1,103 research outputs found

    Postura corporal, estética emocional e memória na religiosidade cristã

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    Tese, Mestrado, Antropologia Social e Cultural, 2009, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências SociaisA dissertação que se segue pretende explorar duas temáticas essenciais no domínio da aprendizagem e transmissão religiosa. Referimo-nos às posturas corporais e à estética emocional nos serviços religiosos cristãos. Para tal, esquadrinharemos alguma literatura antropológica que, embora escassa, nos ajudará a discuti-las. Articularemos estas duas temáticas com o estudo antropológico sobre as emoções e a importância da memória na religiosidade cristã, em especial da memória implícita , no processo de aprendizagem das posturas corporais nos serviços litúrgicos. Terminaremos esta tese, questionando se será defensável falarmos em termos de uma epidemiologia das posturas corporais.The dissertation that follows will explore two essential topics in the field of religious learning and transmission. We are talking about to body postures and emotional aesthetic in christian religious services. To do this, we will research some anthropological studies on the emotions and the importance of memory in christian religiosity, in particular the implicit memory in the process of learning the body postures in liturgical services. We will finish this thesis with a question: whether it is to talk in terms of an epidemiology of body postures

    Spatial projection of input-ouput tables for small areas

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    Studies on regional economy have achieved a huge expansion in the last decades. In particular, from an input-ouput optic many efforts have been devoted to carring out a suitable methodology, which enable us to cover the overall and exhaustive knowledge of the economic reality of one region. Given that a input-output table (IOT) gathers both intersectorial relationships and the final demand of the economy, it allows us to provide a reliable picture of one economy in a certain moment of time. Nonetheless, the elaboration of a IOT is a complex task, which needs many human and economic resources. Thus, most of the tables elaborated using direct methods have as a benchmark frame either a country or a region, although it is difficult to find matrices related to smaller geografic spaces like, for instance, counties. So, if we attempt to perform a deeper study of both spaces, it would be of great help if we could dispose of estimation methods, which enable us to make tables with less information, i.e, indirect (semidirect) methods of estimation. Let´s say that the economy of a region is determined by the relations among productive structures of their counties, therefore a previous knowledge of these productive structures can be interesting. The basic aim of this work consists of estimating a TIO for each one of the eight Asturian Counties in 1995, since this is the last period in which we possess published information relative to regional accounts. To this end, a technique focused on mathematical theory of the information: cross entropy, will be employed. Such a technique has lately been applied to the construction of regional tables, largely for two reasons: one, flexibility as regards the information it needs; the other, to produce some rather suitable empiric results. From the tables estimates by this method we will be able to know the characteristics of economic structures of the counties. To achieve this scope, tools related to the graph theory, have been applied. Their application in input-output analisis has a great potential to provide a simple vision of the relations between the different sectors, as well as being able to integrate matters as important as the relative positions of the sectors, their orientation or paths in which drive the economic influence inside the corresponding structure.


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    Objective: The aim of this work is the assessment of an eventual improvement in flowability of free flowing excipients on formulations containing Noveon AA1 and their influence on compactibility and release profile.Methods: Mixtures containing 20% Noveon AA1 and variable proportions of metronidazole and the free flowing excipients Prosolv EasyTab and GalenIQ 720 and 721were tested in their powder flow rate and the tablets compactibility and released profiles.Results: The powder flowability obtained with GalenIQ is about 20% better than that obtained with EasyTab. However, it is lesser than that considered as acceptable for a high-speed tableting machine. EasyTab reduces the drug release up to a half along with a continuing flattening of the release profile. This is attributed to an increasing tortuosity of the drug release path as the proportion EasyTab increases. GalenIQ restricts drug release in about a third with a lesser change in the release mechanism. This is attributed to competition for the available water inside the tablet, between the hydrating Noveon AA1 and the dissolving GalenIQ. The compactibility of the metronidazole/Noveon AA1 mixtures increases after addition of EasyTab in about 3.5 N per unit percentage of the added excipient while GalenIQ does it in about 2.6 N.Conclusion: The powder flowability of mixtures of metronidazole with Noveon AA1 was not suited for direct compression after addition of 40% of the free-flow excipient. The free-flow excipients reduce the metronidazole release rate and increase its compactibility. It was not observed a different clear functioning between both types of GalenIQ

    Novel Polymer–Silica Composite-Based Bifunctional Catalysts for Hydrodeoxygenation of 4-(2-Furyl)-3-Buten-2-One as Model Substance for Furfural–Acetone Aldol Condensation Products

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    Novel bifunctional metal-loaded polymer–silica composite (PSC) catalysts were investigated in the hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of 4-(2-furyl)-3-buten-2-one (FAc) as a model substance for furfural–acetone aldol condensation products. PSC catalysts were synthesized via a sol–gel method with different polymer contents and subsequently doped with different noble metals. The product composition of the HDO of FAc could be tuned by using catalysts with different polymer (i.e., acidic properties) and metal content (i.e., redox properties), showing the great potential of metal-loaded PSC materials as tunable catalysts in biomass conversions with complex reaction networks. Furthermore, high yields (>90%) of the fully hydrodeoxygenated product (n-octane) could be obtained using noble metal-loaded PSC catalysts in only 8 h of reaction time

    Reduction of Endogenous Bacteria Associated With Catfish (Ictalurus Punctatus) Fillets Using the Grovac Process.

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    Fresh catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillets (CF) can serve as vehicles for spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. Concern for the microbiological safety of chilled CF has grown lately because psychrotrophic pathogens can survive and grow at refrigeration temperatures. The Grovac method, a new, patented (U.S. 5,543,163) process is being used in an attempt to reduce the growth of pathogens and spoilage microorganisms in CF. This process involves the using of a process solution of ascorbic acid (AA) and sodium chloride (NaCl), vacuum and tumbling. Specific objectives of this study included the isolation and identification of endogenous microflora associated with fresh whole catfish (WC) and CF; and the evaluation of the Grovac process for reducing microbial populations on CF. A total of fifty-one bacterial isolates were isolated and identified from WC and CF using selective and nonselective media, phenotypic tests, and the Vitek(TM) System (bioMerieux). Psychrotrophic foodborne pathogens included: Aeromonas hydrophila, Escherichia coli, Listeria sp., Plesiomonas shigelloides, Proteus sp., Staphylococcus aureus, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. High APC (2.6 x 10 7 CFU/g) and E. coli (3.2 x 103 CFU/g) counts for CF indicated that fillets were heavily contaminated during processing of catfish. The Grovac process showed that treatment combinations of AA (0.4, 0.8 and 1.2%) and NaCl (0.2, 0.4 and 0.6%) under the following experimental conditions (400 g of catfish fillets, 2,000 ml process solution, 28 in. Hg vacuum, 8 rpm tumbler rotation, and 8 min tumbling time) resulted in a 1.2 to 2.3 CFU/g log reduction of microbial counts in CF. The effectiveness of the process may be related to the synergistic effect of tumbling, AA, NaCl and vacuum. In addition, A. hydrophila grew in CF treated with the Grovac process and aerobically stored at 4°C for 7 days. The results suggested that the Grovac process could be used as an alternative processing procedure to reduce microbial populations on CF and be useful to improve the shelf-life and food safety of the product. Microbiological data from this study will be used for the development of a hazard analysis for the implementation of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) program for processed CF

    Penetración tecnológica en Aragón. De periferia a centro. Technological penetration in Aragon. From periphery to Center

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    El desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información ha provocado en los últimos años la redefinición de algunos conceptos tal y como se habían conocido hasta el momento, tal es el caso del tiempo y el espacio. En el presente artículo se analiza este proceso desde la perspectiva de Aragón. Esta comunidad autónoma comenzó el siglo XX como un territorio periférico en el conjunto de España, con un menor desarrollo industrial que la media estatal, lo que a su vez suponía un menor desarrollo urbano, económico y social. Tras los cambios experimentados a lo largo del siglo XX, Aragón se ha acercado a los niveles tanto españoles como europeos tanto a nivel social como económico. Sin embargo, continúa representando un territorio periférico con escasa presencia tanto a nivel poblacional como económico en el conjunto español. A pesar de ello y a diferencia de lo que ocurrió en otros momentos de la historia, la reducción de la distancia entre el centro y la periferia, ha acercado a Aragón, incluso a sus zonas más periféricas, a los estándares de penetración y usos tecnológicos del resto del mundo

    Formulación de una propuesta de distribución espacial de los sistemas de control eléctrico para la mejora del mantenimiento programado del Parque Industrial, Tacna

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    Actualmente la sociedad es más exigente con la continuidad del suministro eléctrico, por lo que se requiere implementar un sistema de control por alimentadores eléctricos para la mejora del mantenimiento programado del parque industrial Tacna, del sistema eléctrico de distribución, de la cual se encargan las empresas concesionarias de distribución de energía eléctrica, esto hace necesario que cada vez se deba implementar equipos más eficientes, una mejor ubicación de equipos de protección, con la finalidad de mejorar los índices de confiabilidad. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo implementar una propuesta de implementación de un sistema de control para disminuir las interrupciones del sistema eléctrico Parque Industrial. Para llevar a cabo el diagnóstico de la continuidad, se realizó el cálculo de los parámetros de continuidad para las líneas en base a la información del reporte de interrupciones de Electrosur S.A. en los años 2019, 2020 y 2021. Mediante cuadros estadísticos se realizó el modelamiento de la red con los equipos de protección existentes, dando como resultado el cálculo de los índices de interrupciones, Debido a ello con la propuesta de mejorar la continuidad del servicio eléctrico la nueva propuesta de optimización, se implementa equipos de protección a una ubicación óptima, mejorando así los indicies de confiabilidad que representa una mejora respecto al caso inicial. En conclusión, implementando un sistema de control para la disminución de interrupciones, ubicando óptimamente los equipos de protección permiten disminuir significativamente interrupciones del servicio eléctrico del parque industrial. El presente trabajo de investigación es del tipo aplicada, porque a partir del diagnóstico actual del sistema eléctrico se pretende implementar un sistema de control por alimentadores eléctricos para la mejorar el mantenimiento programado del parque industrial, Tacn

    Iterative learning control experimental results in twin-rotor device

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    This paper presents the results of applying the Iterative Learning Control algorithms to a Twin-Rotor Multiple-Input Multiple-Output System (TRMS) in order to achieve high performance in repetitive tracking of trajectories. The plant, which is similar to a prototype of helicopter, is characterized by its highly nonlinear and cross-coupled dynamics. In the first phase, the system is modelled using the Lagrangian approach and combining theoretical and experimental results. Thereafter, a hierarchical control architecture which combines a baseline feedback controller with an Iterative Learning Control algorithm is developed. Finally, the responses of the real device and a complete analysis of the learning behaviour are exposed.Postprint (published version

    Formalidad contractual y estabilidad laboral en el fútbol amateur como herramienta para encaminar una mejor gestión deportiva para el jugador en el Perù

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    El fútbol es uno de los deportes más importantes y populares a nivel mundial, tan así que, la Federación de Internacional de Futbol Asociado-FIFA, se encuentra en alrededor de 211 países del mundo, de tal manera tiene mucha más presencia que la ONU. El fútbol no es ajeno al derecho, a partir de esa premisa, aparece el Derecho Deportivo, está como rama del derecho aún no es explorada en el Perú, a pesar de que existen cuerpos normativos que reglamentan el fútbol en nuestro país, aún no se le ha dado un valor doctrinario especial. La presente tesis alude a la situación actual de informalidad que se da en el fútbol amateur peruano, a partir de ello, es que se pretende dar cierto grado de formalidad a la misma, buscando que exista la formalidad contractual y estabilidad laboral para quienes practican el amateurismo, haciendo hincapié que, a partir de la formalidad no se pretende la profesionalidad del amateurismo, caso contrario dejaría o no tendría razón de ser. A lo largo de esta tesis se explicará cómo se encuentra el fútbol amateur en nuestro país, y las vulneraciones que se han dado y se vienen dando hacia quienes practican este deporte rey, de tal manera, se explanará porque es tan importante la intervención del derecho en el fútbol amateur peruano, además, se explicará las razones por las cuales se debe alcanzar la formalidad contractual y la estabilidad laboral para bien y beneficio del jugador.TesisCiencias jurídica