47 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pereduksi Particulate Matter (PM) Gas Buang Mesin Diesel Dengan Metode Cyclone

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    Gas buang dari hasil proses pembakaran berpengaruh terhadap pencemaran udara dan lingkungan khususnya motor diesel. Proses pembakaran bahan bakar pada motor bakar menghasilkan gas buang yang mengandung unsur Nitrogen Oksida (NOx), Sulfur Oksida (SOx), Particulate Matter (PM), Karbon Monoksida (CO), dan Hidrokarbon (HC) yang bersifat mencemari udara. Agar motor diesel yang digunakan tidak mengakibatkan pencemaran udara berlebih, perlu dilakukan suatu penelitian menurunkan emisi gas buang motor diesel dengan pemilihan teknologi dan metode yang tepat. Penelitian cylone separator ini berdasarkan prinsip kerja separator yang memanfaatkan gaya sentrifugal dan perbedaan massa jenis. Karena massa jenis PM lebih besar dari pada massa jenis gas buang, PM akan terpisah dari gas buang karena gaya sentrifugal dan adanya perbedaan massa jenis. Pada tahap awal penelitian ini yaitu dibuat desain dan kemudian dilakukan CFD analisis untuk dicari yang paling efisien dari segi kecepatan dan jenis aliran. Pada hasil analisa CFD disimpulkan bahwa metode Perry lebih efisien dibanding 3 metode yang lain. Setelah didapat desain yang efisien maka dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan prototipe, untuk selanjutnya dilakukan uji ekperimen. Berdasar uji eksperimen, cyclone separator dapar mereduksi PM gas Buang motor diesel pada beban 2000 watt sebesar 8,71%. Sedangkan pada beban 2500 watt, cylone separator dapat mereduksi PM sebesar 34,49%

    HSP90-CDC37-PP5 forms a structural platform for kinase dephosphorylation

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    Activation of client protein kinases by the HSP90 molecular chaperone system is affected by phosphorylation at multiple sites on HSP90, the kinase-specific co-chaperone CDC37, and the kinase client itself. Removal of regulatory phosphorylation from client kinases and their release from the HSP90-CDC37 system depends on the Ser/Thr phosphatase PP5, which associates with HSP90 via its N-terminal TPR domain. Here, we present the cryoEM structure of the oncogenic protein kinase client BRAFV600E bound to HSP90-CDC37, showing how the V600E mutation favours BRAF association with HSP90-CDC37. Structures of HSP90-CDC37-BRAFV600E complexes with PP5 in autoinhibited and activated conformations, together with proteomic analysis of its phosphatase activity on BRAFV600E and CRAF, reveal how PP5 is activated by recruitment to HSP90 complexes. PP5 comprehensively dephosphorylates client proteins, removing interaction sites for regulatory partners such as 14-3-3 proteins and thus performing a ‘factory reset’ of the kinase prior to release

    Citrobacter rodentium Subverts ATP Flux and Cholesterol Homeostasis in Intestinal Epithelial Cells In Vivo.

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    The intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) that line the gut form a robust line of defense against ingested pathogens. We investigated the impact of infection with the enteric pathogen Citrobacter rodentium on mouse IEC metabolism using global proteomic and targeted metabolomics and lipidomics. The major signatures of the infection were upregulation of the sugar transporter Sglt4, aerobic glycolysis, and production of phosphocreatine, which mobilizes cytosolic energy. In contrast, biogenesis of mitochondrial cardiolipins, essential for ATP production, was inhibited, which coincided with increased levels of mucosal O2 and a reduction in colon-associated anaerobic commensals. In addition, IECs responded to infection by activating Srebp2 and the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. Unexpectedly, infected IECs also upregulated the cholesterol efflux proteins AbcA1, AbcG8, and ApoA1, resulting in higher levels of fecal cholesterol and a bloom of Proteobacteria. These results suggest that C. rodentium manipulates host metabolism to evade innate immune responses and establish a favorable gut ecosystem

    A systematic CRISPR screen defines mutational mechanisms underpinning signatures caused by replication errors and endogenous DNA damage.

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    Mutational signatures are imprints of pathophysiological processes arising through tumorigenesis. We generated isogenic CRISPR-Cas9 knockouts (Δ) of 43 genes in human induced pluripotent stem cells, cultured them in the absence of added DNA damage, and performed whole-genome sequencing of 173 subclones. ΔOGG1, ΔUNG, ΔEXO1, ΔRNF168, ΔMLH1, ΔMSH2, ΔMSH6, ΔPMS1, and ΔPMS2 produced marked mutational signatures indicative of being critical mitigators of endogenous DNA modifications. Detailed analyses revealed mutational mechanistic insights, including how 8-oxo-dG elimination is sequence-context-specific while uracil clearance is sequence-context-independent. Mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency signatures are engendered by oxidative damage (C>A transversions), differential misincorporation by replicative polymerases (T>C and C>T transitions), and we propose a 'reverse template slippage' model for T>A transversions. ΔMLH1, ΔMSH6, and ΔMSH2 signatures were similar to each other but distinct from ΔPMS2. Finally, we developed a classifier, MMRDetect, where application to 7,695 WGS cancers showed enhanced detection of MMR-deficient tumors, with implications for responsiveness to immunotherapies

    A molecular quantitative trait locus map for osteoarthritis

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    Funder: Medical Research Council Centre for Integrated Research into Musculoskeletal Ageing grant (148985)Funder: Versus Arthritis; Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Therapies Centre (21156)Abstract: Osteoarthritis causes pain and functional disability for over 500 million people worldwide. To develop disease-stratifying tools and modifying therapies, we need a better understanding of the molecular basis of the disease in relevant tissue and cell types. Here, we study primary cartilage and synovium from 115 patients with osteoarthritis to construct a deep molecular signature map of the disease. By integrating genetics with transcriptomics and proteomics, we discover molecular trait loci in each tissue type and omics level, identify likely effector genes for osteoarthritis-associated genetic signals and highlight high-value targets for drug development and repurposing. These findings provide insights into disease aetiopathology, and offer translational opportunities in response to the global clinical challenge of osteoarthritis

    Integrative epigenomics, transcriptomics and proteomics of patient chondrocytes reveal genes and pathways involved in osteoarthritis.

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common disease characterized by cartilage degeneration and joint remodeling. The underlying molecular changes underpinning disease progression are incompletely understood. We investigated genes and pathways that mark OA progression in isolated primary chondrocytes taken from paired intact versus degraded articular cartilage samples across 38 patients undergoing joint replacement surgery (discovery cohort: 12 knee OA, replication cohorts: 17 knee OA, 9 hip OA patients). We combined genome-wide DNA methylation, RNA sequencing, and quantitative proteomics data. We identified 49 genes differentially regulated between intact and degraded cartilage in at least two -omics levels, 16 of which have not previously been implicated in OA progression. Integrated pathway analysis implicated the involvement of extracellular matrix degradation, collagen catabolism and angiogenesis in disease progression. Using independent replication datasets, we showed that the direction of change is consistent for over 90% of differentially expressed genes and differentially methylated CpG probes. AQP1, COL1A1 and CLEC3B were significantly differentially regulated across all three -omics levels, confirming their differential expression in human disease. Through integration of genome-wide methylation, gene and protein expression data in human primary chondrocytes, we identified consistent molecular players in OA progression that replicated across independent datasets and that have translational potential.National Institute for Health Research (Cambridge BRC

    Interferon-driven alterations of the host’s amino acid metabolism in the pathogenesis of typhoid fever

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    Enteric fever, caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, is an important public health problem in resource-limited settings and, despite decades of research, human responses to the infection are poorly understood. In 41 healthy adults experimentally infected with wild-type S. Typhi, we detected significant cytokine responses within 12 h of bacterial ingestion. These early responses did not correlate with subsequent clinical disease outcomes and likely indicate initial host–pathogen interactions in the gut mucosa. In participants developing enteric fever after oral infection, marked transcriptional and cytokine responses during acute disease reflected dominant type I/II interferon signatures, which were significantly associated with bacteremia. Using a murine and macrophage infection model, we validated the pivotal role of this response in the expression of proteins of the host tryptophan metabolism during Salmonella infection. Corresponding alterations in tryptophan catabolites with immunomodulatory properties in serum of participants with typhoid fever confirmed the activity of this pathway, and implicate a central role of host tryptophan metabolism in the pathogenesis of typhoid fever

    Oxidized LDL Modifies the Association between Proteinuria and Deterioration of Kidney Function in Proteinuric Diabetic Kidney Disease

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    Proteinuria is characterized by low accuracy for predicting onset and development of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) because it is not directly associated with molecular changes that promote DKD, but is a result of kidney damage. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) reflects oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction, both underlying the development of proteinuria and loss of kidney function in DKD. We aimed to investigate whether ox-LDL modifies the association between proteinuria and progression of DKD in a cohort of 91 patients with proteinuric DKD and diabetic retinopathy, followed for 10 years. The primary endpoint was a combined kidney outcome of eGFR decline ≥30% or progression to end-stage kidney disease. After the end of the study, we considered the percentage change of eGFR over time as our secondary outcome. Proteinuria was associated with both outcomes, and ox-LDL amplified the magnitude of this link (p < 0.0001 for primary and p < 0.0001 for secondary outcome, respectively). After adjustment for duration of diabetes, history of cardiovascular disease and serum albumin, ox-LDL remained a significant effect modifier of the association between proteinuria and eGFR decline over time (p = 0.04). Our study shows that in proteinuric DKD, circulating ox-LDL levels amplified the magnitude of the association between proteinuria and progression of DKD