44 research outputs found

    Case Presentation of a 23-Month-old Herpes Simplex Virus-infected Girl with Brain and Oesophageal Involvement.

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    Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the most common identifiable cause of serious or life threatening sporadic, endemic encephalitis. Typical HSV encephalitis in patients outside neonatal age is caused by HSV-1. A 23-month-old girl was referred to our hospital with a three-day history of fever, listlessness, slurred speech, and suspicious oesophageal foreign body impaction. Laboratory evaluations showed white blood cell count of 10900 /mm3 with 65% neutrophils. Upper endoscopy revealed diffuse severe ulceration in middle to distal third of oesophagus and no foreign body was found in oesophagus or stomach. Parenteral acyclovir was prescribed for herpes encephalitis in addition to antibiotics for central nervous system infection. Chest X-ray and brain MRI was unremarkable. Lumbar puncture revealed normal protein and glucose with 10 white cell count. She developed a raising liver enzyme tests. Total and direct bilirubin was 1.2 mg/dc and 0.2 mg/dc respectively. Because of neurological symptoms, acyclovir was adopted for our patient from the beginning. The girl did not respond to medication and died after 28 days. Progression of her disease prior to referral appears to contribute to the administered treatment inefficacy. Severe rapid progression of disease prior to referral and potential resistance to acyclovir could cause treatment failure

    Relationship between serum visfatin and vascular inflammation markers level in beta thalassemia major patients

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    Background: Understanding the possible role of visfatin in the pathogenesis of beta-thalassemia major (BTM) and its relationship with markers of endothelial function could help us to provide more effective therapeutic approaches for treatment of patients with BTM and its related complications. The aim of current study was to compare serum level of visfatin between patients with BTM and control group and determine its correlation with markers of endothelial function, intracellular adhesion molecule (ICAM) and vascular adhesion molecule (VCAM). Methods: In this case-control study, patients with BTM receiving regular blood transfusion aged 10-20 years and a group of healthy subjects were enrolled. Selected subjects examined clinically and venous blood samples obtained for visfatin, ICAM, VCAM, cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol and ferritin measurements. Mean (standard deviation) of studied laboratory measurements compared in two studied groups and the relation between visfatin and ICAM, VCAM, ferrittin, body mass index determined. Results: In this study 31 patients with BTM and 30 healthy controls studied. Mean of visfatin was significantly higher in patients with BTM than control group (133.9 ± 60.1 vs. 43.3 ± 27.9, P < 0.001). Conclusions: The higher level of visfatin among patients with BTM indicated the possible inflammatory role of this adipocytokine in BTM. It seems that for understanding the underlying mechanisms and its relation with vascular inflammatory markers and endothelial function further studies with larger sample size is needed. © 2014, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences(IUMS). All rights reserved

    A Case of Atypical McCune-Albright Syndrome with Vaginal Bleeding

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    Abstract Background: McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is a rare non-inherited disorder characterized by the clinical triad of precocious puberty, cafe-au-lait skin lesions, and fibrous dysplasia of bone. Case Presentation: We report a girl with MAS, presenting initially with vaginal bleeding at the age of 17 months. Ultrasonography revealed unilateral ovarian cysts and ureteral and ovarian enlargement. Considering the clinical and paraclinical findings, the patient diagnosed as a case of gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty was treated with medroxy-progestrone acetate (MPA) for three months. During the follow up, recurrent episodes of bleeding, ovarian activation and cyst formation, as well as breast size development were reported. At the age of 5.5 years, fibrous dysplasia was detected, which in coexistence with precocious puberty confirmed the diagnosis of MAS. The patient had no cafe-au-lait skin macles during follow up. Conclusion: Considering that clinical manifestations of MAS appear later in the course of recurrent periods of ovarian activation and cyst formation, a careful clinical observation and follow up of patients is necessary and the diagnosis of MAS must be kept in mind in cases with gonadotropinindependent precocious puberty

    Frequency of celiac disease in children with type 1 diabetes

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    Background and aims: Occurrence of celiac and diabetes is accompanied by numerous complications in children and if diagnoses do not occur promptly, celiac disease complications including gastrointestinal disorders, loss of appetite and damage caused by hypoproteinemia, and most importantly, growth disorder occurs in diabetic children. This study was aimed to compare the frequency of celiac disease in children with diabetes aged under 15 years and the controls of the same age referring to the clinics affiliated with Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. Methods: In this case-control study, using convenience sampling, 42 patients with diabetes and 43 patients without diabetes admitted for gastrointestinal diseases were assigned as cases and controls, respectively. The description of all patients was provided, and physical examinations and serologic tests were conducted on them. If the serologic tests tTGA-IgA and tTGA-IgG were positive, the intestinal biopsy was taken. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and t-test, chi-square, and Mann–Whitney test in SPSS. Results: The mean serum levels of tTGA-IgA and tTGA-IgG were significantly higher in the case group than the control group (P<0.05). There were significant differences in weight gain between the cases and the controls (P=0.017). The frequency of celiac disease was 15% (n: 6) in children with diabetes with a significant difference from the controls (P=0.02). Conclusion: In this study, the frequency of celiac disease was higher in children with diabetes than children without. Therefore, in the study area, routine screening for celiac disease is helpful in reducing possible disorders and complications in diabetic children

    Predkliničke studije [61Cu]ATSM kao PET radiofarmaka za snimanje fibrosarkoma

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    [61Cu]diacetyl-bis(N4-methylthiosemicarbazone) ([61Cu]ATSM) was prepared using in house-made diacetyl-bis(N4-methylthiosemicarbazone) (ATSM) ligand and [61Cu]CuCl2 produced via the natZn(p,x)61Cu (180 μA proton irradiation, 22 MeV, 3.2 h) and purified by a ion chromatography method. [61Cu]ATSM radiochemical purity was >98%, as shown by HPLC and RTLC methods. [61Cu]ATSM was administered into normal and tumor bearing rodents for up to 210 minutes, followed by biodistribution and co-incidence imaging studies. Significant tumor/non-tumor accumulation was observed either by animal sacrification or imaging. [61Cu]ATSM is a positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracer for tumor hypoxia imaging.[61Cu]diacetil-bis(N4-metiltiosemikarbazon) ([61Cu]ATSM) dobiven je iz liganda diacetil-bis(N4-metiltiosemikarbazona) (ATSM) pripravljenog u vlastitom laboratoriju i [61Cu]CuCl2 dobivenog iz natZn(p,x)61Cu (180 μA protonskim zračenjem, 22 MeV, 3.2 h). [61Cu]ATSM je čišćen ionskom kromatografijom. Prema HPLC i RTLC radiokemijska čistoća bila je > 98%. [61Cu]ATSM je davan zdravim glodavcima i glodavcima s tumorom tijekom 210 minuta te je praćena biodistribucija. Žrtvovanjem testiranih životinja te snimanjem primijećena je značajna razlika u akumulaciji [61Cu]ATSM u tumorskom tkivu u odnosu na zdravo tkivo. [61Cu]ATSM je pogodan za dijagnostiku hipoksije tumora pozitron emisijskom tomografijom (PET)

    Modification of the gamma function for the recognition of over- and under-dose regions in three dimensions

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    In order to evaluate two-dimensional radiation dose distributions, an algorithm called the Gamma function has recently been modified. The current study concentrates on modification of the gamma function as a three-dimensional dose distribution evaluation tool, and includes the recognition of over-dose/under-dose areas. Using a sign term, the conventional gamma function separates the disagreed areas into two parts: over-dose and under-dose areas. The new gamma function was modified using an extension of the dose difference criterion, ΔD, from two dimensions into three dimensions. In order to provide two-dimensional dose maps for analysis, several images were acquired for a range of regular and irregular radiation fields using a Scanning Liquid Ionization Chamber Electronic Portal Imaging Device. The raw images were then converted into two-dimensional transmitted dose maps using an empirical method. They were utilized as reference dose maps. Translational and rotational manipulations were performed on the reference dose distribution maps to provide evaluated dose maps. The reference and evaluated dose maps were then compared using conventional and modified gamma tools. The results indicated that the modified algorithm is able to enhance the over- and under-dose regions. In addition, a slight increase of the agreement percentage for reference and evaluated dose maps were observed by the extension of ΔD to three dimensions. It is concluded that the modified method is more realistic and applicable for the evaluation of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional dose distributions.Mohammad Mohammadi, Nima Rostampour, Thomas P Rutte

    A Scalable and Lightweight Grouping Proof Protocol for Internet of Things Applications

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technology, which enables objects to exchange data via the internet network. One part of the infrastructure of IoT is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). One way to fortify the system and prevent it against an unauthorized access is an authentication process. A grouping proof protocol is a protocol by which a reader authenticates two or more tags simultaneously in an authentication process. In this paper, we present a novel scalable grouping proof protocol. Since scalability is a challenge in grouping proof protocol, to solve the scalability problem in the proposed protocol, the reader broadcasts the messages and the tags respond to it independently. In terms of the performance, we use a 64-bit lightweight Pseudo-Random Number Generator (64-PRNG) function, which meets the needs of low-power and low-cost systems. In addition, the security analysis results prove that the proposed protocol is resistant against RFID threats and provides an acceptable security level and low computation cost. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC