268 research outputs found

    Model Selection for Exposure-Mediator Interaction

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    In mediation analysis, the exposure often influences the mediating effect, i.e., there is an interaction between exposure and mediator on the dependent variable. When the mediator is high-dimensional, it is necessary to identify non-zero mediators (M) and exposure-by-mediator (X-by-M) interactions. Although several high-dimensional mediation methods can naturally handle X-by-M interactions, research is scarce in preserving the underlying hierarchical structure between the main effects and the interactions. To fill the knowledge gap, we develop the XMInt procedure to select M and X-by-M interactions in the high-dimensional mediators setting while preserving the hierarchical structure. Our proposed method employs a sequential regularization-based forward-selection approach to identify the mediators and their hierarchically preserved interaction with exposure. Our numerical experiments showed promising selection results. Further, we applied our method to ADNI morphological data and examined the role of cortical thickness and subcortical volumes on the effect of amyloid-beta accumulation on cognitive performance, which could be helpful in understanding the brain compensation mechanism.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    HGT: A Hierarchical GCN-Based Transformer for Multimodal Periprosthetic Joint Infection Diagnosis Using CT Images and Text

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    Prosthetic Joint Infection (PJI) is a prevalent and severe complication characterized by high diagnostic challenges. Currently, a unified diagnostic standard incorporating both computed tomography (CT) images and numerical text data for PJI remains unestablished, owing to the substantial noise in CT images and the disparity in data volume between CT images and text data. This study introduces a diagnostic method, HGT, based on deep learning and multimodal techniques. It effectively merges features from CT scan images and patients' numerical text data via a Unidirectional Selective Attention (USA) mechanism and a graph convolutional network (GCN)-based feature fusion network. We evaluated the proposed method on a custom-built multimodal PJI dataset, assessing its performance through ablation experiments and interpretability evaluations. Our method achieved an accuracy (ACC) of 91.4\% and an area under the curve (AUC) of 95.9\%, outperforming recent multimodal approaches by 2.9\% in ACC and 2.2\% in AUC, with a parameter count of only 68M. Notably, the interpretability results highlighted our model's strong focus and localization capabilities at lesion sites. This proposed method could provide clinicians with additional diagnostic tools to enhance accuracy and efficiency in clinical practice

    Estimating a Large Drive Time Matrix between Zip Codes in the United States: A Differential Sampling Approach

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    Estimating a massive drive time matrix between locations is a practical but challenging task. The challenges include availability of reliable road network (including traffic) data, programming expertise, and access to high-performance computing resources. This research proposes a method for estimating a nationwide drive time matrix between ZIP code areas in the U.S.--a geographic unit at which many national datasets such as health information are compiled and distributed. The method (1) does not rely on intensive efforts in data preparation or access to advanced computing resources, (2) uses algorithms of varying complexity and computational time to estimate drive times of different trip lengths, and (3) accounts for both interzonal and intrazonal drive times. The core design samples ZIP code pairs with various intensities according to trip lengths and derives the drive times via Google Maps API, and the Google times are then used to adjust and improve some primitive estimates of drive times with low computational costs. The result provides a valuable resource for researchers

    DiffULD: Diffusive Universal Lesion Detection

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    Universal Lesion Detection (ULD) in computed tomography (CT) plays an essential role in computer-aided diagnosis. Promising ULD results have been reported by anchor-based detection designs, but they have inherent drawbacks due to the use of anchors: i) Insufficient training targets and ii) Difficulties in anchor design. Diffusion probability models (DPM) have demonstrated outstanding capabilities in many vision tasks. Many DPM-based approaches achieve great success in natural image object detection without using anchors. But they are still ineffective for ULD due to the insufficient training targets. In this paper, we propose a novel ULD method, DiffULD, which utilizes DPM for lesion detection. To tackle the negative effect triggered by insufficient targets, we introduce a novel center-aligned bounding box padding strategy that provides additional high-quality training targets yet avoids significant performance deterioration. DiffULD is inherently advanced in locating lesions with diverse sizes and shapes since it can predict with arbitrary boxes. Experiments on the benchmark dataset DeepLesion show the superiority of DiffULD when compared to state-of-the-art ULD approaches

    Learning Purified Feature Representations from Task-irrelevant Labels

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    Learning an empirically effective model with generalization using limited data is a challenging task for deep neural networks. In this paper, we propose a novel learning framework called PurifiedLearning to exploit task-irrelevant features extracted from task-irrelevant labels when training models on small-scale datasets. Particularly, we purify feature representations by using the expression of task-irrelevant information, thus facilitating the learning process of classification. Our work is built on solid theoretical analysis and extensive experiments, which demonstrate the effectiveness of PurifiedLearning. According to the theory we proved, PurifiedLearning is model-agnostic and doesn't have any restrictions on the model needed, so it can be combined with any existing deep neural networks with ease to achieve better performance. The source code of this paper will be available in the future for reproducibility.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2011.0847
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