41 research outputs found

    Identiteti online

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    Mediet sociale janë shndërruar në arenë të shpërndarjes së shpejtë të informacionit, komunikimit global, vetëpromovimit, lirisë së shprehjes, debateve të nxehta por edhe në një mjet të fuqishëm të formësimit të identitetit. Identiteti është koncept i atribuuar shoqëror. Por në mediet sociale identiteti konsiderohet si “zgjatim i jetës së përditshme dhe mjet i ndryshimit kulturor”. Pra,formimi i identitetit, si koncept social, është duke u transformuar me metoda të reja globale. Ky transformim po ndodh falë medies sociale. Platformat e rrjeteve sociale mundësojnë krijimin dhe plasimin e identitetit real apo fals në botën virtuale. Punimi identiteti online analizon krijimin e identitetit, motivet që shtyjnë individët të krijojnë këto identitete, krahason identitetet e krijuara virtuale me ato të botës reale dhe mënyrën e komunikimit mes përdoruesve. Gjithashtu trajton problemin e komunikimit me përdoruesit anonim, me të cilët fitohet përshtypja e eksplorimit të identitetit individual

    Health policies and the challenges of the implementation of legislation in the republic of kosovo

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    Health policies, adequate legislation in the field of health and sustainable financing of the health system continue to be serious challenges for countries in transition and especially for the Republic of Kosovo. As a new state, with a health system that has gone through three difficult periods in the last three decades such as political, economic, social and the transition from international administration to an independent and sovereign state, has significantly influenced the reform and advancement of health policies as well as the quality of legislation governing this area.The situation in Kosovar healthcare continues to be critical two decades after the war and 12 years after the declaration of independence. Low level of development of the health sector, lack of political will, inadequate health policies and non-implementation of legislation, unsustainable financing is reflected in poor results, even alarming in terms of public health in Kosovo. The lack of a serious approach to the health sector has led to this sector, of primary importance, to be degraded to alarming proportions at the three levels of Kosovo\u27s health system.The purpose of this paper is to assess the achievements, stagnation, the need for reforms in the health system and to improve the parameters and indicators that make the health system of a stable country, through a qualitative and comparative method, with reviews of Kosovo\u27s health policies and legislation, as well as evaluation reports of relevant international institutions

    The status of Albanian in relation to the other Balkan languages

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    The status of Albanian in relation to the other Balkan languages Albanian has been in contact with other languages almost in all areas in which it is spoken, whereas the relationship with each of them differs from place to place. This study aims at describing the status of Albanian depending on its place of use and on the contacts it has with other Balkan languages.   Status języka albańskiego w porównaniu z innymi językami bałkańskimi Język albański pozostaje w stałym kontakcie z innymi językami niemal na całym swoim terytorium. Natomiast relacje międzyjęzykowe są różne w zależności od konkretnego miejsca. W tym artykule omówiono status języka albańskiego, w poszczególnych lokacjach jego użycia oraz jego relacje z innymi miejscowymi językami

    Online identity

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    Social media have become an arena of rapid dissemination of information, global communication, self – promotion, freedom of expression, but also hot debates and powerful tool of shaping identity. Identity is the concept socially attributed. Social media identity is regarded as “an extension of everyday life and cultural change tool.” So, identity formation as a social concept is being transformed with new global methods. This transformation is happening thanks to social media. Social networking platforms enable the creation and placement of real or false identity in the virtual world. Online identity paper analyzes the creation of identity, motives that push individuals to create these identities, compares the creation of identities in the virtual and real world and the way of communication between users. Also addresses the problem of communication with anonymous users, with whom the impression of individual identity is explored

    The position and the status of Albanian in the Presheva Valley

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    The position and the status of Albanian in the Presheva Valley The present paper aims at describing the position and the social status of the Albanian language in the two municipalities of south-western Serbia – Preshevo and Bujanovac, where the majority of the population is Albanian, and where the Albanian language, together with Serbian is the official language on the territory of these two municipalities. The status of Albanian is dealt with by giving evidence of legal sanctions and describing the practical situation, based on application of the laws in force. In order to reflect the status of Albanian in this region more precisely, other data, mainly deriving from a survey conducted with Albanian citizens from the two municipalities. In addition essays and anonymous questionnaires with high school students from these two municipalities have been used. The Albanian language in Preshevo Valley is sanctioned as an official language at the local level, with equal use, especially in the formal domains of life, but the practical need for using Serbian as a first language is obvious and results in intolerance towards Albanian. Regardless of the fact that it is sanctioned as an equal language to Serbian, in practice Albanian is a language of second rank.   Sytuacja i status języka albańskiego w Dolinie Preszewa Tematem artykułu są sytuacja i status społeczny języka albańskiego w dwóch powiatach południowo-zachodniej Serbii – Preszewo i Bujanovac, w których Albańczycy stanowią większość. W obu powiatach język albański jest obok języka serbskiego jednym z dwóch oficjalnych języków. Sytuację języka albańskiego pokazano na przykładzie konkretnych prawnych sytuacji i tych faktycznych, skonfrontowanych z obowiązującymi ustawami. Przytoczono także dane z badań innych autorów, dotyczące głównie społeczności albańskiej, jak również rezultaty anonimowych ankiet przeprowadzonych wśród uczniów szkół ponadpodstawowych w obu powiatach. Język albański w Dolinie Preszewa jest formalnie drugim oficjalnym językiem o zasięgu lokalnym. Ma status języka równoprawnego, zwłaszcza w oficjalnej sferze życia, jednak oczywiste względy praktyczne sprawiają, że to język serbski znajduje się na pierwszym miejscu, spychając albański na plan drugi, mimo zagwarantowanej ustawowej równoprawności

    A mathematical model of movement in virtual reality through thoughts

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    In this article, we'll introduce ways to build virtual worlds through different computer programs. We will show the method of rectangles for analyzing data obtained from the electroencephalogram. We will demonstrate basic mathematical models for movement prediction in a system of virtual reality. Using this data, the main transformations are possible-change of position and rotation (change of orientation)

    The current use of the past imperfect tense in Albanian and Serbian – a case study

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    The current use of the past imperfect tense in Albanian and Serbian – a case study The article deals with the indirect influence of Albanian grammar among the native speakers of Serbian who study Albanian as a foreign language as an awareness and transformation process when translating the past imperfect forms from Albanian as a foreign language into their mother tongue Serbian, more specifically the past imperfect of Albanian into Serbian as their mother tongue. The emphasize that while translating, the students are guided not by knowledge of formal grammar but by actual by real usage of this tense in Albanian and Serbian.   Współczesne użycie imperfectum w języku serbskim i albańskim Artykuł dotyczy bezpośredniego wpływu gramatyki albańskiej na język serbski wśród Serbów uczących się języka albańskiego jako obcego. Przedmiotem opisu jest przekład albańskich form imperfektywnych w tłumaczeniu z albańskiego na serbski, w którym ta forma werbalna nie jest już używana. Autorki podkreślają, że studenci, tłumacząc, nie kierują się formalną wiedzą gramatyczną na temat funkcjonowania imperfectum w obu językach, ale realnymi zastosowaniami tej formy temporalnej

    Brain Ultrasound as a Diagnostic and Follow up Method of Lateral Ventricle Dilatation in Hospitalised Children at the Neurology Department – Pediatric Clinic

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    A child’s full development is tied closely to the full development of the human’s central nervous system, which is why there are so many cases reported with central nervous system illnesses in children. Being very familiar with a child’s normal development, a Pediatric Neurologist doctor is capable of noticing any sort of neurological deviation during the first month of child’s development which can be backed up with diagnostic methods such as: Transfontanellare Ultrasonography which is the chosen method to diagnose such anomalies and also helps keep track of them.Key words: Brain ultrasonography, ventriculomegaly, our clinical experience

    Atomic spectrometry update – a review of advances in environmental analysis

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