322 research outputs found

    Exergy as a measure of sustainable retrofitting of buildings

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    This study presents a novel optimization methodology for choosing optimal building retrofitting strategies based on the concept of exergy analysis. The study demonstrates that the building exergy analysis may open new opportunities in the design of an optimal retrofit solution despite being a theoretical approach based on the high performance of a Carnot reverse cycle. This exergy-based solution is different from the one selected through traditional efficient retrofits where minimizing energy consumption is the primary selection criteria. The new solution connects the building with the reference environment, which acts as “an unlimited sink or unlimited sources of energy”, and it adapts the building to maximize the intake of energy resources from the reference environment. The building hosting the School of Architecture at the University of Navarra has been chosen as the case study building. The unique architectural appearance and bespoke architectural characteristics of the building limit the choices of retrofitting solutions; therefore, retrofitting solutions on the façade, roof, roof skylight and windows are considered in multi-objective optimization using the jEPlus package. It is remarkable that different retrofitting solutions have been obtained for energy-driven and exergy-driven optimization, respectively. Considering the local contexts and all possible reference environments for the building, three “unlimited sinks or unlimited sources of energy” are selected for the case study building to explore exergy-driven optimization: the external air, the ground in the surrounding area and the nearby river. The evidence shows that no matter which reference environment is chosen, an identical envelope retrofitting solution has been obtaine

    El marketing digital y su relación con el posicionamiento de marca en la empresa Orvive S.R.L., Chorrillos, 2019

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    La investigación El marketing digital y su relación con el posicionamiento de marca en la empresa Orvive, Jesús. Las teorías en las que se establece la tesis son de los autores Colvee, Selman y Arias para la variable marketing digital y Monteferrer, para la variable posicionamiento de marca, la investigación es de tipo aplicada, nivel descriptivo – correlacional, diseño no experimental - transversal y enfoque cuantitativo, se tiene como objetivo determinar de qué manera el marketing digital se relaciona con el posicionamiento de marca en la empresa Orvive SRL, Chorrillos. Conformada por 83 clientes, en la recolección de datos se empleó como instrumento el cuestionario con la escala de Likert, el cual está compuesto por 30 ítems por cada variable. Para efectuar el análisis de los datos para las dos variables se ha usado el programa estadístico. Se empleó con el propósito de realizar las tablas cruzadas con gráficos de porcentajes según lo formulado enla investigación, además los resultados estadísticos mediante prueba de Spearman para la verificación de hipótesis entre las variables, se obtuvo una correlación positiva muy fuerte de 0.761. Por último, para alcanzar un adecuado posicionamiento de marca, se tendrá que incorporar el marketing digital

    Role of boundary conditions in the full counting statistics of topological defects after crossing a continuous phase transition

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    In a scenario of spontaneous symmetry breaking in finite time, topological defects are generated at a density that scales with the driving time according to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). Signatures of universality beyond the KZM have recently been unveiled: The number distribution of topological defects has been shown to follow a binomial distribution, in which all cumulants inherit the universal power-law scaling with the quench rate, with cumulant rations being constant. In this work, we analyze the role of boundary conditions in the statistics of topological defects. In particular, we consider a lattice system with nearest-neighbor interactions subject to soft antiperiodic, open, and periodic boundary conditions implemented by an energy penalty term. We show that for fast and moderate quenches, the cumulants of the kink number distribution present a universal scaling with the quench rate that is independent of the boundary conditions except for an additive term, which becomes prominent in the limit of slow quenches, leading to the breaking of power-law behavior. We test our theoretical predictions with a one-dimensional scalar theory on a lattice

    Mapa de Performance Grade (PG) del asfalto en las regiones de Ucayali, Loreto y San Martín para su clasificación mediante la metodología SUPERPAVE

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    La presente investigación titulada “Mapa de Performance Grade (PG) del asfalto en las regiones de Ucayali, Loreto y San Martín para su clasificación mediante la metodología SUPERPAVE”, brinda un análisis con el fin de obtener el Mapa de Performance Grade (PG) mediante la metodología SUPERPAVE, para las regiones de Ucayali, Loreto y San Martín. Los autores aplicaron los modelos matemáticos SHRP (Superior Highway Research Program) y LTPP (Long-Term Pavement Performance) para confiabilidades tanto del 98% como del 50%. Para dicho cálculo usaron data del Proyecto MERRA 2 de la NASA, tomando como estaciones meteorológicas los distritos de las regiones antes mencionadas; de este modo sacaron las temperaturas máximas y mínimas diarias dentro de un periodo de 20 años de cada distrito. Luego, los autores eligieron los modelos con temperaturas máximas y mínimas críticas para poder obtener los datos que, posteriormente, lo pasaron a corregir por tráfico y velocidad. Finalmente, mediante el software ArcGIS, elaboraron el Mapa de Performance Grade (PG) para las regiones de Ucayali, Loreto y San Martín asignándole un color específico a cada distrito, según su Performance Grade (PG) obtenido

    Locality of spontaneous symmetry breaking and universal spacing distribution of topological defects formed across a phase transition

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    The crossing of a continuous phase transition results in the formation of topological defects with a density predicted by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). We characterize the spatial distribution of pointlike topological defects in the resulting nonequilibrium state and model it using a Poisson point process in arbitrary spatial dimensions with KZM density. Numerical simulations in a one-dimensional φ4 theory unveil short-distance defect-defect corrections stemming from the kink excluded volume, while in two spatial dimensions, our model accurately describes the vortex spacing distribution in a strongly coupled superconductor indicating the suppression of defect-defect spatial correlations

    Molecular and cellular responses of the pathogenic fungus Lomentospora prolificans to the antifungal drug voriconazole

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    The filamentous fungus Lomentospora (Scedosporium) prolificans is an emerging opportunistic pathogen associated with fatal infections in patients with disturbed immune function. Unfortunately, conventional therapies are hardly of any use against this fungus due to its intrinsic resistance. Therefore, we performed an integrated study of the L. prolificans responses to the first option to treat these mycoses, namely voriconazole, with the aim of unveiling mechanisms involved in the resistance to this compound. To do that, we used a wide range of techniques, including fluorescence and electron microscopy to study morphological alterations, ion chromatography to measure changes in cell-wall carbohydrate composition, and proteomics-based techniques to identify the proteins differentially expressed under the presence of the drug. Significantly, we showed drastic changes occurring in cell shape after voriconazole exposure, L. prolificans hyphae being shorter and wider than under control conditions. Interestingly, we proved that the architecture and carbohydrate composition of the cell wall had been modified in the presence of the drug. Specifically, L. prolificans constructed a more complex organelle with a higher presence of glucans and mannans. In addition to this, we identified several differentially expressed proteins, including Srp1 and heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70), as the most overexpressed under voriconazole-induced stress conditions. The mechanisms described in this study, which may be directly related to L. prolificans antifungal resistance or tolerance, could be used as targets to improve existing therapies or to develop new ones in order to successfully eliminate these mycoses.This work has been supported by grants (GIU15/36 and UFI11/25) from the UPV/EHU. AP was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the UPV/EHU, and IB and AA were supported by predoctoral fellowships from the Basque Government. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Benchmarking quantum annealing dynamics: The spin-vector Langevin model

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    The classical spin-vector Monte Carlo (SVMC) model is a reference benchmark for the performance of a quantum annealer. Yet, as a Monte Carlo method, SVMC is unsuited for an accurate description of the annealing dynamics in real-time.We introduce the spin-vector Langevin (SVL) model as an alternative benchmark in which the time evolution is described by Langevin dynamics. The SVL model is shown to provide a more stringent test than the SVMC model for the identification of quantum signatures in the performance of quantum annealing devices, as we illustrate by describing the Kibble-Zurek scaling associated with the dynamics of symmetry breaking in the transverse field Ising model, recently probed using D-Wave machines. Specifically, we show that D-Wave data are reproduced by the SVL model

    Cyclophilin and enolase are the most prevalent conidial antigens of Lomentospora prolificans recognized by healthy human salivary IgA and cross-react with Aspergillus fumigatus

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    Purpose: The study of the immunocompetent airways immune response may provide important information to improve the therapeutic efficacy against Lomentospora (Scedosporium) prolificans. So, this study aimed to identify the most prevalent conidial antigens of this multiresistant fungus recognized by healthy human salivary immunoglobulin A, and to study their expression and cross-reactivity with other fungal species. Experimental design: Twenty saliva from immunocompetent donors were used to detect and identify the immunoreactive proteins by 2D immunoblotting and LC-MS/MS. Moreover, anti-Aspergillus antibodies were purified to study their cross-reactivity. Results: Ten proteins of L. prolificans conidia showed reactivity with more than 50% of the saliva samples. Among them, cyclophilin and enolase were the most prevalent antigens recognized by 85 and 80% of the samples, respectively. These enzymes were also identified on the cell wall surface of L. prolificans and on the immunomes of Scedosporium apiospermum and Scedosporium aurantiacum. Additionally, they showed cross-reactivity with the most common pathogenic filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. Conclusion and clinical relevance: These results show that the immunocompetent immune response might offer a pan-fungal recognition of conserved antigens such as enolase and cyclophilins, making them potential candidates for study as therapeutic targets.This work has been partially supported by several grants (EHUA13/14, UFI11/25, GIU15/36) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). I. B. and A. A. were supported by a fellowship from the Basque Government, and Aize Pellon was supported by a fellowship from the UPV/EHU

    The Host Immune Response to Scedosporium/Lomentospora

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    Infections caused by the opportunistic pathogens Scedosporium/Lomentospora are on the rise. This causes problems in the clinic due to the difficulty in diagnosing and treating them. This review collates information published on immune response against these fungi, since an understanding of the mechanisms involved is of great interest in developing more effective strategies against them. Scedosporium/Lomentospora cell wall components, including peptidorhamnomannans (PRMs), α-glucans and glucosylceramides, are important immune response activators following their recognition by TLR2, TLR4 and Dectin-1 and through receptors that are yet unknown. After recognition, cytokine synthesis and antifungal activity of different phagocytes and epithelial cells is species-specific, highlighting the poor response by microglial cells against L. prolificans. Moreover, a great number of Scedosporium/Lomentospora antigens have been identified, most notably catalase, PRM and Hsp70 for their potential medical applicability. Against host immune response, these fungi contain evasion mechanisms, inducing host non-protective response, masking fungal molecular patterns, destructing host defense proteins and decreasing oxidative killing. In conclusion, although many advances have been made, many aspects remain to be elucidated and more research is necessary to shed light on the immune response to Scedosporium/Lomentospora.This research was funded by the Basque Government, grant number IT1362-19. L.M.-S., M.A., and L.A.-F. were funded by the Basque Government

    Characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains colonizing the nostrils of Spanish children

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    Objective: To characterize the Staphylococcus aureus strains colonizing healthy Spanish children. Methods: Between March and July 2018, 1876 Spanish children younger than 14 years attending primary healthcare centers were recruited from rural and urban areas. Staphylococcus aureus colonization of the anterior nostrils was analyzed. MecA and mecC genes, antibiotic susceptibility, and genotyping according to the spa were determined in all strains, and the following toxins were examined: Panton-Valentine leucocidin (pvl), toxic shock syndrome toxin (tst), and exfoliative toxins (eta, etb, etd). Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCCmec) typing were performed on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains, as well as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Results: 619 strains were isolated in 1876 children (33%), and 92% of them were sent for characterization to the Spanish National Centre of Microbiology (n = 572). Twenty (3.5%) of these strains were mecA-positive. Several spa types were detected among MRSA, being t002 the most frequently observed (30%), associating with SCCmec IVc. Among MSSA, 33% were positive for tst, while only 0.73% were positive for pvl. The 20 MRSA strains were negative for pvl, and 6 (30%) harbored the tst gene. Conclusions: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization in Spanish children is rare, with t002 being the most observed spa type, associated with SCCmec IVc. None of the MRSA strains produced pvl, but up to 30% of S. aureus strains were positive for tst