2,902 research outputs found

    Composition variation and underdamped mechanics near membrane proteins and coats

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    We study the effect of membrane proteins on the shape, composition and thermodynamic stability of the surrounding membrane. When the coupling between membrane composition and curvature is strong enough the nearby composition and shape both undergo a transition from over-damped to under-damped spatial variation, well before the membrane becomes unstable in the bulk. This transition is associated with a change in the sign of the thermodynamic energy and hence has the unusual features that it can favour the early stages of coat assembly necessary for vesiculation (budding), while suppressing the activity of mechanosensitive membrane channels and transporters. Our results also suggest an approach to obtain physical parameters that are otherwise difficult to measure

    Recycling controls membrane domains

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    We study the coarsening of strongly microphase separated membrane domains in the presence of recycling of material. We study the dynamics of the domain size distribution under both scale-free and size-dependent recycling. Closed form solutions to the steady state distributions and its associated central moments are obtained in both cases. Moreover, for the size-independent case, the~time evolution of the moments is analytically calculated, which provide us with exact results for their corresponding relaxation times. Since these moments and relaxation times are measurable quantities, the biophysically significant free parameters in our model may be determined by comparison with experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Coating thickness and elastic modulus measurement using ultrasonic bulk wave resonance

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    Measurement of the resonant through thickness ultrasonic modes of a homogeneous plate using a fast Fourier transform of the temporal data can be used to calculate plate thickness very accurately. We describe an extension of this principle to two-layer systems, examining a thin coating on a substrate of known properties. The resonant behavior of these systems is predicted and we explain how this approach is used to measure coating thickness and elastic modulus. Noncontact electromagnetic acoustic transducers are used for ultrasonic measurement, as they do not significantly affect the resonant response of the system, unlike alternative contact transducers

    Weakly nonlinear waves in magnetized plasma with a slightly non-Maxwellian electron distribution. Part 2, Stability of cnoidal waves

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    We determine the growth rate of linear instabilities resulting from long-wavelength transverse perturbations applied to periodic nonlinear wave solutions to the Schamel–Korteweg–de Vries–Zakharov–Kuznetsov (SKdVZK) equation which governs weakly nonlinear waves in a strongly magnetized cold-ion plasma whose electron distribution is given by two Maxwellians at slightly different temperatures. To obtain the growth rate it is necessary to evaluate non-trivial integrals whose number is kept to a minimum by using recursion relations. It is shown that a key instance of one such relation cannot be used for classes of solution whose minimum value is zero, and an additional integral must be evaluated explicitly instead. The SKdVZK equation contains two nonlinear terms whose ratio b increases as the electron distribution becomes increasingly flat-topped. As b and hence the deviation from electron isothermality increases, it is found that for cnoidal wave solutions that travel faster than long-wavelength linear waves, there is a more pronounced variation of the growth rate with the angle θ at which the perturbation is applied. Solutions whose minimum values are zero and which travel slower than long-wavelength linear waves are found, at first order, to be stable to perpendicular perturbations and have a relatively narrow range of θ for which the first-order growth rate is not zero

    Weakly nonlinear waves in magnetized plasma with a slightly non-Maxwellian electron distribution. Part 1, Stability of solitary waves

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    Weakly nonlinear waves in strongly magnetized plasma with slightly non-isothermal electrons are governed by a modified Zakharov–Kuznetsov (ZK) equation, containing both quadratic and half-order nonlinear terms, which we refer to as the Schamel–Korteweg–de Vries–Zakharov–Kuznetsov (SKdVZK) equation. We present a method to obtain an approximation for the growth rate, γ, of sinusoidal perpendicular perturbations of wavenumber, k, to SKdVZK solitary waves over the entire range of instability. Unlike for (modified) ZK equations with one nonlinear term, in this method there is no analytical expression for kc, the cut-off wavenumber (at which the growth rate is zero) or its corresponding eigenfunction. We therefore obtain approximate expressions for these using an expansion parameter, a, related to the ratio of the nonlinear terms. The expressions are then used to find γ for k near kc as a function of a. The approximant derived from combining these analytical results with the ones for small k agrees very well with the values of γ obtained numerically. It is found that both kc and the maximum growth rate decrease as the electron distribution becomes progressively less peaked than the Maxwellian. We also present new algebraic and rarefactive solitary wave solutions to the equation

    Comment on Bramwell et al, "Universal Fluctuations in Correlated Systems"

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    This is a comment on "Universal Fluctuations in Correlated Systems", by Bramwell et al, Phys. Rev. Lett., 84, 3744 (2000.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    The challenges and opportunities of reviewing domestic abuse-related deaths by suicide in England and Wales

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    Purpose In England and Wales, Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) are conducted into domestic abuse-related killings. In 2016, deaths by suicide were brought into the scope of this review system and, to distinguish them from reviews into domestic homicides, we describe these as ‘Suicide Domestic Abuse-Related Death Reviews’ (S-DARDR). To date, S-DARDRs have been little considered and, in response, this empirical paper seeks to unpack this process. Method In a larger study, 40 DHR participants were interviewed, and a reflexive thematic analysis was undertaken. 18 participants discussed S-DARDRs. These interviews were re-read, with relevant extracts identified and re-analysed thematically. Through a shared critical reflection, we drew on our practice experience to interrogate the themes generated from the interviews and offer insight into the underlying challenges. Results From the interviews, we generated four themes relating to commissioning and delivery; the involvement of stakeholders; intersections with other statutory processes; and purpose. Based on our shared critical reflection, we identified the underlying challenges as an under conceptualisation of S-DARDRs, alongside their de-mooring from the criminal justice system. Taken together, these challenges have implications for the conduct of S-DARDRs. We identify recommendations for policy and practice to address these challenges. Conclusion The development of S-DARDRs has been little considered and challenges arise around when and how they should be undertaken. A shared understanding of key concepts and expectations around delivery is necessary if S-DARDRs are to enable robust learning and be a driver for systems change while also being accessible and understood by all stakeholders
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