14,731 research outputs found

    Preparation of Dipteran Larvae for Scanning Electron Microscopy with Special Reference to Myiasigen Dipteran Species

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    Although controversy exists concerning the role of chemical fixatives in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies of Dipteran larvae, we have observed that filtered 10% formaldehyde solution gives excellent results as a preservative. After immersing in vivo in formaldehyde, the larvae material is preserved for prolonged periods (up to 8 months), before examination with SEM. As a fixative, formaldehyde preserves the structure of the larval cuticle and produces no visible artifacts. Moreover, postfixation is not necessary. Due to pecularities of the way of life of Wohlfahrtia magnifica (principally the accumulations of necrotic tissue, purulent particles, and other types of substances that often adhere to the numerous spines of larvae), this species must be cleaned before examination by SEM. Manual cleaning with alternating bidistilled water and 0.9% saline solution proved to be a rapid, easy and inexpensive method that gave good results. Both lyophilization drying and critical point drying were used before sputtering the material. While lyophilization drying proved to be the most effective method for instars II and III, critical point drying was the best technique for study of specimens belonging to instar I. The optimum time for drying and conditions for lyophilization and sputter-coating with gold were determined experimentally. Samples were mounted on SEM stubs with double-sided adhesive and silver conductive paint. The method proposed is easy and effective for the SEM study of larvae myiasis-producing diptera

    miR-21 Promotes Fibrogenesis in Peritoneal Dialysis.

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    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a life-saving form of renal replacement therapy for those with end-stage kidney disease. Mesothelial cells (MCs) line the peritoneal cavity and help define peritoneal response to treatment-associated injury, a major reason for treatment failure. miRNAs are important regulators, but their roles in peritoneal fibrosis are largely unknown. In this study, miR-21 was one of the most abundant miRNAs in primary MCs, and was up-regulated by the profibrotic cytokine transforming growth factor-β1 and in PD effluent-derived MCs exhibiting mesenchymal phenotypic change. Increased miR-21 was found in peritoneal membrane biopsy specimens from PD patients compared to healthy controls (PD biocompatible, 5.86×, P = 0.0001; PD conventional, 7.09×, P < 0.0001, n = 11 per group). In PD effluent from a cohort of 230 patients, miR-21 was higher in those receiving the therapy long-term compared to new starters (n = 230, miR-21 3.26×, P = 0.001) and associated with icodextrin use (R = 0.52; 95% CI, 0.20-0.84), peritonitis count (R = 0.16; 95% CI, 0.03-0.29), and dialysate cytokines. miR-21 down-regulated programmed cell death 4 and programmed cell death 4 protein was decreased in peritoneal membrane biopsy specimens from PD patients compared to healthy controls. New miR-21 targets were identified that may be important during PD fibrogenesis. These data identify miR-21 as an important effector of fibrosis in the peritoneal membrane, and a promising biomarker in the dialysis effluent for membrane change in patients receiving PD


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    Automatic feature matching is a crucial step in Structure-from-Motion (SfM) applications for 3D reconstruction purposes. From an historical perspective we can say now that SIFT was the enabling technology that made SfM a successful and fully automated pipeline. SIFT was the ancestor of a wealth of detector/descriptor methods that are now available. Various research activities have tried to benchmark detector/descriptors operators, but a clear outcome is difficult to be drawn. This paper presents an ISPRS Scientific Initiative aimed at providing the community with an educational open-source tool (called PhotoMatch) for tie point extractions and image matching. Several enhancement and decolorization methods can be initially applied to an image dataset in order to improve the successive feature extraction steps. Then different detector/descriptor combinations are possible, coupled with different matching strategies and quality control metrics. Examples and results show the implemented functionality of PhotoMatch which has also a tutorial for shortly explaining the implemented methods

    Energy Intake, Macronutrient Profile and Food Sources of Spanish Children Aged One to < 10 Years-Results from the EsNuPI Study

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    The present study aimed to assess energy intake, nutrient profile and food sources in Spanish children participating in the EsNuPI ("Estudio Nutricional en Poblacion Infantil Espanola") study. Plausibility of energy intake and adequacy of nutrient intakes to international recommendations were analyzed in a final sample of 1448 subjects (728 boys and 720 girls) and one group representative of the 1 to <10 years old urban Spanish children (reference sample (n = 707)) who consumed milk and one of the same age who consumed adapted milk over the last year (adapted milk consumers sample (n = 741)) were compared. Both groups completed data of a face-to-face and a telephone 24-h dietary recalls. Both the reference and the adapted milk consumers samples reported an adequate daily energy intake (1503 kcal/day and 1404 kcal/day); and a high contribution to total energy from protein (16.5% and 15.6%) and fat (36.5% and 35.9%). Also, a high percentage of children from both samples were below the lower limit of the recommendations for carbohydrates (47.8% and 39.3%). As the percentage of plausible energy reporters was high for both groups (84.7% and 83.5%, respectively), data for the whole sample were analyzed. Milk and dairy, cereals, meat and derived products, fats and oils, bakery and pastry, fruits and vegetables contributed to about 80% of the total energy intake in both groups. However, the reference sample reported significantly more contribution to energy from cereals, meat and meat products, bakery and pastry and ready to cook/eat foods; meanwhile, the adapted milk consumers sample reported significantly more energy from milk and dairy products, fruits and eggs. Those results suggest that adapted milk consumers have better adherence to the food-based dietary guidelines. Further analyses are warranted to characterize food patterns and the quality of the diet in the EsNuPI study population

    Responses of a native and a recent invader snail to warming and dry conditions: the case of the lower Ebro River

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    Aquatic habitats have been highly modified by human actions that reduce their native diversity and create conditions suitable for tolerant alien species. Pomacea maculata was detected in 2009 in both the alluvial plain and the final stretch of the Ebro River. Since then, a permanent population has stabilized in the littoral area of the river where the water level fluctuates according to the river discharge. Melanopsis tricarinata is an endemic snail species highly affected by the reduction in its natural habitat. Currently, the two species do not share the same reaches in the river, but the possibility exists, as the distribution of the P. maculata is constantly increasing. This study aims to analyse the diets and to assess the responses of both snails to global change. The diet of both species was analysed in the field and their responses to water warming and dryness compared under laboratory conditions. This study includes the calculation of future river water temperatures based on air temperature projections. In addition, based on water discharge management scenarios, the study estimated the increase in dry river bed area. The diet of both snail species was similar and based on Cladophora. P. maculata better resisted high temperatures and dry conditions than M. tricarinata. The projections of water temperatures showed an increase in daily temperatures, especially in summer. The hydraulic model suggested that a relevant increase in dry river bed areas will occur. Overall, these results provide insight into the global change factors that could favour P. maculata spread in the river and the reduction in suitable habitat for M. tricarinata and will be useful for future decisions of water discharge management

    Re-routing of cooling water pipeline

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    This thesis was made for Wärtsilä Finland Oy department of Power Plants. The purpose of this thesis was to compare different solutions and to find the best and cost-efficient solution for cooling water pipelines when radiators were located on the roof of the power plant. Making this thesis began by gathering all the possible solutions together and di-vides into different groups depending on the solution. There were five different groups and five different solutions were selected for a closer inspection. While searching the best route for cooling water pipelines I gathered information by in-terviewing designers, pipe-experts and engineers. The result is a well-defined matrix table where the comparison and all the differ-ent pipeline solutions were gathered. Prices for pipelines (€/m and €/kg), entry to Power House, entry from top or under the hall and directness were taken into ac-count in the comparison. The result of this thesis is good basis to start standardiz-ing the certain solution. The matrix is not included in this thesis because the in-formation is classified.Tämä päättötyö tehtiin Wärtsilä Finland Oyj Power Plants yksikölle. Tavoitteena oli vertailla eri ratkaisutapoja ja löytää paras ja edullisin ratkaisu jäähdytys-vesiputkistolle, kun jäähdyttimet sijaitsivat voimalaitoksen katolla. Päättötyön tekeminen alkoi keräämällä kaikki tämän hetkiset ratkaisumahdolli-suudet yhteen ja jakamalla ne ryhmiin käytetyn ratkaisumallin mukaan. Ryhmiä tuli 5 ja sieltä valittiin 5 erilaista ratkaisua lähempään tarkasteluun. Parasta putki-tusreittiä suunniteltaessa tietoa haettiin haastattelemalla suunnittelijoita, putkiasi-antuntijoita ja insinöörejä. Lopputuloksena saatiin selkeä matriisitaulukko, johon on koottu kaikki erilaiset putkitusmahdollisuudet ja niistä tehty vertailu. Vertailussa on otettu huomioon putkitushinnat (€/m ja €/kg), putkituksen sisääntuloreitti, sisääntulo halliin ylä- tai alaosasta sekä reitin suoruus. Tämän tutkimustyön tuloksia on helppo käyttää jat-kossa, kun tiettyä putkitusratkaisua aletaan standardoida. Taulukkoa ei ole liitetty tähän työhön, koska tiedot ovat luottamuksellisia