142 research outputs found

    Estudio preliminar de la aplicación de varias técnicas de comunicación en diseños circulares

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    Comunicació presentada al 23rd International Congress on Project Management and Engineering (Málaga, 10-12 July 2019).An effective Circular Economy strategy comprises demonstrate practical application, by including real life examples and emphasizing with data and facts. The communication strategy is addressed during the design process and designers have to think about the product/service and about how communicating it. To reach a broader impact, techniques like creative storytelling or educational messages are needed. This work aims to know the ease or difficulty for industrial design engineering students in the application of these techniques to effectively communicate the advantages of a design based in the Circular Economy. To address this, a workshop has been done to explain basic notions about circular economy and consumptions patterns and trends. Then, communication techniques were explained, using examples. The workshop proceeded asking the students to apply these techniques for emphasizing the advantages of a circular product, working in groups. Finally, a questionnaire was passed to evaluate their opinion about the communication techniques applied. At the end, a debate was conducted about their perception about the importance of communication in designs based in circular economy.Una estrategia de Economía Circular efectiva requiere mostrar aplicación práctica, incluyendo ejemplos de la vida real y enfatizando con datos y hechos. La estrategia de comunicación se aborda durante el proceso de diseño y los diseñadores deben pensar en el producto/servicio y en cómo comunicarlo. Para conseguir un mayor impacto, es necesaria la aplicación de técnicas como narración creativa de historias o los mensajes educativos. Este trabajo pretende conocer la facilidad o dificultad que tienen estudiantes de ingeniería en diseño industrial en aplicar estas técnicas para comunicar de forma efectiva las ventajas de un diseño basado en la economía circular. Para ello, se ha programado un taller en el que se introdujo la economía circular y los patrones de consumo y tendencias de mercado relacionados con ésta. Después se les explicaron las técnicas de comunicación, mostrando un ejemplo. A continuación, se les ha pedido que apliquen, trabajando en grupo, cada técnica de comunicación para enfatizar las ventajas de un producto circular. Finalmente, se les pasó un cuestionario de evaluación sobre su opinión acerca de las técnicas de comunicación aplicadas. También se debatió sobre su percepción en cuanto a la importancia de la comunicación en diseños basados en la economía circular

    Investigando la percepción de las ventajas medioambientales de un producto adaptable

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    The aim of adaptable design is to create products that can easily adapt to different needs. The objective if this study is to analyze the effectivenes in communication to promote an adaptable baby stroller, in order to know the user perception of the advantages derived from its adaptability, as well as the environmental ones, and if there is correlation between them. It is also intended to determine whether age or previous experience with this type of product can influence this perception. To this effect, a study with 54 participants has been conducted. Results show that users percieve the advantages and find the adaptable design interesting. Valuation of the advantages of the product is affected by previous user experience with the need for adaptability. Valuation of the environmental benefits is independent from the degree of experiense, as well as from the age of the participants (between 30 and 45 years old).El diseño adaptable tiene como objetivo crear productos que puedan adaptarse fácilmente a diferentes necesidades. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la efectividad en la comunicación realizada para promover un cochecito de bebé adaptable, en aras de conocer la percepción que tienen los usuarios tanto de las ventajas derivadas de su adaptabilidad como de las medioambientales y si existe una correlación entre ambas. También se pretende determinar si la edad o experiencia previa con este tipo de productos influyen en esta percepción. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio con 54 participantes. Los resultados muestran que los usuarios perciben las ventajas y consideran interesante el diseño adaptable. La estimación de las ventajas del producto se ve afectada por la experiencia previa del usuario con la necesidad de adaptabilidad. La estimación de los beneficios ambientales es independiente tanto del grado de experiencia como de la edad de los participantes (entre 30 y 45 años)

    The effect of nature on designers' creativity, according to their personality profile

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    The aim of this work is to demonstrate whether natural environments, either real or simulated, tend to enhance designers' creativity, and whether the effects differ depending on their personality profile. Numerous studies have been conducted on the variables that shape the work environment and affect the designer's creativity, but few take into account the interaction between the work environment and the designer's personality profile. The aim of this study is to carry out a practical experiment in which a certain number of individuals solve conceptual design problems in different work environments, followed by an assessment of the creativity of the results. The results show higher values of creativity for both types of natural setting than in a neutral scenario. The personality of the designers determines whether the highest values are achieved in real or in artificial nature

    Users’ Reactions Captured by Means of an EEG Headset on Viewing the Presentation of Sustainable Designs Using Verbal Narrative

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    The aim of this paper is to determine whether consu mers accept new arguments for choosing a product that adapts to future needs. It is also seeks to investigate whether the design of products and their ensuing advertising an d promotion through a sustainable approach by means of verbal narrative ads can gener ate a more positive emotional response in the future users of the product than wi th the application of visual narrative ads. To this end, an experiment was conducted consisting in consumers, with and without experience with the product, watching a promotional video based on verbal narrative, created using the new usage scenarios approach, in which the advantages of a sustainable product are shown. The neuronal respons e of the possible users was then measured by means of the EEG headset. In order to b e able to establish a comparison, the same response was also measured in the same con sumers when they viewed a commercial video based on visual narrative about a product with similar characteristics. The results show, among other conclusions, that vie wing the verbal narrative ad first triggers higher emotional values of excitement, bot h in the short and the long term, as well as frustration. It is also observed that havin g no experience with the product causes higher meditation values. This can be useful to enterprises both in order to design their products in such a way as to orientate them towards consumer concerns, and to design advertisements in such a way as to link consumers emotionally with the produ ct

    Analysis of attachment factors in small household EEE: An opportunity toward the circular economy

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    Despite the fact that one of the goals of the circular economy is that products can be used for as long as possible, existing data show that the number of years that small household appliances are used until they are replaced is not increasing and is even decreasing in some cases. This work focuses on product attachment as a strategy to slow down the replacement of the product and, consequently, to lengthen product life, thereby preventing psychological obsolescence. To this end, a representative sample of 70 small household appliances with attachment-related characteristics was analyzed to identify which of the 38 attachment strategies listed in the emotional durability design nine tools they contain. As a result, the most frequently used strategies are “design for animacy,” “design for variability and modularity,” and “connection or community belonging.” Furthermore, 13 of the 38 strategies do not appear in this type of product and the strategies vary to a greater or lesser extent depending on the type of appliance. Therefore, there is still a lot of room at the design level to exploit attachment in this type of product, which could be very useful for business models based on life extension services. Moreover, the method applied to search for products on the web and to assign attachment strategies can also be used for other sectors and products.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Knowledge generation for enhancing design creativity through co-creative Virtual Learning Communities

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    With the current technological explosion, the arrival of Web 2.0 and the growth of ICTs, designers’ tools can be understood and used by novice users. With this statement in mind, and considering previous works that claim that team-working enhances creativity, the present paper reports on an experiment conducted to test whether a large group of creative people organised in a Virtual Learning Community are able to produce a Graphic Design with a satisfactory level of creativity starting from an almost complete lack of knowledge on the discipline, where a “satisfactory level of creativity” is understood as being that level which can be achieved by an individual with specific knowledge in the subject working in isolation. The results were assessed by means of an adapted questionnaire based on the CPSS taxonomy, and statistically analysed using ANOVA. The conclusions appear to reinforce the idea that virtual team-working enhances creativity, but the lack of specific competence training can be discerned by an expert eye.The research presented in this paper was funded by the Universitat Jaume I (project ref. P1· 1B2015-30 - El arte y el diseño en la nueva sociedad digital

    Towards Competencies os Sustainability in Engineering Degrees: Project based service-learning experiences

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    Comunicació presentada al 13th International Conference on Society & Materials, SAM13 (Pisa, 20-21 May 2019)In the present work, a series of collaborative service-learning (SL) experiences carried out in the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló and University of the Basque Country will be presented. These experiences have been developed with in undergraduate courses,bachelor thesis and master thesis. The work points out how these experiences can serve as a toolf or teaching coordination at various levels: horizontal coordination with in a year in one degree, coordination between different degrees orinter-university coordination. The potential of these experiences makes them a very powerful methodological tool that can help not, only the students and the extra curricular agents involved, but also the teaching itself

    Guiding questions for increasing the generation of product ideas to meet changing needs (QuChaNe)

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    One of the reasons why products are replaced is as a consequence of changes in the users’ personal life. Adaptable or upgradable products have the advantage that, to some extent, they counter dissatisfaction in products that still work by improving functionalities or adding new ones. So, to develop adaptable products, designers have to consider the potential changes in the users’ personal life during the earlier phases of the design process. This work presents a list of scenario creation-type questions which promote design ideas that consider changing needs (QuChaNe). To check the effectiveness of this list of questions, an experiment with 28 designers was conducted. In the experiment, the designers applied the proposed list of questions to generate ideas for products. The same task was carried out using no prescribed method as a control group for comparison purposes. The results show that the use of the list of scenario creation questions leads to the generation of more ideas for changing needs and with higher quality. This finding implies that designers could use these questions to generate ideas for changing needs as a previous task before applying design for adaptability (DFA) or upgradability (DFU) methods. This would ultimately lead to more adaptable products

    Review of the use of guiding questions in the scope of design engineering

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    Comunicació presentada al 23rd International Congress on Project Management and Engineering. CIDIP 2019 (Málaga, 10-12 July 2019).Guiding Questions are used, among other possibilities, as a method for learn, evaluate and reach new ideas. Within the scope of Engineering Design, they allow driving the designer in the conceptual phase, and they are adequate for analysing a broad variety of aspects which are not usually considered in the early creative process. Guiding Questions help to frame hypothetical situations for product uses, both present and future ones, and also their interaction with the users. So, using them in the early phases of the development of the design process will help in a better adaptability of the product to new needs, in prolong their useful lifetime and, in conclusion, they help in increase the user satisfaction. In brief, this communication shows an analysis in depth of the different uses of guiding questions within the creative process in the product design framework.Las preguntas guiadas (Guiding Questions) se pueden utilizar como método de aprendizaje, evaluación y obtención de nuevas ideas. En el ámbito del Diseño, permiten conducir al diseñador en la fase conceptual y son la herramienta adecuada para analizar una gran variedad de aspectos no considerados inicialmente en el proceso creativo. Las preguntas guiadas ayudan a enmarcar hipotéticas situaciones del uso del producto, presentes o futuras, y de la interacción con el usuario, por lo que utilizarlas en fases iniciales del desarrollo del proceso de diseño nos ayudará a que el producto se adapte mejor a nuevas necesidades, a que alargue su vida útil y, en definitiva, contribuya a aumentar la satisfacción del usuario. Esta comunicación, por tanto, muestra un análisis en profundidad de los diferentes usos de las preguntas guiadas dentro del proceso creativo propio del ámbito del diseño de producto

    Relación entre el grado de creatividad y la calidad de los resultados de diseño

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    This work analyses the relationship between the degree of creativity, measured through the level of novelty and the level of usefulness, and the quality of the design outcomes. To do so, a total of twelve conceptual designs obtained in a design experiment were measured and compared. In this experiment, four teams of three designers solved different design problems, applying brainstorming, SCAMPER and functional analysis as design methods. The quality of the design solutions have been evaluated in terms of feasibility and effectiveness by experts through a questionnaire. Feasibility and effectiveness were then compared with the novelty, usefulness and creativity, the results showing that as novelty increases, feasibility tends to be lower, and the more usefulness the design offers, the more effective it isEste trabajo analiza la relación entre el grado de creatividad, medido a través del nivel de novedad y el nivel de utilidad, con la calidad de las soluciones del diseño. Para ello, un total de doce soluciones conceptuales obtenidas en un experimento de diseño han sido medidas y comparadas. En el experimento cuatro equipos de tres diseñadores cada uno, resolvieron distintos problemas de diseño aplicando el brainstorming, el SCAMPER y el análisis funcional como métodos de diseño. La calidad de las soluciones de diseño se ha evaluado por expertos en términos de factibilidad y efectividad usando un cuestionario. La factibilidad y la efectividad se comparado con la novedad, la utilidad y la creatividad, observando que cuando aumenta la novedad, la factibilidad tiende a reducirse y que, cuando mayor es la utilidad mayor es el grado de efectividad también.This study has been possible thanks to the research projects P1·1B2010-51 “Estimulación y evaluación de la creatividad en el diseño de productos en equipos de diseño distribuidos” and P11A2008-04 “Determinación de la influencia de métodos creativos en el proceso de diseño y del grado de novedad y utilidad de las soluciones”, funded by the Universitat Jaume