114 research outputs found

    Hidden Variables or Positive Probabilities?

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    Despite claims that Bell's inequalities are based on the Einstein locality condition, or equivalent, all derivations make an identical mathematical assumption: that local hidden-variable theories produce a set of positive-definite probabilities for detecting a particle with a given spin orientation. The standard argument is that because quantum mechanics assumes that particles are emitted in a superposition of states the theory cannot produce such a set of probabilities. We examine a paper by Eberhard, and several similar papers, which claim to show that a generalized Bell inequality, the CHSH inequality, can be derived solely on the basis of the locality condition, without recourse to hidden variables. We point out that these authors nonetheless assumes a set of positive-definite probabilities, which supports the claim that hidden variables or "locality" is not at issue here, positive-definite probabilities are. We demonstrate that quantum mechanics does predict a set of probabilities that violate the CHSH inequality; however these probabilities are not positive-definite. Nevertheless, they are physically meaningful in that they give the usual quantum-mechanical predictions in physical situations. We discuss in what sense our results are related to the Wigner distribution.Comment: 19 pages, 2 ps files This is a second replacement. In this version we include an analysis of yet another version of Bell's theorem which has been brought to our attention. We also discuss in what sense our results are related to the Wigner distributio

    Time and Spacetime: The Crystallizing Block Universe

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    The nature of the future is completely different from the nature of the past. When quantum effects are significant, the future shows all the signs of quantum weirdness, including duality, uncertainty, and entanglement. With the passage of time, after the time-irreversible process of state-vector reduction has taken place, the past emerges, with the previous quantum uncertainty replaced by the classical certainty of definite particle identities and states. The present time is where this transition largely takes place, but the process does not take place uniformly: Evidence from delayed choice and related experiments shows that isolated patches of quantum indeterminacy remain, and that their transition from probability to certainty only takes place later. Thus, when quantum effects are significant, the picture of a classical Evolving Block Universe (`EBU') cedes place to one of a Crystallizing Block Universe (`CBU'), which reflects this quantum transition from indeterminacy to certainty, while nevertheless resembling the EBU on large enough scales.Comment: 25 Pages. 3 figure

    A Simple Derivation of the Gertsenshtein Effect

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    As shown by Gertsenshtein in 1961, an external magnetic field can catalyze the mixing of graviton and photon states in a manner analogous to neutrino-flavor oscillations. We first present a straightforward derivation of the mechanism by a method based on unpublished notes of Freeman Dyson. We next extend his method to include boundary conditions and retrieve the results of Boccaletti et al. from 1970. We point out that, although the coupling between the graviton and photon states is extremely weak, the large magnetic fields around neutron stars ∼1014\sim 10^{14} G make the Gertsenshtein effect a plausible source of gravitons. We also point out that axion-photon mixing, a subject of active current research, is essentially the same process as the Gertsenshtein effect, and so the general mechanism may be of broad astrophysical and cosmological interest.Comment: 14 pages, no figures. V2: references added, section 4 expande

    \u27Quantum interference with slits\u27 revisited

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    The Lorentz Force and the Radiation Pressure of Light

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    In order to make plausible the idea that light exerts a pressure on matter, some introductory physics texts consider the force exerted by an electromagnetic wave on an electron. The argument as presented is both mathematically incorrect and has several serious conceptual difficulties without obvious resolution at the classical, yet alone introductory, level. We discuss these difficulties and propose an alternate demonstration.Comment: More or less as in AJ

    "Quantum Interference with Slits" Revisited

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    Marcella [arXiv:quant-ph/0703126] has presented a straightforward technique employing the Dirac formalism to calculate single- and double-slit interference patterns. He claims that no reference is made to classical optics or scattering theory and that his method therefore provides a purely quantum mechanical description of these experiments. He also presents his calculation as if no approximations are employed. We show that he implicitly makes the same approximations found in classical treatments of interference and that no new physics has been introduced. At the same time, some of the quantum mechanical arguments Marcella gives are, at best, misleading.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Instability of Extremal Relativistic Charged Spheres

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    With the question, ``Can relativistic charged spheres form extremal black holes?" in mind, we investigate the properties of such spheres from a classical point of view. The investigation is carried out numerically by integrating the Oppenheimer-Volkov equation for relativistic charged fluid spheres and finding interior Reissner-Nordstr\"om solutions for these objects. We consider both constant density and adiabatic equations of state, as well as several possible charge distributions, and examine stability by both a normal mode and an energy analysis. In all cases, the stability limit for these spheres lies between the extremal (Q=MQ = M) limit and the black hole limit (R=R+R = R_+). That is, we find that charged spheres undergo gravitational collapse before they reach Q=MQ = M, suggesting that extremal Reissner-Nordtr\"om black holes produced by collapse are ruled out. A general proof of this statement would support a strong form of the cosmic censorship hypothesis, excluding not only stable naked singularities, but stable extremal black holes. The numerical results also indicate that although the interior mass-energy m(R)m(R) obeys the usual m/R<4/9m/R < 4/9 stability limit for the Schwarzschild interior solution, the gravitational mass MM does not. Indeed, the stability limit approaches R+R_+ as Q→MQ \to M. In the Appendix we also argue that Hawking radiation will not lead to an extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole. All our results are consistent with the third law of black hole dynamics, as currently understood
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