590 research outputs found

    The fellows mad, I neither understand his words, nor his Sence: On Dialect Lexis in Three Literary Renderings of Seventeenth-Century Lancashire Speech

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    [Abstract] This paper addresses the need to retrieve lexical information from a period which has been hitherto poorly assessed. Itconcentrates on a close examination of dialect words scattered inthree samples of Lancashire literary dialect: The Late Lancashire Witches (1634), by Thomas Heywood and Richard Brome; The Two Lancashire Lovers (1640), by Richard Brathwaite; and The Lancashire Witches (1682), by Thomas Shadwell. Its aims are twofold: first, to evaluate, in the light of Present-day English and Early Modern lexicographical evidence, which words are genuine to Lancashire and which are also natural to other adjacent counties. Second, it demonstrates that, although nowadays assigned to regional dialects, some words were not used as such at the time. In so doing, a contribution will be made to outlining a lexical map of regionalisms in Early Modern English

    Impact of the quantitative easing programs on North American equity market

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    Mestrado em Economia Monetária e FinanceiraThe aim of this research is to assess how the unconventional monetary policy instruments used by the Federal Reserve impacted on the North American Stock Market from the period between January 2009 and September 2012. We present the economic theory concerning the transmission mechanism of the monetary policy to the Economy, the channels through which this transmission becomes effective and, in particular, the functioning of the stock price transmission channel. We also present the economic theory on how unconventional monetary policy instruments, the Quantitative Easing programs, impact on assets and particularly on the stock prices. In the spirit of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) we develop a GARCH model in order to assess which macroeconomic, financial and conventional and unconventional monetary variables impacted on the evolution of the North-American Stock market in the period referred above. We observe that almost all of the variables chosen in this study tend to impact on the equity prices in the long run, but they have no impact in a period of financial distress such as the one between January 2009 and September 2012. We also found no evidence that the Quantitative Easing programs launched by the Federal Reserve after January 2009 had a permanent and direct impact on the recovery of the North American Markets until September 2012.O presente trabalho tem como objectivo avaliar se a política monetária não convencional, levada a cabo pela Reserva Federal Norte-Americana (FED) entre Janeiro de 2009 e Setembro de 2012, teve impacto na recuperação do Mercado Accionista dos Estados Unidos da América no referido período. Em primeiro lugar, começamos por apresentar a teoria económica referente à transmissão da política monetária para os restantes agregados macroeconómicos, os canais através dos quais essa transmissão se processa e, em particular, através do canal do mercado accionista. Apresentamos, também, a teoria relativa ao modo como os programas de Quantitative Easing afectam os diversos activos financeiros e, em especial, a evolução do mercado accionista. Em seguida, e no espírito da Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), desenvolvemos um modelo GARCH que nos permite avaliar quais as variáveis macroeconómicas, financeiras e de política monetária convencional e não convencional, que influenciaram a evolução do mercado accionista norte-americano no período supra referido. Verificamos que a quase totalidade das variáveis consideradas têm um impacto estatisticamente significativo no mercado accionista quando consideramos períodos temporais longos, mas aparentam não ter impacto em períodos de instabilidade financeira, como os vividos entre Janeiro de 2009 e Setembro de 2012. De referir, também, que não encontramos evidência empírica de que os programas de Quantitative Easing, lançados pela FED após Janeiro de 2009, tivessem tido um impacto directo e permanente na recuperação do mercado accionista norte-americano

    Social and working conditions of general doctors in Pasto (Colombia): a descriptive and explanatory approach

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    El objetivo del artículo es conocer las condiciones sociolaborales de los médicos generales del municipio de Pasto en el año 2012. Los datos analizados provienen de la encuesta que aplicó la Academia Nacional de Medicina, capítulo Nariño, la Secretaría Municipal de Salud de Pasto y el Observatorio Social del Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Nariño a una muestra de 216 médicos. La descripción de los gráficos y tablas se realiza con base en los datos y se acompaña con explicaciones extraídas de la bibliografía consultada. Esta exploración arroja evidencias de precariedad que afectan la calidad de vida material y no material de los médicosThe objective of this article is to learn about the socio-occupational conditions of general physicians in the municipality of Pasto for 2012. The data has been drawn from surveys made by the National Medicine Academy, chapter Nariño, the Pasto Municipal Secretary Office of Health and the Social Observatory of Nariño University Sociology Department from a sample of 216 physicians. The graphs and tables description is based on the data and is supported with explanations that have been extracted from the consulted bibliography. The research gives clear evidence of the precariousness that affects the quality of life (material and non-material) of the physicians.O objetivo do artigo é conhecer as condições sócio-laborais dos médicos gerais do mu­nicípio de Pasto no ano de 2012. Os dados analisados provem da enquete que aplicou a Academia Nacional de Medicina, capítulo Nariño, a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Pasto e o Observatório Social do Departamento de Sociologia da Universidad de Nariño a uma mostra de 216 médicos. A descrição dos gráficos e tabelas se realiza com base nos dados e se acompanha com explicações extraídas da bibliografia consultada. Esta exploração produz evidências de precariedade que afetam a qualidade de vida material e não material dos médicos

    DNA barcoding of Iberian Peninsula and North Africa Tawny Owls Strix aluco suggests the Strait of Gibraltar as an important barrier for phylogeography

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    Eight subspecies have been proposed within the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) species. However, recent molecular data have challenged this view, encouraging further work in this species complex. Here we reevaluated the taxonomic status between the North-Western African Tawny Owl, S. a. mauritanica, and its closest Iberian Tawny Owl population (from the S. a. sylvatica to S. a. aluco clade) separated by the Strait of Gibraltar. The Tawny Owl is a non-migratory and territorial species, and juvenile dispersal is restricted to a few kilometers around the natal site. This limited dispersal and the barrier imposed by the Strait of Gibraltar predicted a strong differentiation between the two populations. We tested this using DNA barcoding, Bayesian phylogenetic and species delimitation analysis. We found that an 81.1% of variation is due to the intergroups variation. In addition, the inter-intraspecific distances distribution revealed a barcoding gap among the two subspecies. Also, posterior probabilities and the PAB value allowed to reject the hypothesis that observed degree of distinctiveness is due to random coalescence processes. These findings clearly support the Strait of Gibraltar as an isolating barrier for this species. The subspecific status is confirmed and species status is even suggested for S. a. mauritanica.Peer reviewe

    Linguistic perceptions of Irish English in nineteenth-century emigrant letters : a micro-perspective analysis of John Kerr's letters.

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    In this paper we look at the real voices of Irish English speakers in the nineteenth century. By turning to the Corpus of Irish English Correspondence (McCafferty & Amador-Moreno, 2012), we analyse the perceptions that letter writers had of their own language use. We apply a micro-perspective analysis to the language of John Kerr, an Irish emigrant to America, in his letters to his uncle James Graham of Newpark (Co. Antrim, N. Ireland). We examine Kerr’s incisive comment on language use alongside metacommentary found in different Late Modern works, including dictionaries, essays on Irish English, as well as contemporary fictional representations of the variety of English spoken in Ireland during this period. Through this small batch of letters, we explore how the real voices of Irish English speakers echoed an enregistered Irish repertoire that may have raised awareness shaping their perceptions of their own dialect

    Analysis of shooting effectiveness and decision-making during shooting according to basket height modifications at the youth stage

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    The aim of the present study was to identify the effect of a basketball unit of work that modifies the height of the hoop on the shooting effectiveness, the shooting decision-making process, and the ball possessions ending with a shot. The study was a cuasiexperiment with control and experimental groups measured pre and post intervention. The basketball unit of work was composed of 10 lessons that were applied to a sample of 74 students (14 years old). Control group received the lessons with the regular height of the basket (3.05m) and the experimental group received the lessons with variations in the height of the basket according to each task. The evaluation task was a 3 vs. 3 game situation. The results showed that experimental group increased the number of shots, the shooting effectiveness, as well as the decision-making process related to shooting action. The results enhance the need to modify and adapt the basketball height to the tasks and exercises specificity, and then to improve the shooting efficiency and effectiveness.El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar el efecto de una unidad didáctica de baloncesto en la que se modifica la altura del aro sobre la efectividad de tiro, el proceso de toma de toma de decisiones, y el número de fases de ataque que finalizan en lanzamiento. El estudio fue estudio cuasi-experimental con grupo control y experimental medidos antes y después de la intervención. La unidad didáctica de baloncesto se compone de 10 sesiones que se aplicaron a una muestra de 74 estudiantes (14 años). El grupo control recibió las sesiones con la canasta a una altura normal de (3.05m) y el grupo experimental recibió las sesiones con variaciones en la altura de la canasta de acuerdo a cada tarea. La tarea de evaluación era una situación de juego 3 vs 3. Los resultados mostraron que el grupo experimental aumentó el número de lanzamientos, el número de fases de ataque que finalizan en lanzamiento, así como el proceso de toma de decisiones relacionadas con el lanzamiento. Los resultados señalan la necesidad de modificar y adaptar la altura de baloncesto a las tareas y ejercicios, para mejorar la eficiencia y eficacia del lanzamiento en baloncesto

    Analysis of shooting effectiveness in elite basketball according to match status

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    The aim of the present study was to identify the importance of performance indicators to predict shooting effectiveness in basketball according to match status. The sample was composed by 510 shots corresponding to n=10 games randomly selected from the FIBA Basketball World Cup (Turkey, 2010). The effects of the predictor variables on successful shots according to match status were analysed using Binomial Logistic Regressions. Results from balanced match status context allowed identifying significant interactions with shooting zone and previous action zones. On the other hand, results from unbalanced match status context allowed identifying interactions with passes used, shooting zone, and possession duration. The results showed no interaction with game period situational variable. The present findings allow improving coaches' plan and tasks that involve game constraints of the identified game scenarios.El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar la importancia de los indicadores de rendimiento que permiten predecir la efectividad del lanzamiento en baloncesto en función del marcador parcial de juego. La muestra estaba compuesta por 510 lanzamientos correspondientes a 10 partidos seleccionados de manera aleatoria del Campeonato del Mundo de baloncesto (FIBA, Turquía, 2010). Los efectos de las variables predictoras en el éxito del lanzamiento se analizaron utilizando la regresión logística binomial. Los resultados con marcadores equilibrados identificaron interacciones significativas con la zona de tiro y la zona de juego de la acción previa al lanzamiento. Por otro lado, los resultados de los marcadores desequilibrados mostraron interacciones significativas con los pases utilizados, la zona de tiro y la duración de la posesión. Los resultados no mostraron interacciones significativas con la variable situacional periodo de juego. Los resultados obtenidos permiten mejorar el diseño de tareas de entrenamiento y control de competición mediante la modificación de las variables de juego en base a los resultados obtenidos