69 research outputs found

    Suspect screening of maternal serum to identify new environmental chemical biomonitoring targets using liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry.

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    The use and advantages of high-resolution mass spectrometry (MS) as a discovery tool for environmental chemical monitoring has been demonstrated for environmental samples but not for biological samples. We developed a method using liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight MS (LC-QTOF/MS) for discovery of previously unmeasured environmental chemicals in human serum. Using non-targeted data acquisition (full scan MS analysis) we were able to screen for environmental organic acids (EOAs) in 20 serum samples from second trimester pregnant women. We define EOAs as environmental organic compounds with at least one dissociable proton which are utilized in commerce. EOAs include environmental phenols, phthalate metabolites, perfluorinated compounds, phenolic metabolites of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated biphenyls, and acidic pesticides and/or predicted acidic pesticide metabolites. Our validated method used solid phase extraction, reversed-phase chromatography in a C18 column with gradient elution, electrospray ionization in negative polarity and automated tandem MS (MS/MS) data acquisition to maximize true positive rates. We identified "suspect EOAs" using Agilent MassHunter Qualitative Analysis software, to match chemical formulas generated from each sample run with molecular formulas in our unique database of 693 EOAs assembled from multiple environmental literature sources. We found potential matches for 282 (41%) of the EOAs in our database. Sixty-five of these suspect EOAs were detected in at least 75% of the samples; only 19 of these compounds are currently biomonitored in National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. We confirmed two of three suspect EOAs by LC-QTOF/MS using a targeted method developed through LC-MS/MS, reporting the first confirmation of benzophenone-1 and bisphenol S in pregnant women's sera. Our suspect screening workflow provides an approach to comprehensively scan environmental chemical exposures in humans. This can provide a better source of exposure information to help improve exposure and risk evaluation of industrial chemicals

    Obstetric risk in pregnancy interacts with hair cortisone levels to reduce gestational length

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    Background: Maternal psychological stress has been linked to preterm birth. However, the dierential contribution of psychological stress versus stress hormones is not clear. Studies focus primarily on perceived stress and cortisol, with few assessing its inter-convertible hormone cortisone. Furthermore, little is known about the potential moderating roles of obstetric risk and fetal sex in the relationship between maternal stress and gestational length. This gap in knowledge is particularly evident for rural women who typically experience chronic multiple stressors during pregnancy. We explored the relationship of hormonal and psychological stress to gestational length and the eects of obstetric risks and fetal sex on this relationship among Kenyan pregnant women. Methods: The sample included 130 women recruited between 22 to 28 weeks gestation. They completed a clinical and sociodemographic questionnaire together with the Perceived Stress Scale and provided a hair sample for cortisol and cortisone assay. Women underwent an ultrasound to assess weeks of gestation. At delivery, their pregnancy-related health problems were identified using information extracted from medical records to compile each woman’s number of pregnancy risks on the Obstetric Medical Risk Index (OMRI). Results: Perceived stress and hair cortisol were not significant predictors of gestational length. However, a greater number of obstetric risks on the OMRI was associated with shorter gestational length. This eect was further explained by the interaction between obstetric risk and hair cortisone (B = 0.709, p = 0.02). Hair cortisone levels of mothers who had a shorter gestation were significantly higher in mothers with 2 or more risks on the OMRI but not among mothers with only one or no risks (t = 2.39, p = 0.02). Fetal sex had no relationship to gestational length and also had no moderating effect on the relationship between any stress-related metric and gestational length. Conclusion: Cortisone levels may increase in anticipation of shorter gestation as a compensatory response to increased obstetric risk. Elevated cortisone may be a more sensitive marker of risk for early delivery than cortisol or psychological stress, with salience for both the male and female fetus

    Mass spectrometry imaging of hair identifies daily maraviroc adherence in HPTN 069/ACTG A5305

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    Objective measures of adherence for antiretrovirals used as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) are critical for improving preventative efficacy in both clinical trials and real-world application. Current objective adherence measures either reflect only recent behavior (eg days for plasma or urine) or cumulative behavior (eg months for dried blood spots). Here, we measured the accumulation of the antiretroviral drug maraviroc (MVC) in hair strands by infrared matrix-assisted laser desorption electrospray ionization (IR-MALDESI) mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) to evaluate adherence behavior longitudinally at high temporal resolution. An MSI threshold for classifying daily adherence was established using clinical samples from healthy volunteers following directly observed dosing of 1 to 7 doses MVC/week. We then used the benchmarked MSI assay to classify adherence to MVC-based PrEP regimens in hair samples collected throughout the 48-week HPTN069/ACTGA5305 study. We found that only ~32% of investigated hair samples collected during the study’s active dosing period showed consistent daily PrEP adherence throughout a retrospective period of 30 days, and also found that profiles of daily individual adherence from MSI hair analysis could identify when patients were and were not taking study drug. The assessment of adherence from MSI hair strand analysis was 62% lower than adherence classified using paired plasma samples, the latter of which may be influenced by white-coat adherence. These findings demonstrate the ability of MSI hair analysis to examine daily variability of adherence behavior over a longer-term measurement and offer the potential for longitudinal comparison with risk behavior to target patient-specific adherence interventions and improve outcomes

    Diagnostic accuracy of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry assay in small hair samples for rifampin-resistant tuberculosis drug concentrations in a routine care setting.

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    BACKGROUND: Treatment monitoring of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) in resource-limited settings is challenging. We developed a multi-analyte assay for eleven anti-TB drugs in small hair samples as an objective metric of drug exposure. METHODS: Small hair samples were collected from participants at various timepoints during directly observed RR-TB treatment at an inpatient tertiary referral facility in South Africa (DR-TB cohort). We assessed qualitative determination (i.e., detection above limit of detection) of bedaquiline, linezolid, clofazimine, pretomanid, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, pyrazinamide, isoniazid, ethambutol, ethionamide, and prothionamide in an LC-MS/MS index panel assay against a reference standard of inpatient treatment records. Because treatment regimens prior to hospitalization were not available, we also analyzed specificity (for all drugs except isoniazid) using an external cohort of HIV-positive patients treated for latent TB infection with daily isoniazid (HIV/LTBI cohort) in Uganda. RESULTS: Among the 57 DR-TB patients (58% with pre-XDR/XDR-TB; 70% HIV-positive) contributing analyzable hair samples, the sensitivity of the investigational assay was 94% or higher for all drugs except ethionamide (58.5, 95% confidence interval [CI], 40.7-99.9). Assay specificity was low across all tested analytes within the DR-TB cohort; conversely, assay specificity was 100% for all drugs in the HIV/LTBI cohort. CONCLUSIONS: Hair drug concentrations reflect long-term exposure, and multiple successive regimens commonly employed in DR-TB treatment may result in apparent false-positive qualitative and falsely elevated quantitative hair drug levels when prior treatment histories within the hair growth window are not known

    A round robin approach to the analysis of bisphenol a (BPA) in human blood samples

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    BACKGROUND: Human exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) is ubiquitous, yet there are concerns about whether BPA can be measured in human blood. This Round Robin was designed to address this concern through three goals: 1) to identify collection materials, reagents and detection apparatuses that do not contribute BPA to serum; 2) to identify sensitive and precise methods to accurately measure unconjugated BPA (uBPA) and BPA-glucuronide (BPA-G), a metabolite, in serum; and 3) to evaluate whether inadvertent hydrolysis of BPA-G occurs during sample handling and processing. METHODS: Four laboratories participated in this Round Robin. Laboratories screened materials to identify BPA contamination in collection and analysis materials. Serum was spiked with concentrations of uBPA and/or BPA-G ranging from 0.09-19.5 (uBPA) and 0.5-32 (BPA-G) ng/mL. Additional samples were preserved unspiked as ‘environmental’ samples. Blinded samples were provided to laboratories that used LC/MSMS to simultaneously quantify uBPA and BPA-G. To determine whether inadvertent hydrolysis of BPA metabolites occurred, samples spiked with only BPA-G were analyzed for the presence of uBPA. Finally, three laboratories compared direct and indirect methods of quantifying BPA-G. RESULTS: We identified collection materials and reagents that did not introduce BPA contamination. In the blinded spiked sample analysis, all laboratories were able to distinguish low from high values of uBPA and BPA-G, for the whole spiked sample range and for those samples spiked with the three lowest concentrations (0.5-3.1 ng/ml). By completion of the Round Robin, three laboratories had verified methods for the analysis of uBPA and two verified for the analysis of BPA-G (verification determined by: 4 of 5 samples within 20% of spiked concentrations). In the analysis of BPA-G only spiked samples, all laboratories reported BPA-G was the majority of BPA detected (92.2 – 100%). Finally, laboratories were more likely to be verified using direct methods than indirect ones using enzymatic hydrolysis. CONCLUSIONS: Sensitive and accurate methods for the direct quantification of uBPA and BPA-G were developed in multiple laboratories and can be used for the analysis of human serum samples. BPA contamination can be controlled during sample collection and inadvertent hydrolysis of BPA conjugates can be avoided during sample handling

    A Case of Rivaroxaban Associated Intracranial Hemorrhage

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    Rivaroxaban is a newer anticoagulant initially approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Rivaroxaban has several characteristics that are more favorable than warfarin. One of the characteristics is decreased risk of hemorrhage. We report one of the first case reports of severe intracranial hemorrhage associated with rivaroxaban in an elderly patient with decreased renal function. We aim to alert emergency medicine providers regarding the likelihood of encountering these patient as newer anticoagulants rise in popularity
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