1,294 research outputs found

    Protein Expression of Steroid Receptors in Macaca mulatta endometriotic Lesions

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    Endometriosis is pathologically defined as the presence of endometrial tissue in ectopic locations. Currently, there are no specific, non-invasive biomarkers and no cure for endometriosis. Non-human primates (NHP), including Macaca mulatta (rhesus macaques), have been highlighted as appropriate models to study endometriosis due to genetic, physiological, and anatomical similarities to humans. Research shows endometriosis might be associated with molecular deviations in human peritoneal endometriosis, such as increased levels of estrogen receptors and decreased levels of progesterone receptors. The aim of this study is to determine protein expression of steroid receptors in five endometriotic lesions of rhesus macaques. We propose that lesions of rhesus macaques will express elevated estrogen receptors and diminished progesterone receptors, similar to human endometriotic lesions. Endometriotic lesions of rhesus macaques were obtained at time of surgery from different locations, and steroid receptor expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. This study was able to determine the expression of steroid receptors in endometriotic lesions of rhesus macaques; however the results were not able to support our hypothesis. Results did not observe significant differences between estrogen and progesterone receptor protein expressions in glandular and stromal compartments of the endometriotic lesions. Still, this animal model represents a valuable tool to study endometriosis since they do develop spontaneous endometriosis. Future studies should match the location of lesions and classify the severity of endometriosis in the rhesus macaques

    The Impact of FDI on CO₂ Emissions in Latin America

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    This paper uses panel Granger causality tests to study the relationship between sector specific FDI and CO2 emissions. Using a sample of 18 Latin American countries for the 1980-2007 period, we find causality running from FDI in polluting intensive industries (“the dirty sector”) to CO2 emissions per capita. This result is robust to controlling for other factors associated with CO2 emissions and using the ratio of CO2 emissions to GDP. For other sectors, we find no robust evidence that FDI causes CO2 emissions

    Conocimientos de los estudiantes de secundaria sobre herencia biológica: implicaciones para su enseñanza

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo conocer las principales ideas de alumnos de educación secundaria en relación con la Herencia Biológica antes de estudiarla y comprobar si se modifican después de haber recibido una enseñanza del tema de manera tradicional. La población de estudio está formada por alumnos de 4º de ESO de un instituto de enseñanza secundaria de la Región de Murcia y el instrumento de recogida de información ha sido un cuestionario. Los resultados muestran que, en general, los estudiantes tienen conocimientos sobre contenidos elementales de Genética antes incluso de tener el primer contacto académico con ellos y que, si no son tenidos en cuenta, pueden dificultar sus aprendizajes. También ponen de manifiesto que algunas de estas ideas no se modifican sustancialmente después de estudiar los contenidos sobre Herencia Biológica. Las principales implicaciones educativas nos llevan a enfocar el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje de la Genética de manera que las actividades tengan en cuenta las ideas de los alumnos.Palabras clave: Ideas previas; aprendizaje; herencia biológica; educación secundaria.Knowledge of high school students on biological inheritance: implications for teachingThe objective of this investigation is to know the main ideas students of secondary education have in relation with Biological Inheritance before they study it and to check whether this knowledge changes after receiving a traditional teaching of the contents. The study population was formed by students from the 4th year of Secondary Education in a high school from Region of Murcia and the instrument for collecting information was a questionnaire. The results show that, in general, students have some prior knowledge about elementary contents of Genetics even before having the first academic contact with them. This can make learning difficult if it is not taken into account. Moreover, the results show that some of these ideas do not change substantially after they study the contents of Biological Inheritance. The main educational implications lead us to focus the teaching/learning process of Genetics in a way that the activities take into account the prior ideas of the students.Keywords: Previous ideas; learning; biological inheritance; secondary education

    Synthesis and characterization of extremely small gold nanoshells, and comparison of their photothermal conversion capacity with gold nanorods

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    The current methods for preparing gold nanoshells (AuNSs) produce shells with a diameter of approximately 40 nm or larger, with a relatively large polydispersity. However, AuNSs with smaller diameters and more monodispersity are better suited for biomedical applications. In this work, we present a modified method for the preparation of AuNSs, based on the use of sacrificial silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). We customized the Lee–Meisel method to prepare small and monodisperse AgNPs that were used as sacrificial nanoparticles to prepare extremely small monodispersed AuNSs with an average diameter from 17 to 25 ± 4 nm. We found that these AuNSs are faceted, and that the oxidized silver likely dissolves out of the nanoparticles through some of the facets on the AuNSs. This leads to a silver oxide plug on the surface of the AuNSs, which has not been reported before. The smaller AuNSs, prepared under the best conditions, absorb in the near infrared region (NIR) that is appropriate for applications, such as photothermal therapy or medical imaging. The AuNSs showed absorption peaks in the NIR similar to those of gold nanorods (AuNRs) but with better photothermal capacity. In addition, because of their negative charge, these AuNSs are more biocompatible than the positively charged AuNRs. The synthesis of small, monodisperse, stable and biocompatible nanoparticles, like the ones presented in this work, is of prime importance in biomedical applications.The current methods for preparing gold nanoshells (AuNSs) produce shells with a diameter of approximately 40 nm or larger, with a relatively large polydispersity. However, AuNSs with smaller diameters and more monodispersity are better suited for biomedical applications. In this work, we present a modified method for the preparation of AuNSs, based on the use of sacrificial silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). We customized the Lee–Meisel method to prepare small and monodisperse AgNPs that were used as sacrificial nanoparticles to prepare extremely small monodispersed AuNSs with an average diameter from 17 to 25 ± 4 nm. We found that these AuNSs are faceted, and that the oxidized silver likely dissolves out of the nanoparticles through some of the facets on the AuNSs. This leads to a silver oxide plug on the surface of the AuNSs, which has not been reported before. The smaller AuNSs, prepared under the best conditions, absorb in the near infrared region (NIR) that is appropriate for applications, such as photothermal therapy or medical imaging. The AuNSs showed absorption peaks in the NIR similar to those of gold nanorods (AuNRs) but with better photothermal capacity. In addition, because of their negative charge, these AuNSs are more biocompatible than the positively charged AuNRs. The synthesis of small, monodisperse, stable and biocompatible nanoparticles, like the ones presented in this work, is of prime importance in biomedical applications

    New role of the antidepressant imipramine as a Fascin1 inhibitor in colorectal cancer cells

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    Colorectal cancer: Antitumor antidepressant The antidepressant drug imipramine can block the activity of a protein that contributes to the progression of certain aggressive tumors. Serrated adenocarcinoma (SAC) is a form of colorectal cancer with a poor prognosis. A key factor in SAC development is the overexpression of the protein fascin1, which promotes the formation of structures that help cancer cells move around, thereby leading to metastasis. Pablo Conesa-Zamora at Santa Lucia University Hospital in Cartagena, Horacio Perez-Sanchez at the Universidad Catolica de Murcia in Guadalupe, Spain, and coworkers demonstrated that imipramine shows promise in binding to fascin1 and blocking its activity. The team analyzed over 9500 compounds as potential fascin1 blockers, identifying imipramine as a possible option. In tests on human tissues and in vivo studies using zebrafish, the drug reduced cancer invasion and metastasis. Serrated adenocarcinoma (SAC) is more invasive, has worse outcomes than conventional colorectal carcinoma (CRC), and is characterized by frequent resistance to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and overexpression of fascin1, a key protein in actin bundling that plays a causative role in tumor invasion and is overexpressed in different cancer types with poor prognosis. In silico screening of 9591 compounds, including 2037 approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), was performed, and selected compounds were analyzed for their fascin1 binding affinity by differential scanning fluorescence. The results were compared with migrastatin as a typical fascin1 inhibitor. In silico screening and differential scanning fluorescence yielded the FDA-approved antidepressant imipramine as the most evident potential fascin1 blocker. Biophysical and different in vitro actin-bundling assays confirm this activity. Subsequent assays investigating lamellipodia formation and migration and invasion of colorectal cancer cells in vitro using 3D human tissue demonstrated anti-fascin1 and anti-invasive activities of imipramine. Furthermore, expression profiling suggests the activity of imipramine on the actin cytoskeleton. Moreover, in vivo studies using a zebrafish invasion model showed that imipramine is tolerated, its anti-invasive and antimetastatic activities are dose-dependent, and it is associated with both constitutive and induced fascin1 expression. This is the first study that demonstrates an antitumoral role of imipramine as a fascin1 inhibitor and constitutes a foundation for a molecular targeted therapy for SAC and other fascin1-overexpressing tumors.Peer reviewe

    Magnetic mechanically-interlocked porphyrin-carbon nanotubes

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    Resumen del póster presentado a la XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química, celebrada en el Palacio de Congresos de Granada, del 27 de junio al 30 de junio de 2022.Magnetic molecules have been proposed as versatile building blocks for quantum computing and molecular spintronics devices. The molecular spin can be used to encode quantum information in qubits or even perform logic operations as quantum gates with unmatched reproducibility and scalability. In spintronics, that same molecular spin can be used to generate spin currents in molecular based spin filters, spin switches or spin valves in carbon-nanotube/molecule hybrids, among other applications. Several strategies have been followed to couple the magnetic molecules to carbon nanotubes: direct physisorption of the molecules, covalent bonding or encapsulation of the magnetic molecules. We have developed the synthesis of mechanically interlocked rotaxane-like SWCNT derivatives (MINTs), in which the ring-closing metathesis of a U-shape molecule around SWCNTs is templated. In particular, we fabricated Cu2+ and Co2+ metalloporphyrin dimer rings mechanically interlocked around carbon nanotubes to form magnetic MINTs (mMINT). Magnetic porphyrins are selected due to their recently proved suitability as qubits, even preserving their magnetic properties and quantum coherence on surfaces. The mechanical bond places the porphyrin magnetic cores in close contact with the SWCNT without disturbing the molecular spin nor the carbon nanotube structure. The magnetic properties of the metallic dimers are preserved upon formation the mechanically interlocked hybrid.Peer reviewe

    Beneficial Effect of Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Patients with ACOX2 Deficiency-Associated Hypertransaminasemia

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    Background: A variant (p.Arg225Trp) of peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase 2 (ACOX2), involved in bile acid (BA) side-chain shortening, has been associated with unexplained persistent hypertransaminasemia and accumulation of C27-BAs, mainly trihydroxycholestanoic acid (THCA). Aims: To investigate the prevalence of ACOX2 deficiency-associated hypertransaminasemia (ADAH), its response to ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), elucidate its pathophysiological mechanism and identify other inborn errors that could cause this alteration. Methods & results: Among 33 patients with unexplained hypertransaminasemia from 11 hospitals, and 13 of their relatives, 7 individuals with abnormally high C27-BA levels (>50% of total BAs) were identified by HPLC-MS/MS. The p.Arg225Trp variant was found in homozygosity (exon amplification/sequencing) in 2 patients and 3 family members. Two additional non-related patients were heterozygous carriers of different alleles: c.673C>T (p.Arg225Trp) and c.456_459del (p.Thr154fs). In ADAH patients, impaired liver expression of ACOX2, but not ACOX3, was found (immunohistochemistry). Treatment with UDCA normalized transaminases levels. Incubation of HuH-7 liver cells with THCA, which was efficiently taken up, but not through BA transporters, increased ROS production (flow cytometry), ER stress biomarkers (GRP78, CHOP and XBP1-S/XBP1-U ratio), and BAX¿ expression (RT-qPCR and immunoblot), whereas cell viability was decreased (MTT). THCA-induced cell toxicity was higher than that of major C24-BAs and was not prevented by UDCA. Fourteen predicted ACOX2 variants were generated (site-directed mutagenesis) and expressed in HuH-7 cells. Functional tests to determine their ability to metabolize THCA identified six with the potential to cause ADAH. Conclusion: Dysfunctional ACOX2 has been found in several patients with unexplained hypertransaminasemia. This condition can be accurately identified by a non-invasive diagnostic strategy based on plasma BA profiling and ACOX2 sequencing. Moreover, UDCA treatment can efficiently attenuate liver damage in these patients.This study was supported by the following grants: CIBERehd (EHD15PI05/2016); Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (PI19/00819 and PI20/00189), co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund, “Investing in your future”; “Junta de Castilla y León” (SA074P20); Fundació Marato TV3 (201916–31); AECC Scientific Foundation (2017/2020), Spain; and “Centro Internacional sobre el Envejecimiento” (OLD-HEPAMARKER, 0348_CIE_6_E), Spain. We also acknowledge support from grants PID2019-111669RBI- 100, PID2020-115055RB- I00 from Plan Nacional de I+D funded by the “Agencia Estatal de Investigación” (AEI) and the center grant P50AA011999 Southern California Research Center for ALPD and Cirrhosis funded by NIAAA/NIH, as well as support from AGAUR of the “Generalitat de Catalunya” SGR-2017- 1112, European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) ACTION CA17112 Prospective European Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network. Marta Alonso-Peña was the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from “Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte” (BOE-A- 2015- 9456; FPU-14/ 00214) and a Mobility Grant for Short Stays from “Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades” (EST17/00186). Ricardo Espinosa-Escudero is the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from “Junta de Castilla y León” and “Fondo Social Europeo” (EDU/574/2018). The funding sources were not involved in the research design or preparation of the articl

    Evaluation of Nutritional Practices in the Critical Care Patient (The ENPIC Study): Does Nutrition Really Affect ICU Mortality?

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    Background & aims: The importance of artificial nutritional therapy is underrecognized, typically being considered an adjunctive rather than a primary therapy. We aimed to evaluate the influence of nutritional therapy on mortality in critically ill patients. Methods: This multicenter prospective observational study included adult patients needing artificial nutritional therapy for >48 h if they stayed in one of 38 participating intensive care units for >= 72 h between April and July 2018. Demographic data, comorbidities, diagnoses, nutritional status and therapy (type and details for <= 14 days), and outcomes were registered in a database. Confounders such as disease severity, patient type (e.g., medical, surgical or trauma), and type and duration of nutritional therapy were also included in a multivariate analysis, and hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were reported. Results: We included 639 patients among whom 448 (70.1%) and 191 (29.9%) received enteral and parenteral nutrition, respectively. Mortality was 25.6%, with non-survivors having the following char-acteristics: older age; more comorbidities; higher Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores (6.6 +/- 3.3 vs 8.4 +/- 3.7; P < 0.001); greater nutritional risk (Nutrition Risk in the Critically Ill [NUTRIC] score: 3.8 +/- 2.1 vs 5.2 +/- 1.7; P < 0.001); more vasopressor requirements (70.4% vs 83.5%; P=0.001); and more renal replacement therapy (12.2% vs 23.2%; P=0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that older age (HR: 1.023; 95% CI: 1.008-1.038; P=0.003), higher SOFA score (HR: 1.096; 95% CI: 1.036-1.160; P=0.001), higher NUTRIC score (HR: 1.136; 95% CI: 1.025-1.259; P=0.015), requiring parenteral nutrition after starting enteral nutrition (HR: 2.368; 95% CI: 1.168-4.798; P=0.017), and a higher mean Kcal/Kg/day intake (HR: 1.057; 95% CI: 1.015-1.101; P=0.008) were associated with mortality. By contrast, a higher mean protein intake protected against mortality (HR: 0.507; 95% CI: 0.263-0.977; P=0.042). Conclusions: Old age, higher organ failure scores, and greater nutritional risk appear to be associated with higher mortality. Patients who need parenteral nutrition after starting enteral nutrition may represent a high-risk subgroup for mortality due to illness severity and problems receiving appropriate nutritional therapy. Mean calorie and protein delivery also appeared to influence outcomes. (C) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism

    Beneficial effect of ursodeoxycholic acid in patients with acyl-CoA oxidase 2 (ACOX2) deficiency-associated hypertransaminasemia

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    Background and aims: A variant (p.Arg225Trp) of peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase 2 (ACOX2), involved in bile acid (BA) side-chain shortening, has been associated with unexplained persistent hypertransaminasemia and accumulation of C27-BAs, mainly 3?,7?,12?-trihydroxy-5?-cholestanoic acid (THCA). We aimed to investigate the prevalence of ACOX2 deficiency-associated hypertransaminasemia (ADAH), its response to ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), elucidate its pathophysiological mechanism and identify other inborn errors that could cause this alteration. Methods and results: Among 33 patients with unexplained hypertransaminasemia from 11 hospitals and 13 of their relatives, seven individuals with abnormally high C27-BA levels (>50% of total BAs) were identified by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The p.Arg225Trp variant was found in homozygosity (exon amplification/sequencing) in two patients and three family members. Two additional nonrelated patients were heterozygous carriers of different alleles: c.673C>T (p.Arg225Trp) and c.456_459del (p.Thr154fs). In patients with ADAH, impaired liver expression of ACOX2, but not ACOX3, was found (immunohistochemistry). Treatment with UDCA normalized aminotransferase levels. Incubation of HuH-7 hepatoma cells with THCA, which was efficiently taken up, but not through BA transporters, increased reactive oxygen species production (flow cytometry), endoplasmic reticulum stress biomarkers (GRP78, CHOP, and XBP1-S/XBP1-U ratio), and BAX? expression (reverse transcription followed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunoblot), whereas cell viability was decreased (tetrazolium salt-based cell viability test). THCA-induced cell toxicity was higher than that of major C24-BAs and was not prevented by UDCA. Fourteen predicted ACOX2 variants were generated (site-directed mutagenesis) and expressed in HuH-7 cells. Functional tests to determine their ability to metabolize THCA identified six with the potential to cause ADAH. Conclusions: Dysfunctional ACOX2 has been found in several patients with unexplained hypertransaminasemia. This condition can be accurately identified by a noninvasive diagnostic strategy based on plasma BA profiling and ACOX2 sequencing. Moreover, UDCA treatment can efficiently attenuate liver damage in these patients.Funding information: This study was supported by the following grants: CIBERehd (EHD15PI05/2016); Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (PI19/00819 and PI20/00189), co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund, “Investing in your future”; “Junta de Castilla y León” (SA074P20); Fundació Marato TV3 (201916–31); AECC Scientific Foundation (2017/2020), Spain; and “Centro Internacional sobre el Envejecimiento” (OLD-HEPAMARKER, 0348_CIE_6_E), Spain. We also acknowledge support from grants PID2019-111669RBI-100, PID2020-115055RB-I00 from Plan Nacional de I+D funded by the “Agencia Estatal de Investigación” (AEI) and the center grant P50AA011999 Southern California Research Center for ALPD and Cirrhosis funded by NIAAA/NIH, as well as support from AGAUR of the “Generalitat de Catalunya” SGR-2017-1112, European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) ACTION CA17112 Prospective European Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network. Marta Alonso-Peña was the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from “Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte” (BOE-A-2015-9456; FPU-14/00214) and a Mobility Grant for Short Stays from “Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades” (EST17/00186). Ricardo Espinosa-Escudero is the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from “Junta de Castilla y León” and “Fondo Social Europeo” (EDU/574/2018). The funding sources were not involved in the research design or preparation of the article

    Oral versus intramuscular administration of vitamin B12 for vitamin B12 deficiency in primary care : a pragmatic, randomised, non-inferiority clinical trial (OB12)

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    The trial was financed by Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo Español through their call for independent clinical research, Orden Ministerial SAS/2377, 2010 (EC10-115, EC10-116, EC10-117, EC10-119, EC10-122); CAIBER—Spanish Clinical Research Network, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (CAI08/010044); and Gerencia Asistencial de Atención Primaria de Madrid. This study is also supported by the Spanish Clinical Research Network (SCReN), funded by ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación, project number PT13/0002/0007, within the National Research Program I+D+I 2013-2016 and co-funded with European Union ERDF funds (European Regional Development Fund). This project received a grant for the translation and publication of this article from the Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation in Primary Care (FIIBAP) Call 2017 for grants to promote research programs.Objectives To compare the effectiveness of oral versus intramuscular (IM) vitamin B12 (VB12) in patients aged ≥65 years with VB12 deficiency. Design Pragmatic, randomised, non-inferiority, multicentre trial in 22 primary healthcare centres in Madrid (Spain). Participants 283 patients ≥65 years with VB12 deficiency were randomly assigned to oral (n=140) or IM (n=143) treatment arm. Interventions The IM arm received 1 mg VB12 on alternate days in weeks 1–2, 1 mg/week in weeks 3–8 and 1 mg/month in weeks 9–52. The oral arm received 1 mg/day in weeks 1–8 and 1 mg/week in weeks 9–52. Main outcomes Serum VB12 concentration normalisation (≥211 pg/mL) at 8, 26 and 52 weeks. Non-inferiority would be declared if the difference between arms is 10% or less. Secondary outcomes included symptoms, adverse events, adherence to treatment, quality of life, patient preferences and satisfaction. Results The follow-up period (52 weeks) was completed by 229 patients (80.9%). At week 8, the percentage of patients in each arm who achieved normal B12 levels was well above 90%; the differences in this percentage between the oral and IM arm were −0.7% (133 out of 135 vs 129 out of 130; 95% CI: −3.2 to 1.8; p>0.999) by per-protocol (PPT) analysis and 4.8% (133 out of 140 vs 129 out of 143; 95% CI: −1.3 to 10.9; p=0.124) by intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis. At week 52, the percentage of patients who achieved normal B12 levels was 73.6% in the oral arm and 80.4% in the IM arm; these differences were −6.3% (103 out of 112 vs 115 out of 117; 95% CI: −11.9 to −0.1; p=0.025) and −6.8% (103 out of 140 vs 115 out of 143; 95% CI: −16.6 to 2.9; p=0.171), respectively. Factors affecting the success rate at week 52 were age, OR=0.95 (95% CI: 0.91 to 0.99) and having reached VB12 levels ≥281 pg/mL at week 8, OR=8.1 (95% CI: 2.4 to 27.3). Under a Bayesian framework, non-inferiority probabilities (Δ>−10%) at week 52 were 0.036 (PPT) and 0.060 (ITT). Quality of life and adverse effects were comparable across groups. 83.4% of patients preferred the oral route. Conclusions Oral administration was no less effective than IM administration at 8 weeks. Although differences were found between administration routes at week 52, the probability that the differences were below the non-inferiority threshold was very low.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe