28 research outputs found

    Costamere protein expression and tissue composition of rotator cuff muscle after tendon release in sheep

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    Previous studies suggested that degradation of contractile tissue requires cleavage of the costamere, a structural protein complex that holds sarcomeres in place. This study examined if costamere turnover is affected by a rotator cuff tear in a previously established ovine model. We found the activity of focal adhesion kinase (FAK), a main regulator of costamere turnover, was unchanged at 2 weeks but decreased by 27% 16 weeks after surgical release of the infraspinatus tendon. This was accompanied by cleavage of the costamere protein talin into a 190 kDa fragment while full length talin remained unchanged. At 2 weeks after tendon release, muscle volume decreased by 17 cm from an initial 185 cm(3) , the fatty tissue volume was halved, and the contractile tissue volume remained unchanged. After 16 weeks, the muscle volume decreased by 36 cm(3) , contractile tissue was quantitatively lost, and the fat content increased by 184%. Nandrolone administration mitigated the loss of contractile tissue by 26% and prevented fat accumulation, alterations in FAK activity, and talin cleavage. Taken together, these findings imply that muscle remodeling after tendon release occurs in two stages. The early decrease of muscle volume is associated with reduction of fat; while, the second stage is characterized by substantial loss of contractile tissue accompanied by massive fat accumulation. Regulation of costamere turnover is associated with the loss of contractile tissue and seems to be impacted by nandrolone treatment. Clinically, the costamere may represent a potential intervention target to mitigate muscle loss after a rotator cuff tear. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Orthopaedic Research published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the Orthopaedic Research Society. J Orthop Res

    Paraspinal muscles in individuals undergoing surgery for lumbar spine pathology lack a myogenic response to an acute bout of resistance exercise

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    BACKGROUND: Lumbar spine pathology (LSP) is a common source of low back or leg pain, and paraspinal muscle in these patients demonstrates fatty and fibrotic infiltration, and cellular degeneration that do not reverse with exercise-based rehabilitation. However, it is unclear of this lack of response is due to insufficient exercise stimulus, or an inability to mount a growth response. The purpose of this study was to compare paraspinal muscle gene expression between individuals with LSP who do and do not undergo an acute bout of resistance exercise. METHODS: Paraspinal muscle biopsies were obtained from 64 individuals with LSP undergoing spinal surgery. Eight participants performed an acute bout of machine-based lumbar extension resistance exercise preoperatively. Gene expression for 42 genes associated with adipogenic/metabolic, atrophic, fibrogenic, inflammatory, and myogenic pathways was measured, and differential expression between exercised and non-exercised groups was evaluated for (a) the full cohort, and (b) an age, gender, acuity, and etiology matched sub-cohort. Principal components analyses were used to identify gene expression clustering across clinical phenotypes. RESULTS: The exercised cohort demonstrated upregulation of inflammatory gene IL1B, inhibition of extracellular matrix components (increased MMP3&9, decreased TIMP1&3, COL1A1) and metabolic/adipogenic genes (FABP4, PPARD, WNT10B), and downregulation of myogenic (MYOD, ANKRD2B) and atrophic (FOXO3) genes compared to the non-exercised cohort, with similar patterns in the matched sub-analysis. There were no clinical phenotypes significantly associated with gene expression profiles. CONCLUSION: An acute bout of moderate-high intensity resistance exercise did not result in upregulation of myogenic genes in individuals with LSP. The response was characterized by mixed metabolic and fibrotic gene expression, upregulation of inflammation, and downregulation of myogenesis

    High-load resistance exercise with superimposed vibration and vascular occlusion increases critical power, capillaries and lean mass in endurance-trained men

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    Purpose: It is a widely accepted premise in the scientific community and by athletes alike, that adding resistance exercise to a regular regimen of endurance training increases endurance performance in endurance-trained men. However, critical power (CP), capillarization, and myofiber size remain unaffected by this addition. Therefore, we tested whether the superimposition of resistance exercise with whole-body vibration and vascular occlusion (vibroX) would improve these variables in endurance-trained males relative to resistance exercise alone. Methods: Twenty-one young, endurance-trained males were randomly assigned either to a vibroX (n=11) or resistance (n=10) training group. Both groups trained in a progressive mode twice a week for 8weeks. Pre and post training, histochemical muscle characteristics, thigh muscle size, endurance and strength parameters were determined. Results: vibroX increased CP (P=0.001), overall capillary-to-fiber ratio (P=0.001) and thigh lean mass (P<0.001), while these parameters were unaffected by resistance training. The gain in CP by vibroX was positively correlated with the gain in capillarization (R 2=0.605, P=0.008), and the gain in thigh lean mass was paralleled by increases in MyHC-1 and MyHC-2 fiber cross-sectional areas and strength. Maximum voluntary torque and the finite work capacity above CP (W′) increased significantly only following resistance training. Conclusions: We achieved a proof of concept by demonstrating that modification of resistance exercise by superimposing side-alternating whole-body vibration and sustained vascular occlusion induced further improvements in CP, capillarization and hypertrophy, all of which were not observed with resistance training alone

    Knee Extensors Muscle Plasticity Over a 5-Years Rehabilitation Process After Open Knee Surgery

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    We investigated molecular and cellular parameters which set metabolic and mechanical functioning of knee extensor muscles in the operated and contralateral control leg of 9 patients with a chronically insufficient anterior cruciate ligament (ACL; 26.6 ± 8.3 years, 8 males, 1 female) after open reconstructive surgery (week 0), after ambulant physiotherapy under cast immobilization (week 9), succeeding rehabilitation training (up to week 26), and subsequent voluntary physical activity (week 260). Clinical indices of knee function in the operated leg were improved at 52 weeks and remained at a comparable level at week 260. CSA of the quadriceps (-18%), MCSA of muscle fibers (-24%), and capillary-to-fiber ratio (-24%) in m. vastus lateralis from the ACL insufficient leg were lower at week 0 than reference values in the contralateral leg at week 260. Slow type fiber percentage (-35%) and mitochondrial volume density (-39%) were reduced in m. vastus lateralis from the operated leg at weeks 9 and 26. Composition alterations in the operated leg exceeded those in the contralateral leg and, with the exception of the volume density of subsarcolemmal mitochondria, returned to the reference levels at week 260. Leg-specific deterioration of metabolic characteristics in the vasti from the operated leg was reflected by the down-regulation of mitochondrial respiration complex I-III markers (-41–57%) at week 9. After rehabilitation training at week 26, the specific Y397 phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK), which is a proxy for mechano-regulation, was elevated by 71% in the operated leg but not in the contralateral leg, which had performed strengthening type exercise during ambulant physiotherapy. Total FAK protein and Y397 phosphorylation levels were lowered in both legs at week 26 resulting in positive correlations with mitochondrial volume densities and mitochondrial protein levels. The findings emphasize that a loss of mechanical and metabolic characteristics in knee extensor muscle remains detectable years after untreated ACL rupture, which may be aggravated in the post-operative phase by the deterioration of slow-oxidative characteristics after reconstruction due to insufficient load-bearing muscle activity. The reestablishment of muscle composition subsequent to years of voluntary physical activity reinforces that slow-to-fast fiber transformation is reversible in humans

    Acetabular Bone Marrow Aspiration During Total Hip Arthroplasty.

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