366 research outputs found

    Intermolecular anharmonicity in molecular crystals: interplay between experimental low-frequency dynamics and quantum quasi-harmonic simulations of solid purine

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    The intermolecular anharmonic potential of crystalline purine is probed by means of temperature-dependent terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, low-frequency Raman scattering, X-ray diffraction, and ab initio\textit{ab initio} quasi-harmonic quantum-chemical simulations. As temperature increases, anharmonicity in the intermolecular interactions results in strongly anisotropic thermal expansion - with a negative thermal expansion along the bb crystallographic axis - yielding corresponding bulk structural modifications. The observed thermally-induced shifts of most vibrational bands in the terahertz region of the spectra are shown to arise from volume-dependent thermal changes of the hydrogen-bond pattern along the aa and bb crystallographic axes.M. T. R. and J. A. Z. thank the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for funding (EP/N022769/1). M. T. R. also thanks the European Molecular Biology Organization for travel funding

    Revisiting the Thermodynamic Stability of Indomethacin Polymorphs with Low-Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy and Quantum Mechanical Simulations

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    The two major polymorphs of the active pharmaceutical ingredient indomethacin were studied using a combination of experimental low-frequency vibrational spectroscopies, theoretical solid-state density functional theory and ab initio molecular dynamics calculations. The results enable a complete spectral assignment of the low-frequency IR and Raman spectra, and yield new insight into the energetic and dynamical factors present within the solids to be understood. Ultimately, these results are used to rationalize the thermodynamic properties of the two crystals, which result in a contradiction to the long-held belief that the Îł-form is the more stable polymorph at ambient conditions due to its predominant abundance. Overall, the study highlights the combined role that molecular conformation, bulk packing arrangement, and intermolecular forces have on the ultimate properties of pharmaceutical crystals, and the need for detailed analyses into all of these effects in order to predict the properties of materials

    Energy-Tank based Force Control for 3D Contour Following

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    Manipulation has been a major topic in robotics since its earlier developments. In the last few years, a new research area has focused in the introduction of manipulation capabilities on mobile robots. Several challenges are faced when mobile robots interact with unknown environments, for which inherent compliance is a key feature to achieve the intended outcome in a safe and robust way. This paper proposes a unified method of force control with energy-tank based methods to tackle 3D contour following. This method is tailored for manipulators that are designed for aerial applications, and addresses the interaction with unknown surfaces by also tackling the safety aspect, i.e. the response generated during contact loss

    The Impact of Lockdown on Couples' Sex Lives

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    Background: the aim of this study was to perform an Italian telematics survey analysis on the changes in couples' sex lives during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown. Methods: a multicenter cross sectional study was conducted on people sexually active and in stable relationships for at least 6 months. To evaluate male and female sexual dysfunctions, we used the international index of erectile function (IIEF-15) and the female sexual function index (FSFI), respectively; marital quality and stability were evaluated by the marital adjustment test (items 10-15); to evaluate the severity of anxiety symptoms, we used the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. The effects of the quarantine on couples' relationships was assessed with questions created in-house. Results: we included 2149 participants. The sex lives improved for 49% of participants, particularly those in cohabitation; for 29% it deteriorated, while for 22% of participants it did not change. Women who responded that their sex lives deteriorated had no sexual dysfunction, but they had anxiety, tension, fear, and insomnia. Contrarily, men who reported deteriorating sex lives had erectile dysfunctions and orgasmic disorders. In both genders, being unemployed or smart working, or having sons were risk factors for worsening the couples' sex lives. Conclusion: this study should encourage evaluation of the long-term effects of COVID-19 on the sex lives of couples
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