed in detail. This seems mainly to be related to the fact, that for small ion concentrations, microionic layers can strongly overlap, whereas, simultaneously, excluded volume effects are less important. In the case of isolated triples, where we compare between coaxial and triangular geometries, we find attractive corrections to pairwise additivity in the limit of small macroion separations and salt concentrations. These triplet interactions arise if all three microionic layers around the macroions exhibit a significant overlap. In contrast to the case of two isolated colloids, the charge distribution around a macroion in a triple is found to be anisotropic.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Non--Newtonian viscosity of interacting Brownian particles: comparison of theory and data

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    A recent first-principles approach to the non-linear rheology of dense colloidal suspensions is evaluated and compared to simulation results of sheared systems close to their glass transitions. The predicted scenario of a universal transition of the structural dynamics between yielding of glasses and non-Newtonian (shear-thinning) fluid flow appears well obeyed, and calculations within simplified models rationalize the data over variations in shear rate and viscosity of up to 3 decades.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; J. Phys. Condens. Matter to be published (Jan. 2003

    Shear-induced reaction-limited aggregation kinetics of Brownian particles at arbitrary concentrations

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    The aggregation of interacting Brownian particles in sheared concentrated suspensions is an important issue in colloid and soft matter science per se. Also, it serves as a model to understand biochemical reactions occurring in vivo where both crowding and shear play an important role. We present an effective medium approach within the Smoluchowski equation with shear which allows one to calculate the encounter kinetics through a potential barrier under shear at arbitrary colloid concentrations. Experiments on a model colloidal system in simple shear flow support the validity of the model in the range considered. By generalizing Kramers' rate theory to the presence of collective hydrodynamics, our model explains the significant increase in the shear-induced reaction-limited aggregation kinetics upon increasing the colloid concentration

    Structure characterization of hard sphere packings in amorphous and crystalline states

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    The channel size distribution in hard sphere systems, based on the local neighbor correlation of four particle positions, is investigated for all volume fractions up to jamming. For each particle, all three particle combinations of neighbors define channels, which are relevant for the concept of caging. The analysis of the channel size distribution is shown to be very useful in distinguishing between gaseous, liquid, partially and fully crystallized, and glassy (random) jammed states. A common microstructural feature of four coplanar particles is observed in crystalline and glassy jammed states, suggesting the presence of "hidden" two-dimensional order in three-dimensional random close packings.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Fermions on half-quantum vortex

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    The spectrum of the fermion zero modes in the vicinity of the vortex with fractional winding number is discussed. This is inspired by the observation of the 1/2 vortex in high-temperature superconductors (Kirtley, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 1336). The fractional value of the winding number leads to the fractional value of the invariant, which describes the topology of the energy spectrum of fermions. This results in the phenomenon of the "half-crossing": the spectrum approaches zero but does not cross it, being captured at the zero energy level. The similarity with the phenomenon of the fermion condensation is discussed.Comment: In revised version the discussion is extended and 4 references are added. The paper is accepted for publication in JETP Letters. 10 pages, LaTeX file, 3 figures are available at ftp://boojum.hut.fi/pub/publications/lowtemp/LTL-96004.p
