807 research outputs found

    The nonrelativistic limit of the relativistic point coupling model

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    We relate the relativistic finite range mean-field model (RMF-FR) to the point-coupling variant and compare the nonlinear density dependence. From this, the effective Hamiltonian of the nonlinear point-coupling model in the nonrelativistic limit is derived. Different from the nonrelativistic models, the nonlinearity in the relativistic models automatically yields contributions in the form of a weak density dependence not only in the central potential but also in the spin-orbit potential. The central potential affects the bulk and surface properties while the spin-orbit potential is crucial for the shell structure of finite nuclei. A modification in the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock model with a density-dependent spin-orbit potential inspired by the point-coupling model is suggested.Comment: 21 pages, latex, 1 eps figure. accepted for publication in annals of physic

    Four-Quark Condensates in Nucleon QCD Sum Rules

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    The in-medium behavior of the nucleon spectral density including self-energies is revisited within the framework of QCD sum rules. Special emphasis is given to the density dependence of four-quark condensates. A complete catalog of four-quark condensates is presented and relations among them are derived. Generic differences of such four-quark condensates occurring in QCD sum rules for light baryons and light vector mesons are discussed.Comment: Version accepted for publication: corrected typos, minor changes based on referee comments included, reference adde

    The Axial-Vector Current in Nuclear Many-Body Physics

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    Weak-interaction currents are studied in a recently proposed effective field theory of the nuclear many-body problem. The Lorentz-invariant effective field theory contains nucleons, pions, isoscalar scalar (σ\sigma) and vector (ω\omega) fields, and isovector vector (ρ\rho) fields. The theory exhibits a nonlinear realization of SU(2)L×SU(2)RSU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R chiral symmetry and has three desirable features: it uses the same degrees of freedom to describe the axial-vector current and the strong-interaction dynamics, it satisfies the symmetries of the underlying theory of quantum chromodynamics, and its parameters can be calibrated using strong-interaction phenomena, like hadron scattering or the empirical properties of finite nuclei. Moreover, it has recently been verified that for normal nuclear systems, it is possible to systematically expand the effective lagrangian in powers of the meson fields (and their derivatives) and to reliably truncate the expansion after the first few orders. Here it is shown that the expressions for the axial-vector current, evaluated through the first few orders in the field expansion, satisfy both PCAC and the Goldberger--Treiman relation, and it is verified that the corresponding vector and axial-vector charges satisfy the familiar chiral charge algebra. Explicit results are derived for the Lorentz-covariant, axial-vector, two-nucleon amplitudes, from which axial-vector meson-exchange currents can be deduced.Comment: 32 pages, REVTeX 4.0 with 12pt.rtx, aps.rtx, revsymb.sty, revtex4.cls, plus 14 figures; two sentences added in Summary; two references adde

    Nuclear Ground State Observables and QCD Scaling in a Refined Relativistic Point Coupling Model

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    We present results obtained in the calculation of nuclear ground state properties in relativistic Hartree approximation using a Lagrangian whose QCD-scaled coupling constants are all natural (dimensionless and of order 1). Our model consists of four-, six-, and eight-fermion point couplings (contact interactions) together with derivative terms representing, respectively, two-, three-, and four-body forces and the finite ranges of the corresponding mesonic interactions. The coupling constants have been determined in a self-consistent procedure that solves the model equations for representative nuclei simultaneously in a generalized nonlinear least-squares adjustment algorithm. The extracted coupling constants allow us to predict ground state properties of a much larger set of even-even nuclei to good accuracy. The fact that the extracted coupling constants are all natural leads to the conclusion that QCD scaling and chiral symmetry apply to finite nuclei.Comment: 44 pages, 13 figures, 9 tables, REVTEX, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Sensitivities of the Proton-Nucleus Elastical Scattering Observables of 6He and 8He at Intermediate Energies

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    We investigate the use of proton-nucleus elastic scattering experiments using secondary beams of 6He and 8He to determine the physical structure of these nuclei. The sensitivity of these experiments to nuclear structure is examined by using four different nuclear structure models with different spatial features using a full-folding optical potential model. The results show that elastic scattering at intermediate energies (<100 MeV per nucleon) is not a good constraint to be used to determine features of structure. Therefore researchers should look elsewhere to put constraints on the ground state wave function of the 6He and 8He nuclei.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Reflecting on Hybrid Events: Learning from a Year of Hybrid Experiences

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    The COVID-19 pandemic led to a sudden shift to virtual work and events, with the last two years enabling an appropriated and rather simulated togetherness - the hybrid mode. As we return to in-person events, it is important to reflect on not only what we learned about technologies and social justice, but about the types of events we desire, and how to re-design them accordingly. This SIG aims to reflect on hybrid events and their execution: scaling them across sectors, communities, and industries; considering trade-offs when choosing technologies; studying best practices and defining measures of "success"for hybrid events; and finally, identifying and charting the wider social, ethical, and legal implications of hybrid formats. This SIG will consolidate these topics by inviting participants to collaboratively reflect on previous hybrid experiences and what can be learned from them

    Pairing Properties In Relativistic Mean Field Models Obtained From Effective Field Theory

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    We apply recently developed effective field theory nuclear models in mean field approximation (parameter sets G1 and G2) to describe ground-state properties of nuclei from the valley of β\beta-stability up to the drip lines. For faster calculations of open-shell nuclei we employ a modified BCS approach which takes into account quasi-bound levels owing to their centrifugal barrier, with a constant pairing strength. We test this simple prescription by comparing with available Hartree-plus-Bogoliubov results. Using the new effective parameter sets we then compute separation energies, density distributions and spin--orbit potentials in isotopic (isotonic) chains of nuclei with magic neutron (proton) numbers. The new forces describe the experimental systematics similarly to conventional non-linear σω\sigma-\omega relativistic force parameters like NL3.Comment: 29 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Relativistic Nuclear Energy Density Functionals: Mean-Field and Beyond

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    Relativistic energy density functionals (EDF) have become a standard tool for nuclear structure calculations, providing a complete and accurate, global description of nuclear ground states and collective excitations. Guided by the medium dependence of the microscopic nucleon self-energies in nuclear matter, semi-empirical functionals have been adjusted to the nuclear matter equation of state and to bulk properties of finite nuclei, and applied to studies of arbitrarily heavy nuclei, exotic nuclei far from stability, and even systems at the nucleon drip-lines. REDF-based structure models have also been developed that go beyond the static mean-field approximation, and include collective correlations related to the restoration of broken symmetries and to fluctuations of collective variables. These models are employed in analyses of structure phenomena related to shell evolution, including detailed predictions of excitation spectra and electromagnetic transition rates.Comment: To be published in Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physic

    QCD Sum Rules and Applications to Nuclear Physics

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    Applications of QCD sum-rule methods to the physics of nuclei are reviewed, with an emphasis on calculations of baryon self-energies in infinite nuclear matter. The sum-rule approach relates spectral properties of hadrons propagating in the finite-density medium, such as optical potentials for quasinucleons, to matrix elements of QCD composite operators (condensates). The vacuum formalism for QCD sum rules is generalized to finite density, and the strategy and implementation of the approach is discussed. Predictions for baryon self-energies are compared to those suggested by relativistic nuclear physics phenomenology. Sum rules for vector mesons in dense nuclear matter are also considered.Comment: 92 pages, ReVTeX, 9 figures can be obtained upon request (to Xuemin Jin