619 research outputs found

    20 anys del catàleg Autoritats UB: eina de control i serveis de valor afegit

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    La Unitat de Procés Tècnic ha elaborat el document "20 anys del catàleg Autoritats UB: eina de control i serveis de valor afegit" per donar a conèixer com va néixer aquest, la seva evolució i aplicació en l'àmbit de la UB, i quines són les perspectives de futur que preveiem per aquest instrument. Actualment el Catàleg Autoritats-UB és la base per a la identificació i normalització dels autors, títols i autors-títols, no només en els diferents fons patrimonials, sinó també en el Dipòsit Digital de la UB (DDUB) i altres bases de dades com el RACO, Recercat, TDX, etc

    Liberalisme "no respectable" i poble menut urbà: bullangues i revolució liberal (1832-1835)

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    Les biblioteques universitàries i el suport a la recerca

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    The European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area are currently two key objectives for university learning, teaching and research in all European universities. University libraries must meet the challenges by offering the best library services to the academic community. In drafting the second strategic plan, Rebiun (Network of University Libraries) gathered comments and suggestions from professionals in Spanish university libraries. This article presents the reflections and suggestions contributed by the author regarding the support services that university libraries could offer for university research.L'espai europeu d'educació superior i l'espai europeu d'investigació són actualment dos objectius clau per a l'aprenentatge, la docència i la recerca de totes les universitats europees. Les biblioteques universitàries han de contribuir a aquests reptes, oferint els millors serveis bibliotecaris a la comunitat acadèmica. En la fase d'elaboració del seu segon Pla estratègic, la REBIUN (Red de Bibliotecas Universtarias) va recollir reflexions i suggeriments de diferents professionals de les biblioteques universitàries de l'Estat espanyol. En l¿article següent es presenten les reflexions i els suggeriments aportats per l'autora sobre el suport que les biblioteques universitàries poden oferir a la recerca universitària

    Significat de la revolució liberal

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    Ensenyar a pensar, ensenyar a viure

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    An update on open access to publications: challenges and way forward

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    Presentació feta dins del grup de treball CESAER TFOS Open Access WG, celebrada a la Université Paris-Saclay, del 4 al 6 d'octubre de 2019.Preprin

    UPCommons: global access to Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) knowledge

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    Programa de mà lliurat en la presentació del pòster 'UPCommons', exposat al primer COMMUNIA Workshop on Technology and the Public Domain, celebrat a Torí (Itàlia) el 18 de gener de 2008

    A platform for antibody design

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    Antibodies are specialized proteins produced by our adaptive immune system to identify and neutralize specific molecules (antigens) of foreign objects, such as pathogenic microorganisms or infected cells. Due to their chemical specificity and sensitivity, antibodies are widely used in biomedical research and to treat many diseases due to their high efficiency and low risk of adverse events. Nowadays, it is possible to produce a wide variety of artificial antibodies; however, the process of obtaining therapeutic antibodies remains empirical and time-consuming with low success rates. The structural and energetic information of the antibodyantigen complexes, together with computational simulations, complement the experimental results to work towards a more effective and faster “a la carte” antibody design. In this framework, the project aims to develop a general platform that assists in the antibody design and helps the user overcome common challenges such as the lack of structural data of the antibody and the antibody-antigen complex and the flexibility of the antibody complementary determining regions (CDRs). The platform workflow (Fig. 1) will consist of the following steps. First, if there is no structural data available, DeepAb [1] will be used to generate the 3D structure of the antibody from its amino acid sequence; otherwise, we can jump to the minimization step. In the minimization step, the system will be relaxed to either remove clashes, if it is a predicted structure, or remove crystal artifacts, if we dispose of a crystal structure. Subsequently, we can jump to the point mutation step if we already have information on how the antibody binds the antigen (e.g. crystal of the antibody-antigen complex). Otherwise, we will run the in-house Consensus Docking [2], a pipeline designed to cluster protein-protein poses (PPPs) obtained using several rigid-body protein docking methodologies, which has shown to have a higher success rate than using the docking methodologies individually. This technique extracts 20-30 representative structures from the top 5 most populated clusters that fulfill the consensus among all the docking methodologies used. Then these structures will be refined with the in-house Monte Carlo software, PELE from Protein Energy Landscape Exploration [3], to study if they tend to converge into 2-5 stable binding structures and use these structures to start the affinity maturation of the antibody towards that antigen. The affinity maturation step will mainly consist on using UEP [4], a fast and accurate in-house predictor of detrimental and beneficial point mutations of the binding energy of protein-protein interactions. For the screening of mutations, we will use the 2-5 binding poses found by PELE or the crystal structure of the complex if it is available. The selection of the most beneficial point mutations identified by UEP will be introduced in the binding structures to perform a local PELE refinement with an exhaustive sampling on the CDRs loops. This refinement will allow the study of the local conformational changes due to the mutation and evaluate the binding energy between antibody-antigen and the system’s total energy. Finally, the workflow will output the refined structures with the most beneficial point mutations and a report with the energetic profiles for each mutation. This protocol will be validated in the future while improving the stability and binding affinity of industryrelevant antibodies

    El Suport a la recerca a les biblioteques de la UPC

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    El dimarts 26 d'abril de 2016 es va celebrar, a l'aula magna de la Universitat de Barcelona, la II Jornada de Bones Pràctiques del CRAI. En aquesta ocasió, el tema al voltant del qual es van treballar les presentacions va ser el Suport a la Recerca.Preprin

    Futur, el Portal de la Producció Científica dels Investigadors de la UPC

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    Presentació feta a les Terceres Jornades sobre Gestió de la Informació Científica, JGIC-2014 (24 i 25 d’abril de 2014)Preprin