41 research outputs found

    A transferência de conhecimento no âmbito do processo de internacionalização das PME portuguesas para o mercado angolano: Um estudo de casos no sector industrial, 2000/2015

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    O conhecimento já foi identificado pelas empresas que se internacionalizam como um importante recurso estratégico, elas esforçam-se, ativamente, para transferir conhecimento de forma eficaz para as suas subsidiárias, portanto, a transferência de conhecimento além-fronteiras representa um desafio único para a gestão do conhecimento para essas empresas. É importante, por isso, em especial para as PMEs, pela sua menor capacidade de obter os recursos necessários, entender a importância e como a transferência de conhecimento impacta o desempenho da sua subsidiária e qual a influência da capacidade de absorção nesse processo. Revimos as teorias da empresa e da internacionalização que têm o conhecimento como "peça" central e salientámos a importância das capacidades dinâmicas para a manutenção da vantagem competitiva das empresas nos dias de hoje. Nesta investigação, considerou-se o estudo de casos múltiplos (4) como o método mais adequado, em todos os casos entrevistámos o expatriado responsável pela subsidiária e o responsável pelo controlo da subsidiária em Portugal, daquelas entrevistas resultaram para as três dimensões, 635 segmentos codificados pelo software MaxQda. Os resultados revelam que a capacidade de absorção individual impacta na capacidade de absorção organizacional, na transferência de conhecimento e na performance da subsidiária. São também identificadas as contribuições da investigação, as suas limitações e sugestões para investigações futuras.Knowledge has already been identified by companies that internationalize as an important strategic resource, they actively strive to transfer knowledge effectively to their subsidiaries, therefore, knowledge transfer across borders represents a unique challenge for knowledge management for these companies. It is therefore important, especially for SMEs, due to their lower ability to obtain the necessary resources, to understand the importance and how the transfer of knowledge impacts the performance of their subsidiary and what is the influence of the absorption capacity in this process. We reviewed the company and of internationalization theories that have knowledge as a central "piece" and highlighted the importance of dynamic capabilities to maintain the competitive advantage of companies today. In this investigation, the multiple case study (4) was considered the most appropriate method, in all cases we interviewed the expatriate responsible for the subsidiary and the person responsible for controlling the subsidiary in Portugal, of those interviews resulted for the three dimensions of the study resulted in 635 segments that were coded by MaxQda software. The results reveal that individual absorption capacity impacts organizational absorption capacity, knowledge transfer and subsidiary performance. The contributions of the research, its limitations and suggestions for future research are also identified

    Circular Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets through the Lens of Sustainability

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    Artigo publicado em revista científica internacionalThe purpose of this research paper is to explore the antecedents and consequences of circular entrepreneurship in emerging markets. The consequences of circular entrepreneurship will be explored through the lens of three dimensions of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental. This study used a multi-case approach, which is frequently applied in circular business literature. The study used convenient and purposeful sampling techniques to identify circular entrepreneurs starting a business by recognizing opportunities in CE. We interviewed the 15 entrepreneurs (all participants engage in plastic circular entrepreneurship) with more than 8 years of experience. We employed a semi-structured interview method because respondents explored important information during the interview. Atlas.ti, a prominent qualitative software package, was used for analysis. This study portrays the antecedents and consequences of circular entrepreneurship identified when circular entrepreneurs take the initiative to serve low-income customers. This study points out that circular entrepreneurs can be motivated both intrinsically and extrinsically. The consequences of circular entrepreneurship show how such enterprises impact on society, sustainability, and the economy. The study points out that circular entrepreneurship can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment. By investigating the determinants and consequences of circular entrepreneurship in emerging markets, the authors make a significant contribution to the field of circular economy and entrepreneurship. We have limited logistics and resources, thus we did not collect data from stakeholders, who might provide a richer picture and insights into how circular products affect their lifestyle. Policymakers can get a better understanding of such enterprises from the findings of this study. They should reassess policies regarding circular entrepreneurship and suggest ways to promote open innovation within circular entrepreneurship. Circular enterprises serve low-income customers by offering an affordable product with attractive features. The government should develop an open innovation action-packed forum to find, design, and create prototypes, as well as introduce more comprehensive sustainable solutions for wastable plastic products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An Analysis of Pakistani Corporate Sector

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    Khan, K. I., Qadeer, F., Mata, M. N., Dantas, R. M., Xavier Rita, J., & Martins, J. N. (2021). Debt Market Trends and Predictors of Specialization: An Analysis of Pakistani Corporate Sector. JOURNAL OF RISK AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 14(5), 1-16. [224]. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm14050224Recently, debt structure research has started focusing on the strategic perspective of financing choices, particularly to understand the reasons for debt specialization (DS). This paper examines trends of specialization over time and industry by using a comprehensive dataset on types of debt employed by the public limited companies during 2009-2018. The objective of the current study is to analyze the effect of debt market conditions by identifying significant predictors of DS. Time-series and cross-sectional results confirm the existence of DS, which is further validated by the findings of the cluster analysis. The empirical results indicate that overall, 61% of the companies solely rely on a single type of debt, mostly on short-term obligations accompanied by long-term secured and other debts. Moreover, small, mature, rated, group-affiliated, and low-leverage companies incline more towards this strategy. Credit rating, debt maturity, financial and interest coverage ratios serve as the primary determinants of the debt market that are significantly associated with the measures of DS. The results contribute to the capital structure literature by specifying that financing choice has an important implication in deciding the debt structure composition of the organizations.publishersversionpublishe

    Past trends and future research suggestions

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    Bhutta, U., Martins, J. N., Mata, M. N., Raza, A., Dantas, R. M., Correia, A. B., & Rafiq, M. (2021). Intellectual structure and evolution of accounting conservatism research: Past trends and future research suggestions. International Journal of Financial Studies, 9(3), 1-23. [35]. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijfs9030035Accounting conservatism (AC) is one of the components of financial reporting, and has been widely studied by academicians to identify its impact on information quality. Scholars in accounting have started to explore how AC is related to different fundamental functional areas of organizations. The interest of the scholars has resulted in an increasing number of publications in this field. In this study, we examined 408 indexed publications related to AC. This work’s objectives include analyzing the regional distribution, size, and evolution of this knowledge base by identifying key authors, documents, and journals while exploring current literature, scholarly structure, and highlighting contemporary trends. The findings of the study concluded that most of the studies are conducted in developed nations contexts. However, there are still areas that need further exploration to obtain more profound insights on the subject. This bibliometric review inspires a new generation of researchers on the topic by giving them an overview of the past studies related to AC.publishersversionpublishe

    Role of green and multisensory packaging in environmental sustainability: Evidence from FMCG sector of Pakistan

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    Artigo publicado em revista científica internacionalThe primary purpose of this research is to explain the importance of a significant aspect of a sustainable environment: green packaging. Green packa ging has been revealed to have an astounding effect on a sustainable environment. Misuse of carbon products negatively affects the environment and pollutes the surroundings to a great extent, for which one feasible solution is green packaging. The phenomenon has been investigated using two independent variables: green packaging and multi-sensory packaging. Consumer environmental knowledge has been used as a mediating variable, and consumer perception has been used as a moderating variable, whereas the dependent variable is ecological sustainability. Current research is quantitative, and data were collected from 302 FMCG customers through a Self-Administered questionnaire survey. The research approach was deductive, and the nature of the study was explanatory. AMOS software and the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique have been used to test the proposed hypotheses. According to the study’s findings, green packaging has a significant and positive effect on environmental sustainability, while multisensory packaging has a negative impact. Consumer perception positively moderates the relationship between green packaging and ecological sustainability. At the same time, consumer environmental knowledge had no mediating effect between green packaging, multi sensory packaging, and ecological sustainability. This research fills the literature gap, as few studies exist on the relationship between green packaging and environmental sustainability. The mediating and moderating model has been tested for the first time in the FMCG sector of Pakistan. This study benefits manufacturers and marketers to know the importance of green packaging to enhance a sustainable environment. FMCG companies can use reusable and recyclable materials instead of substances like Plastic and Styrofoam for Packing, which is environmentally friendly and affordable for daily usage.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impediments of Green Finance Adoption System: Linking Economy and Environment

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    Environmental deregulation has become a severe concern for public health around the world. Increased pollution and ecological degradation have diverted attention towards adopting green practices, which can be possible if the sustainable green finance system is implemented in its true spirit. But previous studies reported certain factors affecting its implementation process, particularly in developing countries. This study aims to identify and quantify the barriers to adopting a green finance system. First, it identified twenty barriers through an extensive literature review and semi-structured interviews with experts in the fields of financial management, economics, and environmental sciences. Later, eighteen factors were finalized by the consensus of panel experts, which was further used to analyze their interrelationship through Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM). Using MICMAC analysis, these barriers were categorized based on their diving-dependence powers. Finally, the conceptual ISM model is developed that provides a clear picture of the impediments to the green finance adoption system and their flow relationship among the identified barriers at different levels. The findings suggest that global level factors: lack of pressure from international organizations and unavailability of globally acceptable green criteria are critical to the prevalence of other factors that indicate its centrality to effectively implementing the green finance system. The developed model helps in designing, implementing, and promoting eco-friendly projects. It is also recommended that an appropriate framework is required to be developed at global, country, organizational, and individual levels to deal with the barriers of the green finance adoption system. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-02-02 Full Text: PD

    JITeR: Just-in-time application-layer routing

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    The paper addresses the problem of providing message latency and reliability assurances for control traf- fic in wide-area IP networks. This is an important problem for cloud services and other geo-distributed information infrastructures that entail inter-datacenter real-time communication. We present the design and validation of JITeR ( Just-In-Time Routing ), an algorithm that timely routes messages at application- layer using overlay networking and multihoming, leveraging the natural redundancy of wide-area IP net- works. We implemented a prototype of JITeR that we evaluated experimentally by placing nodes in sev- eral regions of Amazon EC2. We also present a scenario-based (geo-distributed utility network) evalua- tion comparing JITeR with alternative overlay/multihoming routing algorithms that shows that it provides better timeliness and reliability guarantees

    Both “illness and temptation of the enemy”: melancholy, the medieval patient and the writings of King Duarte of Portugal (r. 1433–38)

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    Recent historians have rehabilitated King Duarte of Portugal, previously maligned and neglected, as an astute ruler and philosopher. There is still a tendency, however, to view Duarte as a depressive or a hypochondriac, due to his own description of his melancholy in his advice book, the Loyal Counselor. This paper reassesses Duarte's writings, drawing on key approaches in the history of medicine, such as narrative medicine and the history of the patient. It is important to take Duarte's views on his condition seriously, placing them in the medical and theological contexts of his time and avoiding modern retrospective diagnosis. Duarte's writings can be used to explore the impact of plague, doubt and death on the life of a well-educated and conscientious late-medieval ruler