40 research outputs found

    Synergistic Combination of Hyperoxygenation and Radiotherapy by Repeated Assessments of Tumor pO2 with EPR Oximetry

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    The effect of hyperoxygenation with carbogen (95% O2 + 5% CO2) inhalation on RIF-1 tumor pO2and its consequence on growth inhibition with fractionated radiotherapy is reported. The temporal changes in the tumor pO2 were assessed by in vivo Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) oximetry in mice breathing 30% O2 or carbogen and the tumors were irradiated with 4 Gy/day for 5 consecutive days; a protocol that emulates the clinical application of carbogen. The RIF-1 tumors were hypoxic with a tissue pO2 of 5–9 mmHg. Carbogen (CB) breathing significantly increased tumor pO2, with a maximum increase at 22.9–31.2 min on days 1–5, however, the magnitude of increase in pO2 declined on day 5. Radiotherapy during carbogen inhalation (CB/RT) resulted in a significant tumor growth inhibition from day 3 to day 6 as compared to 30%O2/RT and carbogen (CB/Sham RT) groups. The results provide unambiguous quantitative information on the effect of carbogen inhalation on tumor pO2 over the course of 5 days. Tumor growth inhibition in the CB/RT group confirms that the tumor oxygenation with carbogen was radiobiologically significant. Repeated tumor pO2 measurements by EPR oximetry can provide temporal information that could be used to improve therapeutic outcomes by scheduling doses at times of improved tumor oxygenation

    Two occurrences of delayed epidural hematoma in different areas following decompressive craniectomy for acute subdural hematoma in a single patient: a case report

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    Abstract Background Delayed epidural hematoma (DEH) following evacuation of traumatic acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) or acute epidural hematoma (EDH) is a rare but devastating complication, especially when it occurs sequentially in a single patient. Case presentation A 19-year-old man who developed contralateral DEH following craniotomy for evacuation of a traumatic right-side ASDH and then developed a left-side DEH of the posterior cranial fossa after craniotomy for evacuation of the contralateral DEH. He was immediately returned to the operating room for additional surgeries and his neurological outcome was satisfactory. Conclusions Although DEH occurring after evacuation of ASDH or acute EDH is a rare event, timely recognition is critical to prognosis

    Mutagenesis and structural studies reveal the basis for the specific binding of SARS-CoV-2 SL3 RNA element with human TIA1 protein

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    Abstract Viral RNA-host protein interactions are indispensable during RNA virus transcription and replication, but their detailed structural and dynamical features remain largely elusive. Here, we characterize the binding interface for the SARS-CoV-2 stem-loop 3 (SL3) cis-acting element to human TIA1 protein with a combined theoretical and experimental approaches. The highly structured SARS-CoV-2 SL3 has a high binding affinity to TIA1 protein, in which the aromatic stacking, hydrogen bonds, and hydrophobic interactions collectively direct this specific binding. Further mutagenesis studies validate our proposed 3D binding model and reveal two SL3 variants have enhanced binding affinities to TIA1. And disruptions of the identified RNA-protein interactions with designed antisense oligonucleotides dramatically reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection in cells. Finally, TIA1 protein could interact with conserved SL3 RNA elements within other betacoronavirus lineages. These findings open an avenue to explore the viral RNA-host protein interactions and provide a pioneering structural basis for RNA-targeting antiviral drug design

    Green Synthesis of Lutein-Based Carbon Dots Applied for Free-Radical Scavenging within Cells

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body play an important role in various processes. It is well known that harmful high levels of ROS can cause many problems in living organisms in a variety of ways. One effective way to remove intracellular ROS is to use reducing materials that can enter the cell. Herein, we developed a strong reducing carbon nano-dot from a natural product, lutein, as an initial raw material. This is a hydrothermal synthesis method with the advantages of simplicity, high yield, mild reaction conditions, and environmental friendliness. The prepared carbon dots exhibit bright blue fluorescence, and have good water solubility and biocompatibility. In particular, the carbon dots can easily enter the cell and effectively remove ROS. Therefore, the carbon dots are thought to protect cells from oxidative damage by high levels of ROS

    Ectopic expression of human airway trypsin‐like protease 4 in acute myeloid leukemia promotes cancer cell invasion and tumor growth

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    Abstract Transmembrane serine proteases have been implicated in the development and progression of solid and hematological cancers. Human airway trypsin‐like protease 4 (HAT‐L4) is a transmembrane serine protease expressed in epithelial cells and exocrine glands. In the skin, HAT‐L4 is important for normal epidermal barrier function. Here, we report an unexpected finding of ectopic HAT‐L4 expression in neutrophils and monocytes from acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Such expression was not detected in bone marrow cells from normal individuals or patients with chronic myeloid leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. In AML patients who underwent chemotherapy, persistent HAT‐L4 expression in bone marrow cells was associated with minimal residual disease and poor prognostic outcomes. In culture, silencing HAT‐L4 expression in AML–derived THP‐1 cells by short hairpin RNAs inhibited matrix metalloproteinase‐2 activation and Matrigel invasion. In mouse xenograft models, inhibition of HAT‐L4 expression reduced the proliferation and growth of THP‐1 cell–derived tumors. Our results indicate that ectopic HAT‐L4 expression is a pathological mechanism in AML and that HAT‐L4 may be used as a cell surface marker for AML blast detection and targeting

    Dynamic changes in oxygenation of intracranial tumor and contralateral brain during tumor growth and carbogen breathing:a multisite EPR oximetry with implantable resonators

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    INTRODUCTION: Several techniques currently exist for measuring tissue oxygen; however technical difficulties have limited their usefulness and general application. We report a recently developed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) oximetry approach with multiple probe implantable resonators (IRs) that allow repeated measurements of oxygen in tissue at depths of greater than 10 mm. METHODS: The EPR signal to noise (S/N) ratio of two probe IRs was compared with that of LiPc deposits. The feasibility of intracranial tissue pO(2) measurements by EPR oximetry using IRs was tested in normal rats and rats bearing intracerebral F98 tumors. The dynamic changes in the tissue pO(2) were assessed during repeated hyperoxia with carbogen breathing. RESULTS: A 6–10 times increase in the S/N ratio was observed with IRs as compared to LiPc deposits. The mean brain pO(2) of normal rats was stable and increased significantly during carbogen inhalation in experiments repeated for 3 months. The pO(2) of F98 glioma declined gradually, while the pO(2) of contralateral brain essentially remained the same. Although a significant increase in the glioma pO(2) was observed during carbogen inhalation, this effect declined in experiments repeated over days. CONCLUSION: EPR oximetry with IRs provides a significant increase in S/N ratio. The ability to repeatedly assess orthotopic glioma pO(2) is likely to play a vital role in understanding the dynamics of tissue pO(2) during tumor growth and therapies designed to modulate tumor hypoxia. This information could then be used to optimize chemoradiation by scheduling treatments at times of increased glioma oxygenation

    Tooth Retrospective Dosimetry Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: Influence of Irradiated Dental Composites

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    In the aftermath of a major radiological accident, the medical management of overexposed individuals will rely on the determination of the dose of ionizing radiations absorbed by the victims. Because people in the general population do not possess conventional dosimeters, after the fact dose reconstruction methods are needed. Free radicals are induced by radiations in the tooth enamel of victims, in direct proportion to dose, and can be quantified using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectrometry, a technique that was demonstrated to be very appropriate for mass triage. The presence of dimethacrylate based restorations on teeth can interfere with the dosimetric signal from the enamel, as free radicals could also be induced in the various composites used. The aim of the present study was to screen irradiated composites for a possible radiation-induced EPR signal, to characterize it, and evaluate a possible interference with the dosimetric signal of the enamel. We investigated the most common commercial composites, and experimental compositions, for a possible class effect. The effect of the dose was studied between 10 Gy and 100 Gy using high sensitivity X-band spectrometer. The influence of this radiation-induced signal from the composite on the dosimetric signal of the enamel was also investigated using a clinical L-Band EPR spectrometer, specifically developed in the EPR center at Dartmouth College. In X-band, a radiation-induced signal was observed for high doses (25-100 Gy); it was rapidly decaying, and not detected after only 24 h post irradiation. At 10 Gy, the signal was in most cases not measurable in the commercial composites tested, with the exception of 3 composites showing a significant intensity. In L-band study, only one irradiated commercial composite influenced significantly the dosimetric signal of the tooth, with an overestimation about 30%. In conclusion, the presence of the radiation-induced signal from dental composites should not significantly influence the dosimetry for early dose assessment