264 research outputs found

    The Epitome of the Russian National Idea: Comparative Reconstruction in Sculpture and Narrative

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    The formulation of the national idea for such a multinational country as Russia is a big issue. Its solution is not monopolized by the ideological institutions; art and popular mentality also contributes to the working out of the meaning for the unifying national idea. The author reconstructs those dominant meanings of the national idea (in art and popular consciousness) by the means of visual and textual analysis. The visual object for this reconstruction was realized by the sculpture that embodied the national idea of Russia at the International Art exhibition. The corpus of texts for the Russian contest that reflected the people’s ideas about the national idea was used in narrative analysis

    Cognitive Capital and its Profitability

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    Transformation of competition in cognitive capitalism makes the creation and increment values on the basis of intangible assets - knowledge, developments and ideas. The knowledge economy is becoming a significant resource of scientific and technical knowledge, which is made on the basis of a new form of capital - cognitive capital. Due to lack of development of a new type of economic system, formalization remains low. The concept of cognitive capitalism recognizes the predominant form of accumulation by misappropriation and exploitation of knowledge. The article analyzes the current economic processes in terms of the transition to a knowledge-based economy. At the article is been made the attempt of the scientific definition of cognitive capital. Have done an example of return on cognitive capital. The cognitive component of the national capital identifies monopolistic competition, that is competition for new ideas it promotes the search for new combinations, new applications, new knowledge, which reduces the overall price level. Of course, initially these new developments costs are included in the price structure, and initial development can be costly enough, but as the general price level is reduced scale. That is, this new application is possible more resource-saving, it allows you to receive the overall economy and thus contribute to lower prices

    Sustainable Economic Development Strategy

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    The macroeconomic system based on cognitive capital determines a new need for a qualitatively new state regulation of the national economy. Ignoring this need will make it impossible to achieve leadership positions on the world market for the Russian economy. The goal of the research is to develop mechanisms for the formation of Russia's pro-competitive policy in the context of the need for structural reform of the economy - a transition to a knowledge-based economy. Without an institution of state paternalism, the mechanism of production of cognitive capital, the current economic system will move towards a knowledge-based economy in the most profitable sectors, i.e. There will be a reproduction of the raw material economy of Russia, but at a higher technological level. The protection of a competitive market mechanism will not lead to a knowledge-based economy in all sectors. The change in the character of capitalist relations is inevitable and theoretically justified in the work of various researchers. State management of innovation development of the economy will make it possible to carry out a structural transition, otherwise the self-reproduction of the existing system will take place at a new level. The strategy of the scientific and technological revolution of the Russian Federation should be based on a strong theoretical foundation to ensure a transition to sustainable development in the new conditions - the conditions for the formation of a subsystem of the knowledge economy

    Sustainable Economic Development Strategy

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    The macroeconomic system based on cognitive capital determines a new need for a qualitatively new state regulation of the national economy. Ignoring this need will make it impossible to achieve leadership positions on the world market for the Russian economy. The goal of the research is to develop mechanisms for the formation of Russia's pro-competitive policy in the context of the need for structural reform of the economy - a transition to a knowledge-based economy. Without an institution of state paternalism, the mechanism of production of cognitive capital, the current economic system will move towards a knowledge-based economy in the most profitable sectors, i.e. There will be a reproduction of the raw material economy of Russia, but at a higher technological level. The protection of a competitive market mechanism will not lead to a knowledge-based economy in all sectors. The change in the character of capitalist relations is inevitable and theoretically justified in the work of various researchers. State management of innovation development of the economy will make it possible to carry out a structural transition, otherwise the self-reproduction of the existing system will take place at a new level. The strategy of the scientific and technological revolution of the Russian Federation should be based on a strong theoretical foundation to ensure a transition to sustainable development in the new conditions - the conditions for the formation of a subsystem of the knowledge economy

    Methodological Basis of KPI Motivation

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    A well-built system of motivation can become a source of long-term competitiveness of the enterprise development. The article presents an overview of the main stages of the KPI motivation development and its deployment process. The purpose of this research paper is to reveal the fundamental aspects of building a motivation system based on KPI. The general theoretical basis of this study is the concept of methodology "Management by Objectives", method of "Performance management". It is proposed to integrate the KPI's system into the enterprise management system. It has been proven that the KPI system is a tool for specifying and bringing business strategy to each department and employee through the mechanism of motivating each employee to achieve this goal. The article identifies the place of the KPI system in the structure of business processes. A typology of KPI system options is based on the resources required to develop and implement such system. It has been proven that the system of motivation based on the KPI is a tool for achieving long-term and short-term company goals and is not just a monetary and non-monetary incentive system

    Inactivation of DNA-Binding Response Regulator Sak189 Abrogates β-Antigen Expression and Affects Virulence of Streptococcus agalactiae

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    BACKGROUND: Streptococcus agalactiae is able to colonize numerous tissues employing different mechanisms of gene regulation, particularly via two-component regulatory systems. These systems sense the environmental stimuli and regulate expression of the genes including virulence genes. Recently, the novel two-component regulatory system Sak188/Sak189 was identified. In S. agalactiae genome, it was adjacent to the bac gene encoding for beta-antigen, an important virulence factor. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, the sak188 and sak189 genes were inactivated, and the functional role of Sak188/Sak189 two-component system in regulation of the beta-antigen expression was investigated. It was demonstrated that both transcription of bac gene and expression of encoded beta-antigen were controlled by Sak189 response regulator, but not Sak188 histidine kinase. It was also found that the regulation occurred at transcriptional level. Finally, insertional inactivation of sak189 gene, but not sak188 gene, significantly affected virulent properties of S. agalactiae. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Sak189 response regulator is necessary for activation of bac gene transcription. It also controls the virulent properties of S. agalactiae. Given that the primary functional role of Sak188/Sak189 two-component systems is a control of bac gene transcription, this system can be annotated as BgrR/S (bacgene regulatory system)

    Цифровая валюта: особенности регулирования в Российской Федерации

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    The subject of research, relevance. The development of digital technologies has an impact on almost all areas of society, including the financial sphere. This is the reason for a serious controversy to develop recently and to continue both at the international and national levels in terms of approaches to their legal regulation. This discussion affects both public law and private law. The emergence of such a phenomenon as digital currencies raises the question of their legalization for legislators of various states. The answer to such a question cannot be found without studying the legal consequences of making such a decision for both individuals and the financial system of the state. The purpose. The article puts forward and substantiates a hypothesis that the choice of legal methods for regulating virtual assets is a matter of legal policy, and not just matter of research in the field of defining virtual assets as objects of law or type of property. As a result, when choosing methods of legal regulation of virtual (digital) assets, not only the impact of these legal entities on legal economic turnover (including such issues as the possibility of using excess generated electricity or taxation issues) should be assessed, but also the risk of stimulating illegal "economic" turnover (turnover of things and services in the Darknet, limited turnover of things, for example, drugs), as well as the impact on the financial system. The methodological basis. Various scientific methods of cognition were used to write the article, including system-structural, formal-logical, comparative-legal and dialectical. The research is based on the principles of interdependence and interconnectedness of social processes. The main results, scope of application. The article examines the main approaches to the regulation of digital currencies, studies the phenomenon of digital currency itself, assesses the circumstances that aroused massive interest and enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies. An analysis of current positive legal material is presented, in particular, the approach to the regulation of digital currency contained in the Russian Federal Law of July 31, 2020 No. 259- FZ "On digital financial assets, digital currency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation". The main differences between digital currencies and such a legal phenomenon as digital rights (including utilitarian digital rights and digital financial assets) are noted. It is noted that in most Russian scientific works in the field of law devoted to digital currencies, attention is paid to the definition of digital currency as an object of civil rights, the foreign experience of attempts of legal regulation of cryptocurrency is considered, emphasis is placed on the positive aspects of the legalization of cryptocurrency for individuals, the risks of legalization of cryptocurrency for individuals, as well as the tasks of regulators in the digital economy are investigated. In addition, some scientific works are devoted to issues related to the digitalization of the economy and digital security. However, little attention is paid to the consequences of the legalization of digital currencies for the monetary system of the state and the potential risks for the stability of monetary systems. Conclusions. Interest in digital currencies may decrease in following situations. Firstly, if the services provided by payment systems are more efficient, reliable, affordable and cheap for the consumer. Secondly, during the implementation of the central bank digital currency project (in Russian case - the digital ruble), since digital currencies issued by central banks have the advantages of private digital currencies, but are devoid of their disadvantages.В статье исследуются основные подходы к регулированию цифровых валют. Цифровые валюты – многоаспектный феномен, который появился в последнее десятилетие и вызвал продолжающиеся дискуссии о методах правового регулирования цифровых валют. В статье изучается сам феномен цифровой валюты, оцениваются обстоятельства, которые вызвали массовый интерес и увлечение криптовалютами. Представлен анализ актуального позитивно-правового материала, в частности подход к регулированию цифровой валюты, содержащийся в Федеральном законе от 31 июля 2020 г. № 259-ФЗ «О цифровых финансовых активах, цифровой валюте и о внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации». Отмечены основные отличия цифровых валют от такого правового явления, как цифровые права (включая утилитарные цифровые права и цифровые финансовые активы). Делается вывод о том, что интерес к цифровым валютам может понизиться, если, во-первых, услуги, предоставляемые платежными системами, будут более эффективными, надежными, доступными и дешевыми для потребителя, а во-вторых, при реализация проекта цифровой валюты центрального банка, применительно к России – цифрового рубля

    Sulfide breccias from the Semenov-3 hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: authigenic mineral formation and trace element pattern

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    The aim of this paper is the investigation of the role of diagenesis in the transformation of clastic sulfide sediments such as sulfide breccias from the Semenov-3 hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). The breccias are composed of marcasite\u2013pyrite clasts enclosed in a barite\u2013sulfide\u2013quartz matrix. Primary hydrothermal sulfides occur as colloform, fine-crystalline, porous and radial marcasite\u2013pyrite clasts with inclusions or individual clasts of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, bornite, barite and rock-forming minerals. Diagenetic processes are responsible for the formation of more diverse authigenic mineralization including framboidal, ovoidal and nodular pyrite, coarse-crystalline pyrite and marcasite, anhedral and reniform chalcopyrite, inclusions of HgS phase and pyrrhotite\u2013sphalerite\u2013chalcopyrite aggregates in coarse-crystalline pyrite, zoned bornite\u2013chalcopyrite grains, specular and globular hematite, tabular barite and quartz. The early diagenetic ovoid pyrite is enriched in most trace elements in contrast to late diagenetic varieties. Authigenic lower-temperature chalcopyrite is depleted in trace elements relative to high-temperature hydrothermal ones. Trace elements have different modes of occurrence: Se is hosted in pyrite and chalcopyrite; Tl is related to sphalerite and galena nanoinclusions; Au is associated with galena; As in pyrite is lattice-bound, whereas in chalcopyrite it is related to tetrahedrite\u2013tennantite nanoinclusions; Cd in pyrite is hosted in sphalerite inclusions; Cd in chalcopyrite forms its own mineral; Co and Ni are hosted in chalcopyrite

    Methodological Basis of KPI Motivation

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    A well-built system of motivation can become a source of long-term competitiveness of the enterprise development. The article presents an overview of the main stages of the KPI motivation development and its deployment process. The purpose of this research paper is to reveal the fundamental aspects of building a motivation system based on KPI. The general theoretical basis of this study is the concept of methodology "Management by Objectives", method of "Performance management". It is proposed to integrate the KPI's system into the enterprise management system. It has been proven that the KPI system is a tool for specifying and bringing business strategy to each department and employee through the mechanism of motivating each employee to achieve this goal. The article identifies the place of the KPI system in the structure of business processes. A typology of KPI system options is based on the resources required to develop and implement such system. It has been proven that the system of motivation based on the KPI is a tool for achieving long-term and short-term company goals and is not just a monetary and non-monetary incentive system

    “Идя ко святому Иакову”: древнерусское граффито XII в. в Аквитании

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    In 2015 in Pons, in the former province of Saintonge, an Old Russian pilgrim graffito was found on the wall of the parish church of St. Vivien, a monument of the mid-12th century. It is the second graffito found in France after the one discovered at St. Gilles Abbey. The town of Pons is located on the westernmost route of Santiago de Compostela (via Turonensis) and is noteworthy because of the preserved pilgrim almshouse of the latter half of the 12th century. On the walls of its long archway are horseshoe drawings made by medieval pilgrims, the latest of which, dating from the 16th–17th centuries, bends around a name that is also apparently written in Cyrillic script. The earlier inscription, which appears at the base of the northern end wall of the original façade of the St. Vivien church, is made in the name of one Ivan Zavidovich: “Ivano ps[а]lo Zavi|doviche ida ko | svętomu Ię|kovu” (= ‘Ivan Zavidovich wrote this when going to Saint James’). The most probable palaeographic dating is in the 1160s–1180s. As suggested by birch bark manuscripts, the name of Ivan’s father, Zavid, was popular among Novgorod boyars. Novgorod is also the place with the greatest indirect evidence of the occurrence in Old Russia of the western cult of St. James. This well preserved inscription is an important epigraphic discovery, but its main value lies in the direct evidence of pilgrimages by Russians to the shrine of St. James in Galicia.В 2015 г. в городе Понсе, в бывшей провинции Сентонж, на стене приходской церкви Сен-Вивьен, памятника середины XII в., было обнаружено древнерусское паломническое граффито. Это вторая после граффито из аббатства Сен-Жиль подобная находка во Франции. Стоящий на самом западном пути в Сантьяго-де-Компостела (via Turonensis) г. Понс интересен сохранившимся в нем паломническим госпиталем второй половины XII в. На стенах его длинной проходной арки — вырезанные средневековыми пилигримами подковы, наиболее поздняя из которых обрамляет имя, очевидно, также написанное кириллицей (XVI–XVII вв.). Надпись в основании северного торца первоначального фасада церкви Сен-Вивьен сделана от лица некоего Ивана Завидовича: “Ивано ѱ҃ло Зави\довиче ида ко\ свѧтомоу Иѧ\ковоу”. Ее наиболее вероятная палеографическая датировка — 1160–80-е гг. По данным берестяных грамот и летописей имя отца Ивана Завид было популярно в среде новгородского боярства. С Новгородом же связано и наибольшее число косвенных свидетельств проникновения на Русь западного культа апостола Иакова Старшего. Хорошая сохранность надписи делает ее важной эпиграфической находкой, однако главная ее ценность состоит в прямом документальном доказательстве факта хождения древнерусских паломников к мощам святого Иакова в Галисию