8 research outputs found

    Introduction to hybrid electric vehicles, battery electric vehicles, and off-road electric vehicles

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    The finite nature of the fossil fuel supply, strong regulations such as the CO2 limits and the wish for pollution-free mobility has led to a great variety of electric drives for road and off-road vehicles. Beside various hybrid propulsion technologies, there exist battery electric and even fuel cell electric concepts. Each system configuration has unique advantages and disadvantages and is suitable for different applications. Therefore the battery technologies play an important role in fulfilling the numerous requirements in shown vehicle concepts. This chapter as a general introduction gives an overview of the whole range of electric drives for different applications, guiding readers to the following chapters that focus on the advances in one of the key research fields “battery technologies for electric road and off-road vehicles”

    Technologie-Früherkennung leicht gemacht: Fraunhofer Technology Bulletin: Mit Wissensvorsprung zu neuen Märkten

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    Die Stuttgarter Fraunhofer-Technologie-Entwicklungsgruppe TEG hat jetzt ein neues System zur Früherkennung von Trends und Produktentwicklungen vorgestellt: Das Fraunhofer Technology Bulletin fasst für teilnehmende Unternehmen hoch relevante Daten kompakt zusammen und spürt Trends in gewünschten Technologiefeldern auf

    Schnelladeinfrastruktur in Container kombiniert mit Pufferbatterie und angeschlossenem Aufenthaltsraum

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    The invention relates to a charging device for electric vehicles, comprising at least one charging station (18). The at least least one charging station comprises a charging socket, a charging plug, or an induction coil. A charging module (14) is provided, which comprises at least the charging station (18), which is arranged completely in the charging module (14) and remains in the charging module during use. The charging module (14) comprises a network connection (20) for a public power network. A lounge module (16) is provided for the user(s) of the vehicle to be charged, which lounge module comprises at least one lounge room for the lounging of the user(s) during the charging process. At least one charging module (14) and at least one lounge module (16) are provided in a common transportable housing (12) or at least one charging module (14) and at least one lounge module (16) are each provided in at least one transportable housing (12). At least the one transportable housing (12) can be installed at a destination at least at times