288 research outputs found

    Research of dynamic RQ system M/M/1 with unreliable server

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    The paper considers a single-line retrial queueing (RQ) system with an unreliable server controlled by a dynamic random multiple access protocol. A study of the prelimit probability distribution of the number of applications in orbit has been carried out. To study this system, the method of generating functions is used

    Asymptotic analysis of MMPP/M/1 retrial queueing system with unreliable server

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    In this paper, we study a single-server retrial queueing system with arrival Markov Modulated Poisson Process and an exponential law of the service time on an unreliable server. If the server is idle, an arrival customer occupies it for the servicing. When the server is busy, a customer goes into the orbit and waits a random time distributed exponentially. It is assumed that the server is unreliable, so it may fail. The server’s repairing and working times are exponentially distributed. The method of asymptotic analysis is proposed to find the stationary distribution of the number of customers in the orbit. It is shown that the asymptotic probability distribution under the condition of a long delay has the Gaussian form with obtained parameters

    Stem-technologies: mathematics and informatics

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    Algorithms solutions of tasks in the field of the theory of numbers within implementation of the STEM project are proposed and realized. Calculations in a package of computer algebra on an open code in the environment of Linux DebianПредложены и реализованы алгоритмы решения задач в области теории чисел в рамках реализации проекта STEM. Вычисления в пакете компьютерной алгебры на открытом коде в среде Linux Debia

    Experimental (computing) theory of numbers

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    Carrying out numerical experiments with Euler's function. Specification of the theorem of Mertens. Calculations in a package of computer algebra on an open code in the environment of Linux DebianПроведение численных экспериментов с функцией Эйлера. Уточнение теоремы Мертенса. Вычисления в пакете компьютерной алгебры на открытом коде в среде Linux Debia

    Plagiarism and “self-plagiarism” in scientific works in the age of digital technologies

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    As well as streamlining academic research activities, contemporary technologies provide opportunities to infringe on the intellectual property of others through plagiarism. However, plagiarism has yet to be adequately dealt with in national legislations, which either do not contain any provision in this connection or fail to adequately define the relevant terms. Moreover, there continues to be much discussion as to what plagiarism is, as well as how and in what cases it should be punishable. The situation is further complicated by the various approaches to plagiarism and the lack of consensus on whether so-called “self-plagiarism” should be treated separately from the intentional infringement of other people’s intellectual property or be deemed as a form of plagiarism. With the aim of clarifying these questions, the authors of the present paper compare different approaches taken to the problem of plagiarism and consider some contemporary approaches to plagiarism detection