19 research outputs found


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    Sjeme suncokreta specifičnih je svojstava s obzirom na proces dorade i skladištenje. Tijekom skladištenja često dolazi do opadanja kakvoće sjemena, a pri tomu značajnu ulogu imaju: genotip, duljina i uvjeti skladištenja, tretman sjemena, vrsta ambalaže i dr. Ovim istraživanjem utvrđeno je opadanje energije klijanja i klijavosti sjemena suncokreta, a ispitivanje je obavljeno na netretiranom (kontrola) i tretiranom sjemenu (T1 : Geocid ST-35 i T2: Apron 35 DS). Analizirano je sjeme tri hibrida suncokreta Poljoprivrednog Instituta Osijek (Fakir, Orion i Olio) tijekom dvije godine skladištenja u "jumbo" vrećama (1999., 2000., 2001). Utvrđeni pad energije klijanja i klijavosti tretiranog sjemena, u prosjeku za sva tri hibrida, kretao se od 3 do 13%, a pad klijavosti netretiranog sjemena bio je manje izražen i iznosio je 2-5%. Najveći pad klijavosti zabilježen je na sjemenu hibrida Olio (13%), a najmanji na sjemenu hibrida Fakir (3%).Sunflower seed have specific characteristic considering seed processing, storage and seed treatment. During the storage time of seed supply, seed quality is often reduced. Significant influence on reduction of seed quality have: hybrid, storage time and conditions, the way of packing seed and seed treatment. This research analyse decreasing of seed germination viability and germination on untreated (control) and wet treated seed T1 (Geocid ST-35) and T2 (Apron 35 DS) on three hybrids of sunflower created on Agricultural institute Osijek (Fakir, Orion, Olio) during the three year of storage in „jumbo“ bags (1999, 2000 and 2001). Treated seed of all three hybrids had reduced germination viability and germination of seed from 3-13%. Untreated seed had smaler reduction (2-5%). The bigest reduction of germination viability and germination of seed had hybrid Olio (13%) and the smallest hybrid Fakir (3%)

    Present state and possibilities of Croatian seed industry

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    Istraživanjem je prikazana proizvodnja sjemena u Republici Hrvatskoj od njezinih početka, trenutnog stanja do budućeg razvoja. Za prikaz su odabrane važnije sastavnice proizvodnje kao i vremenska razdoblja koja su obilježila proizvodnju sjemena u R.H. U Hrvatskoj je danas godišnja proizvodnja sjemena na oko 30.000 ha s proizvodnjom oko 200.000 t sjemena Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene potrebe za sjemenom, organizacija sjemenske proizvodnje, površine za sjemensku proizvodnju, doradbeni kapaciteti, distribucija, cijena, izvoz i uvoz sjemena.This investigation show seed production in Croatia from begining to the present state and future possibilities. Research emphasize important seed productions as well as specific time period. Present seed production in Croatia is organized on 30 000 ha and approximatly 200 000 t grain yield per year. Investigation included seed request, organization of seed production, seed production areas, seed processing capacity, distribution, costs, seed export and import


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    U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja tretmana sjemena suncokreta, obzirom na vrijeme od žetve do čišćenja i sušenja sjemena, te kemijskih tretmana sjemena. Svaki tretman je istražen u laboratoriju (energija klijanja i klijavost) i polju (poljsko nicanje i urod zrna). Statistički značajno (P=0,05) najveću energiju klijanja (91,4%) a laboratorijsku klijavost (94,2%) imao je uzorak U1 (u najkraćem vremenu očišćen i osušen). Od kemijskih tretmana, statistički značajno (P=0,05), najveću energiju klijanja (91,3%) kao i laboratorijsku klijavost (93,5%) imala je kombinacija Apron XL 350 ES, KSj (metalaksil 35%) + Vitavax 200 FF, SC (karboksin 20% + tiram 20%), u količini 300+250 ml/100 kg sjemena (kemijski tretman - T2). Za poljsko nicanje i urod zrna nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike niti između uzoraka sjemena niti kod kemijskih tretmana.In the paper are presented results of seed treatment investigation of sunflower, regarding a time from seed harvesting to cleaning and drying, and chemical seed treatments. Each treatment is examined in laboratory (seed vigor and germination) and field (field emergence and grain yield). Statistically significant (P=0,05), the highest seed vigor (91,4%) and laboratory germination (94,2%) had sample U1 (in shortest time cleaned and dried). From chemical treatments, statistically significant (P=0,05), the highest seed vigor (91,3%) as well as laboratory germination (93,5%) had combination Apron XL 350 ES, KSj (metalaxyl 35%) + Vitavax 200 FF, SC (carboxin 20% + thiram 20%), in dose 300+250 ml/100 kg of seed (chemical treatment - T2). For field emergence and grain yield have not found statistically significant differences neither between samples nor between chemical treatments

    Influence of Storage Condition on Seed Oil Content of Maize, Soybean and Sunflower

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    The study was aimed to examine the changes in seed oil content in different genotypes of maize, soybean and sunflower from 2002 to 2006, in two types of storage conditions which differ in air temperature and humidity: 25°C/75% and 12°C/60%, respectively. Aff ected by storage longevity, in average, seed oil content decreased by 0.82% in maize, 2.19% in soybean and 8.53% in sunflower. Differences in oil content affected by storage longevity were significant among tested crops and genotypes within crops. Storage longevity was negatively associated with oil content. At storage conditions at 12°C/60%, decreasing of seed oil content was less by 0.55% (maize), 1.30% (soybean) and 1.75% (sunflower) than in storage conditions at 25°C/75%. In summary, the lowest seed quality losses were in maize, then in soybean and the highest losses were in sunflower. Decreasing of seed quality losses is possible with suitable storage conditions, particularly for soybean and sunflower

    Foliar application og fungicides in soybean

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    Tijekom tri godine na polju Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek istražena je učinkovitost folijarne primjene fungicida u suzbijanju mikoza soje u usporedbi s netretiranom kontrolom. Pokus je postavljen po blok metodi u četiri ponavljanja, a obuhvaćao je šest genotipova soje Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek (0-I grupa zriobe) i sedam tretmana (jednokratno u fenofazi R3 do R4 soje). Tehnologija proizvodnje soje bila je optimalna. Neposredno pred žetvu obavljeno je ocjenjivanje nazočnosti i intenziteta uzročnika bolesti, a poslije žetve uzeti su uzorci sjemena za određivanje zdravstvenog stanja u laboratoriju. Dominantni paraziti na polju bili su predstavnici Diaporthe/Phomopsis kompleksa, a na sjemenu Trichoderma spp., Penicillium spp., Fusarium spp., Rhyzopus spp., Aspergillus spp. i Peronospora manshurica. Nakon žetve, urod zrna s parcele je preračunat u kg/ha. Podaci su sistematizirani i statistički obrađeni. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike za godinu, genotip i tretman, te interakciju godina x genotip, godina x tretman, genotip x tretman, dok za interakciju godina x tretman x genotip razlike nisu utvrđene. Najrodniji genotipovi bili su genotip 3 (4646 kg/ha 1999., 3820 kg/ha 2000. i ukupno 4492 kg/ha) i genotip 6 (5046 kg/ha 2001. godine). Postojale su značajne i vrlo značajne razlike svake godine između kontrole i tretmana, kao i između pojedinih tretmana. Podaci obrađeni za sve godine zajedno ukazuju na značajne i vrlo značajne razlike samo između kontrole i tretmana, dok između tretmana razlike nisu utvrđene. Najzdravije biljke bile su u tretmanu s Impact-C, najzdravije sjeme s Merpan + Bavistin i najviši urod zrna s Polyram + Bavistin. Najzdraviji genotip u polju i najzdravije sjeme imao je genotip 3. Primijećeno je da pojedini genotipovi preferiraju određene tretmane. Sjeme nekih genotipova nije bilo zaraženo s pojedinim uzročnicima bolesti. Mišljenja smo da bi u iznimnim uvjetima ipak bilo korisno tretirati barem sjemenski usjev soje, o čemu odluku treba donijeti stručnjak na osnovi dobrog poznavanja cjelokupne problematike.During three years on field of The Agricultural Institute Osijek foliary applied fungicides in control of soybean micosis in comparison with untreated control were investigated. Trial was set as block method in four replicates included six soybean genotypes creation of The Agricultural Institute Osijek (0-I maturity group) and seven treatment (occuring once in R3 to R4 stage of development). Optimal agricultural management was carried out. Just before harvest, presence and intensity of disease evaluation was carried out. After harvest, seed sample were taken for health condition evaluation in laboratory. Predominant parasites in the filed were fungi from Diaporthe/Phomopsis complex, and on seed Trichoderma spp., Penicillium spp., Fusarium spp., Rhyzopus spp., Aspergillus spp. and Peronospora manshurica. After harvest, grain yield from small plot was calculated in kg/ha. Data were sistematized and statisticaly processed. Statisticaly significant differences were established for year, genotype and treatment as well as for interaction year x genotype, year x treatment and genotype x treatment. For interaction genotype x treatment x year statistical differences were not established. The most yielded genotypes were genotype 3 (4646 kg/ha 1999, 3820 kg/ha 2000 and in total 4492 kg/ha) and genotype 6 (5046 kg/ha on year 2001). Each year significant and highly significant differences were recorded between control and treatment, as well as between different treatments. Summarized data for all years shows on significant and highly significant differences only between control and treatment while between treatment differences were not established. The healthiest plants were in treatment with Impact-C, the healthiest seed with Merpan + Bavistin and the highest grain yield with Polyram + Bavistin. The healthiest genotype in field and the healthiest seed had genotype 3. It was observed that some genotypes prefered definite treatments. Seed of some genotypes was not diseased with casual agents of some diseases. Our opinion is that in exceptional conditions would be usful to apply fungicides at least on soybean fields for seed production. Decision of treatment shoud be meade by an expert on the basis of good knowledge of total problems

    Influence of seed treatment on oil content of sunflower seed

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    Zrno suncokreta specifičnih je svojstava s obzirom na genotip, proces dorade sjemena, tretman i skladištenje a uslijed toga često dolazi do promjene kemijskog sastava zrna. Ovim istraživanjem utvrđena je promjena kemijskog sastava zrna (sadžaj ulja, %/ST) opadanje energije klijanja i klijavosti sjemena suncokreta, a ispitivanje je obavljeno na netretiranom (kontrola) i tretiranom sjemenu (T1 : Apron 35 DS + Geocid ST-35 i T2 : Apron 35 DS + Chinok 600FS). Analizirano je sjeme dva hibrida suncokreta Poljoprivrednog Instituta Osijek (Fakir, Apolon) nakon uskladištenja od 12 mjeseci. Sadržaj ulja u zrnu izmjeren je spektroskopskom metodom nuklearne magnetne rezonancije (NMR). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da sjeme hibrida Fakir ima manji sadržaj ulja (47,16%) od sjemena hibrida Apolon (51,37%). Nakon skladištenja naturalno sjeme imalo je veći sadržaj ulja od tretiranog sjemena (od 3,11 do 6,05%). Tretiranjem sjemena pripravkom Apron + Geocid sadržaj ulja oba hibrida suncokreta je umanjen od 6,07 do 7,01%. Dobivene razlike u smanjenju sadržaja ulja u sjemenu tijekom skladištenja prema F-testu su statistički vrlo značajne ovisno o hibridu, tretmanu i ambalaži.Sunflower seed have specific characteristic considering of seed processing, storage and seed treatment. During the storage time of seed supply, seed quality is often reduced. Significant influence on reduction of seed quality have: hybrid, storage time and condition, the way of packing seed and seed treatment. This research analyse decreasing of chemical composition of sunflower seed on untreated (control) and wet treated seed (T1: Apron 35 DS + Geocid ST-35 i T2: Apron 35 DS+Chinok600FS) on hybrids of sunflower created on Agricultural institute Osijek (Fakir, Apolon) during the 12 months of storage. Content of total oil was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy method. Sunflower seed of Fakir hybrid was, at the initial storage, characterized by 47,165% of oil content whereas sunflower seed of Apolon hybrid was known for 51,37% of oil content. Twelve months later oil content of treated sunflower seed was lower for 3,11-6,05%. Lower oil decrease was noticed in PVC package and higher in the paper one. Seed treatment with the agent Apron + Geocid reduced oil of both hybrids for 6,07-7,01%

    Influence od storage duration on primary root and germ lenght of sunflower hybrid seed

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    Dorađeno sjeme (nezaprašeno) hibrida suncokreta Fakir, Orion i Apolon skladišteno je 36 mjeseci u dvoslojnim papir vrećama, u podnom betonskom skladištu s termoizolacijom (relativna vlaga zraka 55-60% i temperatura 10-12°C). Analiza istraživanih svojstava (dužina primarnog korijena i klice) bila je na početku skladištenja i nakon svakih 12 mjeseci skladištenja tijekom tri godine istraživanja. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da sjeme hibrida Fakir ima duži primarni korijen i klicu (0.3-0.6 cm i 0.3-0.7 cm) od Oriona i Apolona na početku i na kraju skladištenja. Hibrid Apolon ima najkraći primarni korijen i klicu (5.4 cm i 2.2 cm) na početku, kao i na kraju skladištenja (4.3 cm i 1.6 cm). Kod svih hibrida najveće smanjenje dužine primarnog korijena i klice bilo je poslije 36 mjeseca skladištenja. Dobivene razlike su statistički vrlo značajne za sva istraživana svojstva (hibrid, dužina skladištenja, interakcija hibrid x dužina skladištenja).After seed processing, sunflower seed Fakir, Orion and Apolon has been storage for 36 months. Seed samples were packed in two film paper bag and storage in two different storage. Concrete floor and storage with termoizolation (relative air humidity 55-60 % and air temperature 10 °C – 12 °C). In the time of storage, every 12 months, seed samples was getting and seed properties has been analyzed. After 36 months, primary root and germ length were measured. Results of this investigations approved, that Fakir hybrid seed has higher on primary root and germ length in accordance with Orion and Apolon. It was conclude that decreasing of primary root and germ length depend on hybrid and storage duration. Apolon hybrid had the largest decreasing of primary root (1.1cm) and germ length (0.6cm). Fakir hybrid had the smallest decreasing. Each hybrids in this investigations had the largest decreasing of primary root and germ length after 24 months of storage. Hybrid and storage duration, statistically very significant influence on seed quality decreasing

    Effect of treatments seed on chemical composition of sunflower seed

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    Istraživanjem je utvrđen utjecaj tretmana sjemena na kemijski sastav zrna suncokreta (Fakir i Apolon) tijekom skladištenja od 12 mjeseci. Naturalni i tretirani uzorci sjemena suncokreta s insekticidima Apron + Chinok, te Apron + Geocid, upakirani su u papirnatu dvoslojnu natron vreću i uskladišteni u betonsko-montažno skladište (vlaga zraka 60-75% i temperatura 20-25oC). Nakon 12 mjeseci sadržaj ulja u zrnu izmjeren je spektroskopskom metodom nuklearne magnetne rezonancije (NMR). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da sjeme hibrida Fakir ima manji sadržaj ulja (47,16%) od sjemena hibrida Apolon (51,37%). Nakon skladištenja naturalno sjeme imalo je veći sadržaj ulja od tretiranog sjemena (od 3,11 do 6,05%). Tretiranjem sjemena pripravkom Apron+Geocid sadržaj ulja oba hibrida suncokreta je umanjen od 6,07 do 7,01%.This investigation aimed to examine effect of treatmens of sunflower seed (hybrids Fakir and Apolon) on grain chemical composition (oil and protein content) during the storage. Un-powdered and with insecticides Apron + Chinok, and Apron + Geocid samples of sunflower seeds were put in double layered craft paper bag and stored on concrete prefabricated warehouse (air moisture 60 –75% and temperature 20-25o C). Seed samples intended for chemical grain analyses were taken after 12 months. Content of total oil was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy method. Sunflower seed of Fakir hybrid was, at the initial storage, characterized by 47,165% of oil content whereas sunflower seed of Apolon hybrid was known for 51,37% of oil content. Twelve months later oil content of treated sunflower seed was lower for 3,11-6,05%. Seed treatment with the agent Apron + Geocid reduced oil of both hybrids for 6,07-7,01%


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    Changes in grain moisture, germination and vigour of three wheat cultivars packed in paper bags and stored for one year under four different conditions of environmental temperature and relative humidity (RH) were investigated. During the first ninety days of storage significant reduction in grain moisture content of 4, 2.5 and 0.9 %, respectively, under 40 °C, 25 °C and 4 °C and RH of 45 % occurred. Subsequently grain moisture remained constant until the end of storage. Seeds of examined cultivars lost their germination ability and vigour only under elevated storage temperatures. Germination and vigour loss after one year of storage differed between cultivars being higher for seeds kept under 40°C, RH = 45% (35-85 % and 55-94 %, respectively), than under 25°C, RH = 45 % (10-20 % and 15-22 %, respectively). Obtained data indicate significant influence of storage conditions on moisture content, germination and vigour changes during storage of wheat seeds, as well as varietal dependence of seed viability.Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati utjecaj četiri različita uvjeta temperature i relativne vlažnosti zraka (RH) na promjene vlažnosti sjemena, klijavost i energiju klijanja triju sorti pšenice pakirane u papirnate vrećice i skladištene godinu dana. Tijekom prvih 90 dana skladištenja nastupilo je značajno sniženje vlažnosti sjemena od 4, 2,5 i 0,9 %, pri uvjetima skladištenja od 40 °C, 25 °C i 4 °C pri 45% RH, nakon čega je sjeme zadržalo vlažnost na istoj razini sve do kraja skladištenja. Gubitak klijavosti i energije klijanja nastupio je samo pri višim temperaturama skladištenja i razlikovao se među sortama. Nakon godinu dana skladištenja, gubitak klijavosti i energije klijanja bio je veći kod sjemena skladištenoga pri 40 °C (35-85 % i 55-94 %), nego pri 25°C i 45 % RH (10-20 % i 15-22 %). Podaci istraživanja ukazuju na značajan utjecaj temperature i relativne vlažnosti zraka na promjene vlažnosti sjemena, klijavost i energiju klijanja ispitivanih sorti tijekom skladištenja, kao i na značajnu ovisnost promjena klijavosti i energije klijanja o sortnim karakteristikama