634 research outputs found

    Summability of multilinear forms on classical sequence spaces

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    We present an extension of the Hardy--Littlewood inequality for multilinear forms. More precisely, let K\mathbb{K} be the real or complex scalar field and m,km,k be positive integers with mβ‰₯k m\geq k\, and n1,…,nkn_{1},\dots ,n_{k} be positive integers such that n1+β‹―+nk=mn_{1}+\cdots +n_{k}=m. (aa) If (r,p)∈(0,∞)Γ—[2m,∞](r,p)\in (0,\infty )\times \lbrack 2m,\infty ] then there is a constant Dm,r,p,kKβ‰₯1D_{m,r,p,k}^{\mathbb{K}}\geq 1 (not depending on nn) such that \left( \sum_{i_{1},\dots ,i_{k}=1}^{n}\left| T\left( e_{i_{1}}^{n_{1}},\dots ,e_{i_{k}}^{n_{k}}\right) \right| ^{r}\right) ^{% \frac{1}{r}}\leq D_{m,r,p,k}^{\mathbb{K}} \cdot n^{max\left\{ \frac{% 2kp-kpr-pr+2rm}{2pr},0\right\} }\left| T\right| for all mm-linear forms T:β„“pnΓ—β‹―Γ—β„“pnβ†’KT:\ell_{p}^{n}\times \cdots \times \ell_{p}^{n}\rightarrow \mathbb{K} and all positive integers nn. Moreover, the exponent max{2kpβˆ’kprβˆ’pr+2rm2pr,0}max\left\{ \frac{2kp-kpr-pr+2rm}{2pr},0\right\} is optimal. (bb) If (r,p)∈(0,∞)Γ—(m,2m](r, p) \in (0, \infty) \times (m, 2m] then there is a constant Dm,r,p,kKβ‰₯1% D_{m,r,p, k}^{\mathbb{K}}\geq 1 (not depending on nn) such that \left( \sum_{i_{1},\dots ,i_{k}=1}^{n }\left| T\left( e_{i_{1}}^{n_{1}},\dots ,e_{i_{k}}^{n_{k}}\right) \right| ^{r }\right) ^{% \frac{1}{r }}\leq D_{m,r,p, k}^{\mathbb{K}} \cdot n^{ max \left\{\frac{% p-rp+rm}{pr}, 0\right\}}\left| T\right| for all mm-linear forms T:β„“pnΓ—β‹―Γ—β„“pnβ†’KT:\ell_{p}^{n}\times \cdots \times \ell_{p}^{n}\rightarrow \mathbb{K} and all positive integers nn. Moreover, the exponent max{pβˆ’rp+rmpr,0}max \left\{\frac{p-rp+rm}{pr}, 0\right\} is optimal. The case k=mk=m recovers a recent result due to G. Araujo and D. Pellegrino

    Summability and estimates for polynomials and multilinear mappings

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    AbstractIn this paper we extend and generalize several known estimates for homogeneous polynomials and multilinear mappings on Banach spaces. Applying the theory of absolutely summing nonlinear mappings, we prove that estimates which are known for mappings on β„“p spaces in fact hold true for mappings on arbitrary Banach spaces
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