719 research outputs found

    The Itasca State Park Algal Culture Collection at Loras College

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    A list of over 125 algal cultures originating from Lake Itasca State Park is presented. These cultures, permanently housed at Loras College, Dubuque, Ia., include 115 taxa representing 68 genera from six algal Divisions. Approximately one-third of the taxa are desmids

    Evidence of a Warm Absorber that Varies with QPO Phase in the AGN RE J1034+396

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    A recent observation of the nearby (z=0.042) narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy RE J1034+396 on 2007 May 31 showed strong quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the 0.3-10 keV X-ray flux. We present phase-resolved spectroscopy of this observation, using data obtained by the EPIC PN detector onboard XMM. The "low" phase spectrum, associated with the troughs in the light curve, shows (at >4 sigma confidence level) an absorption edge at 0.86+/-0.05 keV with an absorption depth of 0.3+/-0.1. Ionized oxygen edges are hallmarks of X-ray warm absorbers in Seyfert active galactic nuclei (AGN); the observed edge is consistent with H-like O VIII and implies a column density of N_{OVIII}~3x10^{18} cm^{-2}. The edge is not seen in the "high" phase spectrum associated with the crests in the light curve, suggesting the presence of a warm absorber in the immediate vicinity of the supermassive black hole which periodically obscures the continuum emission. If the QPO arises due to Keplerian orbital motion around the central black hole, the periodic appearance of the O VIII edge would imply a radius of ~9.4(M/[4x10^6 Msun])^{-2/3}(P/[1 hr])^{2/3} r_g for the size of the warm absorber.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (tentatively scheduled for the July 2010 v717 issue). 5 figures and 19 pages (in aastex preprint format

    Dissemination and implementation science training needs: Insights from practitioners and researchers

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    INTRODUCTION: Dissemination and implementation research training has great potential to improve the impact and reach of health-related research; however, research training needs from the end user perspective are unknown. This paper identifies and prioritizes dissemination and implementation research training needs. METHODS: A diverse sample of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers was invited to participate in Concept Mapping in 2014–2015. Phase 1 (Brainstorming) gathered participants' responses to the prompt: To improve the impact of research evidence in practice and policy settings, a skill in which researchers need more training is
 The resulting statement list was edited and included subsequent phases. Phase 2 (Sorting) asked participants to sort each statement into conceptual piles. In Phase 3 (Rating), participants rated the difficulty and importance of incorporating each statement into a training curriculum. A multidisciplinary team synthesized and interpreted the results in 2015–2016. RESULTS: During Brainstorming, 60 researchers and 60 practitioners/policymakers contributed 274 unique statements. Twenty-nine researchers and 16 practitioners completed sorting and rating. Nine concept clusters were identified: Communicating Research Findings, Improve Practice Partnerships, Make Research More Relevant, Strengthen Communication Skills, Develop Research Methods and Measures, Consider and Enhance Fit, Build Capacity for Research, and Understand Multilevel Context. Though researchers and practitioners had high agreement about importance (r =0.93) and difficulty (r =0.80), ratings differed for several clusters (e.g., Build Capacity for Research). CONCLUSIONS: Including researcher and practitioner perspectives in competency development for dissemination and implementation research identifies skills and capacities needed to conduct and communicate contextualized, meaningful, and relevant research

    Simulation of greenhouse gases following land-use change to bioenergy crops using the ECOSSE model : a comparison between site measurements and model predictions

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    This work contributes to the ELUM (Ecosystem Land Use Modelling & Soil Carbon GHG Flux Trial) project, which was commissioned and funded by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI). We acknowledge the E-OBS data set from the EU-FP6 project ENSEMBLES (http://ensembles-eu.metoffice.com) and the data providers in the ECA&D project (http://www.ecad.eu).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Exact solution, scaling behaviour and quantum dynamics of a model of an atom-molecule Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study the exact solution for a two-mode model describing coherent coupling between atomic and molecular Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC), in the context of the Bethe ansatz. By combining an asymptotic and numerical analysis, we identify the scaling behaviour of the model and determine the zero temperature expectation value for the coherence and average atomic occupation. The threshold coupling for production of the molecular BEC is identified as the point at which the energy gap is minimum. Our numerical results indicate a parity effect for the energy gap between ground and first excited state depending on whether the total atomic number is odd or even. The numerical calculations for the quantum dynamics reveals a smooth transition from the atomic to the molecular BEC.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Training scholars in dissemination and implementation research for cancer prevention and control: A mentored approach

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    Abstract Background As the field of D&I (dissemination and implementation) science grows to meet the need for more effective and timely applications of research findings in routine practice, the demand for formalized training programs has increased concurrently. The Mentored Training for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Cancer (MT-DIRC) Program aims to build capacity in the cancer control D&I research workforce, especially among early career researchers. This paper outlines the various components of the program and reports results of systematic evaluations to ascertain its effectiveness. Methods Essential features of the program include selection of early career fellows or more experienced investigators with a focus relevant to cancer control transitioning to a D&I research focus, a 5-day intensive training institute, ongoing peer and senior mentoring, mentored planning and work on a D&I research proposal or project, limited pilot funding, and training and ongoing improvement activities for mentors. The core faculty and staff members of the MT-DIRC program gathered baseline and ongoing evaluation data regarding D&I skill acquisition and mentoring competency through participant surveys and analyzed it by iterative collective reflection. Results A majority (79%) of fellows are female, assistant professors (55%); 59% are in allied health disciplines, and 48% focus on cancer prevention research. Forty-three D&I research competencies were assessed; all improved from baseline to 6 and 18 months. These effects were apparent across beginner, intermediate, and advanced initial D&I competency levels and across the competency domains. Mentoring competency was rated very highly by the fellows––higher than rated by the mentors themselves. The importance of different mentoring activities, as rated by the fellows, was generally congruent with their satisfaction with the activities, with the exception of relatively greater satisfaction with the degree of emotional support and relatively lower satisfaction for skill building and opportunity initially. Conclusions These first years of MT-DIRC demonstrated the program’s ability to attract, engage, and improve fellows’ competencies and skills and implement a multicomponent mentoring program that was well received. This account of the program can serve as a basis for potential replication and evolution of this model in training future D&I science researchers

    Mechanical behaviour of additively manufactured lunar regolith simulant components

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    Additive manufacturing and its related techniques have frequently been put forward as a promising candidate for planetary in-situ manufacturing, from building life-sustaining habitats on the Moon to fabricating various replacements parts, aiming to support future extra-terrestrial human activity. This paper investigates the mechanical behaviour of lunar regolith simulant material components, which is a potential future space engineering material, manufactured by a laser-based powder bed fusion additive manufacturing system. The influence of laser energy input during processing was associated with the evolution of component porosity, measured via optical and scanning electron microscopy in combination with gas expansion pycnometry. The compressive strength performance and Vickers microhardness of the components were analysed and related back to the processing history and resultant microstructure of the lunar regolith simulant build material. Fabricated structures exhibited a relative porosity of 44 – 49% and densities ranging from 1.76 – 2.3 g cm-3 , with a maximum compressive strength of 4.2 ± 0.1 MPa and elastic modulus of 287.3 ± 6.6 MPa, the former is comparable to a typical masonry clay brick (3.5 MPa). The 2 AM parts also had an average hardness value of 657 ± 14 HV0.05/15, better than borosilicate glass (580 HV). This study has shed significant insight into realizing the potential of a laser-based powder bed fusion AM process to deliver functional engineering assets via in-situ and abundant material sources that can be potentially used for future engineering applications in aerospace and astronautics

    Testing And Data Recovery Excavations At The Jayroe Site (41HM51), Hamilton County, Texas

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    In 2003–2004, Prewitt and Associates, Inc., performed National Register of Historic Places testing and subsequent data recovery excavations at the Jayroe site (41HM51) in Hamilton County for the Texas Department of Transportation, Environmental Affairs Division, under Texas Antiquities Permit Nos. 3211 and 3405. The investigations were prompted by the planned replacement of the County Road 294 bridge at the Leon River (CSJ No. 0909-29-030), in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and its implementing regulations (36 CFR Part 800) and the Antiquities Code of Texas. Testing consisted of the excavation of 6 backhoe trenches and 19 test units, and the data recovery work consisted mainly of hand excavation of 153 contiguous 1x1-m units within a single block, with 2 backhoe trenches and 2 manual units apart from the block excavation. Combined, the testing and data recovery identified 16 cultural features interpreted as 3 open hearths, 4 shallow earth ovens or surface hearths, 8 scatters of various kinds of debris, and 1 knapping station. The excavations recovered 322 chipped stone tools, 26 cores, 6,589 pieces of unmodified debitage, 21 ground or battered stone tools, 38 potential pigment sources, 43 ceramic sherds, 15 modified bone artifacts, 7,649 animal bones, 1,200 mussel shells, and macrobotanical remains. Four analytical units are defined for the site, only one of which—the Toyah phase component— has much interpretive potential. It is interpreted as a campsite used at least several times, mostly in the a.d. 1470s, at which butchering of mostly bison and deer, late-stage lithic tool manufacture and repair, and other maintenance tasks figured prominently in the site activities. The artifacts recovered and records generated by the project are curated at the Center for Archaeological Studies, Texas State University

    Latent Classes of Childhood Poly-victimization and Associations with Suicidal Behavior among Adult Trauma Victims: Moderating Role of Anger

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    The aims of the present study were first to identify discrete patterns of childhood victimization experiences including crime, child maltreatment, peer/sibling victimization, sexual violence, and witnessing violence among adult trauma victims using latent class analysis; second, to examine the association between class-membership and suicidal behavior, and third to investigate the differential role of dispositional anger on the association between class-membership and suicidal behavior. We hypothesized that those classes with accumulating exposure to different types of childhood victimization (e.g., poly-victimization) would endorse higher suicidal behavior, than the other less severe classes, and those in the most severe class with higher anger trait would have stronger association with suicidal behavior. Respondents were 346 adults (N = 346; Mage = 35.0 years; 55.9% female) who had experienced a lifetime traumatic event. Sixty four percent had experienced poly-victimization (four or more victimization experiences) and 38.8% met the cut-off score for suicidal behavior. Three distinct classes emerged namely, the Least victimization (Class 1), the Predominantly crime and sibling/peer victimization (Class 2), and the Poly-victimization (Class 3) classes. Regression analysis controlling for age and gender indicated that only the main effect of anger was significantly associated with suicidal behavior. The interaction term suggested that those in the Poly-victimization class were higher on suicidal behavior as a result of a stronger association between anger and suicidal behavior in contrast to the association found in Class 2. Clinical implications of findings entail imparting anger management skills to facilitate wellbeing among adult with childhood poly-victimization experiences

    Integrability and exact spectrum of a pairing model for nucleons

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    A pairing model for nucleons, introduced by Richardson in 1966, which describes proton-neutron pairing as well as proton-proton and neutron-neutron pairing, is re-examined in the context of the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method. Specifically, this shows that the model is integrable by enabling the explicit construction of the conserved operators. We determine the eigenvalues of these operators in terms of the Bethe ansatz, which in turn leads to an expression for the energy eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian.Comment: 14 pages, latex, no figure
