16 research outputs found

    Prospectus, September 8, 1982

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    MUSIC, GAMES HIGHLIGHT FALL-IN; News Digest; New Parkland flag is product of cooperation; Prospectus urges participation; StuGo works; Oops!; Parkland enrollment still growing; Women announce; Foscus planned; C-U Happenings…; Food for Thought; Community Calendar; Classified; Realism makes Gere film special; Record Reviews: Kihn not up to potential; \u27One on One\u27 redeems Cheap Trick\u27s newest; Australian action film earns praisehttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1982/1012/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, November 24, 1982

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    NEW ADDITIONS; News Digest; Parkland plans for winter; Davis explains parking rules and regulations; Logic, fairness reasons for parking; C-U Happenings; Effort by Sarah Hale made this holiday official: Thanksgiving is newcomer among holidays; Find the turkey; Big birds, big bucks; Shiloh church continues 31-year-old tradition; Parkland providing access to education; Santa coming!; Sculpture to be shown; Classified; Dinner at Shiloh; Movie trivia can win you cash; Average isn\u27t good enough; Clash fails to make point; These girls mean business; New funk from local band; \u27Over There\u27 cooks; Novel draws readers into a world of fantasy; Action from the XXIV Regional Volleyball Tourney Nov. 12-13; Lady Cobras finish 3rd in semi-finals; \u27Good, clean violence is part of hockey; Senior citizens to be special guests; Play resumeshttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1982/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, March 9, 1983

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    FOCUS ON FARMER CITY; News Digest; First Award to Taylor; \u27Education is the key\u27; Help sought, denied; Curtains not needed; Oops!; Bonds back Urbana project; Security job is also public relations; Romance is alive and well at Parkland: Question: What would be your idea of the perfect date?; PC is 17; C-U happenings; Farmer City offers more than farms; Classified; \u27Friends\u27 help fund special programming; Trivia quiz!; Parkland to host national; Cobras begin playoffs; Late Notehttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1983/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, October 27, 1982

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    STUGO VOTES AGAINST USING PHOTO IDS; News Digest; Michelle Anderson, Eric Bohlen receive checks: Scholarships awarded; Students visit prison; Students continue to express concern on SSS; Thanks to donors; \u27Student has a lot to learn\u27; Voter participation urged; TV spots offer tips; ISA serves Parkland\u27s international students; Activity fees allocated; C-U Happenings; Fall Fotos; Questions to readers get varied responses; Parkland Puzzle; Former editor wins competition; Cost of alcoholism is high; Ghoulies and ghosties go \u27bump\u27 in the night; \u27Halloween\u27 chills; Classified; \u27Year\u27 a bright note in a dull fall; Hot top 10; Test your wits!; Match wits with Sam; Intramurals in action; Fast Freddy; Team is promising; Is fan participation dead?; Sport Shorts; Players neededhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1982/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, April 9, 1983

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    WELCOME SPRING!; News Digest; Job fair figures show rosy future for some; PC donors can aid Miller; Editor accused of bias; PC jazz groups perform at UI; GM seminar offers new regional training; Animals suffer for science; Judges deliberating; Readers look to the stars for favorite feature: Question: What is your favorite Prospectus feature?; Instructor prefers teaching to testing; Club Notes; C-U happenings; Signs of Spring...; Classified; Skylines; Trivia quiz; Selleck adventure surprisingly good; Sport shortshttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1983/1020/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, February 16, 1983

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    PARKING PROBLEMS CONTINUE; News Digest; Opinions; C-U happenings; Many complain, few vote; Photo deadline is April 8; East hard hit by snows; Dental care routine for most at PC; Dental clinic serves all district residents; Benefits offered students; CTEP cover risk areas; Club News; Scholarships depend on SSS registration; Skylines; Easy does it!; Student gift helps program; Illinois economy due to see recovery soon; Tourney open to public; Ice Capades return to Champaign-Urbana: Medal winners combine talents to entertain; Classified; Prices under $1 now seen; Roddenberry explores creative new worlds; Trivia quiz!; Whoopsie!; Are pros too highly paid?; Intramural Results; Boardbusters earn win; Early trail leads to win; Cobras now 22-1https://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1983/1025/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, December 16, 1982

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    CHRISTMAS GREETINGS; News Digest; Work, study can lead to burnout; Economy causes legendary benefactor to cut spending; Choral festival set; Season\u27s Greetings; Computer gift may affect family; Skylines; Christmas questions bring varied responses; Observance of Christmas has survived; Yule log symbol of holiday warmth; Will the real Kris Kringle please step forward; Victorian halls decked with garlands, mistletoe; Festive coffees lift spirits; Comic books aren\u27t just kid stuff anymore; Ryder rides into comeback trail; \u27Bah, humbug\u27 attitude can be changed; Buzz Galaxy saves Santa in the nick of time; \u27Rat\u27 release in time for holidays; Winter brings world-wide holiday celebrations; Begin looking for summer job now; Season for giving is also season for taking; Shoppers hunt for bargains; No matter how you say it, Happy Holidays; WILL planning holiday specials; Tree traditions of German origin; Create a tree of memories: Tradition is growing; Nativity source of art inspiration; Christmas Trees; Classified; Thanksgiving at Washington School; holiday season brings new movie blitz; It\u27s \u27Showtime!\u27; Holiday Trivia Quiz; Club Notes; Final Exam Schedule -- Fall \u2782; Christmas for the young at hearthttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1982/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, November 3, 1982

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    PURDUE VISIT SPURS STUGO; News Digest; Twenty enter pumpkin contest; Registration issue is re-addressed by Smith; Identity revealed; Group opposed to nuclear weapons; \u27DWB not the only aggressive team\u27; Editor says \u27thank you\u27 to honest student; Students see person responsible for drug tampering as threat; Band festival always a crowd-pleaser; Program to aid students; Students earn, learn; Nine Parkland cheerleaders chosen by judges; Movie-tv questions answered; Chautauqua series set for Parkland; Confusion cleared; Prairie women depicted in play; Jackets ordered; Classified; C-U Happenings; Manilow receives warm reception from C-U; Reeve gets new image; Ferguson tours for album; Violence fans can watch hockey, not NFL; Byron Clark wins Parkland 3-mile run; Nasty news from Slow Sam; Intramurals worth participation; Parkland sports schedule; AF to play at Parklandhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1982/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, November 17, 1982

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    REVIEW BOARD VOTES TO DISMISS STUGO SENATOR; News Digest; We focus on Gibson City; Education necessary to prevent devastation; Election will not solve problems; Student concerned about car parking; \u27Humorist\u27 saga may end; Smokers face higher prices, risk; Parkland club notes: German Club, PMA, BSA; Day set aside to kick habit; Parkland students honored; Urbana High plans dinner; C-U Happenings; Mr. Roberts to speak at P.C.; Little snow seen for November; \u27Valspeak\u27 thought to be less than awesome; You too, can be like, incoherent; Gallery has photo exhibit; Ideas needed; Places and faces in Gibson City; The voodoo chile lives; Petty talent on upswing; Palin provides irreverent relevance; B movies receive star treatment; Abba member goes solo; Second City first rate; Tour the galaxy without panic; Classified; Skylines; Family weekend set for sports; Sports Shorts; \u27Will the big men bring home the bacon\u27?; Slow Samhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1982/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, March 2, 1983

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    PARKLAND AT NIGHT…; News Digest; Evening job is preference; Two from PC named to board; StuGo challenged; Nominate now; UI feature: Engineering; 32nd open house planned; Behind in payments? This may be helpful; People want more than transportation; Auto mechanics must change with the times; Yesteryear: new car less than $900; Women\u27s History Week; Attending evening classes requires dedication; Parts available; \u2783-\u2784 aid forms ready; Parkland P.M.; Pick a winner; Rolling Stones as vital as ever; Reputations are staked on Oscar predictions; Classified; C-U happenings; Skylines; \u27Roughing it\u27 isn\u27t what it used to be; \u27Worst thing that\u27s happened to college football...\u27: take the money and run; Track wins 15 of 17 in regional; Sport shorts; Globetrotters: comedy and skill; Record now 25-1 for PC womenhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1983/1023/thumbnail.jp