856 research outputs found

    Fundamental Limits on Correlated Catalytic State Transformations

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    Determining whether a given state can be transformed into a target state using free operations is one of the fundamental questions in the study of resources theories. Free operations in resource theories can be enhanced by allowing for a catalyst system that assists the transformation and is returned unchanged, but potentially correlated, with the target state. While this has been an active area of recent research, very little is known about the necessary properties of such catalysts. Here, we prove fundamental limits applicable to any correlated catalytic transformation by showing that a small residual correlation between catalyst and target state implies that the catalyst needs to be highly resourceful. In fact, the resources required diverge in the limit of vanishing residual correlation. We develop our results in a general resource theory framework and discuss its implications for the resource theory of athermality, the resource theory of coherence and entanglement theory

    Efficacy and Safety of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins As An Adjunct to Thrombolysis in Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction

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    A 48-hour course of intravenous unfractionated heparin (UFH) is the standard of treatment in conjunction with fibrin-specific thrombolysis in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). In recent trials, the efficacy and safety of in-hospital administration of subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWH), previously proven effective in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes, have been investigated in the setting of STEMI. The aim of this review was to evaluate the available evidence supporting the use of LMWH in STEMI

    Mixed-state additivity properties of magic monotones based on quantum relative entropies for single-qubit states and beyond

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    We prove that the stabilizer fidelity is multiplicative for the tensor product of an arbitrary number of single-qubit states. We also show that the relative entropy of magic becomes additive if all the single-qubit states but one belong to a symmetry axis of the stabilizer octahedron. We extend the latter results to include all the α\alpha-zz R\'enyi relative entropy of magic. This allows us to identify a continuous set of magic monotones that are additive for single-qubit states. We also show that all the monotones mentioned above are additive for several standard two and three-qubit states subject to depolarizing noise. Finally, we obtain closed-form expressions for several states and tighter lower bounds for the overhead of probabilistic one-shot magic state distillation.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Utilizing enoxaparin in the management of STEMI

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    The use of enoxaparin in conjunction with thrombolysis in ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI), has been recently investigated in several clinical trials. In 8 published open-label studies including about 10,000 patients, in which enoxaparin was compared to either placebo or unfractionated heparin (UFH), a general superiority of enoxaparin on both reinfarction/recurrent angina and patency of the infarct-related artery, was observed. Overall, bleeding rate with enoxaparin was higher than with placebo and comparable to UFH, with the exception of one study where pre-hospital administration induced a doubled incidence of intracranial bleeding in patients older than 75 years. In a recent double-blind, randomized, mega-trial including over 20,000 patients, the superior efficacy on in-hospital and 30-day adverse cardiac events (namely reinfarction), and comparable safety on intracranial bleedings of enoxaparin compared to UFH, was definitively proven


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    L’articolo individua le radici dei concetti di tolleranza, libertà religiosa e libertà di coscienza nella tradizione anabattista nell’ambito della Riforma radicale e ne segue gli sviluppi nei gruppi e nelle chiese nonconformiste in Inghilterra e nella Nuova Inghilterra

    Sviluppo in multipoli dei campi elettromagnetici prodotti da correnti localizzate con applicazioni

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    In questa tesi viene studiato il campo elettromagnetico generato da una distribuzione di carica e corrente arbitraria utilizzando il formalismo dell’espansione in multipoli. Sono trattati in particolare i casi di regime di campo vicino e lontano. Vengono inoltre discussi i problemi di una distribuzione con simmetria rotazionale intorno ad un asse e della radiazione prodotta da una carica elettrica in moto lungo una generica traiettoria. Infine, utilizzando i risultati ottenuti, sono analizzate due particolari applicazioni: l’antenna lineare e l’acceleratore circolare

    A protocol for global multiphase estimation

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    Global estimation strategies allow to extract information on a phase or a set of phases without any prior knowledge, which is, instead, required for local estimation strategies. We devise a global multiphase protocol based on Holevo's estimation theory and apply it to the case of digital estimation, i.e. we estimate the phases in terms of the mutual information between them and the corresponding estimators. In the single-phase scenario, the protocol encompasses two specific known optimal strategies. We extend them to the simultaneous estimation of two phases and evaluate their performance. Then, we retrieve the ultimate digital bound on precision when a generic number of phases is simultaneously estimated. We show that in the multiphase strategy there is only a constant quantum advantage with respect to a sequence of independent single-phase estimations. This extends a recent similar result, which settled a controversy on the search for the multiphase enhancement

    Is autopsy tissue a valid control for epilepsy surgery tissue in microRNA studies?

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are differentially expressed in the brain under pathologic conditions and may therefore represent both therapeutic targets and diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers for neurologic diseases, including epilepsy. In fact, miRNA expression profiles have been investigated in the hippocampi of patients with epilepsy in comparison with control, nonepileptic cases. Unfortunately, the interpretation of these data is difficult because surgically resected epileptic tissue is generally compared with control tissue obtained from autopsies. To challenge the validity of this approach, we performed an miRNA microarray on the laser microdissected granule cell layer of the human hippocampus obtained from surgical samples of patients with epilepsy, autoptic nonepileptic controls, and patients with autoptic epilepsy, using the latter as internal control. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to collect autopsy material from documented epilepsy individuals who died of non–epilepsy-related causes—we found only two such cases. However, hierarchical clustering of all samples showed that those obtained from autopsies of patients with epilepsy segregated with the other autoptic samples (controls) and not with the bioptic tissues from the surgery patients, suggesting that the origin of the tissue (surgery or autopsy) may be prevalent over the underlying pathology (epilepsy or not epilepsy). Even taking into account the limitations due to the small number of cases, this observation arises concerns on the use of autopsy tissue as control for this kind of studies

    Disparate effects of adhesion and degranulation of platelets on myocardial and coronary function in postischaemic hearts

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    Beside the major effect of acute thrombus formation, little is known about the interaction of platelets with the coronary endothelium in an ischaemia–reperfusion situation. The present study was designed to investigate, separately, the consequences of platelet adhesion and degranulation during myocardial reperfusion. Methods: Isolated guinea pig hearts perfused with Krebs–Henseleit buffer and performing pressure–volume work were used. We infringed myocardial function by imposing ischaemia (20 min of low-flow perfusion with 1 ml/min and 10 min of global ischaemia) and reperfusion (15 min with 5 ml/min). During low-flow perfusion, the coronary endothelium was stimulated by thrombin before and during infusion of a bolus: 108 washed human platelets±the Arg–Gly–Asp (RGD) analogon lamifiban, the supernatant of 108 thrombin-stimulated platelets, fibrinogen (2 μM), lamifiban (2 μM) or Tyrode’s solution (control group). The parameter external heart work (EHW), determined pre- and postischaemically, served as criterion for recovery of myocardial function. Additionally, the formation of capillary transudate was measured during the reperfusion phase to assess coronary permeability. Coronary perfusion pressure was monitored continuously and myocardial production of lactate and consumption of pyruvate were measured. Electron microscopy of hearts was performed after platelet application to verify platelet adhesion in the coronary system. Results: Recovery of EHW by hearts without platelet application was 64±3% and was significantly reduced to 49±5% by platelet infusion (n=8 each). Infusion of supernatant of thrombin-stimulated platelets did not impair recovery of heart work. In the reperfusion phase (6th–10th min), hearts that either had received platelets or supernatant of platelets exhibited a significantly reduced production of capillary transudate (70 μl/min vs. 180 μl/min for the controls). Intracoronary bolus application of fibrinogen or lamifiban also reduced coronary leak. Coronary perfusion pressure and metabolic parameters were not statistically different between the groups at any time. Conclusions: Platelet adhesion to the coronary endothelium in a situation of myocardial ischaemia impairs cardiac recovery, whereas constituents released by platelets may have beneficial effects on the integrity of the coronary endothelium. In particular, fibrinogen seems to contribute to the permeability reducing effect, possibly by interaction with endothelial receptors recognising the RGD sequence