514 research outputs found

    SGRs and AXPs as massive fast rotating highly magnetized white dwarfs: the case of SGR 0418+5729

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    We describe one of the so-called low magnetic field magnetars SGR 0418+5729, as a massive fast rotating highly magnetized white dwarf following Malheiro et. al. 2012. We give bounds for the mass, radius, moment of inertia, and magnetic field for these sources, by requesting the stability of realistic general relativistic uniformly rotating configurations. Based on these parameters, we improve the theoretical prediction of the lower limit of the spin-down rate of SGR 0418+5729. In addition, we compute the electron cyclotron frequencies corresponding to the predicted surface magnetic fields.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. The Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories - Proceedings of the MG13 Meeting on General Relativity (in 3 Volumes). Edited by Rosquist Kjell et. a

    On the self-consistent general relativistic equilibrium equations of neutron stars

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    We address the existence of globally neutral neutron star configurations in contrast with the traditional ones constructed by imposing local neutrality. The equilibrium equations describing this system are the Einstein-Maxwell equations which must be solved self-consistently with the general relativistic Thomas-Fermi equation and β\beta-equilibrium condition. To illustrate the application of this novel approach we adopt the Baym, Bethe, and Pethick (1971) strong interaction model of the baryonic matter in the core and of the white-dwarf-like material of the crust. We illustrate the crucial role played by the boundary conditions satisfied by the leptonic component of the matter at the interface between the core and the crust. For every central density an entire new family of equilibrium configurations exists for selected values of the Fermi energy of the electrons at the surface of the core. Each such configuration fulfills global charge neutrality and is characterized by a non-trivial electrodynamical structure. The electric field extends over a thin shell of thickness /(mec)\sim \hbar/(m_e c) between the core and the crust and becomes largely overcritical in the limit of decreasing values of the crust mass

    The Klein first integrals in an equilibrium system with electromagnetic, weak, strong and gravitational interactions

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    The isothermal Tolman condition and the constancy of the Klein potentials originally expressed for the sole gravitational interaction in a single fluid are here generalized to the case of a three quantum fermion fluid duly taking into account the strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravitational interactions. The set of constitutive equations including the Einstein-Maxwell-Thomas-Fermi equations as well as the ones corresponding to the strong interaction description are here presented in the most general relativistic isothermal case. This treatment represents an essential step to correctly formulate a self-consistent relativistic field theoretical approach of neutron stars.Comment: To be published by Nuclear Physics