59 research outputs found

    Palaeoproterozoic magnesite: lithological and isotopic evidence for playa/sabkha environments

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    Magnesite forms a series of 1- to 15-m-thick beds within the approximate to2.0 Ga (Palaeoproterozoic) Tulomozerskaya Formation, NW Fennoscandian Shield, Russia. Drillcore material together with natural exposures reveal that the 680-m-thick formation is composed of a stromatolite-dolomite-'red bed' sequence formed in a complex combination of shallow-marine and non-marine, evaporitic environments. Dolomite-collapse breccia, stromatolitic and micritic dolostones and sparry allochemical dolostones are the principal rocks hosting the magnesite beds. All dolomite lithologies are marked by delta C-13 values from +7.1 parts per thousand to +11.6 parts per thousand (V-PDB) and delta O-18 ranging from 17.4 parts per thousand to 26.3 parts per thousand (V-SMOW). Magnesite occurs in different forms: finely laminated micritic; stromatolitic magnesite; and structureless micritic, crystalline and coarsely crystalline magnesite. All varieties exhibit anomalously high delta C-13 values ranging from +9.0 parts per thousand to +11.6 parts per thousand and delta O-18 values of 20.0-25.7 parts per thousand. Laminated and structureless micritic magnesite forms as a secondary phase replacing dolomite during early diagenesis, and replaced dolomite before the major phase of burial. Crystalline and coarsely crystalline magnesite replacing micritic magnesite formed late in the diagenetic/metamorphic history. Magnesite apparently precipitated from sea water-derived brine, diluted by meteoric fluids. Magnesitization was accomplished under evaporitic conditions (sabkha to playa lake environment) proposed to be similar to the Coorong or Lake Walyungup coastal playa magnesite. Magnesite and host dolostones formed in evaporative and partly restricted environments; consequently, extremely high delta C-13 values reflect a combined contribution from both global and local carbon reservoirs. A C- 13-rich global carbon reservoir (delta C-13 at around +5 parts per thousand) is related to the perturbation of the carbon cycle at 2.0 Ga, whereas the local enhancement in C-13 (up to +12 parts per thousand) is associated with evaporative and restricted environments with high bioproductivity

    Astronomical Distance Determination in the Space Age: Secondary Distance Indicators

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    The formal division of the distance indicators into primary and secondary leads to difficulties in description of methods which can actually be used in two ways: with, and without the support of the other methods for scaling. Thus instead of concentrating on the scaling requirement we concentrate on all methods of distance determination to extragalactic sources which are designated, at least formally, to use for individual sources. Among those, the Supernovae Ia is clearly the leader due to its enormous success in determination of the expansion rate of the Universe. However, new methods are rapidly developing, and there is also a progress in more traditional methods. We give a general overview of the methods but we mostly concentrate on the most recent developments in each field, and future expectations. © 2018, The Author(s)

    Direct effect of p,p'- DDT on mice liver

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    ABSTRACT Contact with the pesticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (p,p′-DDT) can be the cause of various harmful effects in humans, wildlife, and the environment. This pesticide is known to be persistent, lipophilic, resistant to degradation, and bioaccumulive in the environment and to be slowly released into bloodstream. Growing evidence shows that exposure to DDT is linked to type 2 diabetes mellitus. Individuals exposed to elevated levels of DDT and its metabolite have an increased prevalence of diabetes and insulin resistance. To evaluate these possible relationships, experiments were performed on eight-week-old female mice, divided into three groups (n = 10 per group): Group 1 received a vehicle-control intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of sesame oil; Groups 2 and 3 received an i.p. dose of 50 and 100 µg/g p,p′-DDT respectively, dissolved in sesame oil. All groups were treated once daily for four days. Real-time PCR analysis of several genes was undertaken. Additionally, biochemical parameters and histopathological changes were measured. NQO1, HMOX1, NR1I3 and NR3C1 were up-regulated in DDT-exposed animals compared to the vehicle control group, while only SREBP1 was down-regulated in the 100 µg/g group. MTTP and FABP5, not previously reported for DDT exposure, but involved in regulation of fatty acid fluxes, could also function as biomarkers cross-talking between these signaling pathways. These results suggest that beyond epidemiological data, there is increasing molecular evidence that DDT may mimic different processes involved in diabetes and insulin resistance pathways

    Readout technologies for directional WIMP Dark Matter detection

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    The measurement of the direction of WIMP-induced nuclear recoils is a compelling but technologically challenging strategy to provide an unambiguous signature of the detection of Galactic dark matter. Most directional detectors aim to reconstruct the dark-matter-induced nuclear recoil tracks, either in gas or solid targets. The main challenge with directional detection is the need for high spatial resolution over large volumes, which puts strong requirements on the readout technologies. In this paper we review the various detector readout technologies used by directional detectors. In particular, we summarize the challenges, advantages and drawbacks of each approach, and discuss future prospects for these technologies

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    Tissue-based immune monitoring I: tumor core needle biopsies allow in-depth interrogation of the tumor microenvironment.

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    We sought to assess the feasibility and reproducibility of performing tissue-based immune characterization of the tumor microenvironment using CT-compatible needle biopsy material. Three independent biopsies were obtained intraoperatively from one metastatic epithelial ovarian cancer lesion of 7 consecutive patients undergoing surgical cytoreduction using a 16-gauge core biopsy needle. Core specimens were snap-frozen and subjected to immunohistochemistry (IHC) against human CD3, CD4, CD8, and FoxP3. A portion of the cores was used to isolate RNA for 1) real-time quantitative (q)PCR for CD3, CD4, CD8, FoxP3, IL-10 and TGF-beta, 2) multiplexed PCR-based T cell receptor (TCR) CDR3 Vβ region spectratyping, and 3) gene expression profiling. Pearson's correlations were examined for immunohistochemistry and PCR gene expression, as well as for gene expression array data obtained from different tumor biopsies. Needle biopsy yielded sufficient tissue for all assays in all patients. IHC was highly reproducible and informative. Significant correlations were seen between the frequency of CD3+, CD8+ and FoxP3+ T cells by IHC with CD3ε, CD8A, and FoxP3 gene expression, respectively, by qPCR (r=0.61, 0.86, and 0.89; all p< 0.05). CDR3 spectratyping was feasible and highly reproducible in each tumor, and indicated a restricted repertoire for specific TCR Vβ chains in tumor-infiltrating T cells. Microarray gene expression revealed strong correlation between different biopsies collected from the same tumor. Our results demonstrate a feasible and reproducible method of immune monitoring using CT-compatible needle biopsies from tumor tissue, thereby paving the way for sophisticated translational studies during tumor biological therapy


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    Using data from a national mail survey, opinions on the local economic development process held by economic development practitioners working for a city, chamber of commerce and public-private agencies are compared. The data show that public-private agency officials bridge the gap between the perspectives held by chamber government officials. Economic develop- ment practitioners working for public-private agencies have more respect for both governmental employees and business people than do other economic development practitioners. They feel that it is possible to gain more control over the economic development process than do their business or governmental counterparts. And, they indicate the advantages for the local community of maintaining such control; for example, being better able to stop businesses from whipsawing disorganized communities into making unnecessary concessions. Copyright 1990 by The Policy Studies Organization.