54 research outputs found

    Estudo do perfil de eletroforese e imunoeletroforese em camundongos portadores do turmor de Ehrlich

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    Orientador: Jose Francisco HoflingDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: Aspectos imunológicos de camundongos portadores do tumor de Ehrlich, linhagens 1-G e 2-S, foram avaliados através do emprego de técnicas de eletroforese. O soro dos animais utilizados nos testes foi colhidos nos períodos de 7 e 13 dias após a inoculação de 2,0 x '10 POT. 6' células tumorais da linhagem 1-G na cavidade peritoneal e da mesma concentração de células das linhagens 1-G ou 2-S no coxim plantar de camundogos. O fenômeno de imunidade concomitante relacionado a esse tipo de tumor foi investigado reinoculando-se os camundongos no coxim plantar esquerdo 12 dias após o implante do tumor primário (coxim plantar direito), com uma concentração de 1,0 x '10 POT. 6' células tumorais das linhagens 1-G ou 2-S. Os resultados da eletroforese em agarose do soro de camundongos inoculados com as células tumorais das linhagens 1-G e 2-S mostraram uma diminuição na concentração de albumina e um aumento nas concentrações das frações de alfa-2 e beta globulina. Usando-se a écnica de gel de poliacrilamida, o perfil eletroforético do soro de camundongos inoculados com células tumorais da linhagem 1-G revelou a ocorrência de proteínas com Rm 0,88 após 7 dias de desenvolvimento do tumor. Soro de animais com 13 dias de desenvolvimento do tumor, mostrou a presença de bandas protéicas com Rm 0,11, 0,12 e 0,31. Com o I desenvolvimento do tumor, uma elevação na concentração de IgG e uma diminuição do omplemento foram observados através da imunodifusão radial, e eletroforese em foguete, respectivamente. O crescimento das células tumorais das linhagens 1-G e 2-S, na forma sólida, demonstrou um desenvolvimento contInuo e dependente do número de células inoculadas. As células tumorais 2-S demonstraram ser mais proliferativas, uma vez que o inóculo de 5,0 x '10 POT. 5' células promoveu o crescimento do tumor em 100% dos camundongos, enquanto que resultados semelhantes somente foram conseguidos após o inóculo de 1,0 x '10 POT. 6' células da linhagem 1-G. As medidas da espessura da pata, revelaram que o desenvolvimento do tumor de Ehrlich, na forma sólida, apresentou um crescimento exponencial inicial, quando as concentrações de 1,0 x '10 POT. 7' e 5,0 x '10 POT. 6' células da linhagem 1-G e 2,5 x '10 POT. 6' e 1,0 x '10 POT. 6' células da linhagem 2-5 foram inoculadas. Concentrações inferiores de células apresentaram um crescimento inicial moderado. Camundongos portadores do tumor de Ehrlich, linhagens 1-G ou 2-S, testados para imunidade concomitante, demonstraram não serem capazes de rejeitar um segundo inóculo das mesmas células doze dias apos o inoculo primário. Com relação ao número de cromossomos, as análises citológicas revelaram que as linhagens 1-G e 2-5 representam diferentes clones das células do tumor de Ehrlich, com um número modal de 62 e 78 cromossomos, respectivamenteAbstract: Immunological aspects of mice bearing Ehrlich's carcinoma, lines 1-G and 2-S, were evaluated by using electrophoresis technics. The serum was collected 7 and 13 days after the inoculation of 2.0 x '10 POT. 6' tumor cells, line 1-G, in the peritoneal cavity and the same concentration of tumor cells, lines 1-G and 2-S, in the footpad. The concomitant immunity phenomenon was investigated by reinoculating 1.0 x '10 POT. 6' of either 1-G or 2-S tumor cells 12 days after the implant of the primary tumor. Electrophoresis in agarose showed that both cell types induced a decrease of albumin and an increase of alpha 2 and beta globulins levels. Using polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis the serum of mice inoculated with tumor cells line 1-G revealed proteins bands with Rm 0.88 at 7 and 13 days of tumor development. Afier 13 days of tumor growth the serum also showed the presence of proteins barids with Rm 0.11, 0.12 and 0.31. The increase of IgG levels with tumor development and a decrease in complement levels were observed in radial immunodiffusion and rocket electrophoresis respectively. The growth of tumor cells, lines 1-G and 2-S, in solid form, was continuous and dose dependent. The 2-S tumor cells were more invasive, since the inoculation of 5.0 x '10 POT. 5' cells promoted 100% of growth, while to achieve similar results with 1-G it was necessary the inoculation of 1.0 x '10 POT. 6', cells. The measurement of the degree of swelling of the footpad, when 1.0 x '10 POT. 7' and 5.0 x '10 POT. 6' cells of 1-G line were inoculated, revealed an exponencial growth in the begining of tumor development. Lower concentrations of cells showed only moderate growth. Mice with Ehrlich's tumor either, from lines 1-G or 2-S, tested for concomitant immunity, did not reject a second inoculum of the same cells 12 days after the first inoculum. The cytological analysis showed that 1-G and 2-S lines represent different clones of Ehrlich's carcinoma, displaying a modal number of 62 and 78 cromosomes respectivelyMestradoBiologia e Patologia Buco-DentalMestre em Odontologi

    Myostatin: genetic variants, therapy and gene doping

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    Since its discovery, myostatin (MSTN) has been at the forefront of muscle therapy research because intrinsic mutations or inhibition of this protein, by either pharmacological or genetic means, result in muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia. In addition to muscle growth, MSTN inhibition potentially disturbs connective tissue, leads to strength modulation, facilitates myoblast transplantation, promotes tissue regeneration, induces adipose tissue thermogenesis and increases muscle oxidative phenotype. It is also known that current advances in gene therapy have an impact on sports because of the illicit use of such methods. However, the adverse effects of these methods, their impact on athletic performance in humans and the means of detecting gene doping are as yet unknown. The aim of the present review is to discuss biosynthesis, genetic variants, pharmacological/genetic manipulation, doping and athletic performance in relation to the MSTN pathway. As will be concluded from the manuscript, MSTN emerges as a promising molecule for combating muscle wasting diseases and for triggering wide-ranging discussion in view of its possible use in gene doping.Desde sua descoberta, a miostatina (MSTN) entrou na linha de frente em pesquisas relacionadas às terapias musculares porque mutações intrínsecas ou inibição desta proteína tanto por abordagens farmacológicas como genéticas resultam em hipertrofia muscular e hiperplasia. Além do aumento da massa muscular, a inibição de MSTN potencialmente prejudica o tecido conectivo, modula a força muscular, facilita o transplante de mioblastos, promove regeneração tecidual, induz termogênese no tecido adiposo e aumenta a oxidação na musculatura esquelética. É também sabido que os atuais avanços em terapia gênica têm uma relação com o esporte devido ao uso ilícito de tal método. Os efeitos adversos de tal abordagem, seus efeitos no desempenho de atletas e métodos para detectar doping genético são, contudo, desconhecidos. O objetivo da presente revisão de literatura foi discutir biossíntese, variantes genéticas, manipulação genética e farmacológica, e doping relacionado à via da MSTN. Como será concluído do manuscrito, a MSTN emerge como uma molécula promissora para combater doenças atróficas musculares e para gerar muitas discussões devido à sua possível utilização em doping genético

    Evaluation of neuromuscular indicators in volleyball players in different periodization stages

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    The understanding of athletes’ physical capacities in collective modalities during the training stages is important in the organization of sports preparation. So points up, the skeletal muscle adaptation capacity to systematized training is resulting mostly by neuromuscular alterations. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of a training program on neuromuscular variables, in volleyball athletes, in differents periodization stages. Participated of the study 12 women volleyball athletes, with 18.92±0.76 years, at least two years staff volleyball participation. The total training period was 40 weeks and after initial evaluation clinic and anthropometric, the volunteers were submitted to speed resistance test protocol to determined maximum, average and minimum power, using Forward-Backward (Borin et al, 2003) test, in different moments of periodization: Preparatory stage (M1); Pre-competitive (M2); Competitive-I (M3) and Competitive-II (M4). The collected data were kept in computational bank and produced information in descriptive way (measures of centrality and dispersion) and for inferential (variance analyses for the model with a supplemented factor with the test of multiple comparisons of Tukey). With respect to average power, there was a increase from M1 (53.95±6.85 w) to M2 (61.16±10.32 w), and then a decrease in M3 (58.98±8.64 w); finally a increase in M4 (61.84±7.14 w). The results indicate that there were positive changes in the average power during the training, pointing to the highest values in important stages of the periodization, the competitive phase

    Myostatin: genetic variants, therapy and gene doping

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    Since its discovery, myostatin (MSTN) has been at the forefront of muscle therapy research because intrinsic mutations or inhibition of this protein, by either pharmacological or genetic means, result in muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia. In addition to muscle growth, MSTN inhibition potentially disturbs connective tissue, leads to strength modulation, facilitates myoblast transplantation, promotes tissue regeneration, induces adipose tissue thermogenesis and increases muscle oxidative phenotype. It is also known that current advances in gene therapy have an impact on sports because of the illicit use of such methods. However, the adverse effects of these methods, their impact on athletic performance in humans and the means of detecting gene doping are as yet unknown. The aim of the present review is to discuss biosynthesis, genetic variants, pharmacological/genetic manipulation, doping and athletic performance in relation to the MSTN pathway. As will be concluded from the manuscript, MSTN emerges as a promising molecule for combating muscle wasting diseases and for triggering wide-ranging discussion in view of its possible use in gene doping

    Phagocytic responses of peritoneal macrophages and neutrophils are different in rats following prolonged exercise

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effects of exhausting long-duration physical exercise (swimming) sessions of different durations and intensities on the number and phagocytic capacity of macrophages and neutrophils in sedentary rats. INTRODUCTION: Exercise intensity, duration and frequency are important factors in determining immune response to physical effort. Thus, the effects of exhausting long-duration exercise are unclear. METHODS: Wistar rats were divided into two groups: an untreated group (macrophage study) and oyster glycogen-treated rats (neutrophil study). In each group, the animals were subdivided into five groups (10 rats per group): unexercised controls, an unadapted low-intensity exercise group, an unadapted moderate-intensity exercise group, a preadapted low-intensity exercise group and a preadapted moderate-intensity exercise group. All exercises were performed to exhaustion, and preadaptation consisted of 5, 15, 30 and 45 min sessions. RESULTS: Macrophage study: the number of peritoneal macrophages significantly decreased (9.22 ± 1.78 x 10(6)) after unadapted exercise but increased (21.50 ± 0.63 x 10(6)) after preadapted low-intensity exercise, with no changes in the moderate-intensity exercise group. Phagocytic capacity, however, increased by more than 80% in all exercise groups (low/moderate, unadapted/preadapted). Neutrophil study: the number of peritoneal neutrophils significantly decreased after unadapted (29.20 ± 3.34 x 10(6)) and preadapted (50.00 ± 3.53 x 10(6)) low-intensity exercise but increased after unadapted (127.60 ± 5.14 x 10(6)) and preadapted (221.80 ± 14.85 x 10(6)) moderate exercise. Neutrophil phagocytic capacity decreased by 63% after unadapted moderate exercise but increased by 90% after corresponding preadapted sessions, with no changes in the low-intensity exercise groups. CONCLUSION: Neutrophils and macrophages of sedentary rats respond differently to exercise-induced stress. Adaptation sessions reduce exercise-induced stress on the immune system

    Dança e moradores de um lar para idosos

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    Embora a população idosa tenha aumentado muito e vários estudos foram feitos sobre atividades físicas para ela, ainda é preciso estudos sobre idosos que vivem em instituições geriátricas. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar bailes que ocorrem dentro de uma instituição geriátrica, em uma cidade do estado de São Paulo. Foi verificado que tais reuniões ajudam à inserção social, algumas pessoas da comunidade em volta da instituição vêm semanalmente para estas atividades, mas poucos moradores do lar tomam parte nelas. Boa parte destes moradores tem dificuldades de movimento, o que os limita na participação das atividades. Sugere-se que eles possam ter oportunidades para desenvolver habilidades motoras e capacidades físicas e que tais reuniões possam promover discussões sobre a vida em instituições geriátricas

    Desenvolvimento das capacidades físicas de força de membros superiores e aeróbia, por meio de circuito de treinamento e práticas esportivas em escolares na faixa de 13 a 14 anos de idade / Development of upper limb and aerobic physical strength capabilities, through training circuit and sports practices in school children between 13 and 14 years of age

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    O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a aptidão física relacionada à saúde de alunos de uma escola de tempo integral (ETI) da cidade de Piracicaba -SP. Foram convidados 31 escolares da ETI e alocados intencionalmente em dois grupos: grupo treinamento em circuitos e práticas esportivas (GE) e um grupo controle (GC), que realizaram aulas somente da disciplina de educação física, orientadas pelo professor da instituição Grupo experimental (GE) foi constituído por 18 escolares com média de idade 13,4±0,51 anos, estatura de 1,62±0,08 metros,  massa corporal 54,62±12,82 Kg e IMC 20,67±3,62kg/m2. Grupo (GC) foi formado por 13 alunos com média de idade 13,69±0,48 anos, estatura 1,65±0,09 metros, massa corporal 59,76±14,63 e IMC 21,76±3,23Kg/m2. Os escolares foram submetidos aos protocolos de avaliações aplicados no estudo. Os resultados do GE no teste de medicineball do pré para pós-teste foi ? 8,24±5,39% e da corrida de seis minutos ? 5,57±3,29%. No GC no teste de medicinaball no pré para o pós-teste ? -1,33±12,41% e na corrida de seis minutos ? -3,11±3,16%. Os dados apontaram que no GE houve melhora significativa nos dois testes, por outro lado no GC não houve melhora nos dois testes. A indicação mais evidente é de que o aumento do volume e da intensidade das atividades físicas podem ter sido o fator que influenciou a melhora no GE


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    The aim of this study was to compare the effect of eight weeks of traditional physical training (TPT) and military-specific physical training (MSPT) on the physical and operational performance of infantry cadets of the Brazilian Air Force (BAF). This study consisted of 27 male cadets (22.8±1.6 years, 76.0±9.2 kg, 1.77±0.05 m) stratified according to initial levels of physical fitness and randomly allocated in TPT (n= 13) or MSPT (n= 14) groups. The TPT group performed the basic military physical training provided for the military and the MSPT group conducted specific operational training. The variables were analyzed through two evaluations at the beginning and end of the eight-week training protocol. Anthropometric evaluations, physical fitness, and military operational physical tests were performed. Internal training load was determined through session rating of perceived exertion. Two-way (group and time) analysis of variance was used to compare groups and periods of training. Bonferroni test was used as a post-hoc when necessary. The effect sizes were presented by partial eta squared (ηp²) and Cohen dz. No group and time interaction was found for any variable. Regarding the time effect, there was a decrease in both groups in the anthropometric variables. The variables that increased over time for both groups were push-up and sit-up repetitions in 1 min, aerobic power, and squat jump height, whereas time in the military operational physical test decreased. Regarding the internal training load, no interaction between the group and period was observed. Therefore, both TPT and MSPT groups were effective in improving the physical and operational performance of military personnel after eight weeks of training.  Article visualizations

    Efeito do exercício agudo de curta duração em leucócitos circulantes e linfócitos teciduais de ratos

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    Acute exercise sessions produce an immune system response, possibly leading to cessation, loss of continuity or performance decrement during the training period, caused by the increased upper respiratory infections (IVASs) susceptibility. Considering that lymphocyte cells have to fight infections and that sedentary subjects in poor physical condition should enroll physical programs of low intensity and volume, the aim of this study was to evaluate the amount of circulating leukocytes and lymphocytes as well as the mesenteric lymphocytes tissues, and the proliferative capacity of tissues lymphocytes in male Wistar rats submitted to acute sets of 5 and 15 minutes of low and moderate intensities. Results show leukocytosis and lymphocytosis in both groups 5 and 15 minutes of low and moderate intensities, increased tissue lymphocytes counting in the 5 minutes group of low intensity and in the 5 and 15 minutes groups of moderate intensity, in general, no alteration in the T cellular proliferative capacity, however with reduction in B lymphocytes in the 5 and 15 minutes groups of low intensity and in the 5 minutes of moderate intensity. The relevance and the clinical meaning of these alterations need to be well clarified for a better understanding of the complex triad: physical exercise, immunological responses and infections susceptibility after submaximal sets of short term.Sessões agudas promovem respostas no sistema imunológico, podendo acarretar desistência, não continuidade ou queda no desempenho nos programas de exercícios, pela aumentada susceptibilidade às infecções das vias aéreas superiores (IVASs). Considerando que os linfócitos desempenham funções no combate às infecções e que indivíduos sedentários com baixo nível de aptidão física, devam iniciar programas de treinamento com baixo volume e intensidade, o estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a contagem de leucócitos e linfócitos circulantes e dos linfócitos teciduais mesentéricos, bem como a capacidade proliferativa dos linfócitos teciduais em ratos machos "Wistar" submetidos a sessões agudas de cinco e 15 minutos nas intensidades leve e moderada. Os resultados mostram leucocitose e linfocitose nos grupos cinco e 15 minutos em ambas as intensidades, aumentada contagem de linfócitos teciduais nos grupos cinco minutos leve bem como cinco e 15 minutos moderado, de forma geral, nenhuma alteração na resposta proliferativa celular T, porém com diminuição na resposta celular B nos grupos cinco e 15 minutos leve e cinco minutos moderado. A relevância e o significado clínico dessas alterações precisam ser mais bem esclarecidos para o melhor entendimento da complexa tríade: exercício físico, respostas imunológicas e susceptibilidade a infecções, após sessões submáximas de curta duração

    Effects of post-activation potentiation and carbohydrate mouth rinse on repeated sprint ability

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of post-activation potentiation (PAP), carbohydrate (CHO) mouth rinse, and the combination of both strategies on repeated sprint ability (RSA). Twenty male soccer players (age = 18.9 ± 0.9 years, body mass = 71.8 ± 5.2 kg, height = 178.2 ± 6.3 cm) randomly performed four experimental conditions before RSA test (six sets of 40 m): (I) placebo (PLA) control, (II) CHO mouth rinse (6% maltodextrin), (III) PAP + PLA, and (IV) PAP + CHO. The PAP protocol involved two sets of five repetitions (80% 1RM) of the back squat exercise. A one-way repeated measures analysis of variance followed by Bonferroni post hoc test was used to compare the experimental conditions. Results indicated that PAP + CHO and PAP + PLA had better results for the variables best sprint time, mean sprint time, and total sprint time compared with CHO and PLA (p<0.001; small effect size). No significant interaction between the experimental conditions was observed for the variable RSA performance decrement, and no significant difference between conditions, i.e., PAP + CHO vs. PAP + PLA and CHO vs. PLA control was found. In conclusion, PAP positively affects RSA performance in soccer players; however, the combination of PAP and CHO mouth rinse showed no additional effect